Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get(self):
     authorized = True
     path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.template_path)
     user = self.current_user
     #get the current contacts list
     newContactsList = Contacts.get(user.access_token)
     #get the contacts who deleted the user
     formerContacts = Contacts.getFormer(user, newContactsList)
     deletedFlag = False
     if len(formerContacts) == 0:
         #if it's true, no one has deleted the user
         deletedFlag = True
     #get the added contacts
     addedContacts = Contacts.getAdded(user,newContactsList)
     addedFlag = False
     if len(addedContacts) != 0:
         addedFlag = True   
     template_values = {'current_user':user,'facebook_app_id':FACEBOOK_APP_ID,'eliminadores':formerContacts,'agregados':addedContacts,'bandElim':deletedFlag,'bandAgr':addedFlag,'autorizado':authorized,'contactosAntes':len(user.contactos),'contactosActual':len(newContactsList)}
     self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))
     Contacts.updateList(user, newContactsList, formerContacts)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def current_user(self):
     if not hasattr(self, "_currentUser"):
         self._currentUser = None
         #check whether the user already exists in the BD
         user = User.get_by_key_name(BaseHandler._uid)
         #if no user is retrieved, this is the first time the user uses the app, we need to save the user data
         if not user:
             #get the user contacts list
             friends = Contacts.get(BaseHandler._token)
             graph = facebook.GraphAPI(BaseHandler._token)
             userProfile = graph.get_object("me")
             user = User(key_name=str(userProfile["id"]),id=str(userProfile["id"]),nombre=userProfile["name"],url_perfil=userProfile["link"],access_token=BaseHandler._token,contactos=friends)
             #check if the token is the same, otherwise we update it 
         elif user.access_token != BaseHandler._token:
             user.access_token = BaseHandler._token
             #set the user
         self._currentUser = user
     return self._currentUser