Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_user(self, user_id):
        if self.user is None:
            raise ServiceException("Unable to authenticate", 401)
        elif user_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("No user_id passed in", 400)

        if self.user.user_id != user_id and not self.dao.in_same_ladder(self.user.user_id, user_id):
            raise ServiceException("You are only allowed to access profile information for users who are playing in the same ladder as you", 403)

        return self.dao.get_user(user_id)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_player(self, ladder_id, user_id, player_dict):
        if self.user is None:
            raise ServiceException("Unable to authenticate", 401)
        elif not self.user.admin:
            raise ServiceException("Only admins can update players", 403)
        elif ladder_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("No ladder_id passed in", 400)
        elif user_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("No user_id passed in", 400)
        elif player_dict is None:
            raise ServiceException("No player passed in", 400)

        ladder = self.dao.get_ladder(ladder_id)
        if ladder is None:
            raise ServiceException(f"No ladder with ID: {ladder_id}", 404)
        elif not ladder.is_open():
            raise ServiceException("You can only update borrowed points after the ladder has started", 403)

        new_borrowed_points = player_dict.get("borrowed_points")
        if new_borrowed_points is None:
            raise ServiceException("New player has no borrowed points", 400)

        other_players_borrowed_points = [player.borrowed_points for player in self.dao.get_players(ladder_id)]
        if new_borrowed_points not in other_players_borrowed_points:
            raise ServiceException("You must assign a value that is already assigned to another player in the ladder", 400)

        self.dao.update_borrowed_points(ladder_id, user_id, new_borrowed_points)
        return self.get_players(ladder_id)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def delete_match(self, match_id):
        if self.user is None:
            raise ServiceException("Unable to authenticate", 401)
        elif not self.user.admin:
            raise ServiceException("Only admins can delete matches", 403)
        elif match_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("Null match_id param", 400)

        match = self.dao.get_match(match_id)

        if match is not None:
            self.dao.update_earned_points(match.ladder_id, match.winner_id, -match.winner_points)
            self.dao.update_earned_points(match.ladder_id, match.loser_id, -match.loser_points)

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def handle(self, event):
            if event is None or "resource" not in event or "httpMethod" not in event:
                raise ServiceException("Invalid request. No 'resource', or 'httpMethod' found in the event", 400)

            resource, method = event["resource"], event["httpMethod"]  # These will be used to specify which endpoint was being hit
            print(f"Received a {method} on {resource}")
            path_params = event.get("pathParameters", {}) if event.get("pathParameters") is not None else {}  # This will be used to get IDs and other parameters from the URL
            query_params = event.get("queryStringParameters", {}) if event.get("queryStringParameters") is not None else {}  # This will be used to get IDs and other parameters from the URL
                body = json.loads(event["body"])  # This will be used for most POSTs and PUTs
            except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError):
                body = None


            if resource == "/users/{user_id}" and method == "GET":
                response_body = self.manager.get_user(path_params.get("user_id"))
            elif resource == "/users/{user_id}" and method == "PUT":
                response_body = self.manager.update_user(path_params.get("user_id"), body)
            elif resource == "/ladders" and method == "GET":
                response_body = self.manager.get_ladders()
            elif resource == "/ladders/{ladder_id}/players" and method == "GET":
                response_body = self.manager.get_players(int(path_params.get("ladder_id")))
            elif resource == "/ladders/{ladder_id}/players" and method == "POST":
                response_body = self.manager.add_player_to_ladder(int(path_params.get("ladder_id")), query_params.get("code"))
            elif resource == "/ladders/{ladder_id}/players" and method == "PUT":
                response_body = self.manager.update_player_order(int(path_params.get("ladder_id")), query_params.get("generate_borrowed_points") == "true", body)
            elif resource == "/ladders/{ladder_id}/players/{user_id}" and method == "PUT":
                response_body = self.manager.update_player(int(path_params.get("ladder_id")), path_params.get("user_id"), body)
            elif resource == "/ladders/{ladder_id}/players/{user_id}/matches" and method == "GET":
                response_body = self.manager.get_matches(int(path_params.get("ladder_id")), path_params.get("user_id"))
            elif resource == "/ladders/{ladder_id}/matches" and method == "POST":
                response_body = self.manager.report_match(int(path_params.get("ladder_id")), body)
            elif resource == "/ladders/{ladder_id}/matches/{match_id}" and method == "PUT":
                response_body = self.manager.update_match_scores(int(path_params.get("match_id")), body)
            elif resource == "/ladders/{ladder_id}/matches/{match_id}" and method == "DELETE":
                response_body = {}
                raise ServiceException("Invalid path: '{} {}'".format(resource, method))

            return format_response(response_body)
        except ServiceException as e:
            return format_response({"error": e.error_message}, e.status_code)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_user(self, user_id, user):
        if self.user is None:
            raise ServiceException("Unable to authenticate", 401)
        elif user_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("No user_id passed in", 400)
        elif user is None:
            raise ServiceException("No user passed in to update", 400)

        if self.user.user_id != user_id:
            raise ServiceException("You are only allowed to update your own profile information", 403)

        # Update the logged in user with all editable information
        self.user.name = user.get("name")
        self.user.email = user.get("email")
        self.user.phone_number = user.get("phone_number")
        self.user.photo_url = user.get("photo_url")
        self.user.availability_text = user.get("availability_text")

        return self.dao.get_user(user_id)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def add_player_to_ladder(self, ladder_id, code):
        if self.user is None:
            raise ServiceException("Unable to authenticate", 401)
        elif ladder_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("Null ladder_id param", 400)

        # Look up ladder
        if self.dao.get_ladder(ladder_id) is None:
            raise ServiceException("No ladder with id: '{}'".format(ladder_id), 404)

        # Look up ladder code
        real_code = self.dao.get_ladder_code(ladder_id)

        # If sure that if a code exists, that it matches
        if real_code is not None and real_code != code:
            raise ServiceException("The code provided does not match the code of the ladder. If you believe this in error, please contact the ladder's sponsor.", 400)

        # Create the new player, tying the user to the ladder
        self.dao.create_player(ladder_id, self.user.user_id)

        # Return the new list of players in that ladder (which should include the new player)
        return self.dao.get_players(ladder_id)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update_match_scores(self, match_id, match_dict):
        if self.user is None:
            raise ServiceException("Unable to authenticate", 401)
        elif not self.user.admin:
            raise ServiceException("Only admins can update matches", 403)
        elif match_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("Null match_id param", 400)
        elif match_dict is None:
            raise ServiceException("Null match param", 400)

        original_match = self.dao.get_match(match_id)
        if original_match is None:
            raise ServiceException(f"No match with ID: {match_id}", 404)
        updated_match = match_from_dict(match_dict)

        winner_score_diff, loser_score_diff = self.get_score_diff(original_match, updated_match)

        original_match.winner_set1_score = updated_match.winner_set1_score
        original_match.loser_set1_score = updated_match.loser_set1_score
        original_match.winner_set2_score = updated_match.winner_set2_score
        original_match.loser_set2_score = updated_match.loser_set2_score
        original_match.winner_set3_score = updated_match.winner_set3_score
        original_match.loser_set3_score = updated_match.loser_set3_score

        # Make sure the winner doesn't drop below the min amount. If so, correct the diff
        new_winner_points = max(original_match.winner_points + winner_score_diff, Match.MIN_WINNER_POINTS)
        winner_score_diff = new_winner_points - original_match.winner_points
        original_match.winner_points += winner_score_diff
        original_match.loser_points += loser_score_diff


        self.dao.update_earned_points(original_match.ladder_id, original_match.winner_id, winner_score_diff)
        self.dao.update_earned_points(original_match.ladder_id, original_match.loser_id, loser_score_diff)

        return self.transform_matches([original_match], original_match.ladder_id)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def update_player_order(self, ladder_id, generate_borrowed_points: bool, player_dicts):
        if self.user is None:
            raise ServiceException("Unable to authenticate", 401)
        elif not self.user.admin:
            raise ServiceException("Only admins can update player orders", 403)
        elif ladder_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("No ladder_id passed in", 400)
        elif player_dicts is None:
            raise ServiceException("No players passed in", 400)

        ladder = self.dao.get_ladder(ladder_id)
        if ladder is None:
            raise ServiceException(f"No ladder with ID: {ladder_id}", 404)
        elif ladder.is_open():
            raise ServiceException("You can only update player order before the ladder has started", 403)

        user_ids_with_order = [[player_dict["user"]["user_id"], i + 1] for i, player_dict in enumerate(reversed(player_dicts))]
        self.dao.update_player_order(ladder_id, user_ids_with_order)

        if generate_borrowed_points:
            user_ids_with_borrowed_points = [[user_id, order * ladder.weeks_for_borrowed_points] for user_id, order in user_ids_with_order]
            self.dao.update_all_borrowed_points(ladder_id, user_ids_with_borrowed_points)

        return self.dao.get_players(ladder_id)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def report_match(self, ladder_id, match_dict):
        if self.user is None:
            raise ServiceException("Unable to authenticate", 401)
        elif ladder_id is None:
            raise ServiceException("Null ladder_id param", 400)
        elif match_dict is None:
            raise ServiceException("Null match param", 400)

        # Look up ladder
        ladder = self.dao.get_ladder(ladder_id)
        if ladder is None:
            raise ServiceException("No ladder with id: '{}'".format(ladder_id), 404)

        # Check that the ladder is currently active
        if not ladder.is_open():
            raise ServiceException("This ladder is not currently open. You can only report matches between the ladder's start and end dates", 400)

        # Deserialize and validate that the rest of the match is set up properly (valid set scores and players)
        match = match_from_dict(match_dict)

        # Set match date to right now (to avoid issues with device times being changed)
        match.match_date = datetime.now(timezone("US/Mountain"))

        # Look up players in ladder
        winner = self.dao.get_player(ladder_id, match.winner_id)
        if winner is None:
            raise ServiceException("No user with id: '{}'".format(match.winner_id), 400)

        loser = self.dao.get_player(ladder_id, match.loser_id)
        if loser is None:
            raise ServiceException("No user with id: '{}'".format(match.loser_id), 400)

        if ladder.distance_penalty_on and abs(winner.ranking - loser.ranking) > ManagerImpl.INVALID_RANKING_DISTANCE:
            raise ServiceException("Players are too far apart in the rankings to challenge one another", 400)

        # Get all matches for this ladder (to enforce some of the rules below)
        ladder_matches = self.dao.get_matches(ladder_id)

        # Find out if either player has already played a match today
        if len([m for m in ladder_matches if m.has_players(match.winner_id) and m.played_today()]) > 0:
            raise ServiceException("Reported winner has already played a match today. Only one match can be played each day.", 400)
        if len([m for m in ladder_matches if m.has_players(match.loser_id) and m.played_today()]) > 0:
            raise ServiceException("Reported loser has already played a match today. Only one match can be played each day.", 400)

        # Find out if the players have already played the maximum amount of times
        matches_between_players = [m for m in ladder_matches if m.has_players(match.winner_id, match.loser_id)]
        if len(matches_between_players) >= ManagerImpl.MAX_MATCHES_BETWEEN_PLAYERS:
            raise ServiceException("Players have already played {} times.".format(ManagerImpl.MAX_MATCHES_BETWEEN_PLAYERS), 400)

        # Update the scores of the players
        match.winner_points, match.loser_points = match.calculate_scores(winner.ranking, loser.ranking, ladder.distance_penalty_on)
        print("---MATCH_REPORTING--- {} ({}) vs {} ({}): {}-{}, {}-{}, {}-{}. Winner Score: {}. Loser Score: {}".format(
            winner.user.name, winner.ranking, loser.user.name, loser.ranking,
            match.winner_set1_score, match.loser_set1_score, match.winner_set2_score, match.loser_set2_score, match.winner_set3_score, match.loser_set3_score,
            match.winner_points, match.loser_points
        self.dao.update_earned_points(match.ladder_id, match.winner_id, match.winner_points)
        self.dao.update_earned_points(match.ladder_id, match.loser_id, match.loser_points)

        # Save the match to the database (which will assign it a new match_id)
        match = self.dao.create_match(match)

        # Attach winners and losers to the match
        return self.transform_matches([match], ladder_id)[0]