def makeHtml(path, fileName, sitename, authorname, usecss, usejs): doc = dominate.document(title=sitename) with doc.head: if (usecss.lower() == "y"): link(rel='stylesheet', href='style.css') if (usejs.lower() == "y"): script(type='text/javascript', src='script.js') with meta(): attr(author=authorname) with doc: with div(id='header').add(ol()): for i in ['home', 'about', 'contact']: li(a(i.title(), href='/%s.html' % i)) with div(): attr(cls='body') p('Lorem ipsum..') if not os.path.exists("./" + path): os.makedirs("./" + path) f = open("./" + path + "/" + fileName, 'w+') f.write(str(doc)) f.close() if (usejs.lower() == "y"): if not os.path.exists("./" + sitename + "/js"): os.makedirs("./" + sitename + "/js") if (usecss.lower() == "y"): if not os.path.exists("./" + sitename + "/css"): os.makedirs("./" + sitename + "/css")
def report_head(doc): with doc.head: link( rel='stylesheet', href= '', integrity= "sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T", crossorigin="anonymous", ) link( rel='stylesheet', href='', integrity= 'sha384-lZN37f5QGtY3VHgisS14W3ExzMWZxybE1SJSEsQp9S+oqd12jhcu+A56Ebc1zFSJ', crossorigin="anonymous", ) script( src="", integrity= "sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n", crossorigin="anonymous") script( src= "", integrity= "sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6", crossorigin="anonymous")
def add_head_style(this_urlpath=""): """Adds <link> tags for style files, assuming <head> context.""" tags.meta(charset="utf-8") tags.meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0") emoji =, "NotoColorEmoji.ttf")""" @font-face {{ font-family: 'Noto Color Emoji'; src: local('Noto Color Emoji'), url({emoji}) format("truetype");' }} """) rel="icon", type="image/png", sizes="32x32",, "favicon-32x32.png"), ) rel="icon", type="image/png", sizes="16x16",, "favicon-16x16.png"), ) rel="stylesheet", type="text/css",, "style.css"), ) tags.script(, "video.js")) tags.script(src="", crossorigin="anonymous")
def get_html_string(style: Style) -> document: """Creates a HTML string for generating the summary file.""" utc_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(style.timestamp) style_attributes = [ ('code', style.code), ('number', style.number), ('precinct', style.precinct), ('built at', f'{utc_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'), ('built from number of ballots', style.build_from_count), ] script_abs_path = os.path.abspath('assets/copy_to_clipboard.js') version = utils.show_version() doc = document(title='Audit Engine version: ' + version) with doc.head: link( rel='stylesheet', href= '', integrity= "sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T", crossorigin="anonymous", ) script(type='text/javascript', src=script_abs_path) with doc: with div(cls='container'): with div(cls='jumbotron'): h1('Audit Engine: {version} - style summary'.format( version=version)) build_time = p(f'Summary built at: {build_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}', cls='lead') with div(cls='col pl-3 mt-1') as style_details_column: for style_key, style_value in style_attributes: style_details_column.add( StyleSummary.get_details_row( style_key, str(style_value))) h3('Contests', cls='mb-0 mt-1') with div(cls='col pl-3') as contest_details_column: for style_contest in style.contests: contest_details_column.add( StyleSummary.get_contest_details(style_contest)) h3('Built from ballots', cls='mb-3 mt-1') with div(cls='col pl-3'): with div(cls='row flex-wrap') as images_column: for ballot_id in style.build_from_ballots: images = StyleSummary.get_ballot_images_path( ballot_id, style.code) images_column.add( StyleSummary.get_ballot_images_div( ballot_id, images)) h3('Style weighted images', cls='mb-3 mt-1') with div(): for image in StyleSummary.get_style_images(style.code): a(img(src=os.path.basename(image), cls='img-thumbnail', alt='File not found'), href=image) return doc
def __init__(self, subtitle=''): self.doc = dominate.document(self.site_name) self.subtitle = subtitle if subtitle else self.__class__.__name__ self.on_ready_scriptage = [] with self.doc.head: for css in self.cssfiles.split(): self._link_css(css) for scripturl in self.scripturls: tags.script(crossorigin="anonymous", src=scripturl) self.script_list = tags.script().children with self.doc.body.add(tags.div(cls="container")): self.header = tags.div(id="header") with self.header.add(tags.h2()): tags.a(self.site_name, href='/', id="site_name") tags.h3(self.subtitle, id="subtitle") with tags.ul(id="status", style=self.status_style): for msg in flask.get_flashed_messages(): self.content = tags.div(id="content") self.footer = tags.div(id="footer") with self.footer: tags.a("Latest", href=url_for("list_latest")) tags.a("Back to the Front", href="/") tags.a("Catalog", href=url_for("show_catalog_page"), onclick="shift_edit(event, this)") tags.a("Register", href=url_for('loginbp.new_user')) tags.label("") if flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated: tags.a(f"Log out", href=url_for('loginbp.logout')) else: tags.a(f"Login", href=url_for('loginbp.login'))
def quiz(ws_url, db_handler, html_function): d = _doc('Quiz') with d: with t.fieldset(cls='small_fieldset'): # Content container - filtered results themselves will be fed into here, via websocket (see _js_socket_quiz_manager): t.div( id='content', cls='quiz_content' ) # Note: this container will contain another div of the same class, in which everything "real" will go; see _multi_choice_question t.button('Go', id="go", cls='quiz_button') with t.fieldset(cls='small_fieldset'): _dropdown( t.div(cls='dropdown'), 'choose_subject', (('Timeline (sequence)', _gurl(settings.k_history_sequence)), ('Science grammar', _gurl(settings.k_science_grammar)), ('English vocabulary', _gurl(settings.k_english_vocabulary)), ('English grammar', _gurl(settings.k_english_grammar)), ('Latin vocabulary', _gurl(settings.k_latin_vocabulary))), True, 'Subjects...') _dropdown(t.div(cls='dropdown'), 'cycle_dropdown', (('Cycle 1', 'bogus'), ('Cycle 2', 'bogus'), ('Cycle 3', 'bogus'), ('All Cycles', 'bogus'), ('My Cycle', 'bogus')), True, 'Cycles...') _dropdown(t.div(cls='dropdown'), 'weeks_dropdown', (('...', 'bogus'), ('All Weeks', 'bogus')), True, 'Weeks...') _dropdown(t.div(cls='dropdown'), 'difficulty_dropdown', (('Easy', 'bogus'), ('Medium', 'bogus'), ('Difficult', 'bogus')), True, 'Difficulty...') # JS (intentionally at bottom of file; see and many stackexchange answers): t.script(_js_socket_quiz_manager(ws_url, db_handler, html_function)) t.script(_js_dropdown()) return d.render()
def page(): doc = document() with doc.head: link_("^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css") link_("") link_("") dom.script(src='') with doc.body: with dom.div(cls=CENTER_FRAME)as CenterFrame: with dom.div(cls=CARD) as Card: with dom.form(cls=UPLOAD_FORM) as UploadForm: dom.i(cls=UPLOAD_ICON,onclick=''' $('#fileupload').click()''') dom.p("Find File",id =1,cls="text-gray-500 mt-4") dom.button("Upload",cls=BUTTON) dom.input(cls='hidden',type="file",id="fileupload",onchange=''' $('#1').text(this.value.split("\\\\").pop(-1))''') with dom.div(cls=RESULT_CONTAINER) as ResultContainer: for _ in range(4): with dom.div(cls=RESULT_ITEM) as ResultItem: dom.p("filename.jpg",cls="text-xl text-gray-400") dom.i(cls="fas fa-download text-xl text-gray-400") with dom.div() as ResultContainer: pass return doc.render()
def __init__(self, title, css='splendor'): self.doc = dominate.document(title=title) self.has_widgets = False self.has_tables = False with self.doc.head: link(rel='stylesheet', href=Journal.css[css], type='text/css') # bokeh css/js link_href, js_src = bu.get_bokeh_src() link(rel='stylesheet', href=link_href, type="text/css") script(type='text/javascript', src=js_src) # css to center the bokeh plots style(""" div.bk-grid { margin: auto; width: 50%; } div.bk-plot-layout { margin: auto; width: 50%; } div.bk-root { margin: auto; width: 50%; } div.bk-canvas-wrapper { margin: auto; width: 50%; } """)
def add_script(name, linked=False): if linked: script(type='text/javascript', src='file://' + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), name)) else: with script(type='text/javascript'): raw("//<![CDATA[\n" + read_resource(name) + "\n//]]>")
def user_summary_for(rtype, storages, output_path: Path): ustats = {} def reg(user, query, stats): if user not in ustats: ustats[user] = {} ustats[user][query] = stats with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pp: digests =, [s.path for s in storages]) for s, digest in zip(storages, digests): everything = flatten([ch for ch in digest.changes.values()]) for user, items in group_by_key(everything, key=lambda x: x.user).items(): reg(user,, len(items)) now = doc = dominate.document( title= f'axol tags summary for {[ for s in storages]}, rendered at {fdate(now)}' ) with doc.head: raw_script(JS) # TODO necessary? # TODO FIXME can't inline due to some utf shit sortable_js = Path(__file__).absolute().parent / 'js' / 'sorttable.js' T.script(src=str(sortable_js)) ft = FormatTrait.for_(rtype) with doc.body: with T.table(cls='sortable'): emitted_head = False for user, stats in sorted(ustats.items(), key=lambda x: (-len(x[1]), x)): if not emitted_head: with T.thead():'user') for q, _ in stats.items(): emitted_head = True with for q, st in stats.items(): with # TODO I guess unclear which tag to choose though. T.a( q, href=f'summary/{q}.html' ) # TODO link to source in index? or on pinboard maybe # TODO also project onto user's tags straight away T.sup( str(st) if st < 5 else T.b( T.font(str(st), color='red'))) # TODO css output_path.write_text(str(doc))'Dumped user summary to %s', output_path)
def report_asciinema(self, asciinema_link, title='', **kwargs): """ Section creates a jumbotron to house an asciinema :param str asciinema_link: Link to asciinema. Could be http/s or local files :param str title: Set the title of the asciinema. If set, it will create its own section. If not, it will append to previous section :param tuple alert: Kwarg Create a dismissable alert box. First value of tuple is the color, and the second is the message :param bool section: Kwarg Set to True to append the cards section to the preceding section. Default is false :raises ObjectNotInitiated: Raises exception when the correct flags are not set in ReportWriter Example: >>> r += report.report_asciinema('', title='asciinema') """ logging.warning( 'This method only works with asciinema links because of the way\n \ browsers enforce CORS') # checks to see if asciinema has been intialized if not self.asciinema: raise rng.ObjectNotInitiated( 'To integrate asciinema, set asciinema=True in ReportWriter') # TODO: write a check here that validates the asciinema url # hacky way to bypass the CORS problem try: url = get('%s.json' % asciinema_link).url except: logging.warning('Need internet to get the proper url for %s' % asciinema_link) # controls if sticky or not if 'section' in kwargs: style = rng.CSSControl.sticky_section_css else: style = rng.CSSControl.not_sticky_section with tag.div( _class= "jumbotron jumbomargin container reportng-acsiinema-class", style=style) as a: if title != '': tag.h1(title, id="%s" % rng.HelperFunctions.id_with_random(5, title)) # create dismissable alert box if 'alert' in kwargs: rng.HelperFunctions.make_alert(kwargs.get('alert')) with tag.div(_class="container", style="text-align: center;" + style): raw('<asciinema-player src="%s"></asciinema-player>' % url) tag.script(src=rng.JSCSS.asciinema_js) tag.a('Asciinema link', _class= "btn btn-secondary row justify-content-center btn-sm", role="button", href=asciinema_link, target="_blank") return str(a)
def new_user(form, ws_url, errors=None): title = 'New User' d = _doc(title) with d: with t.form(action=form.action, method='post'): with t.fieldset(): t.legend(title) _errors(errors) with t.ol(cls='step_numbers'): with t.p('First, create a one-word username for yourself (lowercase, no spaces)...' ) _text_input( *form.nv('new_username'), ('required', 'autofocus'), { 'pattern': valid.re_username, 'oninput': 'check_username(this.value)' }, 'Type new username here', _invalid(valid.inv_username, form.invalid('new_username'))) _invalid(valid.inv_username_exists, False, 'username_exists_message') with t.p("Next, invent a password; type it in twice to make sure you've got it..." ) _text_input('password', None, ('required', ), {'pattern': valid.re_password}, 'Type new password here', _invalid(valid.inv_password, form.invalid('password')), type_='password') _text_input('password_confirmation', None, ('required', ), None, 'Type password again for confirmation', _invalid( valid.inv_password_confirmation, form.invalid('password_confirmation'), 'password_match_message'), type_='password') with t.p("Finally, type in an email address that can be used if you ever need a password reset (optional, but this may be very useful someday!)..." ) _text_input( *form.nv('email'), None, {'pattern': valid.re_email}, 'Type email address here', _invalid(valid.inv_email, form.invalid('email'))) t.input_(type="submit", value="Done!") t.script(_js_validate_new_user_fields()) t.script(_js_check_username(ws_url)) return d.render()
def dump_html_standalone(snippets, fname, webpage_style, include_banner, include_vernums, html_assets, html_classes): from dominate import tags, document from dominate.util import raw from . import GENERATOR from .core import SerAPI from .html import gen_banner, wrap_classes, ASSETS from .pygments import HTML_FORMATTER doc = document(title=fname) doc.head.add(tags.meta(charset="utf-8")) doc.head.add(tags.meta(name="generator", content=GENERATOR)) doc.set_attribute("class", "alectryon-standalone") for css in ASSETS.ALECTRYON_CSS: doc.head.add("stylesheet", href=css)) for link in (ASSETS.IBM_PLEX_CDN, ASSETS.FIRA_CODE_CDN): doc.head.add(raw(link)) for js in ASSETS.ALECTRYON_JS: doc.head.add(tags.script(src=js)) html_assets.extend(ASSETS.ALECTRYON_CSS) html_assets.extend(ASSETS.ALECTRYON_JS) pygments_css = HTML_FORMATTER.get_style_defs('.highlight') doc.head.add(, type="text/css")) cls = wrap_classes(webpage_style, *html_classes) root = doc.body.add(tags.article(cls=cls)) if include_banner: root.add(raw(gen_banner(SerAPI.version_info(), include_vernums))) for snippet in snippets: root.add(snippet) return doc.render(pretty=False)
def select_user(url): d = _doc('Select User') with d: _text_input('search', None, ('autofocus', ), { 'autocomplete': 'off', 'oninput': 'search(this.value)' }, 'Search', type_='search') t.div( id='search_result' ) # filtered results themselves are added here, in this `result` div, via websocket, as search text is typed (see javascript) # JS (intentionally at bottom of file; see and many stackexchange answers): t.script(_js_filter_list(url)) return d.render()
def render(self, values, with_script_tag=True): template = CustomTemplate(self.js_source) rendered = raw(template.substitute(values).strip()) if with_script_tag: return script(rendered, type="text/javascript") else: return rendered
def render(self, posts_per_page=25): pages_count = (len(self.rendered_items) + posts_per_page - 1) // posts_per_page page_names = ["%d.html" % i for i in range(pages_count)] nav_section = T.nav( *[T.a(str(i), href=page_names[i], target=_PAGE_FRAME) for i in range(pages_count)] ) index = T.html( T.head( T.meta(charset='utf-8'), stylesheet(_STYLE_CSS), stylesheet(_NAVBAR_CSS), T.script(src=_JQUERY_URL), inline_script_from(get_resource(Path(_SELECTED_JS))) ), T.body( nav_section, T.iframe(name=_PAGE_FRAME, src=page_names[0] if pages_count > 0 else 'none', width='100%', height='100%', style='border:none') ) ) self.pages['index.html'] = index for page_index in range(pages_count): page_items = self.rendered_items[page_index * posts_per_page: (page_index + 1) * posts_per_page] chunk_html = T.html( T.head(stylesheet('page.css')), T.body( T.div(*page_items, id=ID_CONTAINER) ) ) self.pages[page_names[page_index]] = chunk_html
def form(form): return Div(QuickForm(form), Button('Submit', primary=True, onclick="submitUserForm()"), script(src='/static/submitUserForm.js', type='text/javascript'))
def inline_script(base_path, script_path): comment = ("\n// %s\n" % script_path if script_path else "") with open(os.path.join(base_path, script_path)) as ifs: with script() as result: raw(comment + return result
def create_page_index(): doc = dominate.document(title="Phone alignments") lexicon = load_lexicon() with doc.head: T.meta(**{'content': 'text/html;charset=utf-8', 'http-equiv': 'Content-Type'}) T.meta(**{'content': 'utf-8', 'http-equiv': 'encoding'})'stylesheet', href='../style.css') T.script( src="", integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=", crossorigin="anonymous", ) T.script(type='text/javascript', src='../script.js') with doc: T.p(""" The web-pages linked below show alignments of phones with lip movement. The data is a subset of 2000 utterances from the Grid corpus. We picked a selection of phones and for each of them we randomly selected at most 128 pairs. """) with T.ul(): for k, g in itertools.groupby(SELECTED_PHONES, key=lambda w: w[0]): with for i in g: T.a(i, href=i + "/index.html") T.p("""Mean duration (s) of each phone:""") T.pre(""" AA 0.154 AE 0.066 AH 0.060 AO 0.143 AW 0.277 AY 0.142 EH 0.091 EY 0.124 IH 0.068 IY 0.113 OW 0.123 UW 0.152 """, style="font-family: Courier") path = "www/index.html" with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(doc.render())
def page(): doc = document() with doc.head: link_("^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css") link_("") link_( "" ) dom.script( src= '' ) with doc.body: with dom.div(cls=CENTER_FRAME) as CenterFrame: with dom.form(action='/file', method='post', enctype='multipart/form-data'): with dom.div(cls=LABEL_CARD): dom.label('Write down your mark here', cls="text-white text-xl") dom.input(cls=LABEL_INPUT, type='text', placeholder='your watermark text here', name='mk-text') with dom.div(cls=IMG_CARD): with dom.div(cls=IMG_FORM): dom.i(cls=UPLOAD_ICON, onclick='''$('#fileupload').click()''') dom.p("Find File", id="file", cls="text-gray-500 mt-4") dom.input( cls="hidden", type="file", name='bg-img', id="fileupload", onchange= '''$('#file').text(this.value.split("\\\\").pop(-1))''' ) dom.button('Upload', cls=BUTTON, type='submit') with dom.div(cls=RESULT_CONTAINER) as ResultContainer: for _ in range(4): with dom.div(cls=RESULT_ITEM) as ResultItem: dom.p("filename.jpg", cls="text-xl text-gray-400") dom.i(cls="fas fa-download text-xl text-gray-400") return doc.render()
def body_(self, contents, scriptData=""): """ The HTML <body> contents """ return (div(self.topNav(), div(div(contents, _class="column col-12"), _class="columns"), _class="container", style="width: 55em; margin: 0 auto;"), script(raw(scriptData)))
def create_page(self): # Open plots directory if not os.path.isdir(self.get_output('plots')): os.mkdir(self.get_output('plots')) # Create HTML page self.doc = dom.document(title='BBPipe plots page') with self.doc.head:'stylesheet', href='style.css') dtg.script(type='text/javascript', src='script.js') with self.doc: dtg.h1("Pipeline outputs") dtg.h2("Contents:", id='contents') lst = dtg.ul() lst +='Bandpasses', href='#bandpasses')) lst +='Coadded power spectra', href='#coadded')) lst +='Null tests', href='#nulls')) lst +='Likelihood', href='#like'))
def get_cmpcvr_doc(cmpcvr_df: pd.DataFrame) -> dominate.document: version = utils.show_version() doc = dominate.document(title='Audit Engine version: ' + version) with doc.head: link( rel='stylesheet', href= '', integrity= "sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T", crossorigin="anonymous", ) script( src="", integrity= "sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n", crossorigin="anonymous") script( src= "", integrity= "sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6", crossorigin="anonymous") with doc: with div(cls='container'): with div(cls='jumbotron'): h1('Audit Engine: {version} - vote records summary'.format( version=version)) build_time = p(f'Summary built at: {build_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}', cls='lead') get_summary_table(cmpcvr_df) with table(cls='table table-hover'): with thead(): with tr(): th('#', scope="col") th('Ballot ID', scope="col") th('Style', scope="col") table_body = tbody() table_body += mount_ballots_to_table(cmpcvr_df) return doc
def inline_script(base_path, script_path): comment = ( "\n// %s\n" % script_path if script_path else "" ) with open(os.path.join(base_path, script_path)) as ifs: with script() as result: raw(comment + return result
def login(action, error=None): d = _doc('OHS-Test Login') with d: with t.form(action=action, method='post'): with t.fieldset(cls='small_fieldset'): t.legend('Log in...') _error(error) t.div(_text_input('username', None, ('required', 'autofocus'), {'pattern': valid.re_username}, invalid_div=_invalid(valid.inv_username, False)), cls='field') t.div(_text_input('password', None, ('required', ), type_='password'), cls='field') t.div(t.input_(type="submit", value="Log in!"), cls='field') t.script(_js_validate_login_fields()) return d.render()
def index(): doc = BootstrapDocument() # add socket-io client to the doc and our custom js. doc.scripts.add(script( src='//', type='text/javascript'), script(src='/static/my.js', type='text/javascript')) doc.body.children.insert(0, Div(h1('Advanced Example'), Div(h3('Flashes'), Div(id='flashes')))) # add buttons below the content of the document doc.body.add(Button( 'Table', onclick="user_socket.emit('table');"), Button('Form', onclick="user_socket.emit('form');")) return doc.render()
def __init__(self, *args, \ bootstrap_url='', \ jquery_url='', static_folder=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.navbar = None self.meta = self.head.add( meta( name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0' ) ) self.head.add(comment('Latest compiled and minified CSS')) if static_folder is not None: bootstrap_url = static_folder self.head.add( link( rel='stylesheet', href=bootstrap_url + '/css/bootstrap.min.css' ), ) self.content = self.body.add(Div(id='content')) self.scripts = self.body.add(Div(id='scripts')) self.scripts.add(comment('jQuery library')) if static_folder is not None: jquery_url = static_folder + '/js/jquery.min.js' self.scripts.add( script(src=jquery_url) ) self.scripts.add(comment('Latest compiled JavaScript')) self.scripts.add( script(src=bootstrap_url + '/js/bootstrap.min.js') ) self.add(*args)
def html_report(exchanges, buf): """Generate an HTML report with check results. :param exchanges: An iterable of :class:`~httpolice.Exchange` objects. They must be already processed by :func:`~httpolice.check_exchange`. :param buf: The file (or file-like object) to which the report will be written. It must be opened in binary mode (not text). """ title = u'HTTPolice report' document = dominate.document(title=title) _common_meta(document) with document.head: H.script(type=u'text/javascript').add_raw_string(js_code) with document: H.h1(title) _render_exchanges(exchanges) buf.write(document.render().encode('utf-8'))
def html(self): """ Method to get the `dominate` HTML of the page. This HTML needs to be rendered. Returns: dominate.document: HTML document corresponding to the page. """ doc = dominate.document(title=self.title) # Add favicon if self.favicon is not None: with doc.head: link(rel='icon', href=self.favicon) # Add external files (Skin) if is not None: with doc.head: for ref in # Libs link(rel='stylesheet', crossorigin='anonymous', href=ref) for ref in # Fonts link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=ref) if != "": style(raw( # Add Widgets HTML to the page main_div = div(cls="container") for w in self.widgets: main_div.add(w.html()) main_div.add(br()) doc.add(main_div) # Add Javascript code to the page js_str = "\n\n".join([a.js() for a in self.ajax()]) if js_str != '': doc.add(script(src=JQUERY_CDN)) doc.add(script(raw(js_str + "\n\n" + COMMON_JS))) return doc
def site(): base = Path('website') with (base/'content'/'index.toml').open() as toml, \ (base/'style'/'index.css').open() as css: data = loads( with html(lang='en') as document: with head(): meta(charset='utf-8') meta(name='description', content=f'{} (engineer|designer)') meta(name='keywords', content=','.join(SHARED.meta.keywords)) meta(name='author', content=f'{}') title( link(rel='shortcut icon', type='image/x-icon', href='favicon.ico') link(rel='icon', type='image/x-icon', href='favicon.ico') style(raw( script(src='website/js/anim.js') script(src='website/js/index.js') with body(): _block('engineer', data['engineer']) _block('designer', data['designer']) with div(id='handler'): div(raw('«»')) script('main();', type='text/javascript') copyright = comment(f'Copyright (C) 2015 - {} ' f'{}. ' 'All rights reserved.') return f'<!DOCTYPE html>{copyright}{document.render(pretty=False)}'
def integrate(self, tag, container=None): """Integrates the given tag into the page using container Integration means merging the DOM content of the tag itself into the given container which defaults to the Page's internal content element, """ if container is None: container = self.content container.add(tags.a(, tag) with self.doc.head: if hasattr(tag, 'cssfiles'): for css in tag.cssfiles: self._link_css(css) if hasattr(tag, 'scripturls'): for script in tag.scripturls: tags.script(crossorigin="anonymous", src=script) if hasattr(tag, "scriptage"): self.scriptage.append(tag.scriptage) if hasattr(tag, "on_ready_scriptage"): self.on_ready_scriptage.append(tag.on_ready_scriptage) setattr(self, tag.__class__.__name__, tag) return tag
def html_report(exchanges, buf): """Generate an HTML report with check results. :param exchanges: An iterable of :class:`~httpolice.Exchange` objects. They must be already processed by :func:`~httpolice.check_exchange`. :param buf: The file (or file-like object) to which the report will be written. It must be opened in binary mode (not text). """ # We don't want to hold the entire report in memory before printing it, # because that would mean unbounded memory growth with more input. # But Dominate obviously doesn't have a streaming mode, so we do this # manually. We create our document, but instead of the actual exchanges, # we insert a separator string that allows us to split it into a prologue # and an epilogue. separator = u'---- CUT HERE ----' title = u'HTTPolice report' document = dominate.document(title=title) _common_meta(document) with document.head: H.script(type=u'text/javascript').add_raw_string(js_code) with document.body: H.attr(_class=u'report') with document: H.h1(title) text_node(separator) (prologue, epilogue) = document.render().split(separator) buf.write(prologue.encode('utf-8')) for div in _generate_exchange_divs(exchanges): buf.write(div.render().encode('utf-8')) buf.write(epilogue.encode('utf-8'))
def html_report(exchanges, buf): """Generate an HTML report with check results. :param exchanges: An iterable of :class:`~httpolice.Exchange` objects. They must be already processed by :func:`~httpolice.check_exchange`. :param buf: The file (or file-like object) to which the report will be written. It must be opened in binary mode (not text). """ title = u'HTTPolice report' document = dominate.document(title=title) _common_meta(document) with document.head: H.script(type=u'text/javascript').add_raw_string(js_code) with document.body: H.attr(_class=u'report') with document: H.h1(title) _render_exchanges(exchanges) buf.write(document.render().encode('utf-8'))
async def index(request: Request): doc = document(title='Онлайн') with doc.head: meta(charset="utf-8") meta(http_equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="IE=edge") meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1") with doc: div(id='main', style='width: 100vw; height: 100vh;') script( raw(''' const main = document.getElementById('main'); let x = null, y = null; main.onmousedown = e => { x = e.screenX; y = e.screenY; } main.onmouseup = e => { x -= e.screenX; y -= e.screenY; fetch('/go?x=' + encodeURIComponent(-x) + '&y=' + encodeURIComponent(y), {method: 'PUT'}); } ''')) return Response(body=str(doc), content_type='text/html')
def main(argv): # Authenticate and construct service. service, flags = sample_tools.init( argv, 'androidpublisher', 'v2', __doc__, __file__, parents=[argparser], scope='') # Process flags and read their values. package_name = flags.package_name try: edit_request = service.edits().insert(body={}, packageName=package_name) result = edit_request.execute() edit_id = result['id'] apks_result = service.edits().apks().list( editId=edit_id, packageName=package_name).execute() version_codes = [apk['versionCode'] for apk in apks_result['apks']] doc = dominate.document(title="Build Up The Base! Changelog") with doc.head: tags.script(type='text/javascript', src='')'stylesheet', href='') tags.script(type='text/javascript', src='') tags.script(""" $(function(){ $('#change_log').accordion(); }); """,type='text/javascript') with doc: with tags.div(id="change_log"): for version in version_codes[::-1]: listings_result = service.edits().apklistings().list( editId=edit_id, packageName=package_name, apkVersionCode=version ).execute() tags.h3("VERSION %s" % version, id="version_%s"%version) with tags.div(): if 'listings' in listings_result: for line in listings_result['listings'][0]['recentChanges'].splitlines(): tags.div(line) else: tags.div("No listing found") print doc except client.AccessTokenRefreshError: print ('The credentials have been revoked or expired, please re-run the ' 'application to re-authorize')
def document(title, actual_hash=None, index=False): doc = dominate.document(title=title) style = style.add_raw_string(STYLE) script = t.script() script.add_raw_string(SCRIPT) doc.head.add(style, script) if actual_hash is not None: doc.body["data-actual-hash"] = actual_hash if index: doc.body["data-index"] = True return doc
def make_page(app, uri): doc = dominate.document() inline = False doc.head += tags.script(util.include(root / 'domx' / 'domx.js')) doc.head += / 'domx' / 'domx.css')) page = app(doc) try: # router for p in uri.path.split('/'): if p == '': continue if p == '_domx': inline = True continue page = getattr(page, p) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(404) # render page tags.pre(repr(page)) with doc: page() # dxify def walk(node): for i in node.children: if not isinstance(i, tags.dom_tag): continue if not isinstance(i, x): walk(i) continue # it's a x() marker # todo onsubmit, etc for different types node['onclick'] = "dx.replace('{}', '{}');".format( i['target'], '/_domx' + i['get'], ) node.children.remove(i) walk(doc.body) if inline: return doc.body.children[0] else: return doc
def open_html_doc(name, letter=None): html_doc = dominate.document(title=u"מילון הראיה") html_doc['dir'] = 'rtl' with html_doc.head: with tags.meta(): tags.attr(charset="utf-8") with tags.meta(): tags.attr(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1") tags.script(src="jquery/dist/jquery.min.js")'stylesheet', href='bootstrap-3.3.6-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css')'stylesheet', href='style.css') tags.script(src="bootstrap-3.3.6-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js")'stylesheet', href="bootstrap-rtl-3.3.4/dist/css/bootstrap-rtl.css")'stylesheet', href='html_demos-gh-pages/footnotes.css') tags.script(src="milon.js") tags.script(src="html_demos-gh-pages/footnotes.js") tags.script(src="subjects_db.json") html_doc.footnote_ids_of_this_html_doc = [] = name if letter: html_doc.letter = letter html_doc.section = html_docs_l[-1].section else: html_doc.section = name html_doc.index = len(html_docs_l) + 1 with html_doc.body: with tags.div(): tags.attr(cls="container-fluid") # TODO: call page_loaded to update saved URL also in other links tags.script("page_loaded('%s.html')" % html_doc.index) with tags.div(): tags.attr(cls="fixed_top_left", id="menu_bar") with tags.div(): with tags.button(type="button"): tags.attr(id="search_icon_button", type="button", cls="btn btn-default") with tags.span(): tags.attr(cls="glyphicon glyphicon-search") with tags.span(): tags.attr(cls="dropdown") with tags.button(type="button", cls="btn btn-primary") as b: tags.attr(href="#") #, cls="dropdown-toggle") with tags.span(): tags.attr(cls="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger") # b['data-toggle'] = "dropdown" with tags.ul(): tags.attr(cls="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-left scrollable-menu") return html_doc
def inline_script(script: str) -> T.script: s = T.script() s.add_raw_string(script) return s