Ejemplo n.º 1
    def grasp_cmd_callback(self, msg):
        best_grasp = msg

        tfh.publish_pose_as_transform(best_grasp.pose, "panda_link0", "G", 0.5)

        # Rotate quaternion by 45 deg on the z axis to account for home position being -45deg
        q_rot = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, np.pi / 4)
        q_new = tfh.list_to_quaternion(
                tfh.quaternion_to_list(best_grasp.pose.orientation), q_rot))
        best_grasp.pose.orientation = q_new

        self.best_grasp = best_grasp
Ejemplo n.º 2
def correct_grasp(grasp, gripper):
    """Corrects the grasp pose given the gripper.

    This is because panda_link7 is in an awkward rotation, so the desired grasp
    pose needs to be modified.
    if gripper == "robotiq":
        angle = np.pi / 2
    elif gripper == "panda":
        angle = np.pi / 4

        raise ValueError("Unsupported gripper: {}".format(gripper))

    q_rot = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle)
    q_new = tfh.list_to_quaternion(
    grasp.pose.orientation = q_new

    return grasp
        ggcnn_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/ggcnn_service/predict', GraspPrediction)
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        print "Service call failed: %s"%e
    predict = ggcnn_service.call()
    pose = predict.best_grasp.pose
    orientation = tfh.quaternion_to_list(pose.orientation)
    change_rot = list(tft.euler_from_quaternion(orientation))
    change_rot[0] = np.arctan(np.tan(change_rot[0]))
    change_rot[1] = np.arctan(np.tan(change_rot[1]))
    change_rot[2] = np.arctan(np.tan(change_rot[2]))
    orientation = tft.quaternion_from_euler(*change_rot)
    pose.orientation = tfh.list_to_quaternion(orientation)

    tfh.publish_pose_as_transform(pose, 'base_link', 'Grasp', 1.0)

    return pose

def move_to_grasp(pose):
    print "============ Printing robot state"
    print robot.get_current_state()
    print "============"

    print "============ Generating plan 1"
    print "Pose=>",group.get_current_pose().pose
    pose_target_1 = pose
    pose_target_1.orientation = group.get_current_pose().pose.orientation
    plan2 = group.plan()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def compute_service_handler(self, req):
        if self.curr_depth_img is None:
            rospy.logerr('No depth image received yet.')

        if time.time() - self.curr_img_time > 0.5:
            rospy.logerr('The Realsense node has died')
            return GraspPredictionResponse()

        with TimeIt('Total'):
            depth = self.curr_depth_img.copy()
            camera_pose = self.last_image_pose
            cam_p = camera_pose.position

            camera_rot = tft.quaternion_matrix(
                tfh.quaternion_to_list(camera_pose.orientation))[0:3, 0:3]

            # Do grasp prediction
            depth_crop, depth_nan_mask = process_depth_image(
            points, angle, width_img, _ = predict(
                filters=(2.0, 2.0, 2.0))

            # Mask Points Here

            angle -= np.arcsin(
                camera_rot[0, 1])  # Correct for the rotation of the camera
            angle = (angle +
                     np.pi / 2) % np.pi - np.pi / 2  # Wrap [-np.pi/2, np.pi/2]

            # Convert to 3D positions.
            imh, imw = depth.shape
            x = ((np.vstack((np.linspace(
                (imw - self.img_crop_size) // 2,
                (imw - self.img_crop_size) // 2 + self.img_crop_size,
                depth_crop.shape[1], np.float), ) * depth_crop.shape[0]) -
                  self.cam_K[0, 2]) / self.cam_K[0, 0] * depth_crop).flatten()
            y = ((np.vstack((np.linspace(
                (imh - self.img_crop_size) // 2 - self.img_crop_y_offset,
                (imh - self.img_crop_size) // 2 + self.img_crop_size -
                self.img_crop_y_offset, depth_crop.shape[0], np.float), ) *
                            depth_crop.shape[1]).T - self.cam_K[1, 2]) /
                 self.cam_K[1, 1] * depth_crop).flatten()
            pos = np.dot(camera_rot, np.stack(
                (x, y, depth_crop.flatten()))).T + np.array(
                    [[cam_p.x, cam_p.y, cam_p.z]])

            width_m = width_img / 300.0 * 2.0 * depth_crop * np.tan(
                self.cam_fov * self.img_crop_size / depth.shape[0] / 2.0 /
                180.0 * np.pi)

            best_g = np.argmax(points)
            best_g_unr = np.unravel_index(best_g, points.shape)

            ret = GraspPredictionResponse()
            ret.success = True
            g = ret.best_grasp
            g.pose.position.x = pos[best_g, 0]
            g.pose.position.y = pos[best_g, 1]
            g.pose.position.z = pos[best_g, 2]
            g.pose.orientation = tfh.list_to_quaternion(
                tft.quaternion_from_euler(np.pi, 0,
                                          angle[best_g_unr] - np.pi / 2))
            g.width = width_m[best_g_unr]
            g.quality = points[best_g_unr]

            show = gridshow(
                'Display', [depth_crop, points, angle], [(0.30, 0.55), None,
                                                         (-np.pi, np.pi)],
                [cv2.COLORMAP_BONE, cv2.COLORMAP_JET, cv2.COLORMAP_HSV], 3,


            return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_service_handler(self, req):
        Update the GridWorld with a new observation, compute the viewpoint entropy and generate a new command.
        :param req: Ignored
        :return: NextViewpointResponse (success flag, best grsap, velocity command)

        # Some initial checks
        if self.curr_depth_img is None:
            rospy.logerr('No depth image received yet.')

        if time.time() - self.curr_img_time > 0.5:
            rospy.logerr('The Realsense node has died')
            return NextViewpointResponse()

        with TimeIt('Total'):
            with TimeIt('Update Histogram'):
                # Step 1: Perform a GG-CNN prediction and update the grid world with the observations

                self.no_viewpoints += 1
                depth = self.curr_depth_img.copy()
                camera_pose = self.last_image_pose
                cam_p = camera_pose.position
                    np.array([cam_p.x, cam_p.y, cam_p.z, 0]))

                # For display purposes.
                newpos_pixel = self.gw.pos_to_cell(
                    np.array([[cam_p.x, cam_p.y]]))[0]
                                newpos_pixel[1]] = self.gw.visited.max() + 1

                camera_rot = tft.quaternion_matrix(
                    tfh.quaternion_to_list(camera_pose.orientation))[0:3, 0:3]

                # Do grasp prediction
                depth_crop, depth_nan_mask = process_depth_image(
                points, angle, width_img, _ = predict(
                angle -= np.arcsin(
                    camera_rot[0, 1])  # Correct for the rotation of the camera
                angle = (angle + np.pi / 2) % np.pi  # Wrap [0, pi]

                # Convert to 3D positions.
                imh, imw = depth.shape
                x = ((np.vstack((np.linspace(
                    (imw - self.img_crop_size) // 2,
                    (imw - self.img_crop_size) // 2 + self.img_crop_size,
                    depth_crop.shape[1], np.float), ) * depth_crop.shape[0]) -
                      self.cam_K[0, 2]) / self.cam_K[0, 0] *
                y = ((np.vstack((np.linspace(
                    (imh - self.img_crop_size) // 2 - self.img_crop_y_offset,
                    (imh - self.img_crop_size) // 2 + self.img_crop_size -
                    self.img_crop_y_offset, depth_crop.shape[0], np.float), ) *
                                depth_crop.shape[1]).T - self.cam_K[1, 2]) /
                     self.cam_K[1, 1] * depth_crop).flatten()
                pos = np.dot(camera_rot, np.stack(
                    (x, y, depth_crop.flatten()))).T + np.array(
                        [[cam_p.x, cam_p.y, cam_p.z]])

                # Clean the data a bit.
                pos[depth_nan_mask.flatten() == 1, :] = 0  # Get rid of NaNs
                pos[pos[:, 2] > 0.17, :] = 0  # Ignore obvious noise.
                pos[pos[:, 2] < 0.0, :] = 0  # Ignore obvious noise.

                cell_ids = self.gw.pos_to_cell(pos[:, :2])
                width_m = width_img / 300.0 * 2.0 * depth_crop * np.tan(
                    self.cam_fov * self.img_crop_size / depth.shape[0] / 2.0 /
                    180.0 * np.pi)

                update_batch([pos[:, 2], width_m.flatten()], cell_ids,
                             [self.gw.depth_mean, self.gw.width_mean],
                             [self.gw.depth_var, self.gw.width_var])
                update_histogram_angle(points.flatten(), angle.flatten(),
                                       cell_ids, self.gw.hist)

            with TimeIt('Calculate Best Grasp'):
                # Step 2: Compute the position of the best grasp in the GridWorld

                # Sum over all angles to get the grasp quality only.
                hist_sum_q = np.sum(self.gw.hist, axis=2)
                weights = np.arange(0.5 / self.hist_bins_q, 1.0,
                                    1 / self.hist_bins_q)
                hist_mean = np.sum(
                    hist_sum_q * weights.reshape((1, 1, -1)),
                    axis=2) / (np.sum(hist_sum_q, axis=2) + 1e-6)
                hist_mean[self.gw.count ==
                          0] = 0  # Ignore areas we haven't seen yet.
                hist_mean[0, :] = 0  # Ignore single pixel along each edge.
                hist_mean[-1, :] = 0
                hist_mean[:, 0] = 0
                hist_mean[:, -1] = 0
                hist_mean -= self.fgw.failures
                hist_mean = np.clip(hist_mean, 0.0, 1.0)

                # ArgMax of grasp quality
                q_am = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(hist_mean), hist_mean.shape)

                # Interpolate position between the neighbours of the best grasp, weighted by quality
                q_ama = np.array(q_am)
                conn_neighbours = np.array([q_ama])  # Disable rounding
                neighbour_weights = hist_mean[conn_neighbours[:, 0],
                                              conn_neighbours[:, 1]]
                q_am_neigh = self.gw.cell_to_pos(conn_neighbours)
                q_am_neigh_avg = np.average(q_am_neigh,
                q_am_pos = (q_am_neigh_avg[0], q_am_neigh_avg[1]
                            )  # This is the grasp center

                # Perform same weighted averaging of the angles.
                best_grasp_hist = self.gw.hist[conn_neighbours[:, 0],
                                               conn_neighbours[:, 1], :, :]
                angle_weights = np.sum((best_grasp_hist - 1) * weights.reshape(
                    (1, 1, -1)),
                ang_bins = (np.arange(0.5 / self.hist_bins_a, 1.0,
                                      1 / self.hist_bins_a) * np.pi).reshape(
                                          1, -1)

                # Compute the weighted vector mean of the sin/cos components of the angle predictions
                # Do double angles so that -np.pi/2 == np.pi/2, then unwrap
                q_am_ang = np.arctan2(
                        np.sin(ang_bins * 2) * angle_weights *
                        neighbour_weights.reshape(-1, 1)),
                        np.cos(ang_bins * 2) * angle_weights *
                        neighbour_weights.reshape(-1, 1)))
                if q_am_ang < 0:
                    q_am_ang += 2 * np.pi
                q_am_ang = q_am_ang / 2.0 - np.pi / 2

                # Get the depth and width at the grasp center
                q_am_dep = self.gw.depth_mean[q_am]
                q_am_wid = self.gw.width_mean[q_am]

            with TimeIt('Calculate Information Gain'):
                # Step 3: Compute the expected information gain from a viewpoint above every cell in the GridWorld

                # Compute entropy per cell.
                hist_p = hist_sum_q / np.expand_dims(
                    np.sum(hist_sum_q, axis=2) + 1e-6, -1)
                hist_ent = -np.sum(hist_p * np.log(hist_p + 1e-6), axis=2)

                # Treat camera field of view as a Gaussian
                # Field of view in number gridworld cells
                fov = int(cam_p.z * 2 *
                          np.tan(self.cam_fov * self.img_crop_size /
                                 depth.shape[0] / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi) /
                exp_inf_gain = gaussian_filter(hist_ent, fov / 6, truncate=3)

                # Track changes by KL Divergence (not used/disabled by default)
                kl_divergence = np.sum(hist_p * np.log(
                    (hist_p + 1e-6) / (self.gw.hist_p_prev + 1e-6)),
                self.gw.hist_p_prev = hist_p
                kl_divergence[0, :] = 0
                kl_divergence[-1, :] = 0
                kl_divergence[:, 0] = 0
                kl_divergence[:, -1] = 0
                norm_i_gain = 1 - np.exp(-1 * kl_divergence.sum())
                self.position_history[-1][-1] = norm_i_gain

            with TimeIt('Calculate Travel Cost'):
                # Step 4: Compute cost of moving away from the best detected grasp.

                # Distance from current robot pos.
                d_from_robot = np.sqrt((self._xv - cam_p.x)**2 +
                                       (self._yv - cam_p.y)**2)

                # Distance from best detected grasp, weighted by the robot's current height (Z axis)
                d_from_best_q = np.sqrt(
                    (self._xv - q_am_pos[0])**2 + (self._yv - q_am_pos[1])**
                    2)  # Cost of moving away from the best grasp.
                height_weight = (cam_p.z - self.height[1]) / (
                    self.height[0] - self.height[1]) + 1e-2
                height_weight = max(min(height_weight, 1.0), 0.0)
                best_cost = (d_from_best_q / self.dist_from_best_scale) * (
                    1 - height_weight) * self.dist_from_best_gain

                # Distance from previous viewpoints (dist_from_prev_view_gain is 0 by default)
                d_from_prev_view = np.zeros(self.gw.shape)
                for x, y, z, kl in self.position_history:
                    d_from_prev_view += np.clip(
                        1 -
                        (np.sqrt((self._xv - x)**2 + (self._yv - y)**2 + 0 *
                                 (cam_p.z - z)**2) /
                         self.dist_from_prev_view_scale), 0, 1) * (1 - kl)
                prev_view_cost = d_from_prev_view * self.dist_from_prev_view_gain

                # Calculate total expected information gain.
                exp_inf_gain_before = exp_inf_gain.copy()
                exp_inf_gain -= best_cost
                exp_inf_gain -= prev_view_cost

                # Compute local direction of maximum information gain
                exp_inf_gain_mask = exp_inf_gain.copy()
                greedy_window = 0.1
                    d_from_robot > greedy_window] = exp_inf_gain.min()
                ig_am = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(exp_inf_gain_mask),
                maxpos = self.gw.cell_to_pos([ig_am])[0]
                diff = (maxpos - np.array([cam_p.x, cam_p.y])) / greedy_window
                # Maximum of 1
                if np.linalg.norm(diff) > 1.0:
                    diff = diff / np.linalg.norm(diff)

            with TimeIt('Response'):
                # Step 5: Generate a Response

                ret = NextViewpointResponse()
                ret.success = True
                ret.no_viewpoints = self.no_viewpoints

                # xyz velocity normalised to 1
                ret.velocity_cmd.linear.x = diff[0]
                ret.velocity_cmd.linear.y = diff[1]
                ret.velocity_cmd.linear.z = -1 * (np.sqrt(1 - diff[0]**2 -

                # Grasp pose
                ret.best_grasp.pose.position.x = q_am_pos[0]
                ret.best_grasp.pose.position.y = q_am_pos[1]
                ret.best_grasp.pose.position.z = q_am_dep
                q = tft.quaternion_from_euler(np.pi, 0, q_am_ang - np.pi / 2)
                ret.best_grasp.pose.orientation = tfh.list_to_quaternion(q)

                ret.best_grasp.quality = hist_mean[q_am[0], q_am[1]]
                ret.best_grasp.width = q_am_wid
                ret.best_grasp.entropy = hist_ent[q_am[0], q_am[1]]

                # Normalise for plotting purposes
                exp_inf_gain = (exp_inf_gain - exp_inf_gain.min()) / (
                    exp_inf_gain.max() - exp_inf_gain.min()) * (
                        exp_inf_gain_before.max() - exp_inf_gain_before.min())
                show = gridshow('Display', [
                    cv2.resize(points, hist_ent.shape), hist_mean, hist_ent,
                    exp_inf_gain, exp_inf_gain_before, self.gw.visited
                ], [
                    None, None, None,
                    (exp_inf_gain.min(), exp_inf_gain_before.max()),
                    (exp_inf_gain.min(), exp_inf_gain_before.max()), None
                ], [cv2.COLORMAP_JET] + [
                ] * 4 + [cv2.COLORMAP_BONE], 3, False)


        # For dumping things to npz files
        if False:
            kwargs = {
                'M': self.gw.hist,
                'depth_crop': depth_crop,
                'points': points,
                'hist_sum_q': hist_sum_q,
                'hist_mean': hist_mean,
                'q_am': q_am,
                'q_am_pos': q_am_pos,
                'best_grasp_hist': best_grasp_hist,
                'hist_ent': hist_ent,
                'best_cost': best_cost,
                'exp_inf_gain': exp_inf_gain,
                'pos_history': np.array(self.position_history),
                'visited': self.gw.visited,
                'depth': depth_crop,
                'v': diff
            np.savez('/home/guest/numpy_out/%d.npz' % self.counter, **kwargs)
            self.counter += 1

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __execute_best_grasp(self):

        ret = self.ggrasp_srv.call()

        if not ret.success:
            return False

        self.best_grasp = ret.best_grasp
        best_grasp = self.best_grasp
        self.depth_img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(ret.depth)
        self.grasp = ret.grasp

        tfh.publish_pose_as_transform(self.best_grasp.pose, "panda_link0", "G", 0.5)

        # Rotate quaternion by 45 deg on the z axis to account for home position being -45deg
        q_rot = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, np.pi / 4)
        q_new = tfh.list_to_quaternion(
                tfh.quaternion_to_list(best_grasp.pose.orientation), q_rot
        best_grasp.pose.orientation = q_new

        # Offset for initial pose.
        offset = 0.05 + self.LINK_EE_OFFSET
        gripper_width_offset = 0.03
        best_grasp.pose.position.z += offset
        self.pc.gripper.set_gripper(best_grasp.width + gripper_width_offset, wait=False)
        self.pc.goto_pose(best_grasp.pose, velocity=0.1)

        # Reset the position
        best_grasp.pose.position.z -= offset

        v = Twist()
        v.linear.z = -0.05

        # Monitor robot state and descend
        while (
            self.robot_state.O_T_EE[-2] > best_grasp.pose.position.z
            and not any(self.robot_state.cartesian_contact)
            and not self.ROBOT_ERROR_DETECTED

        # Check for collisions
        if self.ROBOT_ERROR_DETECTED:
            return False

        # close the fingers.
        self.pc.gripper.grasp(0, force=1)
        self.pc.goto_pose(self.initial_pose, velocity=0.1)

        # Sometimes triggered by closing on something that pushes the robot
        if self.ROBOT_ERROR_DETECTED:
            return False

        return True