Ejemplo n.º 1
def CanAccessToolchainBucket():
    """Checks whether the user has access to gs://chrome-wintoolchain/."""
    gsutil = download_from_google_storage.Gsutil(
        download_from_google_storage.GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH, boto_path=None)
    code, _, _ = gsutil.check_call('ls', 'gs://chrome-wintoolchain/')
    return code == 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _DownloadAshChromeIfNecessary(version, is_download_for_bots=False):
    """Download a given version of ash-chrome if not already exists.

  Currently, a special constant version value is support: "for_bots", the reason
  is that version number is still not pinned to chromium/src, so a constant
  value is needed to make sure that after the builder who downloads and isolates
  ash-chrome, the tester knows where to look for the binary to use.
  Additionally, a is_download_for_bots boolean argument is introduced to
  indicate whether this function is downloading for bots specifically or
  downloading while running tests, and it is needed because when version is
  "for_bots", the expected behavior is different in the 2 scenarios: when
  downloading for bots to isolate, we always want to update for_bots/ to reflect
  the latest version; however, when downloading while running tests, we want to
  skip updating to latest because swarming testers aren't supposed to have
  external network access.
  TODO(crbug.com/1107010): remove the support once ash-chrome version is pinned
  to chromium/src.

    version: A string representing the version, such as "793554".

      RuntimeError: If failed to download the specified version, for example,
          if the version is not present on gcs.
    def IsAshChromeDirValid(ash_chrome_dir):
        # This function assumes that once 'chrome' is present, other dependencies
        # will be present as well, it's not always true, for example, if the test
        # runner process gets killed in the middle of unzipping (~2 seconds), but
        # it's unlikely for the assumption to break in practice.
        return os.path.isdir(ash_chrome_dir) and os.path.isfile(
            os.path.join(ash_chrome_dir, 'chrome'))

    ash_chrome_dir = _GetAshChromeDirPath(version)
    if not is_download_for_bots and IsAshChromeDirValid(ash_chrome_dir):

    shutil.rmtree(ash_chrome_dir, ignore_errors=True)
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp:
        import download_from_google_storage
        gsutil = download_from_google_storage.Gsutil(
        gs_version = (_GetLatestVersionOfAshChrome()
                      if is_download_for_bots else version)
        logging.info('Ash-chrome version: %s', gs_version)
        gs_path = _GS_URL_BASE + '/' + gs_version + '/' + _GS_ASH_CHROME_PATH
        exit_code = gsutil.call('cp', gs_path, tmp.name)
        if exit_code:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to download: "%s"' % gs_path)

        # https://bugs.python.org/issue15795. ZipFile doesn't preserve permissions.
        # And in order to workaround the issue, this function is created and used
        # instead of ZipFile.extractall().
        # The solution is copied from:
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42326428/zipfile-in-python-file-permission
        def ExtractFile(zf, info, extract_dir):
            zf.extract(info.filename, path=extract_dir)
            perm = info.external_attr >> 16
            os.chmod(os.path.join(extract_dir, info.filename), perm)

        with zipfile.ZipFile(tmp.name, 'r') as zf:
            # Extra all files instead of just 'chrome' binary because 'chrome' needs
            # other resources and libraries to run.
            for info in zf.infolist():
                ExtractFile(zf, info, ash_chrome_dir)
