Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(config):
    This method is where the data reduction process gets done.

    @param config: Object containing the data reduction configuration
    @type config: L{hlr_utils.Configure}
    import sys
    import dr_lib
    import DST
    import SOM

    banks = [("/entry/bank1", 1), ("/entry/bank2", 1)]

    max_ids = (64, 64)

    if config.vertical:
        tag = "v"
        size = max_ids[1]
        reps = max_ids[0] / config.pixel_group
        label = "Integrated pixel"
        tag = "h"
        size = max_ids[1] / config.pixel_group
        reps = max_ids[0] / config.sum_tubes
        label = "Tube Number"

        data_dst = DST.getInstance("application/x-NeXus",
    except SystemError:
        print "ERROR: Failed to data read file %s" % config.data
    so_axis = "time_of_flight"

    for path in banks:
        bank = path[0].split('/')[-1]

        for i in range(size):

            tSOM = SOM.SOM()
            tSO = SOM.SO(construct=True)
            counter = 1
            for j in range(reps):

                if config.vertical:
                    starting_id = (i, config.pixel_group * j)
                    ending_id = (i + 1, config.pixel_group * (j + 1))
                    if config.sum_tubes == 1:
                        x1 = j
                        x2 = j + 1
                        x1 = j * config.sum_tubes
                        x2 = (j + 1) * config.sum_tubes
                    starting_id = (x1, config.pixel_group * i)
                    ending_id = (x2, config.pixel_group * (i + 1))

                d_som1 = data_dst.getSOM(path, so_axis,

                d_som2 = dr_lib.sum_all_spectra(d_som1)
                d_som2[0].id = d_som1[0].id

                d_som1 = None
                del d_som1

                value = dr_lib.integrate_axis(d_som2)

                if config.verbose:
                    print "Sum", d_som2[0].id, ":", value[0], value[1]

                if counter == 1:
                    tSO.id = d_som2[0].id

                counter += 1

            tSOM.attr_list["filename"] = config.data
            tSOM.setTitle("TOF Pixel Summation")
            tSOM.setYLabel("Intensity Sum")
            tSOM.setAxisLabel(0, label)
            tSOM.setAxisUnits(0, "")

            tag1 = str(i + 1)
            outfile = bank + "_" + tag + "_" + tag1 + ".tof"

            hlr_utils.write_file(outfile, "text/Spec", tSOM,
                                 message="intensity sum file",
Ejemplo n.º 2
def integrate_spectra(obj, **kwargs):
    This function takes a set of spectra and calculates the integration for the
    primary axis. If the integration range for a spectrum cannot be found, an
    error report will be generated with the following information:

    Range not found: pixel ID, start bin, end bin, length of data array
    A failing pixel will have the integration tuple set to C{(nan, nan)}.

    @param obj: Object containing spectra that will have the integration
                calculated from them.
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword start: The start range for the integration.
    @type start: C{int}
    @keyword end: The end range for the integration. 
    @type end: C{int}
    @keyword axis_pos: This is position of the axis in the axis array. If no
                       argument is given, the default value is I{0}.
    @type axis_pos: C{int}

    @keyword norm: This is a flag to turn on the division of the individual
                   spectrum integrations by the solid angle of the
                   corresponding pixel. This also activates the multiplication
                   of the individual spectrum bin values by their
                   corresponding bin width via the I{width} flag in
                   L{integrate_axis}. The default value of the flag is
    @type norm: C{boolean}

    @keyword total: This is a flag to turn on the summation of all individual
                    spectrum integrations. The default value of the flag is
    @type total: C{boolean}

    @keyword width: This is a flag to turn on the removal of the individual bin
                    width in the L{integrate_axis} function while doing the
                    integrations. The default value of the flag is I{False}. 
    @type width: C{boolean}
    @return: Object containing the integration and the uncertainty squared
             associated with the integration
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    if obj is None:
        return obj

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)

    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)
    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)

    # Check for axis_pos keyword argument
        axis_pos = kwargs["axis_pos"]
    except KeyError:
        axis_pos = 0

    # Check for norm keyword argument
        norm = kwargs["norm"]
        if norm:
            if o_descr == "SO":
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot use norm keyword with SO!")

            width = True
            inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            width = False
    except KeyError:
        norm = False
        width = False

    # Check for total keyword argument
        total = kwargs["total"]
    except KeyError:
        total = False

    # Check for width keyword argument only if norm isn't present
    if not norm:
            width = kwargs["width"]
        except KeyError:
            width = False

    # If the integration start bound is not given, set to infinity
        i_start = kwargs["start"]
    except KeyError:
        i_start = float("inf")

    # If the integration end bound is not given, set to infinity
        i_end = kwargs["end"]
    except KeyError:
        i_end = float("inf")

    # iterate through the values
    import dr_lib

    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)
    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        obj1 = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "all")

        # If there's a NaN at the front and back, there are NaN's everywhere
        if str(obj1.axis[axis_pos].val[0]) == "nan" and \
               str(obj1.axis[axis_pos].val[-1]) == "nan":
            print "Range not found:", obj1.id, i_start, i_end, len(obj1)
            value = (float('nan'), float('nan'))
            value = dr_lib.integrate_axis(obj1,
        if norm:
            if inst.get_name() == "BSS":
                map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)
                dOmega = dr_lib.calc_BSS_solid_angle(map_so, inst)

                value1 = (value[0] / dOmega, value[1] / (dOmega * dOmega))
                raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to get solid angle from "\
                                   +"%s" % inst.get_name())
            value1 = value

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, value1, obj1, "yonly")

    if not total:
        return result
        # Sum all integration counts
        total_counts = 0
        total_err2 = 0

        for j in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(result)):
            total_counts += hlr_utils.get_value(result, j, res_descr, "y")
            total_err2 += hlr_utils.get_err2(result, j, res_descr, "y")

        # Create new result object
        (result2, res2_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(result)

        result2 = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result2, res2_descr, result,

        res1 = hlr_utils.get_value(result, 0, res_descr, "all")
        hlr_utils.result_insert(result2, res2_descr,
                                (total_counts, total_err2), res1, "yonly")
        return result2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def determine_time_indep_bkg(obj, tof_vals, **kwargs):
    This functions calculates the average counts at four given TOF channels
    for determining the time-independent background. 

    @param obj: Object used for determining the time-independent background
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}
    @param tof_vals: The four TOF channels from which the average counts will
                     be determined
    @type tof_vals: C{list}

    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword is_range: A flag that tells the function that tof_vals is a range
                       from which to determine the time-independent
                       background. The default is I{False}.
    @type is_range: C{bool}

    @return: Object containing the time-independent background and the
             associated error
    @rtype: C{list} of C{tuple}s

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a C{SOM} or C{SO}.

    # Kickout if tof_vals is NoneType
    if tof_vals is None:
        return None

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # Get keyword arguments
    is_range = kwargs.get("is_range", False)

    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr != "SOM" and o_descr != "SO":
        raise TypeError("Incoming object must be a SOM or a SO")
    # Have a SOM or SO

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)

    if not is_range:
        num_tof_vals = float(len(tof_vals))
        import bisect
        num_tof_vals = tof_vals[1] - tof_vals[0]
        import dr_lib

    # iterate through the values
    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)
    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        obj1 = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "all")

        if not is_range:
            average = 0.0
            ave_err2 = 0.0
            for tof in tof_vals:
                index = bisect.bisect(obj1.axis[0].val, float(tof)) - 1
                average += obj1.y[index]
                ave_err2 += obj1.var_y[index]
            (average, ave_err2) = dr_lib.integrate_axis(obj1,

        average /= num_tof_vals
        ave_err2 /= num_tof_vals

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, (average, ave_err2), obj1,

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run(config):
    This method is where the data reduction process gets done.

    @param config: Object containing the data reduction configuration
    @type config: L{hlr_utils.Configure}
    import sys

    import dr_lib
    import DST
    import SOM

    banks = [("/entry/bank1", 1), ("/entry/bank2", 1)]

    max_ids = (64, 64)

    if config.vertical:
        tag = "v"
        size = max_ids[1]
        reps = max_ids[0] / config.pixel_group
        label = "Integrated pixel"
        tag = "h"
        size = max_ids[1] / config.pixel_group
        reps = max_ids[0] / config.sum_tubes
        label = "Tube Number"

        data_dst = DST.getInstance("application/x-NeXus", config.data)
    except SystemError:
        print "ERROR: Failed to data read file %s" % config.data

    so_axis = "time_of_flight"

    for path in banks:
        bank = path[0].split('/')[-1]

        for i in range(size):

            tSOM = SOM.SOM()
            tSO = SOM.SO(construct=True)

            counter = 1
            for j in range(reps):

                if config.vertical:
                    starting_id = (i, config.pixel_group * j)
                    ending_id = (i + 1, config.pixel_group * (j + 1))
                    if config.sum_tubes == 1:
                        x1 = j
                        x2 = j + 1
                        x1 = j * config.sum_tubes
                        x2 = (j + 1) * config.sum_tubes

                    starting_id = (x1, config.pixel_group * i)
                    ending_id = (x2, config.pixel_group * (i + 1))

                d_som1 = data_dst.getSOM(path,

                d_som2 = dr_lib.sum_all_spectra(d_som1)
                d_som2[0].id = d_som1[0].id

                d_som1 = None
                del d_som1

                value = dr_lib.integrate_axis(d_som2)

                if config.verbose:
                    print "Sum", d_som2[0].id, ":", value[0], value[1]

                if counter == 1:
                    tSO.id = d_som2[0].id

                counter += 1

            tSOM.attr_list["filename"] = config.data
            tSOM.setTitle("TOF Pixel Summation")
            tSOM.setYLabel("Intensity Sum")
            tSOM.setAxisLabel(0, label)
            tSOM.setAxisUnits(0, "")

            tag1 = str(i + 1)

            outfile = bank + "_" + tag + "_" + tag1 + ".tof"

                                 message="intensity sum file",

Ejemplo n.º 5
def integrate_spectra(obj, **kwargs):
    This function takes a set of spectra and calculates the integration for the
    primary axis. If the integration range for a spectrum cannot be found, an
    error report will be generated with the following information:

    Range not found: pixel ID, start bin, end bin, length of data array
    A failing pixel will have the integration tuple set to C{(nan, nan)}.

    @param obj: Object containing spectra that will have the integration
                calculated from them.
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword start: The start range for the integration.
    @type start: C{int}
    @keyword end: The end range for the integration. 
    @type end: C{int}
    @keyword axis_pos: This is position of the axis in the axis array. If no
                       argument is given, the default value is I{0}.
    @type axis_pos: C{int}

    @keyword norm: This is a flag to turn on the division of the individual
                   spectrum integrations by the solid angle of the
                   corresponding pixel. This also activates the multiplication
                   of the individual spectrum bin values by their
                   corresponding bin width via the I{width} flag in
                   L{integrate_axis}. The default value of the flag is
    @type norm: C{boolean}

    @keyword total: This is a flag to turn on the summation of all individual
                    spectrum integrations. The default value of the flag is
    @type total: C{boolean}

    @keyword width: This is a flag to turn on the removal of the individual bin
                    width in the L{integrate_axis} function while doing the
                    integrations. The default value of the flag is I{False}. 
    @type width: C{boolean}
    @return: Object containing the integration and the uncertainty squared
             associated with the integration
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    if obj is None:
        return obj

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)

    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)
    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)

    # Check for axis_pos keyword argument
        axis_pos = kwargs["axis_pos"]
    except KeyError:
        axis_pos = 0

    # Check for norm keyword argument
        norm = kwargs["norm"]
        if norm:
            if o_descr == "SO":
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot use norm keyword with SO!")
            width = True
            inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            width = False
    except KeyError:
        norm = False
        width = False

    # Check for total keyword argument
        total = kwargs["total"]
    except KeyError:
        total = False

    # Check for width keyword argument only if norm isn't present
    if not norm:
            width = kwargs["width"]
        except KeyError:
            width = False

    # If the integration start bound is not given, set to infinity
        i_start = kwargs["start"]
    except KeyError:
        i_start = float("inf")

    # If the integration end bound is not given, set to infinity
        i_end = kwargs["end"]
    except KeyError:
        i_end = float("inf")
    # iterate through the values
    import dr_lib

    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)
    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        obj1 = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "all")

        # If there's a NaN at the front and back, there are NaN's everywhere
        if str(obj1.axis[axis_pos].val[0]) == "nan" and \
               str(obj1.axis[axis_pos].val[-1]) == "nan":
            print "Range not found:", obj1.id, i_start, i_end, len(obj1)
            value = (float('nan'), float('nan'))
            value = dr_lib.integrate_axis(obj1, start=i_start, end=i_end,
        if norm:
            if inst.get_name() == "BSS":
                map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)
                dOmega = dr_lib.calc_BSS_solid_angle(map_so, inst)
                value1 = (value[0] / dOmega, value[1] / (dOmega * dOmega))
                raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to get solid angle from "\
                                   +"%s" % inst.get_name())
            value1 = value

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, value1, obj1, "yonly")

    if not total:
        return result
        # Sum all integration counts
        total_counts = 0
        total_err2 = 0

        for j in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(result)):
            total_counts += hlr_utils.get_value(result, j, res_descr, "y")
            total_err2 += hlr_utils.get_err2(result, j, res_descr, "y")

        # Create new result object
        (result2, res2_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(result)

        result2 = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result2, res2_descr,
                                          result, res_descr)

        res1 = hlr_utils.get_value(result, 0, res_descr, "all")
        hlr_utils.result_insert(result2, res2_descr,
                                (total_counts, total_err2),
                                res1, "yonly")
        return result2
def determine_time_indep_bkg(obj, tof_vals, **kwargs):
    This functions calculates the average counts at four given TOF channels
    for determining the time-independent background. 

    @param obj: Object used for determining the time-independent background
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}
    @param tof_vals: The four TOF channels from which the average counts will
                     be determined
    @type tof_vals: C{list}

    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword is_range: A flag that tells the function that tof_vals is a range
                       from which to determine the time-independent
                       background. The default is I{False}.
    @type is_range: C{bool}

    @return: Object containing the time-independent background and the
             associated error
    @rtype: C{list} of C{tuple}s

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a C{SOM} or C{SO}.

    # Kickout if tof_vals is NoneType
    if tof_vals is None:
        return None

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # Get keyword arguments
    is_range = kwargs.get("is_range", False)

    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr != "SOM" and o_descr != "SO":
        raise TypeError("Incoming object must be a SOM or a SO")
    # Have a SOM or SO
    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if not is_range:
        num_tof_vals = float(len(tof_vals))
        import bisect
        num_tof_vals = tof_vals[1] - tof_vals[0]
        import dr_lib

    # iterate through the values
    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)
    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        obj1 = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "all")

        if not is_range:
            average = 0.0
            ave_err2 = 0.0
            for tof in tof_vals:
                index = bisect.bisect(obj1.axis[0].val, float(tof)) - 1
                average += obj1.y[index]
                ave_err2 += obj1.var_y[index]
            (average, ave_err2) = dr_lib.integrate_axis(obj1, width=True,
        average /= num_tof_vals
        ave_err2 /= num_tof_vals

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, (average, ave_err2), obj1,

    return result