def init(self):
		self = super(GlyphsDrawBotController, self).init()
		document = None
		# make a window
		self.w = Window((400, 400), "DrawBot", minSize=(200, 200), textured=False)
		# setting previously stored frames, if any
		_NSWindow = self.w.getNSWindow()
		_NSWindow.setContentBorderThickness_forEdge_(27, 1)
			# on 10.7+ full screen support
			self.w.getNSWindow().setCollectionBehavior_(128)  # NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary

		# the code editor
		self.codeView = CodeEditor((0, 0, -0, -0))
		self.codeView.getNSTextView().bind_toObject_withKeyPath_options_("value", self, "document.text", {NSContinuouslyUpdatesValueBindingOption:True})
		scrollview = self.codeView.getNSTextView().enclosingScrollView()
		# the output view (will catch all stdout and stderr)
		self.outPutView = OutPutEditor((0, 0, -0, -0), readOnly=True)
		scrollview = self.outPutView.getNSTextView().enclosingScrollView()
		# the view to draw in
		self.drawView = DrawView((0, 0, -0, -0))
		pdfView = self.drawView.getNSView()
		view = pdfView.documentView()
		# the view with all thumbnails
		self.thumbnails = ThumbnailView((0, 0, -0, -0))
		# connect the thumbnail view with the draw view

		# collect all code text view in a splitview
		paneDescriptors = [
			dict(view=self.codeView, identifier="codeView", minSize=50, canCollapse=False),
			dict(view=self.outPutView, identifier="outPutView", size=100, minSize=50, canCollapse=False),
		self.codeSplit = SplitView((0, 0, -0, -0), paneDescriptors, isVertical=False)

		# collect the draw scroll view and the code split view in a splitview
		paneDescriptors = [
			dict(view=self.thumbnails, identifier="thumbnails", minSize=100, size=100, maxSize=100),
			dict(view=self.drawView, identifier="drawView", minSize=50),
			dict(view=self.codeSplit, identifier="codeSplit", minSize=50, canCollapse=False),
		self.w.split = SplitView((0, 0, -0, -27), paneDescriptors)
		self.w.runButton = Button((-67, -24, 50, 20), "Run", callback=self.runButtonAction_)
		self.w.runButton.bind("\r", ["command"])
		self.w.runButton._nsObject.setToolTip_(u"Run the script (cmd+\u23CE)")
		self.w.clearButton = Button((-135, -24, 58, 20), "Clear", callback=self.clearButtonAction_)
		self.w.clearButton.bind("k", ["command"])
		self.w.clearButton._nsObject.setToolTip_(u"Clear Log (cmd+K)")
		# get the real size of the window
		windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight = self.w.getPosSize()
		# set the split view dividers at a specific position based on the window size
		self.w.split.setDividerPosition(0, 0)
		self.w.split.setDividerPosition(1, windowWidth * .6)
		self.w.split.setDividerPosition(1, windowWidth * .6)
		self.codeSplit.setDividerPosition(0, windowHeight * .7)
		return self