def transfer_files_to_user_drive(temp_file_name, user_email, user_id, file_name, oauth2object): APP_DRIVE_HELPER = drive.DriveHelper(settings.GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CREDENTIALS) files = APP_DRIVE_HELPER.GetExportedFiles(temp_file_name) # Grant the user write access to the file(s) in the app service account's Drive. for f in files: APP_DRIVE_HELPER.GrantAccess(f['id'], user_email) user_drive_helper = drive.DriveHelper(oauth2object) # Copy the file(s) into the user's Drive. if len(files) == 1: file_id = files[0]['id'] copied_file_id = user_drive_helper.CopyFile(file_id, file_name) trailer = 'open?id=' + copied_file_id else: trailer = '' for f in files: # The titles of the files include the coordinates separated by a dash. coords = '-'.join(f['title'].split('-')[-2:]) user_drive_helper.CopyFile(f['id'], file_name + '-' + coords) # Delete the file from the service account's Drive. for f in files: APP_DRIVE_HELPER.DeleteFile(f['id']) return '' + trailer
def post(self): meta_file = self.build_meta_file() datastore(self.request.get('ip'), self.request.get('User-Agent'), sum([len(label['points']) for label in self.classes]), len(self.classes), True, json.dumps(['region'])) temp_file_prefix = str(uuid.uuid4()) export_time = time.ctime() file_name = 'REMAP GeoTIFF Export ' + export_time + '.tif' classified = remap.get_classified_from_fc(self.train_fc, self.predictors, self.past).clip(self.region) task = ee.batch.Export.image( image=classified, description=file_name, config={ 'driveFileNamePrefix': temp_file_prefix, 'maxPixels': 1e10, 'scale': config.EXPORT_TIFF_SCALE, 'region': json.dumps([[x['lng'], x['lat']] for x in['region']]) }) # Kangaroo Island CSV points # scale 30 took 1335.49342012 seconds (22 mins) # scale 100 took 177.377995968 seconds (3 mins) task.start() while time.sleep(10) state = task.status()['state'] if state == ee.batch.Task.State.COMPLETED: files = APP_DRIVE_HELPER.GetExportedFiles(temp_file_prefix) credentials = oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials.from_json( self.request.get('credentials')) for f in files: APP_DRIVE_HELPER.GrantAccess(f['id'], self.request.get('email')) user_drive_helper = drive.DriveHelper(credentials) if len(files) > 0: folder = user_drive_helper.CreateFolder( 'REMAP Export Folder ' + export_time) user_drive_helper.CreateFile( 'REMAP metadata ' + export_time + '.csv', meta_file, folder) for f in files: try: # will fail if the user doesn't have the right permissions # just ignore it since it might have accidentally found someone else's file user_drive_helper.CopyFile(f['id'], file_name, folder) APP_DRIVE_HELPER.DeleteFile(f['id']) except: pass datastoreProgress(self.request.get('email'), 'COMPLETED') else: datastoreProgress(self.request.get('email'), 'ERROR')
def _GiveFilesToUser(temp_file_prefix, email, user_id, filename): """Moves the files with the prefix to the user's Drive folder. Copies and then deletes the source files from the app's Drive. Args: temp_file_prefix: The prefix of the temp files in the service account's Drive. email: The email address of the user to give the files to. user_id: The ID of the user to give the files to. filename: The name to give the files in the user's Drive. Returns: A link to the files in the user's Drive. """ files = APP_DRIVE_HELPER.GetExportedFiles(temp_file_prefix) # Grant the user write access to the file(s) in the app service # account's Drive. for f in files: APP_DRIVE_HELPER.GrantAccess(f['id'], email) # Create a Drive helper to access the user's Google Drive. user_credentials = oauth2client.appengine.StorageByKeyName( oauth2client.appengine.CredentialsModel, user_id, 'credentials').get() user_drive_helper = drive.DriveHelper(user_credentials) # Copy the file(s) into the user's Drive. if len(files) == 1: file_id = files[0]['id'] copied_file_id = user_drive_helper.CopyFile(file_id, filename) trailer = 'open?id=' + copied_file_id else: trailer = '' for f in files: # The titles of the files include the coordinates separated by a dash. coords = '-'.join(f['title'].split('-')[-2:]) user_drive_helper.CopyFile(f['id'], filename + '-' + coords) # Delete the file from the service account's Drive. for f in files: APP_DRIVE_HELPER.DeleteFile(f['id']) return '' + trailer
# JINJA2_ENVIRONMENT = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader( os.path.dirname(__file__)), autoescape=True, extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape']) # Check for all available scopes. OAUTH_SCOPE = '' # The app's service account credentials (for Google Drive). APP_CREDENTIALS = oauth2client.client.SignedJwtAssertionCredentials( config.EE_ACCOUNT, open(config.EE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, 'rb').read(), OAUTH_SCOPE) # An authenticated Drive helper object for the app service account. APP_DRIVE_HELPER = drive.DriveHelper(APP_CREDENTIALS) # The decorator to trigger the user's Drive permissions request flow. OAUTH_DECORATOR = oauth2client.appengine.OAuth2Decorator( client_id=config.OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=config.OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, scope=OAUTH_SCOPE) # The ImageCollection of night-time lights images. IMAGE_COLLECTION_ID = 'NOAA/DMSP-OLS/NIGHTTIME_LIGHTS' # The resolution of the exported images (meters per pixel). EXPORT_RESOLUTION = 30 # The maximum number of pixels in an exported image. EXPORT_MAX_PIXELS = 1e10