Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        Following the pattern explained here:

        hasher = hashlib.sha512()
        self.node_id = hasher.digest()
        self.node = Node(self.node_id)
        self.factory = DHTFactory(self.node)
        self.protocol = self.factory.buildProtocol(('', 0))
        self.transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TestDHTProtocol(unittest.TestCase):
    Ensures the DHTProtocol works as expected.

    def setUp(self):
        Following the pattern explained here:

        hasher = hashlib.sha512()
        self.node_id = hasher.digest()
        self.node = Node(self.node_id)
        self.factory = DHTFactory(self.node)
        self.protocol = self.factory.buildProtocol(('', 0))
        self.transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()

    def _to_netstring(self, raw):
        Converts a raw msgpacked value into a netstring.
        return '%d:%s,' % (len(raw), raw)

    def _from_netstring(self, raw):
        Strips netstring related length and trailing comma from raw string.
        # extract length:content
        length, content = raw.split(':', 1)
        # remove trailing comma
        return content[:-1]

    def test_except_to_error_with_exception_args(self):
        Ensure an exception created by drogulus (that includes meta-data in
        the form of exception args) is correctly transformed into an Error
        message instance.
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        details = {'context': 'A message'}
        ex = ValueError(1, ERRORS[1], details, uuid)
        result = self.protocol.except_to_error(ex)
        self.assertEqual(uuid, result.uuid)
        self.assertEqual(self.node.id, result.node)
        self.assertEqual(1, result.code)
        self.assertEqual(ERRORS[1], result.title)
        self.assertEqual(details, result.details)

    def test_except_to_error_with_regular_exception(self):
        Ensure that a generic Python exception is correctly transformed in to
        an Error message instance.
        ex = ValueError('A generic exception')
        result = self.protocol.except_to_error(ex)
        self.assertEqual(self.node.id, result.node)
        self.assertEqual(3, result.code)
        self.assertEqual(ERRORS[3], result.title)
        self.assertEqual({}, result.details)
        uuidMatch = ('[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-' +
        self.assertTrue(re.match(uuidMatch, result.uuid))

    def test_except_to_error_with_junk(self):
        Given that this is a function that cannot fail it must be able to cope
        with input that is not an Exception. A sanity check for some defensive
        result = self.protocol.except_to_error('foo')
        self.assertEqual(self.node.id, result.node)
        self.assertEqual(3, result.code)
        self.assertEqual(ERRORS[3], result.title)
        self.assertEqual({}, result.details)
        uuidMatch = ('[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-' +
        self.assertTrue(re.match(uuidMatch, result.uuid))

    def test_string_received_except_to_error(self):
        Sanity test to check error handling works as expected.
        # Mock
        self.transport.loseConnection = MagicMock()
        # Send bad message
        # Check we receive the expected error in return
        raw_response = self.transport.value()
        msgpack_response = self._from_netstring(raw_response)
        err = from_msgpack(msgpack_response)
        self.assertEqual(3, err.code)
        self.assertEqual(ERRORS[3], err.title)
        self.assertEqual({}, err.details)
        uuidMatch = ('[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-' +
        self.assertTrue(re.match(uuidMatch, err.uuid))
        # Ensure the loseConnection method was also called.

    def test_string_received_good_message(self):
        Ensures the correct method on the local node object is called with the
        expected arguments.
        # Mock
        self.node.message_received = MagicMock(return_value=True)
        # Create a simple Ping message
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        version = get_version()
        msg = Pong(uuid, self.node_id, version)
        # Receive it...
        raw = to_msgpack(msg)
        # Check it results in a call to the node's message_received method.
        self.node.message_received.assert_called_once_with(msg, self.protocol)

    def test_send_message(self):
        Ensure the message passed into the protocol is turned into a netstring
        version of a msgpacked message.
        # Create a simple Ping message
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        version = get_version()
        msg = Pong(uuid, self.node_id, version)
        # Send it down the wire...
        # Check it's as expected.
        expected = self._to_netstring(to_msgpack(msg))
        actual = self.transport.value()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_send_message_no_lose_connection(self):
        Ensures that a the default for sending a message does NOT result in
        the connection being lost.
        # Mock
        self.transport.loseConnection = MagicMock()
        # Create a simple Ping message
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        version = get_version()
        msg = Pong(uuid, self.node_id, version)
        # Send it down the wire...
        # Check it's as expected.
        expected = self._to_netstring(to_msgpack(msg))
        actual = self.transport.value()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
        # Ensure the loseConnection method was not called.
        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.transport.loseConnection.mock_calls))

    def test_send_message_with_lose_connection(self):
        This check ensures the loseConnection method has been called on the
        protocol's transport when the appropriate flag has been passed in.
        # Mock
        self.transport.loseConnection = MagicMock()
        # Create a simple Ping message
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        version = get_version()
        msg = Pong(uuid, self.node_id, version)
        # Send it down the wire with the loseConnection flag set to True
        self.protocol.sendMessage(msg, True)
        # Check it's as expected.
        expected = self._to_netstring(to_msgpack(msg))
        actual = self.transport.value()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
        # Ensure the loseConnection method was also called.