Ejemplo n.º 1
 def stop(self):
     """This is used by service binding to stop"""
         if not self.running:
             raise AssertionError('not running')
         #clear the event dictionary and delete events
         while self.events:
             name, appevent = self.events.popitem()
             if appevent.loop and appevent.loop.running:
     #remove this appmanager's actions
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def stop(self):
     """This is used by service binding to stop"""
         if not self.running:
             raise AssertionError('not running')
         #clear the event dictionary and delete events
         while self.events:
             name, appevent = self.events.popitem()
             if appevent.loop and appevent.loop.running:
     #remove this appmanager's actions
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setup_actions(self):
	self.action = AdminAction('systemstats')
	self.action.expose("stop_collect", self.stop_collect, (), "stops collecting metrics")
	self.action.expose("start_collect", self.start_collect, (), "starts collecting metrics")
	self.action.expose("stop_output", self.stop_output, (), "stops output of metrics")
	self.action.expose("start_output", self.start_output, (), "starts output of metrics")
	adoc = "sets log level of this service. valid values are info,error,debug [info default]"
	self.action.expose("set_log_level", self.set_log_level,("level",),adoc)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        if 'services' in sys.modules:
            e = "Instantiate ServiceManager before the services module!"
            raise AssertionError(e)
        self.SERVICE_STATE = {}
        self._parent = None
        drone.log('Loading Services')
        import services
        mask = ('loadAll', )  #mask as private
        #truely become service module
        for var, val in vars(services).items():
            if var.startswith('_'): continue
            if var in mask: continue
            setattr(self, var, val)  #bind the module globals to self
        services.loadAll()  #load all services before replacing module
        sys.modules['services'] = self  #replace the services module

        from droned.models.action import AdminAction
        #droneblaster action hooks
        self._action = AdminAction('service')
        self._action.expose('start', self._startService, ('name', ),
                            'starts the service')
        self._action.expose('stop', self._stopService, ('name', ),
                            'stops the service')
        self._action.expose('disable', self._disableService, ('name', ),
                            'prevent the service from starting')
        self._action.expose('enable', self._enableService, ('name', ),
                            'allow the service to start')
        self._action.expose('status', self._statusService, ('name', ),
                            'status of the service')
        self._action.expose('list', lambda: \
                self._action.resultContext('\n'.join([ i for i in \
                    self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.keys() ]), None),
            (), 'list all services'
        self._action.buildDoc()  #finalize the admin action
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        if 'services' in sys.modules:
            e = "Instantiate ServiceManager before the services module!"
            raise AssertionError(e)
        self.SERVICE_STATE = {}
        self._parent = None
        drone.log('Loading Services')
        import services
        mask = ('loadAll',) #mask as private
        #truely become service module
        for var, val in vars(services).items():
            if var.startswith('_'): continue
            if var in mask: continue
            setattr(self, var, val) #bind the module globals to self
        services.loadAll() #load all services before replacing module
        sys.modules['services'] = self #replace the services module

        from droned.models.action import AdminAction
        #droneblaster action hooks
        self._action = AdminAction('service')
        self._action.expose('start', self._startService, ('name',),
            'starts the service'
        self._action.expose('stop', self._stopService, ('name',),
            'stops the service'
        self._action.expose('disable', self._disableService, ('name',),
            'prevent the service from starting'
        self._action.expose('enable', self._enableService, ('name',),
            'allow the service to start'
        self._action.expose('status', self._statusService, ('name',),
            'status of the service'
        self._action.expose('list', lambda: \
                self._action.resultContext('\n'.join([ i for i in \
                    self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.keys() ]), None),
            (), 'list all services'
        self._action.buildDoc() #finalize the admin action
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SystemStats(Service):
    writing = defer.succeed(None)
    def stop_collect(self,*args):
	log("disabling all metric collection")
	for h in self.handlers:
    def start_collect(self,*args):
	log("enabling metic collection")
	for h in self.handlers:
    def stop_output(self,*args):
	log("disabling all metric outputs")
	for h in self.handlers:
    def start_output(self,*args):
	log("enabling all metric outputs")
	for h in self.handlers:
    def set_log_level(self,level):
	log("adjusting to %s log level" % level)
	for h in self.handlers:
    def setup_actions(self):
	self.action = AdminAction('systemstats')
	self.action.expose("stop_collect", self.stop_collect, (), "stops collecting metrics")
	self.action.expose("start_collect", self.start_collect, (), "starts collecting metrics")
	self.action.expose("stop_output", self.stop_output, (), "stops output of metrics")
	self.action.expose("start_output", self.start_output, (), "starts output of metrics")
	adoc = "sets log level of this service. valid values are info,error,debug [info default]"
	self.action.expose("set_log_level", self.set_log_level,("level",),adoc)
    def startService(self):
	self.handlers = []
	stat_handlers = StatBlockLoader.load()
            STAT_BLOCK = STAT['STAT']
                for sh in stat_handlers:
                    if sh.TYPE == STAT_BLOCK['TYPE']:
                        inst = sh(STAT_BLOCK)
                f = Failure()
                err("Error while initializing systemstats service.")
    def stopService(self):
Ejemplo n.º 7
class ServiceManager(Entity):
    """ServiceManager Provides an Interface to get to any
       methods a service may provide.
       After the ServiceManager has been instantiated you can
       access services from any python package in the DroneD
       framework simply by placing ```import services``` in
       your code.
    parentService = property(lambda s: s._parent)
    serializable = False #would not be discovered in this file anyway
    def __init__(self):
        if 'services' in sys.modules:
            e = "Instantiate ServiceManager before the services module!"
            raise AssertionError(e)
        self.SERVICE_STATE = {}
        self._parent = None
        drone.log('Loading Services')
        import services
        mask = ('loadAll',) #mask as private
        #truely become service module
        for var, val in vars(services).items():
            if var.startswith('_'): continue
            if var in mask: continue
            setattr(self, var, val) #bind the module globals to self
        services.loadAll() #load all services before replacing module
        sys.modules['services'] = self #replace the services module

        from droned.models.action import AdminAction
        #droneblaster action hooks
        self._action = AdminAction('service')
        self._action.expose('start', self._startService, ('name',),
            'starts the service'
        self._action.expose('stop', self._stopService, ('name',),
            'stops the service'
        self._action.expose('disable', self._disableService, ('name',),
            'prevent the service from starting'
        self._action.expose('enable', self._enableService, ('name',),
            'allow the service to start'
        self._action.expose('status', self._statusService, ('name',),
            'status of the service'
        self._action.expose('list', lambda: \
                self._action.resultContext('\n'.join([ i for i in \
                    self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.keys() ]), None),
            (), 'list all services'
        self._action.buildDoc() #finalize the admin action

    def _installServices(self, parentService):
        """Install Services for DroneD to run

           @param parentService (instance service.Application)
           @return None
        drone.log('Installing Services')
        self._parent = parentService
        dead = set() #track objects that blow up on setup
        for name,obj in self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.items():
                #decorate start and stop methods for eventing
                obj.start = self._startDecorator(obj.start, name)
                obj.stop = self._stopDecorator(obj.stop, name)
                obj.install(self.parentService) #set the twisted parent service
                obj.parentService = self.parentService #make sure it's set
                err(Failure(), 'Exception while installing %s' % (name,))

        drone.log('Evaluating Services Startup')
        #start up services that should run after everything is setup
        for name,obj in self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.items():
            if name in dead: continue
            #make sure we have a notion of dis/enabled
            if name not in self.SERVICE_STATE:
                self.SERVICE_STATE[name] = name in config.AUTOSTART_SERVICES
            #service is not in autostart and is not marked to start
            if name not in config.AUTOSTART_SERVICES:
                if not self.SERVICE_STATE[name]:
            #service is marked as down even though it is in AUTO_START
            elif not self.SERVICE_STATE[name]: continue
                self.SERVICE_STATE[name] = True #be safe
            except: #logging is not setup yet use twisted's err facility
                err(Failure(), 'Exception while registering %s' % (name,))

    def _statusService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        status = self.getService(name).running() and 'running and' or \
                'stopped and'
        status += self.SERVICE_STATE.get(name, False) and ' enabled' or \
                ' disabled'
        return self._result(status, name)

    def _startService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        obj = self.getService(name)
        if not obj.running():
            result = obj.start()
            if isinstance(result, Failure): return result
        return self._result('running', name)

    def _stopService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        obj = self.getService(name)
        if obj.running():
            result = obj.stop()
            if isinstance(result, Failure): return result
        return self._result('stopped', name)

    def _enableService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        self.SERVICE_STATE[name] = True #mark service as runnable
        return self._result('enabled', name)

    def _disableService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        self.SERVICE_STATE[name] = False #mark service as unrunnable
        return self._result('disabled', name)

    def _result(self, description, name):
        template = '[%(application)s] %(description)s'
        context = {'application': name, 'description': description}
        return self._action.resultContext(template, None, **context)

    def _startDecorator(self, func, name):
        """decorate the service start method for eventing"""
        log = droned.logging.logWithContext(type=name)
        obj = self.getService(name)
        def newfunc():
                if not self.SERVICE_STATE[name]:
                    raise AssertionError('%s is disabled' % (name,))
                if not obj.running():
                    log('Starting Service')
                    func() #don't really care about the return
                    if not obj.running():
                        raise AssertionError("%s not running" % (name,))
                    log('Started Service')
            except: return Failure()
            return True
        return newfunc

    def _stopDecorator(self, func, name):
        """decorate the service stop method for eventing"""
        log = droned.logging.logWithContext(type=name)
        obj = self.getService(name)
        def newfunc():
                if obj.running():
                    log('Stopping Service')
                    func() #we don't really care about the return
                    if obj.running():
                        raise AssertionError("%s is still running" % (name,))
                    log('Stopped Service')
            except: return Failure()
            return True
        return newfunc

    def _stopAll(self):
        for name in self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.keys():

    def __getattr__(self, param): #compatibility hack
        try: return self.EXPORTED_SERVICES[param]
        except KeyError:
            return object.__getattr__(self, param)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class AppManager(Entity):
    """This is a generic application container service.  It's sole
       purpose is to provide an abstraction to the application plugin.
       Think of this as an application service container.
    serializable = True
    #global container lock
    globalLock = defer.DeferredLock()
    running = property(lambda s: hasattr(s, '_task') and s._task.running)
    model = property(lambda s: IDroneDApplication(s))  #late plugin lookup
    action = property(lambda s: AdminAction(s.name))
    invoke = property(lambda s: s.action.invoke)
    resultContext = property(lambda s: s.action.resultContext)
    exposedMethodInfo = property(lambda s: s.action.exposedMethodInfo)
    exposedMethods = property(lambda s: s.action.exposedMethods)
    instances = property(lambda s: App(s.name).localappinstances)
    labels = property(lambda s: (i.label for i in s.instances))
    #whether or not the application service should discover apps for us
    discover = property(lambda s: not all([i.running for i in s.instances]))

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        #this is for user defined storage
        self.applicationContext = {}
        #allow the models to block methods from registering
        self.blockedMethods = set()
        #create a local lock
        self.busy = defer.DeferredLock()
        #track events
        self.events = {}

    def log(self, message, label=None):
        """route logging messages to the application log and allow for custom 
           labeling to be applied
           @param message: (string)
           @param label: (string) or (None)

           @return None
        info = self.name
        if label: info += ',%(label)s' % locals()
        logWithContext(type=info, route='application')(message)

    def __getstate__(self):
        """used to serialize the application model"""
        return {
            'name': self.name,
            'applicationContext': self.applicationContext

    def construct(state):
        """rebuild the model with context

           @param state: (dict)

           return AppManger(state['name'])
        manager = AppManager(state['name'])
        manager.applicationContext = state['applicationContext']
        return manager

    def start(self):
        """This is used by service binding to start"""
        if self.running:
            raise AssertionError('already running')

        #not only is this a safety, but makes sure the model is bound
        #donot ever remove this, otherwise first run won't automatically
        #create appinstances or any other models.
        #should be self, but make sure we avoid a race
        if self.model.service != AppManager(self.name):
            raise InvalidPlugin('Plugin for %s is invalid' % (self.name, ))

        self.action.log = self.log  #override default logging
        #create default exposed methods, the model can override any of these
                    self.addInstance, ('instance', ),
                    "Configure the specified instance",
                    self.removeInstance, ('instance', ),
                    "Unconfigure the specified instance",
                    self.startInstance, ('instance', ),
                    "Start the instance",
                    self.stopInstance, ('instance', ),
                    "Stop the instance",
                    self.statusInstance, ('instance', ),
                    "Status the instance",
                    self.enableInstance, ('instance', ),
                    "Enable the instance",
                    self.disableInstance, ('instance', ),
                    "Disable the instance",
        self.expose('debug', self.debug, ('bool', ),
                    "Turn application container debugging on or off")
            lambda: self.resultContext('\n'.join(sorted(self.labels)), None, **
                                       {'labels': sorted(self.labels)}), (),
            "lists all application instance labels")

        #build our documentation

        #check conditional events
        self._task = LoopingCall(self.conditionalEvents)

    def conditionalEvents(self):
        """check the status of conditional events"""
        if self.busy.locked:
            return  #skip conditional event processing while busy
        for appevent in self.events.values():
            if not appevent.condition: continue

    def registerEvent(self, name, callback, **kwargs):
        """Interface to Register Service Events"""
        #the self parameter will help ensure this event is unique to the service
        self.events[name] = ApplicationEvent(self.name, name, callback,

    def triggerEvent(self, name, data=None, delay=0.0):
        """Interface to trigger an out of band service event"""
        assert name in self.events, "No such event '%s'" % (name, )
        return self.events[name].trigger(data, delay)

    def disableEvent(self, name):
        """Interface to disable a previously registered service event"""
        assert name in self.events, "No such event '%s'" % (name, )

    def enableEvent(self, name):
        """Interface to enable a previously disabled registered service event
        assert name in self.events, "No such event '%s'" % (name, )

    def stop(self):
        """This is used by service binding to stop"""
            if not self.running:
                raise AssertionError('not running')
            #clear the event dictionary and delete events
            while self.events:
                name, appevent = self.events.popitem()
                if appevent.loop and appevent.loop.running:
        #remove this appmanager's actions

    # This part of the class exposes the Model API to outside world

    def unexpose(self, name, blacklist=True):
        """Removes an exposed method, probably not a good idea to expose"""
        #add method to blocked list
        if blacklist:
        if name in self.exposedMethods:
            del self.exposedMethods[name]
            info = None
            found = False
            for info in self.exposedMethodInfo:
                (n, a, d) = info
                if n == name:
                    found == True
            if info and found:

    def rebuildHelpDoc(self):
        """rebuild exposed method documentation"""

    def expose(self, name, method, args, doc, **kwargs):
        """Wraps the models exposed methods for gremlin and make methods
           available via blaster protocol for action invocation.

           expose(self, name, method, methodSignature, description, **kwargs)

             name: (string)         - This is the action parameter to expose
             method: (callable)     - This is the function name to call
             args: (tuple)          - layout for parsing args
             description: (string)  - Help Documentation to expose

                 INSTANCED: (bool)  - sets the instanceOperator decorator for
                                      administrator's ease of use.
                 BUSYLOCK: (bool)   - sets the synchronizedDeferred decorator
                                      for this AppManager.
                 GLOBALLOCK: (bool) - sets the synchronizedDeferred decorator
                                      for synchronizing all AppManagers.
        if name in self.blockedMethods:
            return  #method was blocked by the model, probably
        #allow models to override the defaults and print a warning
        if name in self.exposedMethods:
            self.log('Warning method "%s" is already exposed' % (name, ))
        #These decorators must be applied in a specific order of precedence
        requireInstance = kwargs.pop('INSTANCED', False)
        requireBusyLock = kwargs.pop('BUSYLOCK', False)
        requireGlobalLock = kwargs.pop('GLOBALLOCK', False)

        #applying decorators at runtime
        if requireBusyLock or requireGlobalLock or requireInstance:
            #ordering is critical
            if requireInstance:
                #this bizarre decorator is used b/c we need instance info.
                method = self.instanceOperation(method)
            if requireBusyLock:
                sync = synchronizedDeferred(self.busy)
                method = sync(method)
            if requireGlobalLock:
                sync = synchronizedDeferred(self.globalLock)
                method = sync(method)

        self.exposedMethodInfo.append((name, args, doc))
        self.exposedMethods[name] = method

    # This part of the class is for Generic actions that all apps perform
#FIXME is this really needed?

    def debug(self, var):
        """Enable or Disable application model debugging.  You should extend
           this if you know how to enable application debugging in your custom
           'application model'.

           returns deferred - already called
        #assume blaster which is string based, sent the message
        var = str(var)  #for safety
        a = var.lower()
        context = {'code': 0}
        template = '[%(application)s] Debug '
            if a == 'true':
                self.model.debug = True
                template += 'Enabled'
            elif a == 'false':
                self.model.debug = False
                template += 'Disabled'
                raise TypeError('input must be a bool, True/False')
        except Exception, exc:
            template += str(exc)
            context['code'] = 1
        return defer.succeed(self.resultContext(template, None, **context))
Ejemplo n.º 9
class ServiceManager(Entity):
    """ServiceManager Provides an Interface to get to any
       methods a service may provide.
       After the ServiceManager has been instantiated you can
       access services from any python package in the DroneD
       framework simply by placing ```import services``` in
       your code.
    parentService = property(lambda s: s._parent)
    serializable = False  #would not be discovered in this file anyway

    def __init__(self):
        if 'services' in sys.modules:
            e = "Instantiate ServiceManager before the services module!"
            raise AssertionError(e)
        self.SERVICE_STATE = {}
        self._parent = None
        drone.log('Loading Services')
        import services
        mask = ('loadAll', )  #mask as private
        #truely become service module
        for var, val in vars(services).items():
            if var.startswith('_'): continue
            if var in mask: continue
            setattr(self, var, val)  #bind the module globals to self
        services.loadAll()  #load all services before replacing module
        sys.modules['services'] = self  #replace the services module

        from droned.models.action import AdminAction
        #droneblaster action hooks
        self._action = AdminAction('service')
        self._action.expose('start', self._startService, ('name', ),
                            'starts the service')
        self._action.expose('stop', self._stopService, ('name', ),
                            'stops the service')
        self._action.expose('disable', self._disableService, ('name', ),
                            'prevent the service from starting')
        self._action.expose('enable', self._enableService, ('name', ),
                            'allow the service to start')
        self._action.expose('status', self._statusService, ('name', ),
                            'status of the service')
        self._action.expose('list', lambda: \
                self._action.resultContext('\n'.join([ i for i in \
                    self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.keys() ]), None),
            (), 'list all services'
        self._action.buildDoc()  #finalize the admin action

    def _installServices(self, parentService):
        """Install Services for DroneD to run

           @param parentService (instance service.Application)
           @return None
        drone.log('Installing Services')
        self._parent = parentService
        dead = set()  #track objects that blow up on setup
        for name, obj in self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.items():
                #decorate start and stop methods for eventing
                obj.start = self._startDecorator(obj.start, name)
                obj.stop = self._stopDecorator(obj.stop, name)
                    self.parentService)  #set the twisted parent service
                obj.parentService = self.parentService  #make sure it's set
                err(Failure(), 'Exception while installing %s' % (name, ))

        drone.log('Evaluating Services Startup')
        #start up services that should run after everything is setup
        for name, obj in self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.items():
            if name in dead: continue
            #make sure we have a notion of dis/enabled
            if name not in self.SERVICE_STATE:
                self.SERVICE_STATE[name] = name in config.AUTOSTART_SERVICES
            #service is not in autostart and is not marked to start
            if name not in config.AUTOSTART_SERVICES:
                if not self.SERVICE_STATE[name]:
            #service is marked as down even though it is in AUTO_START
            elif not self.SERVICE_STATE[name]:
                self.SERVICE_STATE[name] = True  #be safe
            except:  #logging is not setup yet use twisted's err facility
                err(Failure(), 'Exception while registering %s' % (name, ))

    def _statusService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        status = self.getService(name).running() and 'running and' or \
                'stopped and'
        status += self.SERVICE_STATE.get(name, False) and ' enabled' or \
                ' disabled'
        return self._result(status, name)

    def _startService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        obj = self.getService(name)
        if not obj.running():
            result = obj.start()
            if isinstance(result, Failure): return result
        return self._result('running', name)

    def _stopService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        obj = self.getService(name)
        if obj.running():
            result = obj.stop()
            if isinstance(result, Failure): return result
        return self._result('stopped', name)

    def _enableService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        self.SERVICE_STATE[name] = True  #mark service as runnable
        return self._result('enabled', name)

    def _disableService(self, name):
        """used by the AdminAction handler"""
        self.SERVICE_STATE[name] = False  #mark service as unrunnable
        return self._result('disabled', name)

    def _result(self, description, name):
        template = '[%(application)s] %(description)s'
        context = {'application': name, 'description': description}
        return self._action.resultContext(template, None, **context)

    def _startDecorator(self, func, name):
        """decorate the service start method for eventing"""
        log = droned.logging.logWithContext(type=name)
        obj = self.getService(name)

        def newfunc():
                if not self.SERVICE_STATE[name]:
                    raise AssertionError('%s is disabled' % (name, ))
                if not obj.running():
                    log('Starting Service')
                    func()  #don't really care about the return
                    if not obj.running():
                        raise AssertionError("%s not running" % (name, ))
                    log('Started Service')
                return Failure()
            return True

        return newfunc

    def _stopDecorator(self, func, name):
        """decorate the service stop method for eventing"""
        log = droned.logging.logWithContext(type=name)
        obj = self.getService(name)

        def newfunc():
                if obj.running():
                    log('Stopping Service')
                    func()  #we don't really care about the return
                    if obj.running():
                        raise AssertionError("%s is still running" % (name, ))
                    log('Stopped Service')
                return Failure()
            return True

        return newfunc

    def _stopAll(self):
        for name in self.EXPORTED_SERVICES.keys():

    def __getattr__(self, param):  #compatibility hack
            return self.EXPORTED_SERVICES[param]
        except KeyError:
            return object.__getattr__(self, param)