Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testReports(self):
        "look at election outputs"
        b = '''3 2 4 1 2 0 2 3 0 0 "Castor" "Pollux" "Helen" "Pollux and Helen should tie"'''

        profile = ElectionProfile(data=b)
        rulename = droop.electionRuleNames()[0]   # pick the first rule arbitrarily
        E = Election(profile, dict(rule=rulename))
        self.assertEqual(E.report().find('interrupted'), -1)
        self.assertTrue(E.report(intr=True).find('interrupted') > 0)
        E = Election(profile, dict(rule=rulename))
        self.assertEqual(E.dump().find('interrupted'), -1)
        self.assertTrue(E.dump(intr=True).find('interrupted') > 0)
        E = Election(profile, dict(rule=rulename))
        self.assertEqual(E.json().find('interrupted'), -1)
        self.assertTrue(E.json(intr=True).find('interrupted') > 0)
        r = E.record()
        self.assertTrue(r, dict)
        self.assertEqual(r['actions'][-1]['tag'], 'log')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testReports(self):
        "look at election outputs"
        b = '''3 2 4 1 2 0 2 3 0 0 "Castor" "Pollux" "Helen" "Pollux and Helen should tie"'''

        profile = ElectionProfile(data=b)
        rulename = droop.electionRuleNames()[
            0]  # pick the first rule arbitrarily
        E = Election(profile, dict(rule=rulename))
        self.assertEqual(E.report().find('interrupted'), -1)
        self.assertTrue(E.report(intr=True).find('interrupted') > 0)
        E = Election(profile, dict(rule=rulename))
        self.assertEqual(E.dump().find('interrupted'), -1)
        self.assertTrue(E.dump(intr=True).find('interrupted') > 0)
        E = Election(profile, dict(rule=rulename))
        self.assertEqual(E.json().find('interrupted'), -1)
        self.assertTrue(E.json(intr=True).find('interrupted') > 0)
        r = E.record()
        self.assertTrue(r, dict)
        self.assertEqual(r['actions'][-1]['tag'], 'log')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def calc_winners(self):
        # Import here to avoid loop in loading
        from politicians.models import Politician
        r = self
        # All ballots for a riding
        all_ballots = r.ballots()
        # All ballots for the calculation
        # TODO: Should this filtering move to the Riding class or Ballot class?
        calculation_ballots = all_ballots.filter(state='C').filter(spoiled=False)
        # All spoiled ballots
        # TODO: Should this filtering move to the Riding class or Ballot class?
        num_spoiled_ballots = r.num_spoiled_ballots()
        # All candidates for the riding
        c = self.candidates()
        # Get distinct ballot contents and how many times they occured
        b2 = calculation_ballots.values("vote").annotate(cnt=Count('vote'))
        # Dictionary of (key=droop candidate ID, value=politician.id)
        c2 = dict((i+1,v.id) for i, v in enumerate(list(c)))
        # Dictionary of (key=politician.id, value=droop candidate ID)
        c2b = dict((v,k) for k,v in c2.iteritems())
        fc_votes = {}
        for politician in c:
            fc_votes[politician.id] = 0

        # More sanity
        if r.num_seats < 1:
            raise DroopElectionProfileError("Too few Seats in " + r.name)
        if r.num_candidates() < r.num_seats:
            raise DroopElectionProfileError("Too few Candidates in " + r.name + ". " + str(r.num_seats) + " seats for " + str(r.num_candidates()) + " candidates.")
        #check if the number of ballots is enough for BCSTV
        if calculation_ballots.count() < (r.num_candidates() + 1):
            raise DroopElectionProfileError("Too few ballots to calculate BCSTV")

        # Start of BLT generation
        # Number of candidates, Number of seats
        data = str(c.count()) + " " + str(r.num_seats) + "\n"
        # For each distinct ballot content
        for ballot in b2:
            # Count of timesro_home.html
            data = data + str(ballot['cnt']) + " "
            # Content of ballot
            vote_line = json.loads(ballot['vote'])
            first = True
            for _i, _c in vote_line.iteritems():
                # Of the droop ID numbers for the candidate
                if _c == "":
                    # If empty, skip (empty line on ballot)
                    data = data + str(c2b[int(_c)]) + " "
                    if first:
                        fc_votes[int(_c)] += ballot['cnt']
                        first = False

            # 0 to say no more candidates on ballot
            data = data + "0\n"
        # 0 to say no more ballots
        data = data + "0\n"

        # candidates in droop order
        for key, candidate in c2.iteritems():
            data = data + "\"" + unicode(candidate) + "\"\n"
        # Name of election
        data = data + "\"" + r.name + " Results\""
        # End of BLT generation
            E = DroopElection(DroopElectionProfile(data=data.encode('ascii', 'ignore')), dict(rule='bcstv'))
        except DroopElectionProfileError as e:
            raise e

        result = E.record()
        candidate_states = {}
        for i in range(len(result['actions'][-1]['cstate'])):
            temp = {}
            k = result['cdict'][i+1]['name']
            pol = Politician.objects.get(id = k)
            temp['droop_cstate'] = result['actions'][-1]['cstate'][i+1]
            temp['first_choice_votes'] = fc_votes[int(k)]
            temp['droop_id'] = i
            temp['cand_id'] = k
            candidate_states[pol] = temp

        return {
                'E': E, 
                'candidate_states': candidate_states, 
                'result': result, 
                'candidates': c,
                'num_spoiled_ballots': num_spoiled_ballots,
                'nballots': result['nballots'],
                'riding': self,