def test(): NSAMPLES = 10 a = DS3231() for t in (5, 10, 20, 40): values = array('f', (0 for z in range(NSAMPLES))) print('t = {:2d}'.format(t), end='') for x in range(NSAMPLES): cal = a.getcal(t) values[x] = cal print('{:5d}'.format(cal), end='') avg = sum(values) / NSAMPLES sd2 = sum([(v - avg)**2 for v in values]) / NSAMPLES sd = sd2**0.5 print(' avg {:5.1f} sd {:5.1f}'.format(avg, sd))
# If powering the DS3231 from a Pyboard D 3V3 output: if uos.uname().machine.split(' ')[0][:4] == 'PYBD': Pin.board.EN_3V3.value(1) # A Pyboard test #from pyb import RTC #rtc = RTC() #rtc.datetime((2018, 1, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0)) # Force incorrect setting # mode and pull are specified in case pullups are absent. # The pin ID's are arbitrary. scl_pin = Pin("PB6", pull=Pin.PULL_UP, mode=Pin.OPEN_DRAIN) sda_pin = Pin("PB7", pull=Pin.PULL_UP, mode=Pin.OPEN_DRAIN) i2c = I2C(-1, scl=scl_pin, sda=sda_pin) ds3231 = DS3231(i2c) print('Initial values') print('DS3231 time:', ds3231.get_time()) print('RTC time: ', utime.localtime()) print('Setting DS3231 from RTC') ds3231.save_time() # Set DS3231 from RTC print('DS3231 time:', ds3231.get_time()) print('RTC time: ', utime.localtime()) print('Running RTC test for 2 mins') print('RTC leads DS3231 by', ds3231.rtc_test(120, True), 'ppm')
from ds3231 import DS3231 from gps import * from sat import * from common import * import stm schedule = [0, 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18, 21] transmit = [11] # max number of loops in ms positiontimeout = 60 * 1000 # use fix type of this quality (is FIX really 4?) HARDCODED NOW FIXQUALITY = '4' # minimum Iridium strength to use MINIRIDIUM = 2 #Get the current time print("AWAKE!") extrtc = DS3231() (YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, wday, n1) = extrtc.get_time() print(extrtc.get_time()) pin = pyb.Pin.board.A0 pin.init(mode=pyb.Pin.IN, pull=pyb.Pin.PULL_DOWN) # In this mode pin has pulldown enabled stm.mem32[stm.PWR + stm.PWR_CR] |= 4 # set CWUF to clear WUF in PWR_CSR stm.mem32[stm.PWR + stm.PWR_CSR] |= 0x100 # Enable wakeup extrtc.clearalarm() extrtc.testalarm() print("Waiting for sleep...") print("type pyb.standby() to sleep (you have 20secs until wake)")
#HTML页面 html = """ <html> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <head> <title>TPYBoard v201</title> </head> <body> <h1>TPYBaord 家庭气象站</h1><br /> <p>时间:{}</p> <p>温度:{}</p> <p>湿度:{}</p> </body> </html> """ #------------------------DS3231----------------------------------# ds = DS3231(2) #设置DS3231为I2C2接口,对应SCL-Y9,SDA-Y10 #初始日期和时间,设置一次即可 #ds.DATE([19,7,27]) #设置初始日期年、月、日 #ds.TIME([14,50,0]) #设置初始时间时、分、秒 #------------------------DHT11----------------------------------# d = DHT11('X12') def updateDisplay(): DATE = [str(i) for i in ds.DATE()] #将返回的时间数据int转str TIME = [str(i) for i in ds.TIME()] time = '-'.join(DATE) + ' ' + ':'.join(TIME) #读取日期和时间,拼接成正常的时间格式 data = d.read_data() #读取温湿度的值 return time, data
def date(): extrtc = DS3231() print(extrtc.get_time())
# -- put your code here! import pyb from ds3231 import DS3231 ds = DS3231(1) #设置日期 ds.DATE([19, 04, 01]) #设置时间 ds.TIME([15, 10, 10]) #延时5秒查看效果 pyb.delay(5000) #读取秒并打印 print(ds.sec()) #读取日期 print(ds.DATE()) #读取时间 print(ds.TIME()) #读取温度 print(ds.TEMP())
from machine import Pin, I2C from ds3231 import DS3231 time_module = DS3231(I2C(sda=Pin(21), scl=Pin(22))) def now(): return time_module.DateTime() def set_datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second): time_module.Year(year) time_module.Month(month) time_module.Day(day) time_module.Hour(hour) time_module.Minute(minute) time_module.Second(second)
import pycom import machine from machine import Timer, Pin, PWM import utime from ds3231 import DS3231 from network import WLAN pycom.heartbeat(False) VERSION = '0.7.0' ertc = DS3231(0, (Pin.module.P21, Pin.module.P20)) print(ertc.get_time()) #print(ertc.save_time()) ###################### # External RTC ####################### # Synced RTC with # Sync had a difference of 2 hours to local time # Lib -> to change the value of the hours # def setup_rtc(): # rtc = machine.RTC() # rtc.ntp_sync("") # while not rtc.synced(): # utime.sleep_ms(100) # print("nope") # print('RTC now synced: {}'.format(ertc.get_time())) #
''' Created on 2018Äê1ÔÂ15ÈÕ @author: Administrator ''' import machine import time from ds3231 import DS3231 ds = DS3231() ds.DATE([17, 9, 1]) ds.TIME([10, 10, 10]) while True: print('Date:', ds.DATE()) print('Time:', ds.TIME()) print('TEMP:', ds.TEMP()) time.sleep(5)
def ertc(self): if not self._ertc: _logger.debug("Initializing external RTC") from ds3231 import DS3231 self._ertc = DS3231(0, pins=self._i2c_pins_names) return self._ertc
from ds3231 import DS3231 import board import busio import time if __name__ == '__main__': i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) clock = DS3231(i2c) while True: t = clock.datetime #print(f'{clock.datetime()}') print("{}:{:02}:{:02}\n".format(t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec)) time.sleep(1)
WIFI_FILE = 'wifi.txt' # How long it takes for the LEDs to reach full brightness SUNRISE_LENGTH = 1800 # For how long the brightness increases mildly LOW_THRESHOLD = SUNRISE_LENGTH / 2 LOW_THRESHOLD_DUTY = 30 # For how long the light stays on after the alarm # goes off KEEP_LIGHT_ON = SUNRISE_LENGTH / 2 MAX_DUTY = 1023 DUTY_DIFF = MAX_DUTY - LOW_THRESHOLD_DUTY i2c = I2C(sda=Pin(4), scl=Pin(16)) DS = DS3231(i2c) LED = PWM(Pin(17, Pin.OUT), freq=70, duty=0) with open(TIME_FILE, 'r') as infile: t = ALARM_HOURS, ALARM_MINUTES, ALARM_SECONDS = int(t[0]), int(t[1]), int(t[2]) def seconds_until_alarm(alarm_hours, alarm_minutes, alarm_seconds): """Calculates the number of seconds until alarm goes off""" hours = DS.hour() mins = DS.minute() secs = DS.second() until_alarm = 0 # Special-case when the current time is already after the alarm if hours > alarm_hours or (hours == alarm_hours and mins > alarm_minutes) or \
#import urequests as requests import urequests import json import time from machine import SPI, Pin #导入SPI、Pin库 import ssd1306 #导入OLED显示屏驱动库 from ds3231 import DS3231 #导入DS3231时钟模块库 from machine import Timer #导入Timer库 #-----------------------DS3231模块-----------------------# ds = DS3231() #ds3231初始化 NOW_DATE = '' #-----------------------OLED显示屏-----------------------# #SPI接口对应的引脚定义 spi = SPI(baudrate=10000000, polarity=1, phase=0, sck=Pin(12, Pin.OUT), mosi=Pin(13, Pin.OUT), miso=Pin(2)) #OLED显示屏的设置,128宽 64高 spi对象 DC接的G15 RES接的G16 CS接的G5 display = ssd1306.SSD1306_SPI(128, 64, spi, Pin(15), Pin(16), Pin(5)) display.poweron() #打开显示屏 display.init_display() #初始化显示 display.text('Waiting.....', 1, 1) #显示的内容,x坐标,y坐标 #进行显示 def getNetTime(): url = '' res = urequests.get(url).text