class ControlConnectionTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)

    def tearDown(self):
            self.session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE keyspacetodrop ")
        except (ConfigurationException):
            # we already removed the keyspace.

    def test_drop_keyspace(self):
        Test to validate that dropping a keyspace with user defined types doesn't kill the control connection.

        Creates a keyspace, and populates with a user defined type. It then records the control_connection's id. It
        will then drop the keyspace and get the id of the control_connection again. They should be the same. If they are
        not dropping the keyspace likely caused the control connection to be rebuilt.

        @since 2.7.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-358
        @expected_result the control connection is not killed

        @test_category connection

        self.session = self.cluster.connect()
            CREATE KEYSPACE keyspacetodrop
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        self.session.execute("CREATE TYPE user (age int, name text)")
            "CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")
        cc_id_pre_drop = id(self.cluster.control_connection._connection)
        self.session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE keyspacetodrop")
        cc_id_post_drop = id(self.cluster.control_connection._connection)
        self.assertEqual(cc_id_post_drop, cc_id_pre_drop)

    def test_get_control_connection_host(self):
        Test to validate Cluster.get_control_connection_host() metadata

        @since 3.5.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-583
        @expected_result the control connection metadata should accurately reflect cluster state.

        @test_category metadata

        host = self.cluster.get_control_connection_host()
        self.assertEqual(host, None)

        self.session = self.cluster.connect()
        cc_host =

        host = self.cluster.get_control_connection_host()
        self.assertEqual(host.address, cc_host)
        self.assertEqual(host.is_up, True)

        # reconnect and make sure that the new host is reflected correctly
        new_host = self.cluster.get_control_connection_host()
        self.assertNotEqual(host, new_host)