Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_make_phase_bom():

    df = make_phase_bom([0, 1, 2], [10, 20, 30], [0, 1, 2])

    assert (pd.isnull(df["phase"])).all()
    assert np.isclose(df["quantity"], [0, 1, 2]).all()
    assert np.isclose(df["unitary_cost"], [10, 20, 30]).all()
    assert np.isclose(df["project_year"], [0, 1, 2]).all()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def connect(self, debug_entry=False):
        '''The connect method is used to execute the external program and 
        populate the interface data store with values.
          Collecting data from the interface for use in the external program
          can be accessed using self.data.my_input_variable. To put new values
          into the interface once the program has run we set
          self.data.my_output_variable = value

        bom_cols = ['phase', 'quantity', 'unitary_cost', 'project_year']

        # CAPEX Dataframes
        device_bom = pd.DataFrame(columns=bom_cols)
        electrical_bom = pd.DataFrame(columns=bom_cols)
        moorings_bom = pd.DataFrame(columns=bom_cols)
        installation_bom = pd.DataFrame(columns=bom_cols)
        capex_oandm_bom = pd.DataFrame(columns=bom_cols)
        externalities_bom = pd.DataFrame(columns=bom_cols)

        opex_bom = pd.DataFrame()
        energy_record = pd.DataFrame()

        # Prepare costs
        if (self.data.n_devices is not None
                and self.data.device_cost is not None):

            quantities = [self.data.n_devices]
            costs = [self.data.device_cost]
            years = [0]

            device_bom = make_phase_bom(quantities, costs, years, "Devices")

        # Patch double counting of umbilical
        if (self.data.electrical_bom is not None
                and self.data.moorings_bom is not None):

            # Remove matching identifiers from electrical bom
            unique = list(set(self.data.moorings_bom["Key Identifier"]))

            matching = self.data.electrical_bom["Key Identifier"].isin(unique)
            self.data.electrical_bom = self.data.electrical_bom[~matching]

        if self.data.electrical_bom is not None:

            electrical_bom = self.data.electrical_bom.drop("Key Identifier",

            name_map = {
                "Quantity": 'quantity',
                "Cost": 'unitary_cost',
                "Year": 'project_year'

            electrical_bom = electrical_bom.rename(columns=name_map)
            electrical_bom["phase"] = "Electrical Sub-Systems"

        elif self.data.electrical_estimate is not None:

            electrical_bom = estimate_cost_per_power(
                1, self.data.electrical_estimate, "Electrical Sub-Systems")

        if self.data.moorings_bom is not None:

            moorings_bom = self.data.moorings_bom.drop("Key Identifier",

            name_map = {
                "Quantity": 'quantity',
                "Cost": 'unitary_cost',
                "Year": 'project_year'

            moorings_bom = moorings_bom.rename(columns=name_map)
            moorings_bom["phase"] = "Mooring and Foundations"

        elif self.data.moorings_estimate is not None:

            moorings_bom = estimate_cost_per_power(1,
                                                   "Mooring and Foundations")

        if self.data.installation_bom is not None:

            installation_bom = self.data.installation_bom.drop(
                "Key Identifier", axis=1)

            name_map = {
                "Quantity": 'quantity',
                "Cost": 'unitary_cost',
                "Year": 'project_year'

            installation_bom = installation_bom.rename(columns=name_map)
            installation_bom["phase"] = "Installation"

        elif self.data.install_estimate is not None:

            installation_bom = estimate_cost_per_power(
                1, self.data.install_estimate, "Installation")

        if self.data.capex_oandm is not None:

            quantities = [1]
            costs = [self.data.capex_oandm]
            years = [0]

            capex_oandm_bom = make_phase_bom(quantities, costs, years,
                                             "Condition Monitoring")

        if self.data.externalities_capex is not None:

            quantities = [1]
            costs = [self.data.externalities_capex]
            years = [0]

            capex_oandm_bom = make_phase_bom(quantities, costs, years,

        # Combine the capex dataframes
        capex_bom = pd.concat([
            device_bom, electrical_bom, moorings_bom, installation_bom,
            capex_oandm_bom, externalities_bom

        if self.data.opex_per_year is not None:

            opex_bom = self.data.opex_per_year.copy()
            opex_bom.index.name = 'project_year'
            opex_bom = opex_bom.reset_index()

        elif (self.data.lifetime is not None
              and (self.data.opex_estimate is not None or
                   (self.data.annual_repair_cost_estimate is not None
                    and self.data.annual_array_mttf_estimate is not None))):

            opex_bom = estimate_opex(self.data.lifetime, 1,

        # Add OPEX externalities
        if not opex_bom.empty and self.data.externalities_opex is not None:

            opex_bom = opex_bom.set_index('project_year')
            opex_bom += self.data.externalities_opex
            opex_bom = opex_bom.reset_index()

        # Prepare energy
        if self.data.network_efficiency is not None:
            net_coeff = self.data.network_efficiency * 1e3
            net_coeff = 1e3

        if self.data.energy_per_year is not None:

            energy_record = self.data.energy_per_year.copy()
            energy_record = energy_record * net_coeff
            energy_record.index.name = 'project_year'
            energy_record = energy_record.reset_index()

        elif (self.data.estimate_energy_record
              and self.data.lifetime is not None
              and self.data.annual_energy is not None):

            energy_record = estimate_energy(self.data.lifetime,
                                            self.data.annual_energy, net_coeff)

        if debug_entry: return

        result = main(capex_bom, opex_bom, energy_record,

        self.data.capex_total = result["CAPEX"]
        self.data.discounted_capex = result["Discounted CAPEX"]
        self.data.capex_breakdown = result["CAPEX breakdown"]

        if self.data.externalities_capex is not None:
            self.data.capex_no_externalities = \
                        self.data.capex_total - self.data.externalities_capex

        # Build metrics table if possible
        n_rows = None

        if not opex_bom.empty:
            n_rows = len(opex_bom.columns) - 1
        elif not energy_record.empty:
            n_rows = len(energy_record.columns) - 1

        table_cols = [
            "LCOE", "LCOE CAPEX", "LCOE OPEX", "OPEX", "Energy",
            "Discounted OPEX", "Discounted Energy"

        metrics_dict = {}

        for col_name in table_cols:

            if result[col_name] is not None:
                values = result[col_name].values
                if "Energy" in col_name: values /= 1e3
                values = [None] * n_rows

            metrics_dict[col_name] = values

        metrics_table = pd.DataFrame(metrics_dict)

        self.data.economics_metrics = metrics_table

        # Do univariate stats on discounted metrics
        args_table = {
            "Discounted OPEX": "discounted_opex",
            "Discounted Energy": "discounted_energy"

        for key, arg_root in args_table.iteritems():

            if metrics_table[key].isnull().any(): continue

            data = metrics_table[key].values

            mean = None
            mode = None
            lower = None
            upper = None

            # Catch one or two data points
            if len(data) == 1:

                mean = data[0]
                mode = data[0]

            elif len(data) == 2:

                mean = data.mean()



                    distribution = UniVariateKDE(data)
                    mean = distribution.mean()
                    mode = distribution.mode()

                    intervals = distribution.confidence_interval(95)
                    lower = intervals[0]
                    upper = intervals[1]

                except np.linalg.LinAlgError:

                    mean = data.mean()

            arg_mean = "{}_mean".format(arg_root)
            arg_mode = "{}_mode".format(arg_root)
            arg_lower = "{}_lower".format(arg_root)
            arg_upper = "{}_upper".format(arg_root)

            self.data[arg_mean] = mean
            self.data[arg_mode] = mode
            self.data[arg_lower] = lower
            self.data[arg_upper] = upper

        # Bivariate stats on LCOE and related variables
        if (metrics_table["Discounted Energy"].isnull().any()
                or len(metrics_table["Discounted Energy"])) < 3:

        opex = metrics_table["Discounted OPEX"] / 1000.
        energy = metrics_table["Discounted Energy"]

            distribution = BiVariateKDE(opex, energy)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:

        mean_coords = distribution.mean()
        self.data.lcoe_mean = (result["Discounted CAPEX"] / 1000. +
                               mean_coords[0]) / mean_coords[1]

        mode_coords = distribution.mode()
        lcoe_mode = (result["Discounted CAPEX"] / 1000. +
                     mode_coords[0]) / mode_coords[1]

        self.data.lcoe_mode_opex = mode_coords[0] * 1000
        self.data.lcoe_mode_energy = mode_coords[1]
        self.data.lcoe_mode = lcoe_mode

        xx, yy, pdf = distribution.pdf()
        clevels = pdf_confidence_densities(pdf)
        cx, cy = pdf_contour_coords(xx, yy, pdf, clevels[0])

        lcoes = []

        for discounted_opex, discounted_energy in zip(cx, cy):

            lcoe = (result["Discounted CAPEX"] / 1000. +
                    discounted_opex) / discounted_energy

        self.data.confidence_density = clevels[0]
        self.data.lcoe_lower = min(lcoes)
        self.data.lcoe_upper = max(lcoes)

        # Calculate values using most likely OPEX / Energy combination

        # CAPEX vs OPEX Breakdown and OPEX Breakdown if externalities
        discounted_opex_mode = mode_coords[0] * 1000

        breakdown = {
            "Discounted CAPEX": result["Discounted CAPEX"],
            "Discounted OPEX": discounted_opex_mode

        self.data.cost_breakdown = breakdown

        if self.data.externalities_opex is None:

            discounted_maintenance = discounted_opex_mode


            years = range(1, len(opex_bom) + 1)

            discounted_externals = [
                self.data.externalities_opex / (1 + self.data.discount_rate)**i
                for i in years

            discounted_external = np.array(discounted_externals).sum()
            discounted_maintenance = discounted_opex_mode - \

            self.data.opex_breakdown = {
                "Maintenance": discounted_external,
                "Externalities": discounted_maintenance

        # LCOE Breakdowns in cent/kWh
        discounted_energy_mode = mode_coords[1] * 10.

        if self.data.capex_breakdown is not None:

            capex_lcoe_breakdown = {}

            for k, v in self.data.capex_breakdown.iteritems():

                capex_lcoe_breakdown[k] = round(v / discounted_energy_mode, 2)

            self.data.capex_lcoe_breakdown = capex_lcoe_breakdown

        lcoe_maintenance = round(
            discounted_maintenance / discounted_energy_mode, 2)

        if self.data.externalities_opex is None:

            lcoe_external = 0


            lcoe_external = round(discounted_external / discounted_energy_mode,

            self.data.opex_lcoe_breakdown = {
                "Maintenance": lcoe_maintenance,
                "Externalities": lcoe_external

        total_capex = sum(capex_lcoe_breakdown.values())
        total_opex = lcoe_maintenance + lcoe_external

        self.data.lcoe_breakdown = {"CAPEX": total_capex, "OPEX": total_opex}

        # LCOE distribution
        raw = {"values": pdf, "coords": [xx, yy]}

        self.data.lcoe_pdf = raw

Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_make_phase_bom_phase_fail():

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        make_phase_bom([0, 1, 2], [10, 20, 30], [0, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_make_phase_bom_phase():

    df = make_phase_bom([0, 1, 2], [10, 20, 30], [0, 1, 2], "Test")

    assert (df["phase"] == "Test").all()