Ejemplo n.º 1
def auth_by_auth_file(ctx):
    Uses an authentication file to generate the key
    Authfile can either be:
    * A seed in hexadecimal encoding
    * PubSec format with public and private key in base58 encoding
    file = ctx.obj["AUTH_FILE_PATH"]
    authfile = Path(file)
    if not authfile.is_file():
        message_exit('Error: the file "' + file + '" does not exist')
    filetxt = authfile.open("r").read()

    # two regural expressions for the PubSec format
    regex_pubkey = re.compile(PUBSEC_PUBKEY_PATTERN, re.MULTILINE)
    regex_signkey = re.compile(PUBSEC_SIGNKEY_PATTERN, re.MULTILINE)

    # Seed hexadecimal format
    if re.search(re.compile(SEED_HEX_PATTERN), filetxt):
        return SigningKey.from_seedhex_file(file)
    # PubSec format
    elif re.search(regex_pubkey, filetxt) and re.search(
            regex_signkey, filetxt):
        return SigningKey.from_pubsec_file(file)
        message_exit("Error: the format of the file is invalid")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def generate_revocation(self, connection, secret_key, password):
        Generate account revocation document for given community

        :param sakia.data.entities.Connection connection: The connection of the identity
        :param str secret_key: The account SigningKey secret key
        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        document = Revocation(10, connection.currency, connection.pubkey, "")
        identity = self._identities_processor.get_identity(
            connection.currency, connection.pubkey, connection.uid)
        if not identity:
            identity = self.generate_identity(connection)
            identity_doc = identity.document()
            key = SigningKey(connection.salt, connection.password,
            identity.signature = identity_doc.signatures[0]

        self_cert = identity.document()

        key = SigningKey(secret_key, password, connection.scrypt_params)

        document.sign(self_cert, [key])
        return document.signed_raw(self_cert), identity
    def test_save_wif_and_load_from_ewif_or_wif_file(self):
        sign_key_save = SigningKey.from_credentials("alice", "password",

        sign_key_load = SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_file(TEST_FILE_PATH)
        self.assertEqual(sign_key_save.sk, sign_key_load.sk)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def create(cls, walletid, salt, password, name, identities_registry):
        Factory method to create a new wallet

        :param int walletid: The wallet number, unique between all wallets
        :param str salt: The account salt
        :param str password: The account password
        :param str name: The account name
        if walletid == 0:
            key = SigningKey(salt, password)
            key = SigningKey(b"{0}{1}".format(salt, walletid), password)
        return cls(walletid, key.pubkey, name, identities_registry)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def check_password(self, salt, password):
        Check if wallet password is ok.

        :param salt: The account salt
        :param password: The given password
        :return: True if (salt, password) generates the good public key
        .. warning:: Generates a new temporary SigningKey from salt and password
        key = None
        if self.walletid == 0:
            key = SigningKey(salt, password)
            key = SigningKey("{0}{1}".format(salt, self.walletid), password)
        return (key.pubkey == self.pubkey)
    def test_load_credentials_file(self):
        salt = password = "******"

        # create a dummy credentials file
        with open(TEST_FILE_PATH, "w") as fh:
            fh.write("{}\n{}\n".format(salt, password))

        # same key from credentials
        sign_key_test = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)

        # test load file
        sign_key_load = SigningKey.from_credentials_file(TEST_FILE_PATH)
        self.assertEqual(sign_key_test.sk, sign_key_load.sk)
        self.assertEqual(sign_key_test.pubkey, sign_key_load.pubkey)
        self.assertEqual(sign_key_test.vk, sign_key_load.vk)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_create_encrypted(self):
        # pubkey of recipient
        alice_signing_key = SigningKey.from_credentials("alice", "password")

        # message
        message = """
Hello world !

Héhé ;-)

This is a utf-8 message...

        # create encrypted and signed ascii armor message
        encrypted_aa_message = AsciiArmor.create(message, alice_signing_key.pubkey)

        # split in lines for check up
        aa_message_lines = encrypted_aa_message.splitlines()

        # check before message
        self.assertEqual(aa_message_lines[0], BEGIN_MESSAGE_HEADER)
        self.assertEqual("", aa_message_lines[2].strip())

        # check after message
        self.assertEqual(aa_message_lines[4], END_MESSAGE_HEADER)

        # parse ascii armor message
        result = AsciiArmor.parse(encrypted_aa_message, alice_signing_key)

        # check result
        self.assertEqual(message + "\n", result['message']['content'])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    async def revoke(self, currency, identity, salt, password):
        Revoke self-identity on server, not in blockchain

        :param str currency: The currency of the identity
        :param sakia.data.entities.IdentityDoc identity: The certified identity
        :param str salt: The account SigningKey salt
        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        revocation = Revocation(10, currency, None)
        self_cert = identity.document()

        key = SigningKey(salt, password)
        revocation.sign(self_cert, [key])

        self._logger.debug("Self-Revokation Document : \n{0}".format(
        self._logger.debug("Signature : \n{0}".format(

        data = {
            'pubkey': identity.pubkey,
            'self_': self_cert.signed_raw(),
            'sig': revocation.signatures[0]
        self._logger.debug("Posted data : {0}".format(data))
        responses = await self._bma_connector.broadcast(
            currency, bma.wot.Revoke, {}, data)
        result = await parse_bma_responses(responses)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_identity_document(current_block: dict, uid: str, salt: str, password: str) -> Identity:
    Get an Identity document

    :param current_block: Current block data
    :param uid: Unique Identifier
    :param salt: Passphrase of the account
    :param password: Password of the account

    :rtype: Identity

    # get current block BlockStamp
    timestamp = BlockUID(current_block['number'], current_block['hash'])

    # create keys from credentials
    key = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)

    # create identity document
    identity = Identity(

    # sign document

    return identity
Ejemplo n.º 10
    async def send_membership(self, connection, secret_key, password, mstype):
        Send a membership document to a target community.
        Signal "document_broadcasted" is emitted at the end.

        :param sakia.data.entities.Connection connection: the connection publishing ms doc
        :param str secret_key: The account SigningKey salt
        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        :param str mstype: The type of membership demand. "IN" to join, "OUT" to leave
        self._logger.debug("Send membership")

        blockUID = self._blockchain_processor.current_buid(connection.currency)
        membership = Membership(10, connection.currency, connection.pubkey,
                                blockUID, mstype, connection.uid,
                                connection.blockstamp, None)
        key = SigningKey(secret_key, password, connection.scrypt_params)
        self._logger.debug("Membership : {0}".format(membership.signed_raw()))
        responses = await self._bma_connector.broadcast(
            req_args={'membership': membership.signed_raw()})
        result = await parse_bma_responses(responses)

        return result
    def test_load_ssb_file(self):
        dummy_content = """
        # comments
            "curve": "ed25519",
            "public": "dGVzdHRlc3R0ZXN0dGV0c3RldHN0dGV0c3RldGV0ZXRldHN0ZXR0c3RldHN0dGV0c3Q=.ed25519",
            "private": "dGVzdHRlc3R0ZXN0dGV0c3RldHN0dGV0c3RldGV0ZXRldHN0ZXR0c3RldHN0dGV0c3Q==.ed25519",
            "id": "@qJ8qVfXU2mIWG9WfKIRsd6GDscQlErzPHsxzHcyQMWQ=.ed25519"
        # comments

        # create dummy .ssb/secret file
        with open(TEST_FILE_PATH, "w") as fh:
        # test load file
        sign_key_load = SigningKey.from_credentials_file(TEST_FILE_PATH)
def get_identity_document(current_block: dict, uid: str, salt: str,
                          password: str) -> Identity:
    Get an Identity document

    :param current_block: Current block data
    :param uid: Unique IDentifier
    :param salt: Passphrase of the account
    :param password: Password of the account

    :rtype: Identity

    # get current block BlockStamp
    timestamp = BlockUID(current_block['number'], current_block['hash'])

    # create keys from credentials
    key = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)

    # create identity document
    identity = Identity(version=10,

    # sign document

    return identity
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_membership_document(mtype, current_block, identity, salt, password):
    Get a Membership document

    :param str mtype: "IN" to ask for membership or "OUT" to cancel membership
    :param dict current_block: Current block data
    :param Identity identity: Identity document
    :param str salt: Passphrase of the account
    :param str password: Password of the account

    :rtype: Membership

    # get current block BlockStamp
    timestamp = BlockUID(current_block['number'], current_block['hash'])

    # create keys from credentials
    key = SigningKey(salt, password, ScryptParams(4096, 16, 1))

    # create identity document
    membership = Membership(version=10,

    # sign document

    return membership
def get_identity_document(current_block, uid, salt, password):
    Get an Identity document

    :param dict current_block: Current block data
    :param str uid: Unique Identifier
    :param str salt: Passphrase of the account
    :param str password: Password of the account

    :rtype: SelfCertification

    # get current block BlockStamp
    timestamp = BlockUID(current_block['number'], current_block['hash'])

    # create keys from credentials
    key = SigningKey(salt, password)

    # create identity document
    identity = SelfCertification(version=2,

    # sign document

    return identity
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_create_signed_cleartext(self):
        # signing key of issuer
        bob_signing_key = SigningKey.from_credentials("bob", "password")

        # message
        message = """
Hello world !

Héhé ;-)

This is a utf-8 message...

        # create encrypted and signed ascii armor message
        signed_cleartext_aa_message = AsciiArmor.create(message, None, [bob_signing_key])

        # split in lines for check up
        aa_message_lines = signed_cleartext_aa_message.splitlines()

        # check before message
        self.assertEqual(aa_message_lines[0], BEGIN_MESSAGE_HEADER)
        self.assertEqual("", aa_message_lines[1].strip())

        # check after message
        self.assertEqual(aa_message_lines[10], BEGIN_SIGNATURE_HEADER)
        self.assertEqual("", aa_message_lines[12].strip())
        self.assertEqual(aa_message_lines[14], END_SIGNATURE_HEADER)

        # parse ascii armor message
        result = AsciiArmor.parse(signed_cleartext_aa_message, None, [bob_signing_key.pubkey])

        # check result
        self.assertEqual(message + "\n", result['message']['content'])
        self.assertTrue(message + "\n", result['signatures'][0]['valid'])
Ejemplo n.º 16
    async def send_money(self, connection, secret_key, password, recipient, amount, amount_base, message):
        Send money to a given recipient in a specified community
        :param sakia.data.entities.Connection connection: The account salt
        :param str secret_key: The account secret_key
        :param str password: The account password
        :param str recipient: The pubkey of the recipient
        :param int amount: The amount of money to transfer
        :param int amount_base: The amount base of the transfer
        :param str message: The message to send with the transfer
        blockstamp = self._blockchain_processor.current_buid(connection.currency)
        key = SigningKey(secret_key, password, connection.scrypt_params)
        logging.debug("Sender pubkey:{0}".format(key.pubkey))
        tx_entities = []
        result = (True, ""), tx_entities
            tx_entities = self.prepare_tx(key, recipient, blockstamp, amount, amount_base,
                                           message, connection.currency)

            for i, tx in enumerate(tx_entities):
                logging.debug("Transaction : [{0}]".format(tx.raw))
                tx_res, tx_entities[i] = await self._transactions_processor.send(tx, connection.currency)

                # Result can be negative if a tx is not accepted by the network
                if result[0]:
                    if not tx_res[0]:
                        result = (False, tx_res[1]), tx_entities
                result = result[0], tx_entities
            return result
        except NotEnoughChangeError as e:
            return (False, str(e)), tx_entities
Ejemplo n.º 17
    async def send_membership(self, password, community, mstype):
        Send a membership document to a target community.
        Signal "document_broadcasted" is emitted at the end.

        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        :param community: The community target of the membership document
        :param str mstype: The type of membership demand. "IN" to join, "OUT" to leave
        logging.debug("Send membership")

        blockUID = community.network.current_blockUID
        self_identity = await self._identities_registry.future_find(self.pubkey, community)
        selfcert = await self_identity.selfcert(community)

        membership = Membership(PROTOCOL_VERSION, community.currency,
                                selfcert.pubkey, blockUID, mstype, selfcert.uid,
                                selfcert.timestamp, None)
        key = SigningKey(self.salt, password)
        logging.debug("Membership : {0}".format(membership.signed_raw()))
        responses = await community.bma_access.broadcast(bma.blockchain.Membership, {},
                        {'membership': membership.signed_raw()})
        result = (False, "")
        for r in responses:
            if r.status == 200:
                result = (True, (await r.json()))
            elif not result[0]:
                result = (False, (await r.text()))
                await r.release()
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 18
    async def revoke(self, password, community):
        Revoke self-identity on server, not in blockchain

        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        :param sakia.core.community.Community community: The community target of the revokation
        revoked = await self._identities_registry.future_find(self.pubkey, community)

        revokation = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, community.currency, None)
        selfcert = await revoked.selfcert(community)

        key = SigningKey(self.salt, password)
        revokation.sign(selfcert, [key])

        logging.debug("Self-Revokation Document : \n{0}".format(revokation.raw(selfcert)))
        logging.debug("Signature : \n{0}".format(revokation.signatures[0]))

        data = {
            'pubkey': revoked.pubkey,
            'self_': selfcert.signed_raw(),
            'sig': revokation.signatures[0]
        logging.debug("Posted data : {0}".format(data))
        responses = await community.bma_access.broadcast(bma.wot.Revoke, {}, data)
        result = (False, "")
        for r in responses:
            if r.status == 200:
                result = (True, (await r.json()))
            elif not result[0]:
                result = (False, (await r.text()))
                await r.release()
        return result
    def test_create_encrypted(self):
        # pubkey of recipient
        alice_signing_key = SigningKey.from_credentials("alice", "password")

        # message
        message = """
Hello world !

Héhé ;-)

This is a utf-8 message...

        # create encrypted and signed ascii armor message
        encrypted_aa_message = AsciiArmor.create(message,

        # split in lines for check up
        aa_message_lines = encrypted_aa_message.splitlines()

        # check before message
        self.assertEqual(aa_message_lines[0], BEGIN_MESSAGE_HEADER)
        self.assertEqual("", aa_message_lines[2].strip())

        # check after message
        self.assertEqual(aa_message_lines[4], END_MESSAGE_HEADER)

        # parse ascii armor message
        result = AsciiArmor.parse(encrypted_aa_message, alice_signing_key)

        # check result
        self.assertEqual(message + "\n", result["message"]["content"])
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _get_signature_block(message: str, signing_key: SigningKey, close_block: bool = True,
                             comment: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
        Return a signature block

        :param message: Message (not encrypted!) to sign
        :param signing_key: The libnacl SigningKey instance of the keypair
        :param close_block: Optional flag to close the signature block with the signature tail header
        :param comment: Optional comment field content
        base64_signature = base64.b64encode(signing_key.signature(message))

        block = """{begin_signature_header}
""".format(begin_signature_header=BEGIN_SIGNATURE_HEADER, version_field=AsciiArmor._get_version_field())

        # add message comment if specified
        if comment:
            block += """{comment_field}

        # blank line separator
        block += '\n'

        block += """{base64_signature}

        if close_block:
            block += END_SIGNATURE_HEADER

        return block
Ejemplo n.º 21
    async def start(cls, port, currency, salt, password, loop):
        key = SigningKey(salt, password, ScryptParams(2**12, 16, 1))
        node = cls(HTTPServer(port, loop), BlockForge(currency, key))

        get_routes = {
            '/network/peering': node.peering,
            '/blockchain/block/{number}': node.block_by_number,
            '/blockchain/current': node.current_block,
            '/tx/sources/{pubkey}': node.sources,
            '/wot/lookup/{search}': node.lookup,
            '/wot/certifiers-of/{search}': node.certifiers_of,
            '/wot/certified-by/{search}': node.certified_by,
            '/wot/requirements/{pubkey}': node.requirements,
            '/blockchain/parameters': node.parameters,
            '/blockchain/with/ud': node.with_ud,
            '/blockchain/memberships/{search}': node.memberships,
            '/tx/history/{search}': node.tx_history,
            '/ud/history/{search}': node.ud_history,
        post_routes = {
            '/wot/add': node.add,
            '/wot/certify': node.certify,
            '/tx/process': node.process
        for r, h in get_routes.items():
            node.http.add_route("GET", r, h)
        for r, h in post_routes.items():
            node.http.add_route("POST", r, h)
        port, url = await node.http.create_server()
        print("Server started on {0}".format(url))
        return node
def get_certification_document(current_block, self_cert_document, from_pubkey,
                               salt, password):
    Create and return a Certification document

    :param dict current_block: Current block data
    :param Identity self_cert_document: Identity document
    :param str from_pubkey: Pubkey of the certifier
    :param str salt: Secret salt (DO NOT SHOW IT ANYWHERE, IT IS SECRET !!!)
    :param str password: Secret password (DO NOT SHOW IT ANYWHERE, IT IS SECRET !!!)

    :rtype: Certification
    # construct Certification Document
    certification = Certification(version=10,
    # sign document
    key = SigningKey(salt, password, ScryptParams(4096, 16, 1))
    certification.sign(self_cert_document, [key])

    return certification
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_decrypt_seal(self):
        sign_key = SigningKey.from_credentials("alice", "password", ScryptParams())
        public_key = PublicKey(sign_key.pubkey)

        message = "Hello world with utf-8 chars like éàè !"
        encrypted_message = public_key.encrypt_seal(bytes(message, 'utf-8'))
        decrypted_message = sign_key.decrypt_seal(encrypted_message)
        self.assertEqual(message, decrypted_message.decode('utf-8'))
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def set_scrypt_infos(self, salt, password, scrypt_params):
     self.connection.salt = salt
     self.connection.scrypt_N = scrypt_params.N
     self.connection.scrypt_r = scrypt_params.r
     self.connection.scrypt_p = scrypt_params.p
     self.connection.password = password
     self.connection.pubkey = SigningKey(self.connection.salt, password,
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_encrypt_seal(self):
        sign_key = SigningKey.from_credentials("alice", "password",
        public_key = PublicKey(sign_key.pubkey)

        message = "Hello world with utf-8 chars like éàè !"
        encrypted_message = public_key.encrypt_seal(bytes(message, 'utf-8'))
        decrypted_message = sign_key.decrypt_seal(encrypted_message)
        self.assertEqual(message, decrypted_message.decode('utf-8'))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def auth_by_wif():
    wif_hex = getpass("Enter your WIF or Encrypted WIF address (masked): ")
    password = getpass(
        "(Leave empty in case WIF format) Enter the Encrypted WIF password (masked): "
        return SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_hex(wif_hex, password)
    except Exception as error:
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def check_password(self, password):
        Method to verify the key password validity

        :param str password: The key password
        :return: True if the generated pubkey is the same as the account
        .. warnings:: Generates a new temporary SigningKey
        key = SigningKey(self.salt, password)
        return (key.pubkey == self.pubkey)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def set_scrypt_infos(self, salt, password):
     Change the size of the wallet pool
     :param int size: The new size of the wallet pool
     :param str password: The password of the account, same for all wallets
     self.salt = salt
     self.pubkey = SigningKey(self.salt, password).pubkey
     wallet = Wallet.create(0, self.salt, password,
                            "Wallet", self._identities_registry)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def _decrypt(ascii_armor_message: str, signing_key: SigningKey) -> str:
        Decrypt a message from ascii armor format

        :param ascii_armor_message: Utf-8 message
        :param signing_key: SigningKey instance created from credentials
        data = signing_key.decrypt_seal(base64.b64decode(ascii_armor_message))

        return data.decode('utf-8')
Ejemplo n.º 30
async def main():
    Main code
    # Create Client from endpoint string in Duniter format
    client = Client(BMAS_ENDPOINT)

    # Get the node summary infos to test the connection
    response = await client(bma.node.summary)

    # prompt hidden user entry
    salt = getpass.getpass("Enter your passphrase (salt): ")

    # prompt hidden user entry
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: "******"Enter recipient pubkey: ")

    # capture current block to get version and currency and blockstamp
    current_block = await client(bma.blockchain.current)

    # capture sources of account
    response = await client(bma.tx.sources, pubkey_from)

    if len(response['sources']) == 0:
        print("no sources found for account %s" % pubkey_to)

    # get the first source
    source = response['sources'][0]

    # create the transaction document
    transaction = get_transaction_document(current_block, source, pubkey_from, pubkey_to)

    # sign document

    # send the Transaction document to the node
    response = await client(bma.tx.process, transaction.signed_raw())

    if response.status == 200:
        print(await response.text())
        print("Error while publishing transaction: {0}".format(await response.text()))

    # Close client aiohttp session
    await client.close()
async def main():
    Main code
    # Create Client from endpoint string in Duniter format
    client = Client(BMAS_ENDPOINT)

    # Get the node summary infos to test the connection
    response = await client(bma.node.summary)

    # prompt hidden user entry
    salt = getpass.getpass("Enter your passphrase (salt): ")

    # prompt hidden user entry
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: "******"Enter certified pubkey: ")

    # capture current block to get version and currency and blockstamp
    current_block = await client(bma.blockchain.current)

    # create our Identity document to sign the Certification document
    identity = await get_identity_document(client, current_block, pubkey_to)
    if identity is None:
        print("Identity not found for pubkey {0}".format(pubkey_to))
        # Close client aiohttp session
        await client.close()

    # send the Certification document to the node
    certification = get_certification_document(current_block, identity,

    # sign document

    # Here we request for the path wot/certify
    response = await client(bma.wot.certify, certification.signed_raw())

    if response.status == 200:
        print(await response.text())
        print("Error while publishing certification: {0}".format(
            await response.text()))

    # Close client aiohttp session
    await client.close()
    def test_get_verified_data(self):
        sign_key = SigningKey.from_credentials("alice", "password", ScryptParams())

        message = "Hello world with utf-8 chars like éàè !"
        # Sign the message, the signed string is the message itself plus the
        # signature
        signed_message = sign_key.sign(bytes(message, 'utf-8'))  # type: bytes

        # Verify the message!
        verifier = VerifyingKey(sign_key.pubkey)
        verified_message = verifier.get_verified_data(signed_message)
        self.assertEqual(message, verified_message.decode('utf-8'))
def get_signed_raw_revocation_document(identity: Identity, salt: str, password: str) -> str:
    Generate account revocation document for given identity

    :param identity: Self Certification of the identity
    :param salt: Salt
    :param password: Password

    :rtype: str
    revocation = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, identity.currency, identity, "")

    key = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)
    return revocation.signed_raw()
async def main():
    Main code
    # Create Client from endpoint string in Duniter format
    client = Client(BMAS_ENDPOINT)

    # Get the node summary infos to test the connection
    response = await client(bma.node.summary)

    # prompt hidden user entry
    salt = getpass.getpass("Enter your passphrase (salt): ")

    # prompt hidden user entry
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: "******"Enter your public key: ")

    # init signer instance
    signer = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)

    # check public key
    if signer.pubkey != pubkey:
        print("Bad credentials!")

    # capture current block to get currency name
    current_block = await client(bma.blockchain.current)

    # create our Identity document to sign the revoke document
    identity_document = await get_identity_document(client, current_block['currency'], pubkey)

    # get the revoke document
    revocation_signed_raw_document = get_signed_raw_revocation_document(identity_document, salt, password)

    # save revoke document in a file

    # document saved
    print("Revocation document saved in %s" % REVOCATION_DOCUMENT_FILE_PATH)

    # Close client aiohttp session
    await client.close()
async def main():
    Main code
    # Create Client from endpoint string in Duniter format
    client = Client(BMAS_ENDPOINT)

    # Get the node summary infos to test the connection
    response = await client(bma.node.summary)

    # prompt hidden user entry
    salt = getpass.getpass("Enter your passphrase (salt): ")

    # prompt hidden user entry
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: "******"Enter certified pubkey: ")

    # capture current block to get version and currency and blockstamp
    current_block = await client(bma.blockchain.current)

    # create our Identity document to sign the Certification document
    identity = await get_identity_document(client, current_block, pubkey_to)

    # send the Certification document to the node
    certification = get_certification_document(current_block, identity, pubkey_from)

    # sign document

    # Here we request for the path wot/certify
    response = await client(bma.wot.certify, certification.signed_raw())

    if response.status == 200:
        print(await response.text())
        print("Error while publishing certification: {0}".format(await response.text()))

    # Close client aiohttp session
    await client.close()
Ejemplo n.º 36
def get_membership_document(membership_type: str, current_block: dict, identity: Identity, salt: str,
                            password: str) -> Membership:
    Get a Membership document

    :param membership_type: "IN" to ask for membership or "OUT" to cancel membership
    :param current_block: Current block data
    :param identity: Identity document
    :param salt: Passphrase of the account
    :param password: Password of the account

    :rtype: Membership

    # get current block BlockStamp
    timestamp = BlockUID(current_block['number'], current_block['hash'])

    # create keys from credentials
    key = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)

    # create identity document
    membership = Membership(

    # sign document

    return membership
# you'll have to use one of your private keys instead
PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(home_path, ".duniter_account_pubsec_v1.duniterkey")


# prompt hidden user entry
salt = getpass.getpass("Enter your passphrase (salt): ")

# prompt hidden user entry
password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: "******"Enter your public key: ")

# init signer instance
signer = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)

# check public key
if signer.pubkey != pubkey:
    print("Bad credentials!")

# save private key in a file (PubSec v1 format)

# document saved
print("Private key for public key %s saved in %s" % (signer.pubkey, PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH))

    # load private keys from file
    loaded_signer = SigningKey.from_pubsec_file(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def test_from_credentials(self):
     sign_key = SigningKey.from_credentials("alice", "password", ScryptParams())
     verify_key = VerifyingKey(sign_key.pubkey)
     self.assertEqual(verify_key.vk, sign_key.vk)
# CONFIG #######################################

SIGNED_MESSAGE_FILENAME = '/tmp/duniter_signed_message.bin'


if __name__ == '__main__':
    # prompt hidden user entry
    salt = getpass.getpass("Enter your passphrase (salt): ")

    # prompt hidden user entry
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: "******"Public key for your credentials: %s" % key.pubkey)

    message = input("Enter your message: ")

    # Sign the message, the signed string is the message itself plus the
    # signature
    signed_message = key.sign(bytes(message, 'utf-8'))  # type: bytes

    # To create a verifier pass in the verify key:
    veri = libnacl.sign.Verifier(key.hex_vk())
    # Verify the message!
    verified = veri.verify(signed_message)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def test_save_wif_and_load_from_ewif_or_wif_file(self):
        sign_key_save = SigningKey.from_credentials("alice", "password", ScryptParams())

        sign_key_load = SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_file(TEST_FILE_PATH)
        self.assertEqual(sign_key_save.sk, sign_key_load.sk)
# you'll have to use one of your private keys instead
PRIVATE_KEYS_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(home_path, ".duniter_account_private_keys.txt")


# prompt hidden user entry
salt = getpass.getpass("Enter your passphrase (salt): ")

# prompt hidden user entry
password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: "******"Enter your public key: ")

# init signer instance
signer = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)

# check public key
if signer.pubkey != pubkey:
    print("Bad credentials!")

# save private keys in a file (json format)

# document saved
print("Private keys for public key %s saved in %s" % (pubkey, PRIVATE_KEYS_FILE_PATH))

# load private keys from file
loaded_signer = SigningKey.from_private_key(PRIVATE_KEYS_FILE_PATH)
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
            python decrypt_message.py ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_FILEPATH

    # capture encrypted message filepath argument
    signed_message_path = sys.argv[1]

    # prompt hidden user entry
    salt = getpass.getpass("Enter your passphrase (salt): ")

    # prompt hidden user entry
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: "******"Decrypted message:")
    except ValueError as error:
        message = str(error)
