Ejemplo n.º 1
def model_sn(x, z, day, sn_av):

    # pull out spectrum for the chosen day
    day_idx_ = np.argmin(abs(sn_day_arr - day))
    day_idx = np.where(salt2_spec['day'] == sn_day_arr[day_idx_])[0]

    sn_spec_llam = salt2_spec['flam'][day_idx]
    sn_spec_lam = salt2_spec['lam'][day_idx]

    # ------ Apply dust extinction
    sn_dusty_llam = du.get_dust_atten_model(sn_spec_lam, sn_spec_llam, sn_av)

    # ------ Apply redshift
    sn_lam_z, sn_flam_z = apply_redshift(sn_spec_lam, sn_dusty_llam, z)

    # ------ Apply some LSF. 
    # When we use actual SNe they will be point sources.
    #lsf_sigma = 0.5
    #sn_flam_z = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(input=sn_flam_z, sigma=lsf_sigma)

    sn_mod = griddata(points=sn_lam_z, values=sn_flam_z, xi=x)

    # ------ combine host light
    # some fraction to account for host contamination
    # This fraction is a free parameter
    #sn_flam_hostcomb = sn_mod  +  host_frac * host_flam

    return sn_mod
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_sn_spec_path(redshift, day_chosen=None, chosen_av=None):
    This function will assign a random spectrum from the basic SALT2 spectrum form Lou.
    Equal probability is given to any day relative to maximum. This will change for the
    final version. 

    The spectrum file contains a type 1A spectrum from -20 to +50 days relative to max.
    Since the -20 spectrum is essentially empty, I won't choose that spectrum for now.
    Also, for now, I will restrict this function to -5 to +20 days relative to maximum.

    # Create array for days relative to max
    days_arr = np.arange(-5, 30, 1)

    # Define scaling factor
    # Check sn_scaling.py in same folder as this code
    sn_scalefac = 2.0842526537870818e+48

    # choose a random day relative to max
    if not day_chosen:
        day_chosen = np.random.choice(days_arr)

    # pull out spectrum for the chosen day
    day_idx = np.where(salt2_spec['day'] == day_chosen)[0]

    sn_spec_lam = salt2_spec['lam'][day_idx]
    sn_spec_llam = salt2_spec['llam'][day_idx] * sn_scalefac

    # Apply dust extinction
    # Apply Calzetti dust extinction depending on av value chosen
    if not chosen_av:
        av_arr = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.001)  # in mags
        chosen_av = np.random.choice(av_arr)

    sn_dusty_llam = du.get_dust_atten_model(sn_spec_lam, sn_spec_llam,

    # Apply redshift
    sn_wav_z, sn_flux = apply_redshift(sn_spec_lam, sn_dusty_llam, redshift)

    # Save individual spectrum file if it doesn't already exist
    sn_spec_path = roman_sims_seds + "salt2_spec_day" + str(day_chosen) + \
    "_z" + "{:.3f}".format(redshift).replace('.', 'p') + \
    "_av" + "{:.3f}".format(chosen_av).replace('.', 'p') + \

    if not os.path.isfile(sn_spec_path):

        fh_sn = open(sn_spec_path, 'w')
        fh_sn.write("#  lam  flux")

        for j in range(len(sn_wav_z)):
            fh_sn.write("{:.2f}".format(sn_wav_z[j]) + " " + str(sn_flux[j]))

    #print("Saved:", sn_spec_path)

    return sn_spec_path
Ejemplo n.º 3
def model_galaxy(x, z, ms, age, logtau, av):

    tau = 10**logtau  # logtau is log of tau in gyr

    if tau < 20.0:

        tau_int_idx = int((tau - int(np.floor(tau))) * 1e3)
        age_idx = np.argmin(abs(model_ages - age * 1e9))
        model_idx = tau_int_idx * len(model_ages) + age_idx

        models_taurange_idx = np.argmin(
            abs(np.arange(tau_low, tau_high, 1) - int(np.floor(tau))))
        models_arr = all_m62_models[models_taurange_idx]

    elif tau >= 20.0:

        logtau_arr = np.arange(1.30, 2.01, 0.01)
        logtau_idx = np.argmin(abs(logtau_arr - logtau))

        age_idx = np.argmin(abs(model_ages - age * 1e9))
        model_idx = logtau_idx * len(model_ages) + age_idx

        models_arr = all_m62_models[-1]

    model_llam = np.asarray(models_arr[model_idx], dtype=np.float64)

    # ------ Apply dust extinction
    ml = np.asarray(model_lam, dtype=np.float64)
    model_dusty_llam = du.get_dust_atten_model(ml, model_llam, av)

    # ------ Multiply luminosity by stellar mass
    model_dusty_llam = model_dusty_llam * 10**ms

    # ------ Apply redshift
    model_lam_z, model_flam_z = apply_redshift(ml, model_dusty_llam, z)
    model_flam_z = Lsol * model_flam_z

    # ------ Apply LSF
    model_lsfconv = gaussian_filter1d(input=model_flam_z, sigma=1.0)

    # ------ Downgrade to grism resolution
    model_mod = griddata(points=model_lam_z, values=model_lsfconv, xi=x)

    return model_mod
Ejemplo n.º 4
def model_sn(x, z, day, sn_av):

    # pull out spectrum for the chosen day
    day_idx_ = np.argmin(abs(sn_day_arr - day))
    day_idx = np.where(salt2_spec['day'] == sn_day_arr[day_idx_])[0]

    sn_spec_llam = salt2_spec['flam'][day_idx] * sn_scalefac
    sn_spec_lam = salt2_spec['lam'][day_idx]

    # ------ Apply dust extinction
    sn_dusty_llam = du.get_dust_atten_model(sn_spec_lam, sn_spec_llam, sn_av)

    # ------ Apply redshift
    sn_lam_z, sn_flam_z = apply_redshift(sn_spec_lam, sn_dusty_llam, z)

    # ------ Regrid to Roman wavelength sampling
    sn_mod = griddata(points=sn_lam_z, values=sn_flam_z, xi=x)

    return sn_mod
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_gal_spec_path(redshift):
    This function will generate a template SED assuming
    a composite stellar population using BC03. 
    -- SFH is assumed to be exponential.
       -- where tau is in between 0.01 to 15.0 (in Gyr)
    -- Age is dependent on z and only allows for models that are 
       at least 100 Myr younger than the Universe.
    -- Dust is applied assuming a Calzetti form for the dust extinction law.
    -- Metallicity is one of the six options in BC03.
    -- Log of stellar mass/M_sol is between 10.0 to 11.5

    plot_tocheck = False

    # ---------- Choosing stellar population parameters ----------- #
    # Choose stellar pop parameters at random
    # --------- Stellar mass
    log_stellar_mass_arr = np.linspace(10.0, 11.5, 100)
    log_stellar_mass_chosen = np.random.choice(log_stellar_mass_arr)

    log_stellar_mass_str = "{:.2f}".format(log_stellar_mass_chosen).replace(
        '.', 'p')

    # --------- Age
    age_arr = np.arange(0.1, 13.0, 0.005)  # in Gyr

    # Now choose age consistent with given redshift
    # i.e., make sure model is not older than the Universe
    # Allowing at least 100 Myr for the first galaxies to form after Big Bang
    age_at_z = astropy_cosmo.age(redshift).value  # in Gyr
    age_lim = age_at_z - 0.1  # in Gyr

    chosen_age = np.random.choice(age_arr)
    while chosen_age > age_lim:
        chosen_age = np.random.choice(age_arr)

    # --------- SFH
    # Choose SFH form from a few different models
    # and then choose params for the chosen SFH form
    sfh_forms = [
        'instantaneous', 'constant', 'exponential', 'linearly_declining'

    # choose_sfh(sfh_forms[2])

    tau_arr = np.arange(0.01, 15.0, 0.005)  # in Gyr
    chosen_tau = np.random.choice(tau_arr)

    # --------- Metallicity
    metals_arr = np.array([0.0001, 0.0004, 0.004, 0.008, 0.02, 0.05])
    # While the newer 2016 version has an additional metallicity
    # referred to as "m82", the documentation never specifies the
    # actual metallicity associated with it. So I'm ignoring that one.
    metals = 0.02  # np.random.choice(metals_arr)

    # Get hte metallicity string
    if metals == 0.0001:
        metallicity = 'm22'
    elif metals == 0.0004:
        metallicity = 'm32'
    elif metals == 0.004:
        metallicity = 'm42'
    elif metals == 0.008:
        metallicity = 'm52'
    elif metals == 0.02:
        metallicity = 'm62'
    elif metals == 0.05:
        metallicity = 'm72'

    # ----------- CALL BC03 -----------
    # The BC03 generated spectra will always be at redshift=0 and dust free.
    # This code will apply dust extinction and redshift effects manually
    #outdir = home + '/Documents/bc03_output_dir/'
    #gen_bc03_spectrum(chosen_tau, metals, outdir)
    logtau = np.log10(chosen_tau)
    bc03_spec_wav = np.array(model_lam, dtype=np.float64)
    bc03_spec_llam = get_bc03_spec(chosen_age, logtau)

    # Apply Calzetti dust extinction depending on av value chosen
    av_arr = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.001)  # in mags
    chosen_av = np.random.choice(av_arr)

    bc03_dusty_llam = du.get_dust_atten_model(bc03_spec_wav, bc03_spec_llam,

    # Multiply flux by stellar mass
    bc03_dusty_llam = bc03_dusty_llam * 10**log_stellar_mass_chosen

    # Convert to physical units
    bc03_dusty_llam *= Lsol

    # --------------------- CHECK ----------------------
    # ---------------------- TBD -----------------------
    # 1.
    # Given the distribution you have for SFHs here,
    # can you recover the correct cosmic star formation
    # history? i.e., if you took the distribution of models
    # you have and computed the cosmic SFH do you get the
    # Madau diagram back?
    # 2.
    # Do your model galaxies follow other scaling relations?

    # Apply IGM depending on boolean flag
    #if apply_igm:
    #    pass

    bc03_wav_z, bc03_flux = apply_redshift(bc03_spec_wav, bc03_dusty_llam,

    if plot_tocheck:

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

        ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda\ \mathrm{[\AA]}$', fontsize=14)
        ax.set_ylabel(r'$f_\lambda\ \mathrm{[erg\, s^{-1}\, cm^{-2}\, \AA]}$',

        #ax.plot(bc03_spec_wav, bc03_spec_llam, label='Orig model')
        #ax.plot(bc03_spec_wav, bc03_dusty_llam, label='Dusty model')
                label='Redshfited dusty model with chosen Ms')


        ax.set_xlim(500, 25000)


    # Save file
    gal_spec_path = roman_sims_seds + 'bc03_template' + \
    "_z" + "{:.3f}".format(redshift).replace('.', 'p') + \
    "_ms" + log_stellar_mass_str + \
    "_age" + "{:.3f}".format(chosen_age).replace('.', 'p') + \
    "_tau" + "{:.3f}".format(chosen_tau).replace('.', 'p') + \
    "_met" + "{:.4f}".format(metals).replace('.', 'p') + \
    "_av" + "{:.3f}".format(chosen_av).replace('.', 'p') + \

    # Print info to screen
    # print("\n")
    # print("--------------------------------------------------")
    # print("Randomly chosen redshift:", redshift)
    # print("Age limit at redshift [Gyr]:", age_lim)
    # print("\nRandomly chosen stellar population parameters:")
    # print("Age [Gyr]:", chosen_age)
    # print("log(stellar mass) [log(Ms/M_sol)]:", log_stellar_mass_chosen)
    # print("Tau [exp. decl. timescale, Gyr]:", chosen_tau)
    # print("Metallicity (abs. frac.):", metals)
    # print("Dust extinction in V-band (mag):", chosen_av)
    # print("\nWill save to file:", gal_spec_path)

    # Save individual spectrum file if it doesn't already exist
    if not os.path.isfile(gal_spec_path):

        fh_gal = open(gal_spec_path, 'w')
        fh_gal.write("#  lam  flux")

        for j in range(len(bc03_flux)):

            fh_gal.write("{:.2f}".format(bc03_wav_z[j]) + " " +


    return gal_spec_path
Ejemplo n.º 6
def model_galaxy(x, z, ms, age, logtau, av):
    Expects to get the following arguments
    x: observed wavelength grid
    z: redshift to apply to template
    ms: log of the stellar mass
    age: age of SED in Gyr
    tau: exponential SFH timescale in Gyr
    metallicity: absolute fraction of metals
    av: visual dust extinction

    metals = 0.02

    # Get the metallicity in the format that BC03 needs
    if metals == 0.0001:
        metallicity = 'm22'
    elif metals == 0.0004:
        metallicity = 'm32'
    elif metals == 0.004:
        metallicity = 'm42'
    elif metals == 0.008:
        metallicity = 'm52'
    elif metals == 0.02:
        metallicity = 'm62'
    elif metals == 0.05:
        metallicity = 'm72'

    tau = 10**logtau  # logtau is log of tau in gyr

    #print("log(tau [Gyr]):", logtau)
    #print("Tau [Gyr]:", tau)
    #print("Age [Gyr]:", age)

    if tau < 20.0:

        tau_int_idx = int((tau - int(np.floor(tau))) * 1e3)
        age_idx = np.argmin(abs(model_ages - age*1e9))
        model_idx = tau_int_idx * len(model_ages)  +  age_idx

        models_taurange_idx = np.argmin(abs(np.arange(tau_low, tau_high, 1) - \
        models_arr = all_m62_models[models_taurange_idx]

    elif tau >= 20.0:
        logtau_arr = np.arange(1.30, 2.01, 0.01)
        logtau_idx = np.argmin(abs(logtau_arr - logtau))

        age_idx = np.argmin(abs(model_ages - age*1e9))
        model_idx = logtau_idx * len(model_ages) + age_idx

        models_arr = all_m62_models[-1]

    model_llam = np.asarray(models_arr[model_idx], dtype=np.float64)
      This np.asarray stuff (here and for model_lam below) is very
      important for numba to be able to do its magic. It does not 
      like args passed into a numba @jit(nopython=True) decorated 
      function to come from np.load(..., mmap_mode='r').
      So I made the arrays passed into the function explicitly be
      numpy arrays of dtype=np.float64. 
      For now only the two functions in dust_utils are numba decorated
      because applying the dust extinction was the most significant
      bottleneck in this code. I suspect if more functions were numba
      decorated then the code will go even faster.
      E.g., after using numba an SN run of 2000 steps finishes in 
      <~2 min whereas it used to take ~25 min (on my laptop). On 
      PLFFSN2 the same run used to take ~9 min, it now finishes in
      For a galaxy a run of 2000 steps 

    # ------ Apply dust extinction
    ml = np.asarray(model_lam, dtype=np.float64)
    model_dusty_llam = du.get_dust_atten_model(ml, model_llam, av)

    # ------ Multiply luminosity by stellar mass
    model_dusty_llam = model_dusty_llam * 10**ms

    # ------ Apply redshift
    model_lam_z, model_flam_z = apply_redshift(ml, model_dusty_llam, z)
    model_flam_z = Lsol * model_flam_z

    # ------ Apply LSF
    model_lsfconv = gaussian_filter1d(input=model_flam_z, sigma=1.0)

    # ------ Downgrade to grism resolution
    model_mod = griddata(points=model_lam_z, values=model_lsfconv, xi=x)

    return model_mod
def model_host(x, z, age, logtau, av):
    Expects to get the following arguments
    x: observed wavelength grid
    z: redshift to apply to template
    ms: log of the stellar mass
    age: age of SED in Gyr
    tau: exponential SFH timescale in Gyr
    metallicity: absolute fraction of metals
    av: visual dust extinction

    metals = 0.02

    tau = 10**logtau  # logtau is log of tau in gyr

    #print("log(tau [Gyr]):", logtau)
    #print("Tau [Gyr]:", tau)
    #print("Age [Gyr]:", age)

    if tau < 20.0:

        tau_int_idx = int((tau - int(np.floor(tau))) * 1e3)
        age_idx = np.argmin(abs(model_ages - age*1e9))
        model_idx = tau_int_idx * len(model_ages)  +  age_idx

        models_taurange_idx = np.argmin(abs(np.arange(tau_low, tau_high, 1) - int(np.floor(tau))))
        models_arr = all_m62_models[models_taurange_idx]

        #print("Tau int and age index:", tau_int_idx, age_idx)
        #print("Tau and age from index:", models_taurange_idx+tau_int_idx/1e3, model_ages[age_idx]/1e9)
        #print("Model tau range index:", models_taurange_idx)

    elif tau >= 20.0:
        logtau_arr = np.arange(1.30, 2.01, 0.01)
        logtau_idx = np.argmin(abs(logtau_arr - logtau))

        age_idx = np.argmin(abs(model_ages - age*1e9))
        model_idx = logtau_idx * len(model_ages) + age_idx

        models_arr = all_m62_models[-1]

        #print("logtau and age index:", logtau_idx, age_idx)
        #print("Tau and age from index:", 10**(logtau_arr[logtau_idx]), model_ages[age_idx]/1e9)

    #print("Model index:", model_idx)

    model_llam = models_arr[model_idx]

    # ------ Apply dust extinction
    model_dusty_llam = get_dust_atten_model(model_lam, model_llam, av)

    # ------ Multiply luminosity by stellar mass
    #model_dusty_llam = model_dusty_llam * 10**ms

    # ------ Apply redshift
    model_lam_z, model_flam_z = cosmo.apply_redshift(model_lam, model_dusty_llam, z)
    Lsol = 3.826e33
    model_flam_z = Lsol * model_flam_z

    # ------ Apply LSF
    model_lsfconv = gaussian_filter1d(input=model_flam_z, sigma=1.0)

    # ------ Downgrade to grism resolution
    model_mod = griddata(points=model_lam_z, values=model_lsfconv, xi=x)

    model_err = np.zeros(len(x))
    model_cont_norm, model_err_cont_norm = divcont(x, model_mod, model_err, showplot=False)

    return model_cont_norm
Ejemplo n.º 8
def model_galaxy(x, z, ms, age, logtau, av, stellar_vdisp=False):
    Expects to get the following arguments
    x: observed wavelength grid
    z: redshift to apply to template
    ms: log of the stellar mass
    age: age of SED in Gyr
    tau: exponential SFH timescale in Gyr
    metallicity: absolute fraction of metals
    av: visual dust extinction

    # If using hte larger model set with no emission lines
    tau = 10**logtau  # logtau is log of tau in gyr

    #print("log(tau [Gyr]):", logtau)
    #print("Tau [Gyr]:", tau)
    #print("Age [Gyr]:", age)

    if tau < 20.0:

        tau_int_idx = int((tau - int(np.floor(tau))) * 1e3)
        age_idx = np.argmin(abs(model_ages - age*1e9))
        model_idx = tau_int_idx * len(model_ages)  +  age_idx

        models_taurange_idx = np.argmin(abs(np.arange(tau_low, tau_high, 1) - int(np.floor(tau))))
        models_arr = all_m62_models[models_taurange_idx]

    elif tau >= 20.0:

        logtau_arr = np.arange(1.30, 2.01, 0.01)
        logtau_idx = np.argmin(abs(logtau_arr - logtau))

        age_idx = np.argmin(abs(model_ages - age*1e9))
        model_idx = logtau_idx * len(model_ages) + age_idx

        models_arr = all_m62_models[-1]

    # Force to numpy array for numba
    model_llam = np.asarray(models_arr[model_idx], dtype=np.float64)

    # Smaller model set with emission lines
    tau = 10**logtau  # logtau is log of tau in gyr
    tauv = av / 1.086
    model_llam = get_template(np.log10(age * 1e9), tau, tauv, 0.02, \
        log_age_arr, metal_arr, tau_gyr_arr, tauv_arr, model_grid)

    model_llam = np.asarray(model_llam, dtype=np.float64)

    # ------ Apply stellar velocity dispersion
    # ------ and dust attenuation
    # assumed for now as a constant 220 km/s
    # TODO: optimize
    # -- This does not have to be done each time the model function
    #    is called because we're assuming a constant vel disp
    if stellar_vdisp:
        sigmav = 220
        model_vdisp = add_stellar_vdisp(ml, model_llam, sigmav)

        # ------ Apply dust extinction
        model_dusty_llam = du.get_dust_atten_model(ml, model_vdisp, av)

        # ------ Apply dust extinction
        model_dusty_llam = du.get_dust_atten_model(ml, model_llam, av)

    model_dusty_llam = np.asarray(model_dusty_llam, dtype=np.float64)

    # ------ Multiply luminosity by stellar mass
    model_dusty_llam = model_dusty_llam * 10**ms

    # ------ Apply redshift
    model_lam_z, model_flam_z = apply_redshift(ml, model_dusty_llam, z)
    #model_flam_z = Lsol * model_flam_z

    # ------ Apply LSF
    model_lsfconv = gaussian_filter1d(input=model_flam_z, sigma=10.0)

    # ------ Downgrade and regrid to grism resolution
    model_mod = griddata(points=model_lam_z, values=model_lsfconv, xi=x)

    return model_mod