def test_submit_continue_then_ok_reply(self): """Handle polling for a complete problem.""" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: now = datetime_in_future(0) eta_min, eta_max = datetime_in_future(10), datetime_in_future(30) client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda a, _: choose_reply(a, { 'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % continue_reply( '123', 'abc123', eta_min=eta_min, eta_max=eta_max, now=now) }, date=now) client.session.get = lambda a: choose_reply(a, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=123': '[%s]' % complete_no_answer_reply('123', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/123/': complete_reply('123', 'abc123') }, date=now) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) # Build a problem linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} results = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) self._check(results, linear, quad, 100) # test future has eta_min and eta_max parsed correctly self.assertEqual(results.eta_min, eta_min) self.assertEqual(results.eta_max, eta_max)
def test_solver_feature_properties(self): self.assertTrue(solver_object('dw2000').is_qpu) self.assertFalse(solver_object('dw2000').is_software) self.assertFalse(solver_object('c4-sw_x').is_qpu) self.assertTrue(solver_object('c4-sw_x').is_software) self.assertFalse(solver_object('dw2000').is_vfyc) self.assertEqual(solver_object('dw2000').num_qubits, 3) self.assertFalse(solver_object('dw2000').has_flux_biases) data = json.loads(solver_data('test')) data['properties']['vfyc'] = 'error' self.assertFalse(Solver(None, data).is_vfyc) data['properties']['vfyc'] = True self.assertTrue(Solver(None, data).is_vfyc) data['properties']['parameters']['flux_biases'] = '...' self.assertTrue(Solver(None, data).has_flux_biases) # test `.is_online` property self.assertTrue(solver_object('dw2000').is_online) data = json.loads(solver_data('test')) data['status'] = 'offline' self.assertFalse(Solver(None, data).is_online) del data['status'] self.assertTrue(Solver(None, data).is_online)
def test_eta_min_is_respected_on_first_poll(self): "eta_min/earliest_estimated_completion should be respected if present in response" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: now = datetime_in_future(0) eta_min, eta_max = datetime_in_future(10), datetime_in_future(30) client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda path, _: choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % continue_reply( '1', 'abc123', eta_min=eta_min, eta_max=eta_max, now=now) }, date=now) client.session.get = lambda path: choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=1': '[%s]' % complete_no_answer_reply('1', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/1/': complete_reply('1', 'abc123') }, date=now) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) def assert_min_eta(s): s and self.assertTrue(abs(s - 10) < 1) with mock.patch('time.sleep', assert_min_eta): future = solver.sample_qubo({}) future.result()
def test_immediate_polling_with_local_clock_unsynced(self): """First poll happens with minimal delay if local clock is way off from the remote/server clock.""" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: badnow = datetime_in_future(100) client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda path, _: choose_reply( path, {'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % continue_reply('1', 'abc123')}, date=badnow) client.session.get = lambda path: choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=1': '[%s]' % complete_no_answer_reply('1', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/1/': complete_reply('1', 'abc123') }, date=badnow) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) def assert_no_delay(s): s and self.assertTrue( abs(s - client._POLL_BACKOFF_MIN) < client._POLL_BACKOFF_MIN / 10.0) with mock.patch('time.sleep', assert_no_delay): future = solver.sample_qubo({}) future.result()
def test_submit_continue_then_ok_reply(self): """Handle polling for a complete problem.""" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda a, _: choose_reply( a, { 'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % continue_reply( '123', 'abc123') }) client.session.get = lambda a: choose_reply( a, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=123': '[%s]' % complete_no_answer_reply('123', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/123/': complete_reply('123', 'abc123') }) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) # Build a problem linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} results = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) # self._check(results, linear, quad, 100)
def test_exponential_backoff_polling(self): "After each poll, back-off should double" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() # on submit, return status pending = lambda path, _: choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % continue_reply('123', 'abc123') }) # on first and second status poll, return pending # on third status poll, return completed def continue_then_complete(path, state={'count': 0}): state['count'] += 1 if state['count'] < 3: return choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=123': '[%s]' % continue_reply('123', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/123/': continue_reply('123', 'abc123') }) else: return choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=123': '[%s]' % complete_no_answer_reply('123', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/123/': complete_reply('123', 'abc123') }) client.session.get = continue_then_complete solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) future = solver.sample_qubo({}) future.result() # after third poll, back-off interval should be 4 x initial back-off self.assertEqual(future._poll_backoff, Client._POLL_BACKOFF_MIN * 2**2)
def test_cancel_with_id(self): """Make sure the cancel method submits to the right endpoint. When cancel is called after the submission is finished. """ submission_id = 'test-id' reply_body = '[%s]' % continue_reply(submission_id, 'solver') with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() client.session.get = lambda a: choose_reply( a, {'endpoint/problems/?id={}'.format(submission_id): reply_body}) client.session.delete = DeleteEvent.handle solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) future = solver.retrieve_problem(submission_id) future.cancel() try: self.assertTrue( is not None) future.samples except DeleteEvent as event: if event.url == 'endpoint/problems/': self.assertEqual(event.body, '["{}"]'.format(submission_id)) else: self.assertEqual( event.url, 'endpoint/problems/{}/'.format(submission_id))
def test_solver_filtering_in_client(self): self.assertTrue( Client.is_solver_handled( Solver(None, json.loads(solver_object('test'))))) self.assertFalse( Client.is_solver_handled( Solver(None, json.loads(solver_object('c4-sw_'))))) self.assertFalse(None)
def test_submit_continue_then_ok_and_error_reply(self): """Handle polling for the status of multiple problems.""" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() # on first status poll, return pending for both problems # on second status poll, return error for first problem and complete for second def continue_then_complete(path, state={'count': 0}): state['count'] += 1 if state['count'] < 2: return choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=1': '[{}]'.format(continue_reply('1', 'abc123')), 'endpoint/problems/?id=2': '[{}]'.format(continue_reply('2', 'abc123')), 'endpoint/problems/1/': continue_reply('1', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/2/': continue_reply('2', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/?id=1,2': '[{},{}]'.format(continue_reply('1', 'abc123'), continue_reply('2', 'abc123')), 'endpoint/problems/?id=2,1': '[{},{}]'.format(continue_reply('2', 'abc123'), continue_reply('1', 'abc123')) }) else: return choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=1': '[{}]'.format(error_reply('1', 'abc123', 'error')), 'endpoint/problems/?id=2': '[{}]'.format(complete_no_answer_reply('2', 'abc123')), 'endpoint/problems/1/': error_reply('1', 'abc123', 'error'), 'endpoint/problems/2/': complete_reply('2', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/?id=1,2': '[{},{}]'.format(error_reply('1', 'abc123', 'error'), complete_no_answer_reply('2', 'abc123')), 'endpoint/problems/?id=2,1': '[{},{}]'.format(complete_no_answer_reply('2', 'abc123'), error_reply('1', 'abc123', 'error')) }) client.session.get = continue_then_complete def accept_problems_with_continue_reply(path, body, ids=iter('12')): problems = json.loads(body) return choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/': json.dumps( [json.loads(continue_reply(next(ids), 'abc123')) for _ in problems]) }) = accept_problems_with_continue_reply solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} results1 = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) results2 = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) with self.assertRaises(SolverFailureError): self._check(results1, linear, quad, 100) self._check(results2, linear, quad, 100)
def test_submit_null_reply(self): """Get an error when the server's response is incomplete.""" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda a, _: choose_reply(a, {'endpoint/problems/': ''}) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) # Build a problem linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} results = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): results.samples
def test_submit_cancel_reply(self): """Handle a response for a canceled job.""" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda a, _: choose_reply(a, {'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % cancel_reply('123', 'abc123')}) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) # Build a problem linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} results = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) with self.assertRaises(CanceledFutureError): results.samples
def test_submit_error_reply(self): """Handle an error on problem submission.""" error_body = 'An error message' with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda a, _: choose_reply(a, { 'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % error_reply('123', 'abc123', error_body)}) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) # Build a problem linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} results = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) with self.assertRaises(SolverFailureError): results.samples
def test_submit_continue_then_error_reply(self): """Handle polling for an error message.""" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda a, _: choose_reply(a, {'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % continue_reply('123', 'abc123')}) client.session.get = lambda a: choose_reply(a, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=123': '[%s]' % error_reply('123', 'abc123', "error message")}) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) # Build a problem linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} results = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) with self.assertRaises(SolverFailureError): self._check(results, linear, quad, 100)
def test_submit_immediate_error_reply(self): """Handle an (obvious) error on problem submission.""" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda a, _: choose_reply( a, { 'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % immediate_error_reply( 400, "Missing parameter 'num_reads' in problem JSON") }) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) linear, quad = generate_random_ising_problem(solver) results = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad) with self.assertRaises(SolverFailureError): results.samples
def test_cancel_without_id(self): """Make sure the cancel method submits to the right endpoint. When cancel is called before the submission has returned the problem id. """ submission_id = 'test-id' reply_body = '[%s]' % continue_reply(submission_id, 'solver') release_reply = threading.Event() with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() client.session.get = lambda a: choose_reply( a, {'endpoint/problems/?id={}'.format(submission_id): reply_body}) def post(a, _): release_reply.wait() return choose_reply( a, {'endpoint/problems/'.format(submission_id): reply_body}) = post client.session.delete = DeleteEvent.handle solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) # Build a problem linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} future = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad) future.cancel() try: release_reply.set() future.samples except DeleteEvent as event: if event.url == 'endpoint/problems/': self.assertEqual(event.body, '["{}"]'.format(submission_id)) else: self.assertEqual( event.url, 'endpoint/problems/{}/'.format(submission_id))
def get_solver(): data = { "properties": { "supported_problem_types": ["qubo", "ising"], "qubits": [0, 1, 2, 3], "couplers": [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)], "num_qubits": 4, "parameters": {"num_reads": "Number of samples to return."} }, "id": "test-solver", "description": "A test solver" } return Solver(client=None, data=data)
def test_immediate_polling_without_eta_min(self): "First poll happens with minimal delay if eta_min missing" with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() = lambda path, _: choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % continue_reply('1', 'abc123') }) client.session.get = lambda path: choose_reply(path, { 'endpoint/problems/?id=1': '[%s]' % complete_no_answer_reply('1', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/1/': complete_reply('1', 'abc123') }) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) def assert_no_delay(s): s and self.assertTrue( abs(s - client._POLL_BACKOFF_MIN) < client._POLL_BACKOFF_MIN / 10.0) with mock.patch('time.sleep', assert_no_delay): future = solver.sample_qubo({}) future.result()
def test_submit_continue_then_ok_and_error_reply(self): """Handle polling for the status of multiple problems.""" # Reduce the number of poll threads to 1 so that the system can be tested old_value = Client._POLL_THREAD_COUNT Client._POLL_THREAD_COUNT = 1 with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client: client.session = mock.Mock() client.session.get = lambda a: choose_reply( a, { # Wait until both problems are 'endpoint/problems/?id=1': '[%s]' % continue_reply('1', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/?id=2': '[%s]' % continue_reply('2', 'abc123'), 'endpoint/problems/?id=2,1': '[' + complete_no_answer_reply('2', 'abc123') + ',' + error_reply('1', 'abc123', 'error') + ']', 'endpoint/problems/?id=1,2': '[' + error_reply('1', 'abc123', 'error') + ',' + complete_no_answer_reply('2', 'abc123') + ']', 'endpoint/problems/1/': error_reply('1', 'abc123', 'Error message'), 'endpoint/problems/2/': complete_reply('2', 'abc123') }) def switch_post_reply(path, body): message = json.loads(body) if len(message) == 1: = lambda a, _: choose_reply( a, { 'endpoint/problems/': '[%s]' % continue_reply('2', 'abc123') }) return choose_reply( '', {'': '[%s]' % continue_reply('1', 'abc123')}) else: = None return choose_reply( 'endpoint/', { 'endpoint/': '[%s, %s]' % (continue_reply( '1', 'abc123'), continue_reply('2', 'abc123')) }) = lambda a, body: switch_post_reply(a, body) solver = Solver(client, solver_data('abc123')) # Build a problem linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes} quad = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges} results1 = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) results2 = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100) with self.assertRaises(SolverFailureError): self._check(results1, linear, quad, 100) self._check(results2, linear, quad, 100) Client._POLL_THREAD_COUNT = old_value
def solver_object(id_, incomplete=False): return Solver(client=None, data=json.loads(solver_data(id_, incomplete)))