Ejemplo n.º 1
    def attrdom( self, attr, parent = None ):

        #  <attr name="link-type" ac="dip:0001" ns="dip">
        #   <value ac="MI:0218" ns="psi-mi">
        #     physical interaction
        #   <value>
        #   <type> ...</type>
        #   <node>...</node> 
        #  <attr>
        if parent is None:
            at0 = ET.Element( self.dxfp + "attr", nsmap = self.nsmap) 
            at0 = ET.SubElement( parent, self.dxfp + "attr" )

            at0.attrib['name'] = attr['name']
            at0.attrib['ns'] = attr['ns']
            at0.attrib['ac'] = attr['ac']
            if 'value' in attr:
                val = attr['value']
                if 'value' in val:
                    atv0 = ET.SubElement( at0, self.dxfp + "value" )
                    atv0.text = val['value']
            if 'type' in attr:
                atp0 = self.typedom( attr['type'], parent = at0 )
            if 'node' in attr:
                atn0 = DXF.DXF15Node( attr['node'] ).dxfdom( parent = at0 )                    
        return at0 
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def typedom( self, tpe, parent = None):
        if parent is None:
            tp0 = ET.Element( self.dxfp + "type", nsmap = self.nsmap) 
            tp0 = ET.SubElement( parent, self.dxfp + "type" )
        tp0.attrib['name'] = tpe['name']
        tp0.attrib['ns'] = tpe['ns']
        tp0.attrib['ac'] = tpe['ac']
        if 'node' in tpe:
            tpn0 = DXF.DXF15Node( tpe['node'] ).dxfdom( parent = tp0 )

        return tp0
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, dxf=None, root=None):
        self.nsp = {'dxf': 'http://dip.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/services/dxf15'}
        self.nsmap = {None: self.nsp['dxf']}
        self.dxfp = "{%s}" % self.nsp['dxf']

        self._root = root

        if isinstance(dxf, list):
            self._dxf = dxf
        elif isinstance(dxf, dict):
            self._dxf = [dxf]
            raise TypeError

        if dxf is None:
            self._ndlst = None
            self._ndlst = []
            if isinstance(dxf, dict):
                self._ndlst.append(DXF.DXF15Node(dxf, self._root))
            elif isinstance(dxf, list):
                for nd in dxf:
                    self._ndlst.append(DXF.DXF15Node(nd, self._root))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def xrefdom( self, xref, parent = None ):

        #<xref type="produced-by" typeAc="dxf:0007" typeNs="dxf"
        #       ac="4932" ns="TaxId">
        #  <node>...</node>

        if parent is None:
            xr0 = ET.Element( self.dxfp + "xref", nsmap = self.nsmap) 
            xr0 = ET.SubElement( parent, self.dxfp + "xref" )
        xr0.attrib['ns'] =  xref['ns']
        xr0.attrib['ac'] =  xref['ac']
        if 'type' in xref:
            xr0.attrib['type'] =  xref['type']
        if 'typeNs' in xref:
            xr0.attrib['typeNs'] = xref['typeNs']
        if 'typeAc' in xref:
            xr0.attrib['typeAc'] = xref['typeAc']
        if 'node' in xref:
            xrn0 = DXF.DXF15Node( xref['node'] ).dxfdom( parent = xr0 )                    
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def dxfdom( self, parent = None, id = None ):
        if parent is None:
            ndom = ET.Element( self.dxfp + "node", nsmap = self.nsmap) 
            ndom = ET.SubElement( parent, self.dxfp + "node" )

        if id is None:
            id = 1

        ndom.attrib['id']= str( id )
        ndom.attrib['ns']= str( self.ns )
        ndom.attrib['ac']= str( self.ac )

        lb0 = ET.SubElement( ndom, self.dxfp + "label" )
        if self.label is not None:            

        nm0 = ET.SubElement( ndom, self.dxfp + "name" )
        if self.name is not None:

        if self.type is not None:
            tp0 = self.typedom( self.type, parent = ndom )

        # <xref>...</xref>
        if self.xref is not None and len(self.xref) > 0:                    
            xrl0 = ET.SubElement( ndom, self.dxfp + "xrefList" )
            for x in  self.xref:
                xr0 = self.xrefdom( x, parent = xrl0 )
        # <attr>...</attr>
        if self.attr is not None and len(self.attr) > 0:
            atl0 = ET.SubElement( ndom, self.dxfp + "attrList" )
            for a in self.attr:
                at0 = self.attrdom( a, parent = atl0 )

        #   <part id="3" name="CEG1{A}">
        #      <type name="linked-node" ac="dxf:0010" ns="dxf"/>
        #      <node>...</node>
        #   <part>
        # </partList>                                                                          

        if self.part is not None and len(self.part) > 0:
            prl0 = ET.SubElement( ndom, self.dxfp + "partList" )
            pid = 1
            for p in self.part:
                pt0 = ET.SubElement( ptl0, self.dxfp + "part" )
                pt0.attrib['id'] = pid
                pt0.attrib['name'] = p['name']

                if 'type' in p:
                    ptp0 = self.typedom( p['type'], parent = pt0 )
                if 'node' in p:
                    pnd0 = DXF.DXF15Node( p['node'] ).dxfdom( parent = pt0 )

                if 'xref' in p:
                    if p['xref'] is not None and len(p['xref']) > 0:
                        xrl0 = ET.SubElement( pt0, self.dxfp + "xrefList" )
                        for x in  p['xref']:
                            xr0 = self.xrefdom( x, parent = xrl0 )                             
                if 'attr' in p:
                    if p['attr'] is not None and len(p['attr']) > 0:
                        atl0 = ET.SubElement( pt0, self.dxfp + "attrList" )
                        for a in  p['attr']:
                            at0 = self.xrefdom( a, parent = atl0 )                             
                if 'feature' in p:
                    if p['feature'] is not None and len(p['feature']) > 0:
                        ftl0 = ET.SubElement( pt0, self.dxfp + "featureList" )
                        for f in  p['feature']:
                            ft0 = self.regiondom( f, parent = ftl0 )                   
            pid += 1        
        return (ndom, id)