Ejemplo n.º 1
	__idname__ = "export.autodesk_3ds"
	__label__ = 'Export 3DS'
	# List of operator properties, the attributes will be assigned
	# to the class instance from the operator settings before calling.

	__props__ = [
		# bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="filename", name="File Name", description="File name used for exporting the 3DS file", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
		bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="path", name="File Path", description="File path used for exporting the 3DS file", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
	def execute(self, context):
		save_3ds(self.path, context)
		return ('FINISHED',)
	def invoke(self, context, event):
		wm = context.manager
		return ('RUNNING_MODAL',)
	def poll(self, context): # Poll isnt working yet
		return context.active_object != None


# Add to a menu
import dynamic_menu
menu_func = lambda self, context: self.layout.itemO("export.autodesk_3ds", text="Autodesk 3DS...")
menu_item = dynamic_menu.add(bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export, menu_func)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        mesh = bpy.data.add_mesh( "pyramid" )
        mesh.add_geometry( int(len( verts )/3), 0, int(len( faces )/4) )
        mesh.verts.foreach_set( "co", verts )
        mesh.faces.foreach_set( "verts_raw", faces )

        scene = context.scene

        for ob in scene.objects:
            ob.selected = False


        # link the mesh data to a mesh object
        # then put it into the scene.
        ob_new = bpy.data.add_object( 'MESH', "Pyramid" )
        ob_new.data = mesh
        scene.objects.link( ob_new )

        scene.objects.active = ob_new
        ob_new.selected = True
        ob_new.location = tuple( context.scene.cursor_location )
        return( 'FINISHED', )

# standard operation registration and menu setup.
bpy.ops.add( OBJECT_OT_PyramidOp )
import dynamic_menu
menuFunc = ( lambda self, context: self.layout.operator( OBJECT_OT_PyramidOp.bl_idname, text="Pyramid" ) )
menu_item = dynamic_menu.add( bpy.types.INFO_MT_mesh_add, menuFunc )
Ejemplo n.º 3
		me.add_geometry(int(len(verts_loc)/3), 0, int(len(faces)/4))
		me.verts.foreach_set("co", verts_loc)
		me.faces.foreach_set("verts_raw", faces)
		sce = context.scene
		# ugh
		for ob in sce.objects:
			ob.selected = False
		ob= bpy.data.add_object('MESH', "Torus")
		ob.data= me
		context.scene.active_object = ob
		ob.selected = True
		ob.location = tuple(context.scene.cursor_location)
		return ('FINISHED',)

# Register the operator

# Add to a menu
import dynamic_menu
import space_info
menu_item = dynamic_menu.add(bpy.types.INFO_MT_mesh_add, (lambda self, context: self.layout.itemO("mesh.primitive_torus_add", text="Torus", icon='ICON_MESH_DONUT')) )

if __name__ == "__main__":