def test_prolong_vector(tmpdir):
    ''' Check that we generate correct code when an inter-grid kernel
    takes a field vector as argument '''
    _, invoke_info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=True).create(invoke_info)
    output = str(psy.gen)

    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)

    assert "TYPE(field_type), intent(inout) :: field1(3)" in output
    assert "TYPE(field_proxy_type) field1_proxy(3)" in output
    # Make sure we always index into the field arrays
    assert " field1%" not in output
    assert " field2%" not in output
    assert ("ncpc_field1_field2, ncell_field1, field1_proxy(1)%data, "
            "field1_proxy(2)%data, field1_proxy(3)%data, field2_proxy(1)%data,"
            " field2_proxy(2)%data, field2_proxy(3)%data, ndf_w1" in output)
    for idx in [1, 2, 3]:
        assert ("      IF (field2_proxy({0})%is_dirty(depth=1)) THEN\n"
                "        CALL field2_proxy({0})%halo_exchange(depth=1)\n"
                "      END IF \n".format(idx) in output)
        assert ("field1_proxy({0}) = field1({0})%get_proxy()".format(idx)
                in output)
        assert "CALL field1_proxy({0})%set_dirty()".format(idx) in output
        assert "CALL field1_proxy({0})%set_clean(1)".format(idx) in output
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_2kern_trans(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    ''' Check that we generate correct code when we transform two kernels
    within a single invoke. '''
    # Ensure kernel-output directory is uninitialised
    config = Config.get()
    monkeypatch.setattr(config, "_kernel_output_dir", "")
    # Change to temp dir (so kernel written there)
    old_cwd = tmpdir.chdir()
    psy, invoke = get_invoke("4.5.2_multikernel_invokes.f90", api="dynamo0.3",
    sched = invoke.schedule
    kernels = sched.walk(Kern)
    assert len(kernels) == 5
    rtrans = ACCRoutineTrans()
    _, _ = rtrans.apply(kernels[1])
    _, _ = rtrans.apply(kernels[2])
    # Generate the code (this triggers the generation of new kernels)
    code = str(psy.gen).lower()
    # Find the tags added to the kernel/module names
    for match in re.finditer('use testkern_any_space_2(.+?)_mod', code):
        tag =
        assert ("use testkern_any_space_2{0}_mod, only: "
                "testkern_any_space_2{0}_code".format(tag) in code)
        assert "call testkern_any_space_2{0}_code(".format(tag) in code
        assert os.path.isfile(
    assert "use testkern_any_space_2_mod, only" not in code
    assert "call testkern_any_space_2_code(" not in code
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)
def test_2kern_trans(kernel_outputdir):
    ''' Check that we generate correct code when we transform two kernels
    within a single invoke. '''
    psy, invoke = get_invoke("4.5.2_multikernel_invokes.f90",
    sched = invoke.schedule
    kernels = sched.walk(Kern)
    assert len(kernels) == 5
    ktrans = Dynamo0p3KernelConstTrans()
    _, _ = ktrans.apply(kernels[1], number_of_layers=100)
    _, _ = ktrans.apply(kernels[2], number_of_layers=100)
    # Generate the code (this triggers the generation of new kernels)
    code = str(psy.gen).lower()
    # Find the tags added to the kernel/module names
    for match in re.finditer('use testkern_any_space_2(.+?)_mod', code):
        tag =
        assert ("use testkern_any_space_2{0}_mod, only: "
                "testkern_any_space_2{0}_code".format(tag) in code)
        assert "call testkern_any_space_2{0}_code(".format(tag) in code
        filepath = os.path.join(str(kernel_outputdir),
        assert os.path.isfile(filepath)
        assert "nlayers = 100" in open(filepath).read()
    assert "use testkern_any_space_2_mod, only" not in code
    assert "call testkern_any_space_2_code(" not in code
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(kernel_outputdir).code_compiles(psy)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_1kern_trans(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    ''' Check that we generate the correct code when an invoke contains
    the same kernel more than once but only one of them is transformed. '''
    # Ensure kernel-output directory is uninitialised
    config = Config.get()
    monkeypatch.setattr(config, "_kernel_output_dir", "")
    # Change to temp dir (so kernel written there)
    old_cwd = tmpdir.chdir()
    psy, invoke = get_invoke("4_multikernel_invokes.f90", api="dynamo0.3",
    sched = invoke.schedule
    kernels = sched.coded_kernels()
    # We will transform the second kernel but not the first
    kern = kernels[1]
    rtrans = ACCRoutineTrans()
    _, _ = rtrans.apply(kern)
    # Generate the code (this triggers the generation of a new kernel)
    code = str(psy.gen).lower()
    tag ='use testkern(.+?)_mod', code).group(1)
    # We should have a USE for the original kernel and a USE for the new one
    assert "use testkern{0}_mod, only: testkern{0}_code".format(tag) in code
    assert "use testkern, only: testkern_code" in code
    # Similarly, we should have calls to both the original and new kernels
    assert "call testkern_code(" in code
    assert "call testkern{0}_code(".format(tag) in code
    first = code.find("call testkern_code(")
    second = code.find("call testkern{0}_code(".format(tag))
    assert first < second
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)
def test_1kern_trans(kernel_outputdir):
    ''' Check that we generate the correct code when an invoke contains
    the same kernel more than once but only one of them is transformed. '''
    psy, invoke = get_invoke("4_multikernel_invokes.f90",
    sched = invoke.schedule
    kernels = sched.coded_kernels()
    # We will transform the second kernel but not the first
    kern = kernels[1]
    rtrans = ACCRoutineTrans()
    _, _ = rtrans.apply(kern)
    # Generate the code (this triggers the generation of a new kernel)
    code = str(psy.gen).lower()
    tag ='use testkern(.+?)_mod', code).group(1)
    # We should have a USE for the original kernel and a USE for the new one
    assert "use testkern{0}_mod, only: testkern{0}_code".format(tag) in code
    assert "use testkern, only: testkern_code" in code
    # Similarly, we should have calls to both the original and new kernels
    assert "call testkern_code(" in code
    assert "call testkern{0}_code(".format(tag) in code
    first = code.find("call testkern_code(")
    second = code.find("call testkern{0}_code(".format(tag))
    assert first < second
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(kernel_outputdir).code_compiles(psy)
def test_gh_inc_nohex_1(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    '''If COMPUTE_ANNEXED_DOFS is True, then a gh_inc access to a field in
    a kernel (iterating to the l1 halo) does not require a halo
    exchange when the previous writer is known and iterates over dofs
    to nannexed, halo(1), or halo max depth

    # ensure that COMPUTE_ANNEXED_DOFS is True
    config = Config.get()
    dyn_config = config.api_conf(API)
    monkeypatch.setattr(dyn_config, "_compute_annexed_dofs", True)

    # parse and get psy schedule
    _, info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "14.12_halo_wdofs_to_inc.f90"),
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=True).create(info)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule

    def check_schedule(schedule):
        '''Check this schedule has expected structure (loop, haloexchange,
        loop). In paricular there should be no halo exchange for the
        write-to-gh_inc dependence.

        :param schedule: a dynamo0.3 API schedule object
        :type schedule: :py:class:`psyclone.dynamo0p3.DynInvokeSchedule`.

        assert len(schedule.children) == 3
        loop1 = schedule.children[0]
        haloex = schedule.children[1]
        loop2 = schedule.children[2]
        assert isinstance(loop1, DynLoop)
        assert isinstance(haloex, DynHaloExchange)
        assert == "f2"
        assert haloex.required() == (True, False)
        assert isinstance(loop2, DynLoop)

    # 1st loop should iterate over dofs to nannexed. Check output
    assert schedule.children[0].upper_bound_name == "nannexed"

    # just check compilation here (not later in this test) as
    # compilation of redundant computation is checked separately
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)

    # make 1st loop iterate over dofs to the level 1 halo and check output
    rc_trans = Dynamo0p3RedundantComputationTrans()
    rc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0], depth=1)
    assert schedule.children[0].upper_bound_name == "dof_halo"
    assert schedule.children[0].upper_bound_halo_depth == 1

    # make 1st loop iterate over dofs to the maximum halo depth and
    # check output
    assert schedule.children[0].upper_bound_name == "dof_halo"
    assert not schedule.children[0].upper_bound_halo_depth
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_field_qr_deref(tmpdir):
    ''' Tests that a call, with a set of fields requiring
    quadrature, produces correct code when the quadrature is supplied as the
    component of a derived type. '''
    _, invoke_info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
    for dist_mem in [True, False]:
        psy = PSyFactory("dynamo0.3",

        assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)
        gen = str(psy.gen)
        assert (
            "    SUBROUTINE invoke_0_testkern_qr_type(f1, f2, m1, a, m2, istp,"
            " qr_data)\n" in gen)
        assert "TYPE(quadrature_xyoz_type), intent(in) :: qr_data" in gen
Ejemplo n.º 8
def infra_compile(tmpdir_factory, request):
    '''A per-session initialisation function that sets the compilation flags
    in the Compile class based on command line options for --compile,
    --compileopencl, --f90, --f90flags. Then makes sure that the
    infrastructure files for the dynamo0p3 and gocean1p0 APIs are compiled
    (if compilation was enabled).
    from psyclone_test_utils import Compile

    from dynamo0p3_build import Dynamo0p3Build
    # Create a temporary directory to store the compiled files.
    # Note that this directory is unique even if compiled in
    # parallel, i.e. each process has its own copy of the
    # compiled infrastructure file, which avoids the problem
    # of synchronisation between the processes.
    tmpdir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('dynamo_wrapper')
    # This is the first instance created. This will trigger
    # compilation of the infrastructure files.

    from gocean1p0_build import GOcean1p0Build
    tmpdir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('dl_esm_inf')
def test_restrict_prolong_chain(tmpdir, dist_mem):
    ''' Test when we have a single invoke containing a chain of
    restrictions and prolongations '''
    _, invoke_info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=dist_mem).create(invoke_info)
    output = str(psy.gen)
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)

    expected = (
        "      ! Look-up mesh objects and loop limits for inter-grid "
        "      !\n"
        "      mesh_fld_f => fld_f_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
        "      mesh_fld_m => fld_m_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
        "      mmap_fld_f_fld_m => mesh_fld_m%get_mesh_map(mesh_fld_f)\n"
        "      cell_map_fld_m => mmap_fld_f_fld_m%get_whole_cell_map()\n")

    assert expected in output

    if dist_mem:
        expected = (
            "      ncell_fld_f = mesh_fld_f%get_last_halo_cell(depth=2)\n"
            "      ncpc_fld_f_fld_m = mmap_fld_f_fld_m%"
            "      mesh_fld_c => fld_c_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
            "      mmap_fld_m_fld_c => mesh_fld_c%get_mesh_map(mesh_fld_m)\n"
            "      cell_map_fld_c => mmap_fld_m_fld_c%get_whole_cell_map()\n"
            "      ncell_fld_m = mesh_fld_m%get_last_halo_cell(depth=2)\n"
            "      ncpc_fld_m_fld_c = mmap_fld_m_fld_c%"
        expected = (
            "      ncell_fld_f = fld_f_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()\n"
            "      ncpc_fld_f_fld_m = mmap_fld_f_fld_m%"
            "      mesh_fld_c => fld_c_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
            "      mmap_fld_m_fld_c => mesh_fld_c%get_mesh_map(mesh_fld_m)\n"
            "      cell_map_fld_c => mmap_fld_m_fld_c%get_whole_cell_map()\n"
            "      ncell_fld_m = fld_m_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()\n"
            "      ncpc_fld_m_fld_c = mmap_fld_m_fld_c%get_ntarget_cells_"
    assert expected in output

    # Check that we haven't got duplicated output
    assert output.count("mesh_fld_m => fld_m_proxy%vspace%get_mesh") == 1
    assert output.count("ncell_fld_m = ") == 1
    assert output.count("ncell_fld_f = ") == 1

    if dist_mem:
        # Have a potential halo exchange before 1st prolong
        expected = ("      IF (fld_c_proxy%is_dirty(depth=1)) THEN\n"
                    "        CALL fld_c_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=1)\n"
                    "      END IF \n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      DO cell=1,mesh_fld_c%get_last_halo_cell(1)\n")
        assert expected in output
        # Since we loop into L1 halo of the coarse mesh, the L1 halo
        # of the fine(r) mesh will now be clean. Therefore, no halo
        # swap before the next prolongation
        expected = ("      ! Set halos dirty/clean for fields modified in the "
                    "above loop\n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      CALL fld_m_proxy%set_dirty()\n"
                    "      CALL fld_m_proxy%set_clean(1)\n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      DO cell=1,mesh_fld_m%get_last_halo_cell(1)\n")
        assert expected in output
        # Again the L1 halo for fld_f will now be clean but for restriction
        # we need the L2 halo to be clean. There's a set_clean(1) for
        # fld_f because the above loop over the coarser fld_m will go
        # into the L2 halo of fld_f. However, it is a continuous field
        # so only the L1 halo will actually be clean.
        expected = ("      CALL fld_f_proxy%set_dirty()\n"
                    "      CALL fld_f_proxy%set_clean(1)\n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      CALL fld_f_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=2)\n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      DO cell=1,mesh_fld_m%get_last_halo_cell(1)\n"
                    "        !\n"
                    "        CALL restrict_kernel_code")
        assert expected in output
        # For the final restriction we need the L2 halo of fld_m to be
        # clean. There's no set_clean() call on fld_m because it is
        # only updated out to the L1 halo and it is a continuous field
        # so the shared dofs in the L1 halo will still be dirty.
        expected = ("      CALL fld_m_proxy%set_dirty()\n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      CALL fld_m_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=2)\n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      DO cell=1,mesh_fld_c%get_last_halo_cell(1)\n"
                    "        !\n"
                    "        CALL restrict_kernel_code")
        assert expected in output
        expected = (
            "      DO cell=1,fld_c_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()\n"
            "        !\n"
            "        CALL prolong_kernel_code(nlayers, cell_map_fld_c(:,"
            "cell), ncpc_fld_m_fld_c, ncell_fld_m, fld_m_proxy%data, "
            "fld_c_proxy%data, ndf_w1, undf_w1, map_w1, undf_w2, "
            "      END DO \n"
            "      DO cell=1,fld_m_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()\n"
            "        !\n"
            "        CALL prolong_kernel_code(nlayers, cell_map_fld_m(:,"
            "cell), ncpc_fld_f_fld_m, ncell_fld_f, fld_f_proxy%data, "
            "fld_m_proxy%data, ndf_w1, undf_w1, map_w1, undf_w2, "
            "      END DO \n"
            "      DO cell=1,fld_m_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()\n"
            "        !\n"
            "        CALL restrict_kernel_code(nlayers, cell_map_fld_m(:,"
            "cell), ncpc_fld_f_fld_m, ncell_fld_f, fld_m_proxy%data, "
            "fld_f_proxy%data, undf_any_space_1_fld_m, "
            "map_any_space_1_fld_m(:,cell), ndf_any_space_2_fld_f, "
            "undf_any_space_2_fld_f, map_any_space_2_fld_f)\n"
            "      END DO \n"
            "      DO cell=1,fld_c_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()\n"
            "        !\n"
            "        CALL restrict_kernel_code(nlayers, cell_map_fld_c(:,"
            "cell), ncpc_fld_m_fld_c, ncell_fld_m, fld_c_proxy%data, "
            "fld_m_proxy%data, undf_any_space_1_fld_c, "
            "map_any_space_1_fld_c(:,cell), ndf_any_space_2_fld_m, "
            "undf_any_space_2_fld_m, map_any_space_2_fld_m)\n")
        assert expected in output
def test_field_restrict(tmpdir, monkeypatch, annexed):
    '''Test that we generate correct code for an invoke containing a
    single restriction operation (read from fine, write to
    coarse). Check when annexed is False and True as we produce a
    different number of halo exchanges.


    config = Config.get()
    dyn_config = config.api_conf("dynamo0.3")
    monkeypatch.setattr(dyn_config, "_compute_annexed_dofs", annexed)

    _, invoke_info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
    for distmem in [False, True]:
        psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=distmem).create(invoke_info)
        output = str(psy.gen)

        assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)

        defs = ("      USE restrict_kernel_mod, ONLY: restrict_kernel_code\n"
                "      USE mesh_map_mod, ONLY: mesh_map_type\n"
                "      USE mesh_mod, ONLY: mesh_type\n"
                "      TYPE(field_type), intent(inout) :: field1\n"
                "      TYPE(field_type), intent(in) :: field2\n")
        assert defs in output

        defs2 = (
            "      INTEGER nlayers\n"
            "      TYPE(field_proxy_type) field1_proxy, field2_proxy\n"
            "      INTEGER, pointer :: map_any_space_1_field1(:,:) => null(), "
            "map_any_space_2_field2(:,:) => null()\n"
            "      INTEGER ndf_any_space_1_field1, undf_any_space_1_field1, "
            "ndf_any_space_2_field2, undf_any_space_2_field2\n"
            "      INTEGER ncell_field2, ncpc_field2_field1\n"
            "      INTEGER, pointer :: cell_map_field1(:,:) => null()\n"
            "      TYPE(mesh_map_type), pointer :: mmap_field2_field1 => "
            "      TYPE(mesh_type), pointer :: mesh_field2 => null()\n"
            "      TYPE(mesh_type), pointer :: mesh_field1 => null()\n")
        assert defs2 in output

        inits = ("      !\n"
                 "      ! Look-up mesh objects and loop limits for inter-grid "
                 "      !\n"
                 "      mesh_field2 => field2_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
                 "      mesh_field1 => field1_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
                 "      mmap_field2_field1 => mesh_field1%get_mesh_map("
                 "      cell_map_field1 => mmap_field2_field1%"
        if distmem:
            inits += ("      ncell_field2 = mesh_field2%"
            inits += ("      ncell_field2 = field2_proxy%vspace%"
        inits += ("      ncpc_field2_field1 = mmap_field2_field1%"
                  "      !\n"
                  "      ! Look-up dofmaps for each function space\n"
                  "      !\n"
                  "      map_any_space_1_field1 => field1_proxy%vspace%"
                  "      map_any_space_2_field2 => field2_proxy%vspace%"
        assert inits in output

        if distmem:
            # We write out to the L1 halo on the coarse mesh which means
            # we require up-to-date values out to the L2 halo on the fine.
            # Since we are incrementing the coarse field we also need
            # up-to-date values for it in the L1 halo.
            if not annexed:
                halo_exchs = (
                    "      ! Call kernels and communication routines\n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      IF (field1_proxy%is_dirty(depth=1)) THEN\n"
                    "        CALL field1_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=1)\n"
                    "      END IF \n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      IF (field2_proxy%is_dirty(depth=2)) THEN\n"
                    "        CALL field2_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=2)\n"
                    "      END IF \n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      DO cell=1,mesh_field1%get_last_halo_cell(1)\n")
                halo_exchs = (
                    "      ! Call kernels and communication routines\n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      IF (field2_proxy%is_dirty(depth=2)) THEN\n"
                    "        CALL field2_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=2)\n"
                    "      END IF \n"
                    "      !\n"
                    "      DO cell=1,mesh_field1%get_last_halo_cell(1)\n")
            assert halo_exchs in output

        # We pass the whole dofmap for the fine mesh (we are reading from).
        # This is associated with the second kernel argument.
        kern_call = (
            "        !\n"
            "        CALL restrict_kernel_code(nlayers, "
            "cell_map_field1(:,cell), ncpc_field2_field1, ncell_field2, "
            "field1_proxy%data, field2_proxy%data, "
            "undf_any_space_1_field1, map_any_space_1_field1(:,cell), "
            "ndf_any_space_2_field2, undf_any_space_2_field2, "
            "      END DO \n"
            "      !\n")
        assert kern_call in output

        if distmem:
            set_dirty = "      CALL field1_proxy%set_dirty()\n"
            assert set_dirty in output
def test_field_prolong(tmpdir):
    ''' Check that we generate correct psy-layer code for an invoke
    containing a kernel that performs a prolongation operation '''
    _, invoke_info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
    for distmem in [False, True]:
        psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=distmem).create(invoke_info)
        gen_code = str(psy.gen)

        assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)

        expected = ("      USE prolong_kernel_mod, ONLY: prolong_kernel_code\n"
                    "      USE mesh_map_mod, ONLY: mesh_map_type\n"
                    "      USE mesh_mod, ONLY: mesh_type\n"
                    "      TYPE(field_type), intent(inout) :: field1\n"
                    "      TYPE(field_type), intent(in) :: field2\n"
                    "      INTEGER cell\n")
        assert expected in gen_code

        expected = (
            "      INTEGER ncell_field1, ncpc_field1_field2\n"
            "      INTEGER, pointer :: cell_map_field2(:,:) => null()\n"
            "      TYPE(mesh_map_type), pointer :: "
            "mmap_field1_field2 => null()\n"
            "      TYPE(mesh_type), pointer :: mesh_field2 => null()\n"
            "      TYPE(mesh_type), pointer :: mesh_field1 => null()\n")
        assert expected in gen_code

        expected = (
            "      ! Look-up mesh objects and loop limits for inter-grid "
            "      !\n"
            "      mesh_field1 => field1_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
            "      mesh_field2 => field2_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
            "      mmap_field1_field2 => mesh_field2%get_mesh_map"
            "      cell_map_field2 => mmap_field1_field2%"
        if distmem:
            expected += ("      ncell_field1 = mesh_field1%get_last_halo_cell("
            expected += \
                "      ncell_field1 = field1_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()\n"
        expected += ("      ncpc_field1_field2 = mmap_field1_field2%"
        assert expected in gen_code

        if distmem:
            # We are writing to a continuous field on the fine mesh, we
            # only need to halo swap to depth one on the coarse.
            expected = ("      IF (field2_proxy%is_dirty(depth=1)) THEN\n"
                        "        CALL field2_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=1)\n"
                        "      END IF \n"
                        "      !\n"
                        "      DO cell=1,mesh_field2%get_last_halo_cell(1)\n")
            assert expected in gen_code
            assert "DO cell=1,field2_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()\n" in gen_code

        expected = (
            "        CALL prolong_kernel_code(nlayers, "
            "cell_map_field2(:,cell), ncpc_field1_field2, ncell_field1, "
            "field1_proxy%data, field2_proxy%data, ndf_w1, undf_w1, map_w1, "
            "undf_w2, map_w2(:,cell))\n"
            "      END DO \n")
        assert expected in gen_code

        if distmem:
            set_dirty = "      CALL field1_proxy%set_dirty()\n"
            assert set_dirty in gen_code
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_field_xyoz(tmpdir):
    ''' Tests that a call, with a set of fields requiring XYoZ
    quadrature, produces correct code. '''
    _, invoke_info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH,
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=True).create(invoke_info)
    generated_code = str(psy.gen)

    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)

    output_decls = (
        "    SUBROUTINE invoke_0_testkern_qr_type(f1, f2, m1, a, m2, istp,"
        " qr)\n"
        "      USE testkern_qr, ONLY: testkern_qr_code\n"
        "      USE quadrature_xyoz_mod, ONLY: quadrature_xyoz_type, "
        "      USE function_space_mod, ONLY: BASIS, DIFF_BASIS\n"
        "      USE mesh_mod, ONLY: mesh_type\n"
        "      REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in) :: a\n"
        "      INTEGER, intent(in) :: istp\n"
        "      TYPE(field_type), intent(inout) :: f1\n"
        "      TYPE(field_type), intent(in) :: f2, m1, m2\n"
        "      TYPE(quadrature_xyoz_type), intent(in) :: qr\n"
        "      INTEGER cell\n"
        "      REAL(KIND=r_def), allocatable :: basis_w1_qr(:,:,:,:), "
        "diff_basis_w2_qr(:,:,:,:), basis_w3_qr(:,:,:,:), "
        "      INTEGER dim_w1, diff_dim_w2, dim_w3, diff_dim_w3\n"
        "      REAL(KIND=r_def), pointer :: weights_xy_qr(:) => null(), "
        "weights_z_qr(:) => null()\n"
        "      INTEGER np_xy_qr, np_z_qr\n"
        "      INTEGER nlayers\n"
        "      TYPE(field_proxy_type) f1_proxy, f2_proxy, m1_proxy, m2_proxy\n"
        "      TYPE(quadrature_xyoz_proxy_type) qr_proxy\n"
        "      INTEGER, pointer :: map_w1(:,:) => null(), "
        "map_w2(:,:) => null(), map_w3(:,:) => null()\n"
        "      INTEGER ndf_w1, undf_w1, ndf_w2, undf_w2, ndf_w3, undf_w3\n")
    assert output_decls in generated_code
    init_output = ("      !\n"
                   "      ! Initialise field and/or operator proxies\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      f1_proxy = f1%get_proxy()\n"
                   "      f2_proxy = f2%get_proxy()\n"
                   "      m1_proxy = m1%get_proxy()\n"
                   "      m2_proxy = m2%get_proxy()\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ! Initialise number of layers\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      nlayers = f1_proxy%vspace%get_nlayers()\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ! Create a mesh object\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      mesh => f1_proxy%vspace%get_mesh()\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ! Look-up dofmaps for each function space\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      map_w1 => f1_proxy%vspace%get_whole_dofmap()\n"
                   "      map_w2 => f2_proxy%vspace%get_whole_dofmap()\n"
                   "      map_w3 => m2_proxy%vspace%get_whole_dofmap()\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ! Initialise number of DoFs for w1\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ndf_w1 = f1_proxy%vspace%get_ndf()\n"
                   "      undf_w1 = f1_proxy%vspace%get_undf()\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ! Initialise number of DoFs for w2\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ndf_w2 = f2_proxy%vspace%get_ndf()\n"
                   "      undf_w2 = f2_proxy%vspace%get_undf()\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ! Initialise number of DoFs for w3\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ndf_w3 = m2_proxy%vspace%get_ndf()\n"
                   "      undf_w3 = m2_proxy%vspace%get_undf()\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      ! Look-up quadrature variables\n"
                   "      !\n"
                   "      qr_proxy = qr%get_quadrature_proxy()\n"
                   "      np_xy_qr = qr_proxy%np_xy\n"
                   "      np_z_qr = qr_proxy%np_z\n"
                   "      weights_xy_qr => qr_proxy%weights_xy\n"
                   "      weights_z_qr => qr_proxy%weights_z\n")
    assert init_output in generated_code
    compute_output = (
        "      !\n"
        "      ! Allocate basis/diff-basis arrays\n"
        "      !\n"
        "      dim_w1 = f1_proxy%vspace%get_dim_space()\n"
        "      diff_dim_w2 = f2_proxy%vspace%get_dim_space_diff()\n"
        "      dim_w3 = m2_proxy%vspace%get_dim_space()\n"
        "      diff_dim_w3 = m2_proxy%vspace%get_dim_space_diff()\n"
        "      ALLOCATE (basis_w1_qr(dim_w1, ndf_w1, np_xy_qr, np_z_qr))\n"
        "      ALLOCATE (diff_basis_w2_qr(diff_dim_w2, ndf_w2, np_xy_qr, "
        "      ALLOCATE (basis_w3_qr(dim_w3, ndf_w3, np_xy_qr, np_z_qr))\n"
        "      ALLOCATE (diff_basis_w3_qr(diff_dim_w3, ndf_w3, np_xy_qr, "
        "      !\n"
        "      ! Compute basis/diff-basis arrays\n"
        "      !\n"
        "      CALL qr%compute_function(BASIS, f1_proxy%vspace, dim_w1, "
        "ndf_w1, basis_w1_qr)\n"
        "      CALL qr%compute_function(DIFF_BASIS, f2_proxy%vspace, "
        "diff_dim_w2, ndf_w2, diff_basis_w2_qr)\n"
        "      CALL qr%compute_function(BASIS, m2_proxy%vspace, dim_w3, "
        "ndf_w3, basis_w3_qr)\n"
        "      CALL qr%compute_function(DIFF_BASIS, m2_proxy%vspace, "
        "diff_dim_w3, ndf_w3, diff_basis_w3_qr)\n"
        "      !\n"
        "      ! Call kernels and communication routines\n"
        "      !\n"
        "      IF (f2_proxy%is_dirty(depth=1)) THEN\n"
        "        CALL f2_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=1)\n"
        "      END IF \n"
        "      !\n"
        "      IF (m1_proxy%is_dirty(depth=1)) THEN\n"
        "        CALL m1_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=1)\n"
        "      END IF \n"
        "      !\n"
        "      IF (m2_proxy%is_dirty(depth=1)) THEN\n"
        "        CALL m2_proxy%halo_exchange(depth=1)\n"
        "      END IF \n"
        "      !\n"
        "      DO cell=1,mesh%get_last_halo_cell(1)\n"
        "        !\n"
        "        CALL testkern_qr_code(nlayers, f1_proxy%data, f2_proxy%data, "
        "m1_proxy%data, a, m2_proxy%data, istp, ndf_w1, undf_w1, "
        "map_w1(:,cell), basis_w1_qr, ndf_w2, undf_w2, map_w2(:,cell), "
        "diff_basis_w2_qr, ndf_w3, undf_w3, map_w3(:,cell), basis_w3_qr, "
        "diff_basis_w3_qr, np_xy_qr, np_z_qr, weights_xy_qr, weights_z_qr)\n"
        "      END DO \n"
        "      !\n"
        "      ! Set halos dirty/clean for fields modified in the above loop\n"
        "      !\n"
        "      CALL f1_proxy%set_dirty()\n"
        "      !\n"
        "      !\n"
        "      ! Deallocate basis arrays\n"
        "      !\n"
        "      DEALLOCATE (basis_w1_qr, basis_w3_qr, diff_basis_w2_qr, "
        "      !\n"
        "    END SUBROUTINE invoke_0_testkern_qr_type")
    assert compute_output in generated_code
def test_gh_inc_max(tmpdir, monkeypatch, annexed):
    '''Check we generate correct halo exchange bounds when we have
    multiple read dependencies. In this case we have a gh_inc with a
    read-only reader and a gh_inc reader. We also test when annexed
    is False and True as it affects how many halo exchanges are

    config = Config.get()
    dyn_config = config.api_conf(API)
    monkeypatch.setattr(dyn_config, "_compute_annexed_dofs", annexed)

    # parse and get psy schedule
    _, info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "14.14_halo_inc_times3.f90"),
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=True).create(info)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    rc_trans = Dynamo0p3RedundantComputationTrans()

    def check(haloex, depth):
        '''check the halo exchange has the expected properties

        :param haloex: a dynamo0.3 API halo-exchange object
        :type haloex: :py:class:`psyclone.dynamo0p3.DynHaloExchange`.
        :param int depth: The expected depth of the halo exchange \
        passed in as the first argument


        assert isinstance(haloex, DynHaloExchange)
        assert == "f1"
        assert haloex.required() == (True, True)
        assert haloex._compute_halo_depth() == depth

    if annexed:
        haloidx = 2
        loop1idx = 3
        loop2idx = 5
        haloidx = 4
        loop1idx = 5
        loop2idx = 7

    # f1 halo exchange should be depth 1 : max(1,0)
    haloex = schedule.children[haloidx]
    check(haloex, "1")
    rc_trans.apply(schedule.children[loop2idx], depth=2)
    # f1 halo exchange should still be depth 1 : max(1,1)
    haloex = schedule.children[haloidx]
    check(haloex, "1")
    rc_trans.apply(schedule.children[loop2idx], depth=3)
    # f1 halo exchange should be depth 2 (max(1,2)
    haloex = schedule.children[haloidx]
    check(haloex, "2")
    # f1 halo exchange should be depth max(1,max-1)
    haloex = schedule.children[haloidx]
    check(haloex, "max(mesh%get_halo_depth()-1,1)")
    # just check compilation here as it is the most
    # complicated. (Note, compilation of redundant computation is
    # checked separately)
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)
    # f1 halo exchange should be depth max
    haloex = schedule.children[haloidx]
    check(haloex, "mesh%get_halo_depth()")
def test_gh_inc_nohex_4(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    '''If COMPUTE_ANNEXED_DOFS is False, then a gh_inc access to a field
    in a kernel (iterating to the l1 halo) does not require a halo
    exchange when the previous writer is known and iterates over cells
    to halo(1), halo(2) and halo max depth. Also, if the previous
    writer is a gh_inc access and its previous writer is unknown then
    it does require a halo exchange if it writes to halo(1) and
    requires a speculative halo exchange to halo(n-1) if iterating to
    halo(n) and a speculative halo exchange to halo(max_depth-1) if
    iterating to the maximum halo depth

    # ensure that COMPUTE_ANNEXED_DOFS is False
    config = Config.get()
    dyn_config = config.api_conf(API)
    monkeypatch.setattr(dyn_config, "_compute_annexed_dofs", False)

    # parse and get psy schedule
    _, info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "14.13_halo_inc_to_inc.f90"),
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=True).create(info)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule

    def check(schedule, f1depth, f2depth):
        '''check that the schedule is modified in the expected way. In
        particular, check that the depth of the halo exchange for
        field 'f1' is what we are expecting

        :param schedule: a dynamo0.3 API schedule object
        :type schedule: :py:class:`psyclone.dynamo0p3.DynInvokeSchedule`.
        :param int f1depth: The expected depth of the halo exchange \
        associated with field f1
        :param int f2depth: The expected depth of the halo exchange \
        associated with field f2

        assert len(schedule.children) == 4
        haloex1 = schedule.children[0]
        haloex2 = schedule.children[1]
        loop1 = schedule.children[2]
        loop2 = schedule.children[3]
        assert isinstance(haloex1, DynHaloExchange)
        assert == "f1"
        assert haloex1._compute_halo_depth() == f1depth
        assert haloex1.required() == (True, False)
        assert isinstance(haloex2, DynHaloExchange)
        assert == "f2"
        assert haloex2._compute_halo_depth() == f2depth
        assert haloex2.required() == (True, False)
        assert isinstance(loop1, DynLoop)
        assert isinstance(loop2, DynLoop)

    # we should now have a speculative halo exchange at the start of
    # the schedule for "f1" to depth 1 and "f2" to depth 1
    check(schedule, f1depth="1", f2depth="1")

    # just check compilation here (not later in this test) as
    # compilation of redundant computation is checked separately
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)

    # make 1st loop iterate over cells to the level 2 halo and check output
    rc_trans = Dynamo0p3RedundantComputationTrans()
    rc_trans.apply(schedule.children[2], depth=2)
    # we should now have a speculative halo exchange at the start of
    # the schedule for "f1" to depth 1 and "f2" to depth 2
    check(schedule, f1depth="1", f2depth="2")

    # make 1st loop iterate over cells to the maximum halo depth and
    # check output
    # we should now have a speculative halo exchange at the start of
    # the schedule for "f1" to depth max halo - 1 and "f2" to max halo
def test_gh_inc_nohex_2(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    '''If COMPUTE_ANNEXED_DOFS is False, then a gh_inc access to a field in
    a kernel (iterating to the l1 halo) does require a halo
    exchange when the previous writer is known and iterates over dofs
    to ndofs but does not if it iterates to halo(1), or halo max depth

    # ensure that COMPUTE_ANNEXED_DOFS is False
    config = Config.get()
    dyn_config = config.api_conf(API)
    monkeypatch.setattr(dyn_config, "_compute_annexed_dofs", False)

    # parse and get psy schedule
    _, info = parse(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "14.12_halo_wdofs_to_inc.f90"),
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=True).create(info)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule

    # 1st loop should iterate over dofs to ndofs. Check output
    loop1 = schedule.children[0]
    haloex1 = schedule.children[1]
    haloex2 = schedule.children[2]
    loop2 = schedule.children[3]
    assert len(schedule.children) == 4
    assert isinstance(loop1, DynLoop)
    assert loop1.upper_bound_name == "ndofs"
    assert isinstance(haloex1, DynHaloExchange)
    assert == "f1"
    assert haloex1.required() == (True, True)
    assert isinstance(haloex2, DynHaloExchange)
    assert == "f2"
    assert haloex2.required() == (True, False)
    assert isinstance(loop2, DynLoop)

    # just check compilation here (not later in this test) as
    # compilation of redundant computation is checked separately
    assert Dynamo0p3Build(tmpdir).code_compiles(psy)

    # make 1st loop iterate over dofs to the level 1 halo and check
    # output. There should be no halo exchange for field "f1"
    rc_trans = Dynamo0p3RedundantComputationTrans()
    rc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0], depth=1)
    loop1 = schedule.children[0]
    haloex = schedule.children[1]
    loop2 = schedule.children[2]
    assert len(schedule.children) == 3
    assert isinstance(loop1, DynLoop)
    assert loop1.upper_bound_name == "dof_halo"
    assert loop1.upper_bound_halo_depth == 1
    assert isinstance(haloex, DynHaloExchange)
    assert == "f2"
    assert haloex.required() == (True, False)
    assert isinstance(loop2, DynLoop)

    # make 1st loop iterate over dofs to the maximum halo depth and
    # check output
    loop1 = schedule.children[0]
    haloex = schedule.children[1]
    loop2 = schedule.children[2]
    assert len(schedule.children) == 3
    assert isinstance(loop1, DynLoop)
    assert loop1.upper_bound_name == "dof_halo"
    assert not loop1.upper_bound_halo_depth
    assert isinstance(haloex, DynHaloExchange)
    assert == "f2"
    assert haloex.required() == (True, False)
    assert isinstance(loop2, DynLoop)