Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_lift_arrfunc(self):
        # First get a ckernel from numpy
        requiregil = False
        af = _lowlevel.arrfunc_from_ufunc(np.ldexp,
                        (np.float64, np.float64, np.int32),
                         ndt.type("(float64, int32) -> float64"))

        # Now lift it
        af_lifted = _lowlevel.lift_arrfunc(af)
                         ndt.type("(Dims... * float64, Dims... * int32) -> Dims... * float64"))
        # Create some compatible arguments
        in0 = nd.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], [7,9,10]],
                       type='fixed * var * float64')
        in1 = nd.array([[-1], [10], [100], [-12]], type='fixed * 1 * int32')
        # Instantiate and call the kernel on these arguments
        out = af_lifted(in0, in1)
        # Verify that we got the expected result
                    [[0.5, 1.0, 1.5],
                     [4096.0, 5120.0],
                     [0.001708984375, 0.002197265625, 0.00244140625]])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_arrfunc_from_instantiate_pyfunc(self):
     # Test wrapping make_assignment_ckernel as an arrfunc
     def instantiate_assignment(out_ckb, ckb_offset, dst_tp, dst_arrmeta,
                                src_tp, src_arrmeta, kernreq, ectx):
         out_ckb = _lowlevel.CKernelBuilderStruct.from_address(out_ckb)
         return _lowlevel.make_assignment_ckernel(out_ckb, ckb_offset,
                         dst_tp, dst_arrmeta,
                         src_tp[0], src_arrmeta[0],
                         kernreq, ectx)
     af = _lowlevel.arrfunc_from_instantiate_pyfunc(
                 instantiate_assignment, "(date) -> string")
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(af.proto), ndt.type("(date) -> string"))
     in0 = nd.array('2012-11-05', ndt.date)
     out = af(in0)
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(out), '2012-11-05')
     # Also test it as a lifted kernel
     af_lifted = _lowlevel.lift_arrfunc(af)
                      ndt.type("(Dims... * date) -> Dims... * string"))
     from datetime import date
     in0 = nd.array([['2013-03-11', date(2010, 10, 10)],
                     [date(1999, 12, 31)],
                     []], type='3 * var * date')
     out = af_lifted(in0)
                     [['2013-03-11', '2010-10-10'],
                      ['1999-12-31'], []])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def op_ckernel(self, op):
        op_ndim = len(op.type.shape)
        result_ndim = self.env.get('result-ndim', 0)
        ckernel, args = op.args
        in_types = [self.get_arg_type(arg) for arg in args[1:]]
        out_type = ndt.type(str(args[0].type))

        if isinstance(ckernel, dict):
            tag = ckernel['tag']
            if tag == 'elwise':
                ck = ckernel['ckernel']
                if op.metadata['rank'] < op_ndim and \
                        self.env.get('stream-outer', False) and result_ndim == op_ndim:
                    # Replace the leading dimension type with 'strided' in each operand
                    # if we're streaming it for processing BLZ
                    # TODO: Add dynd tp.subarray(N) function like datashape has
                    for i, tp in enumerate(in_types):
                        if tp.ndim == result_ndim:
                            in_types[i] = ndt.make_strided_dim(tp.element_type)
                    out_type = ndt.make_strided_dim(out_type.element_type)

                op.args[0] = _lowlevel.lift_arrfunc(ck)
            elif tag == 'reduction':
                ck = ckernel['ckernel']
                assoc = ckernel['assoc']
                comm = ckernel['comm']
                ident = ckernel['ident']
                ident = None if ident is None else nd.asarray(ident)
                axis = ckernel['axis']
                keepdims = ckernel['keepdims']
                op.args[0] = _lowlevel.lift_reduction_arrfunc(
                                ck, in_types[0],
                                axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims,
                                associative=assoc, commutative=comm,
            elif tag == 'rolling':
                ck = ckernel['ckernel']
                window = ckernel['window']
                minp = ckernel['minp']
                if minp != 0:
                    raise ValueError('rolling window with minp != 0 not supported yet')
                op.args[0] = _lowlevel.make_rolling_arrfunc(ck, window)
            elif tag == 'ckfactory':
                ckfactory = ckernel['ckernel_factory']
                ck = ckfactory(out_type, *in_types)
                op.args[0] = ck
                raise RuntimeError('unnrecognized ckernel tag %s' % tag)
            op.args[0] = ckernel
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def check_from_numpy_int32_add(self, requiregil):
        # Get int32 add as an arrfunc
        af = _lowlevel.arrfunc_from_ufunc(np.add,
                        (np.int32, np.int32, np.int32),
                         ndt.type("(int32, int32) -> int32"))

        a = nd.array(10, ndt.int32)
        b = nd.array(21, ndt.int32)
        c = af(a, b)
        self.assertEqual(nd.type_of(c), ndt.int32)
        self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(c), 31)

        af_lift = _lowlevel.lift_arrfunc(af)
        a = af_lift([[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[5, 10], [2], [1, 5, 1]])
        self.assertEqual(nd.type_of(a), ndt.type('3 * var * int'))
        self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(a), [[6, 11], [4, 5], [5, 10, 7]])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_arrfunc_from_pyfunc(self):
     # Create an arrfunc out of a python function
     def myweightedsum(wt, a):
         wt = nd.as_py(wt)
         a = nd.as_py(a)
         return sum(x * y for x, y in zip(wt, a)) / sum(wt)
     af = _lowlevel.arrfunc_from_pyfunc(myweightedsum,
                                        "(var * real, var * real) -> real")
     in0 = nd.array([0.5, 1.0, 0.5], type="var * real")
     in1 = nd.array([1, 3, 5], type="var * real")
     out = af(in0, in1)
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(out), (0.5 + 3.0 + 2.5) / 2.0)
     # Also test it as a lifted kernel
     af_lifted = _lowlevel.lift_arrfunc(af)
     in0 = nd.array([[0.25, 0.75], [0.5, 1.0, 0.5], [1.0]],
                    type="fixed * var * real")
     in1 = nd.array([[1, 3], [1, 3, 5], [5]],
                    type="fixed * var * real")
     out = af_lifted(in0, in1)
                      [(0.25 + 0.75 * 3),
                       (0.5 + 3.0 + 2.5) / 2.0,
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_ctypes_callback_deferred(self):
        # Create a deferred ckernel via a closure
        def instantiate_ckernel(out_ckb, ckb_offset, dst_tp, dst_arrmeta,
                                   src_tp, src_arrmeta, kernreq, ectx):
            out_ckb = _lowlevel.CKernelBuilder(out_ckb)
            def my_kernel_func_single(dst_ptr, src_ptr, kdp):
                dst = ctypes.c_int32.from_address(dst_ptr)
                src = ctypes.c_double.from_address(src_ptr[0])
                dst.value = int(src.value * 3.5)
            def my_kernel_func_strided(dst_ptr, dst_stride, src_ptr, src_stride, count, kdp):
                src_ptr0 = src_ptr[0]
                src_stride0 = src_stride[0]
                for i in range(count):
                    my_kernel_func_single(dst_ptr, [src_ptr0], kdp)
                    dst_ptr += dst_stride
                    src_ptr0 += src_stride0
            if kernreq == 'single':
                kfunc = _lowlevel.ExprSingleOperation(my_kernel_func_single)
                kfunc = _lowlevel.ExprStridedOperation(my_kernel_func_strided)
            return ckernel.wrap_ckernel_func(out_ckb, ckb_offset,
                            kfunc, kfunc)
        ckd = _lowlevel.arrfunc_from_instantiate_pyfunc(instantiate_ckernel,
                        "(float64) -> int32")
        # Test calling the ckd
        out = nd.empty(ndt.int32)
        in0 = nd.array(4.0, type=ndt.float64)
        ckd.execute(out, in0)
        self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(out), 14)

        # Also call it lifted
        ckd_lifted = _lowlevel.lift_arrfunc(ckd)
        out = nd.empty('2 * var * int32')
        in0 = nd.array([[1.0, 3.0, 2.5], [1.25, -1.5]], type='2 * var * float64')
        ckd_lifted.execute(out, in0)
        self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(out), [[3, 10, 8], [4, -5]])