def project(self, x: ep.Tensor, x0: ep.Tensor, epsilon: float) -> ep.Tensor: # based on delta = flatten(x - x0) norms = delta.norms.l1(axis=-1) if (norms <= epsilon).all(): return x n, d = delta.shape abs_delta = abs(delta) mu = -ep.sort(-abs_delta, axis=-1) cumsums = mu.cumsum(axis=-1) js = 1.0 / ep.arange(x, 1, d + 1).astype(x.dtype) temp = mu - js * (cumsums - epsilon) guarantee_first = ep.arange(x, d).astype(x.dtype) / d # guarantee_first are small values (< 1) that we add to the boolean # tensor (only 0 and 1) to break the ties and always return the first # argmin, i.e. the first value where the boolean tensor is 0 # (otherwise, this is not guaranteed on GPUs, see e.g. PyTorch) rho = ep.argmin((temp > 0).astype(x.dtype) + guarantee_first, axis=-1) theta = 1.0 / (1 + rho.astype(x.dtype)) * (cumsums[range(n), rho] - epsilon) delta = delta.sign() * ep.maximum(abs_delta - theta[..., ep.newaxis], 0) delta = delta.reshape(x.shape) return x0 + delta
def project_onto_l1_ball(x: ep.Tensor, eps: ep.Tensor) -> ep.Tensor: """Computes Euclidean projection onto the L1 ball for a batch. [#Duchi08]_ Adapted from the pytorch version by Tony Duan: Args: x: Batch of arbitrary-size tensors to project, possibly on GPU eps: radius of l-1 ball to project onto References: ..[#Duchi08] Efficient Projections onto the l1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions John Duchi, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Yoram Singer, and Tushar Chandra. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2008) """ original_shape = x.shape x = flatten(x) mask = (ep.norms.l1(x, axis=1) <= eps).astype(x.dtype).expand_dims(1) mu = ep.flip(ep.sort(ep.abs(x)), axis=-1).astype(x.dtype) cumsum = ep.cumsum(mu, axis=-1) arange = ep.arange(x, 1, x.shape[1] + 1).astype(x.dtype) rho = (ep.max( ((mu * arange > (cumsum - eps.expand_dims(1)))).astype(x.dtype) * arange, axis=-1, ) - 1) # samples already under norm will have to select rho = ep.maximum(rho, 0) theta = (cumsum[ep.arange(x, x.shape[0]), rho.astype(ep.arange(x, 1).dtype)] - eps) / (rho + 1.0) proj = (ep.abs(x) - theta.expand_dims(1)).clip(min_=0, max_=ep.inf) x = mask * x + (1 - mask) * proj * ep.sign(x) return x.reshape(original_shape)
def project_onto_l1_ball(x: ep.Tensor, eps: ep.Tensor): """ Compute Euclidean projection onto the L1 ball for a batch. min ||x - u||_2 s.t. ||u||_1 <= eps Inspired by the corresponding numpy version by Adrien Gaidon. Adapted from the pytorch version by Tony Duan: Parameters ---------- x: (batch_size, *) torch array batch of arbitrary-size tensors to project, possibly on GPU eps: float radius of l-1 ball to project onto Returns ------- u: (batch_size, *) torch array batch of projected tensors, reshaped to match the original Notes ----- The complexity of this algorithm is in O(dlogd) as it involves sorting x. References ---------- [1] Efficient Projections onto the l1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions John Duchi, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Yoram Singer, and Tushar Chandra. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2008) """ original_shape = x.shape x = flatten(x) mask = (ep.norms.l1(x, axis=1) < eps).astype(x.dtype).expand_dims(1) mu = ep.flip(ep.sort(ep.abs(x)), axis=-1) cumsum = ep.cumsum(mu, axis=-1) arange = ep.arange(x, 1, x.shape[1] + 1) rho = ep.max( (mu * arange > (cumsum - eps.expand_dims(1))) * arange, axis=-1) - 1 theta = (cumsum[ep.arange(x, x.shape[0]), rho] - eps) / (rho + 1.0) proj = (ep.abs(x) - theta.expand_dims(1)).clip(min_=0, max_=ep.inf) x = mask * x + (1 - mask) * proj * ep.sign(x) return x.reshape(original_shape)
def test_sort(dummy: Tensor) -> Tensor: t = -ep.arange(dummy, 6).float32().reshape((2, 3)) return ep.sort(t)