Ejemplo n.º 1
    def order(self):
        The order_line is ordered to the vendor but isn't received yet
        if self.user_has_groups("lunch.group_lunch_manager"):
            self.write({'state': 'ordered'})

            order = {
                'supplier': False,
                'company': False,
                'currency': False,
            group_lines = {}
            for line in self:
                if not line.supplier:
                    # do not send emails for products with no suppliers

                if order['supplier'] and line.supplier != order['supplier']:
                    raise ValidationError(_("Validate order for one supplier at a time to send emails (mixed orders from %s and %s)") % (
                                            order['supplier'].display_name, line.supplier.display_name))
                order['supplier'] = line.supplier

                if order['company'] and line.order_id.company_id != order['company']:
                    raise ValidationError(_("Validate order for one company at a time to send emails (mixed orders from %s and %s)") % (
                                            order['company'].name, line.order_id.company_id.name))
                order['company'] = line.order_id.company_id

                if order['currency'] and line.currency_id != order['currency']:
                    raise ValidationError(_("Validate order for one currency at a time to send emails (mixed orders from %s and %s)") % (
                                            order['currency'].name, line.currency_id.name))
                order['currency'] = line.currency_id

                # group the order by products and note
                key = (line.product_id, line.note)
                group_lines.setdefault(key, 0)
                group_lines[key] += 1

            order['company_name'] = order['company'].name
            order['currency_id'] = order['currency'].id
            order['supplier_id'] = order['supplier'].id
            order['supplier_name'] = order['supplier'].name
            order['supplier_email'] = order['supplier'].email_formatted

            lines = []
            # sort by product name, note
            for product, note in sorted(group_lines, key=lambda k: (k[0].name, bool(k[1]))):
                quantity = group_lines[(product, note)]
                    'product': product.name,
                    'note': note or '',
                    'quantity': quantity,
                    'price': product.price * quantity,

            order['amount_total'] = sum(l['price'] for l in lines)

            template = self.env.ref('lunch.lunch_order_mail_supplier', raise_if_not_found=False)
            ctx = dict(
                default_lang=order['supplier'].lang or self.env.user.lang,
            return {
                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                'view_type': 'form',
                'view_mode': 'form',
                'res_model': 'mail.compose.message',
                'target': 'new',
                'context': ctx,

            raise AccessError(_("Only your lunch manager processes the orders."))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _check_allow_timesheet(self):
     for project in self:
         if project.allow_timesheets and not project.analytic_account_id:
             raise ValidationError(_('To allow timesheet, your project %s should have an analytic account set.' % (project.name,)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def check_product_id(self):
     if any(elem.product_id.type != 'product' for elem in self):
         raise ValidationError(
             _('Quants cannot be created for consumables or services.'))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _check_parent_id(self):
     if not self._check_recursion():
         raise ValidationError(
             _('Error! You cannot create recursive menus.'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _check_subtask_level(self):
     for task in self:
         if task.parent_id and task.child_ids:
             raise ValidationError(_('Task %s cannot have several subtask levels.' % (task.name,)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _check_sale_line_type(self):
     for task in self.sudo():
         if task.sale_line_id:
             if not task.sale_line_id.is_service or task.sale_line_id.is_expense:
                 raise ValidationError(_('You cannot link the order item %s - %s to this task because it is a re-invoiced expense.' % (task.sale_line_id.order_id.id, task.sale_line_id.product_id.name)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def check_dates(self):
     for rec in self:
         if rec.start_date > rec.end_date:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("Start date must be Anterior to end date"))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _check_date_time(self):
     if self.start_date > self.end_date:
         raise ValidationError(
             _('End Date cannot be set before Start Date.'))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _check_parent_id(self):
     if not self._check_recursion():
         raise ValidationError(
             _('You cannot create recursive Partner hierarchies.'))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _check_main_currency_rounding(self):
     if any(precision.name == 'Account' and
             tools.float_compare(self.env.company.currency_id.rounding, 10 ** - precision.digits, precision_digits=6) == -1
             for precision in self):
         raise ValidationError(_("You cannot define the decimal precision of 'Account' as greater than the rounding factor of the company's main currency"))
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _check_marks(self):
     if self.total_marks <= 0.0 or self.min_marks <= 0.0:
         raise ValidationError(_('Enter proper marks!'))
     if self.min_marks > self.total_marks:
         raise ValidationError(_(
             "Passing Marks can't be greater than Total Marks"))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _check_optional_product_company_id(self):
     for order in self:
         companies = order.sale_order_option_ids.product_id.company_id
         if companies and companies != order.company_id:
             bad_products = order.sale_order_option_ids.product_id.filtered(lambda p: p.company_id and p.company_id != order.company_id)
             raise ValidationError((_("Your quotation contains products from company %s whereas your quotation belongs to company %s. \n Please change the company of your quotation or remove the products from other companies (%s).") % (', '.join(companies.mapped('display_name')), order.company_id.display_name, ', '.join(bad_products.mapped('display_name')))))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _check_discount(self):
     for line in self:
         if line.discount > 100:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("Discount should be less or equal to 100"))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _check_company_id(self):
     for voucher in self:
         if not voucher.company_id:
             raise ValidationError(_("Missing Company"))
         if not voucher.currency_id:
             raise ValidationError(_("Missing Currency"))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _check_name(self):
     # dummy constraint to check on computed field
     for message in self:
         if message.name.startswith("[X]"):
             raise ValidationError("No way!")
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _check_pec(self):
     for record in self:
         if record.l10n_it_is_pec and record.type != 'imap':
             raise ValidationError("PEC mail server must be of type IMAP.")
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _check_birthdate(self):
     for record in self:
         if record.birth_date > fields.Date.today():
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("Birth Date can't be greater than current date!"))
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _check_active(self):
     # do not check during installation
     if self.env.registry.ready and not self.search_count([]):
         raise ValidationError(_('At least one language must be active.'))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def unlink(self):
     if any(task.sale_line_id for task in self):
         raise ValidationError(_('You have to unlink the task from the sale order item in order to delete it.'))
     return super(ProjectTask, self).unlink()
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def _check_marks(self):
     for res in self:
         if (res.total_pass < 0.0) or (res.total_failed < 0.0):
             raise ValidationError(_('Enter proper pass or fail!'))
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _check_valid_video_url(self):
     for image in self:
         if image.video_url and not image.embed_code:
             raise ValidationError(_("Provided video URL for '%s' is not valid. Please enter a valid video URL.") % image.name)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def wrapper(___dbname, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Wraps around OSV functions and normalises a few exceptions
        dbname = ___dbname  # NOTE: this forbid to use "___dbname" as arguments in http routes

        def tr(src, ttype):
            # We try to do the same as the _(), but without the frame
            # inspection, since we aready are wrapping an osv function
            # trans_obj = self.get('ir.translation') cannot work yet :(
            ctx = {}
            if not kwargs:
                if args and isinstance(args[-1], dict):
                    ctx = args[-1]
            elif isinstance(kwargs, dict):
                if 'context' in kwargs:
                    ctx = kwargs['context']
                elif 'kwargs' in kwargs and kwargs['kwargs'].get('context'):
                    # http entry points such as call_kw()
                    ctx = kwargs['kwargs'].get('context')
                        from eagle.http import request
                        ctx = request.env.context
                    except Exception:

            lang = ctx and ctx.get('lang')
            if not (lang or hasattr(src, '__call__')):
                return src

            # We open a *new* cursor here, one reason is that failed SQL
            # queries (as in IntegrityError) will invalidate the current one.
            cr = False

                cr = eagle.sql_db.db_connect(dbname).cursor()
                res = translate(cr,
                if res:
                    return res
                    return src
                if cr: cr.close()

        def _(src):
            return tr(src, 'code')

        tries = 0
        while True:
                if eagle.registry(dbname)._init and not eagle.tools.config[
                    raise eagle.exceptions.Warning(
                        'Currently, this database is not fully loaded and can not be used.'
                return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs)
            except (OperationalError, QWebException) as e:
                if isinstance(e, QWebException):
                    cause = e.qweb.get('cause')
                    if isinstance(cause, OperationalError):
                        e = cause
                # Automatically retry the typical transaction serialization errors
                if e.pgcode not in PG_CONCURRENCY_ERRORS_TO_RETRY:
                if tries >= MAX_TRIES_ON_CONCURRENCY_FAILURE:
                    _logger.info("%s, maximum number of tries reached" %
                wait_time = random.uniform(0.0, 2**tries)
                tries += 1
                _logger.info("%s, retry %d/%d in %.04f sec..." %
                             (errorcodes.lookup(e.pgcode), tries,
                              MAX_TRIES_ON_CONCURRENCY_FAILURE, wait_time))
            except IntegrityError as inst:
                registry = eagle.registry(dbname)
                for key in registry._sql_error.keys():
                    if key in inst.pgerror:
                        raise ValidationError(
                            tr(registry._sql_error[key], 'sql_constraint')
                            or inst.pgerror)
                if inst.pgcode in (errorcodes.NOT_NULL_VIOLATION,
                    msg = _('The operation cannot be completed:')
                    _logger.debug("IntegrityError", exc_info=True)
                        # Get corresponding model and field
                        model = field = None
                        for name, rclass in registry.items():
                            if inst.diag.table_name == rclass._table:
                                model = rclass
                                field = model._fields.get(
                        if inst.pgcode == errorcodes.NOT_NULL_VIOLATION:
                            # This is raised when a field is set with `required=True`. 2 cases:
                            # - Create/update: a mandatory field is not set.
                            # - Delete: another model has a not nullable using the deleted record.
                            msg += '\n'
                            msg += _(
                                '- Create/update: a mandatory field is not set.\n'
                                '- Delete: another model requires the record being deleted. If possible, archive it instead.'
                            if model:
                                msg += '\n\n{} {} ({}), {} {} ({})'.format(
                                    field.string if field else _('Unknown'),
                                    field.name if field else _('Unknown'),
                        elif inst.pgcode == errorcodes.FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION:
                            # This is raised when a field is set with `ondelete='restrict'`, at
                            # unlink only.
                            msg += _(
                                ' another model requires the record being deleted. If possible, archive it instead.'
                            constraint = inst.diag.constraint_name
                            if model or constraint:
                                msg += '\n\n{} {} ({}), {} {}'.format(
                                    if model else _('Unknown'),
                                    model._name if model else _('Unknown'),
                                    constraint if constraint else _('Unknown'),
                    except Exception:
                    raise ValidationError(msg)
                    raise ValidationError(inst.args[0])
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def _answered_or_skipped(self):
     for uil in self:
         if not uil.skipped != bool(uil.answer_type):
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('This question cannot be unanswered or skipped.'))
 def _must_have_analytical_or_budgetary_or_both(self):
     if not self.analytic_account_id and not self.general_budget_id:
         raise ValidationError(
             _("You have to enter at least a budgetary position or analytic account on a budget line."
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def _check_parent_id(self):
     for task in self:
         if not task._check_recursion():
             raise ValidationError(_('Error! You cannot create recursive hierarchy of task(s).'))
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def _check_exam_session(self):
     for record in self:
         for exam in record.exam_session_id.exam_ids:
             if exam.state != 'done':
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('All subject exam should be done.'))
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def check_location_id(self):
     for quant in self:
         if quant.location_id.usage == 'view':
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('You cannot take products from or deliver products to a location of type "view".'
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def _check_author(self):
     for message in self.with_context(active_test=False):
         if message.discussion and message.author not in message.discussion.participants:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("Author must be among the discussion participants."))
 def unlink(self):
     """Return warning if the Record is in done state"""
     for rec in self:
         if rec.state == 'done':
             raise ValidationError(_("Cannot delete Record in Done state"))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _check_supplier_availibility(self):
     products = self.mapped('product_id')
     if not all(product.available for product in products):
         supplier_name = ", ".join(product.supplier.display_name for product in products if not product.available)
         raise ValidationError(_("Vendor(s) '%s' is not available today") % supplier_name)