Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_colors(arr_plot_blues):
    """Test that the correct colors appear in the patches of the legend"""

    im_ax, _ = arr_plot_blues
    the_legend = ep.draw_legend(im_ax=im_ax)

    legend_cols = [i.get_facecolor() for i in the_legend.get_patches()]
    # Get the array and cmap from axis object
    cmap_name = im_ax.axes.get_images()[0].get_cmap().name
    unique_vals = np.unique(im_ax.get_array().data)
    image_colors = ep.make_col_list(unique_vals, cmap=cmap_name)

    assert image_colors == legend_cols
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_colors(binned_array_3bins):
    """Test that the correct colors appear in the patches of the legend"""

    bins, im_arr_bin = binned_array_3bins

    f, ax = plt.subplots()
    im = ax.imshow(im_arr_bin, cmap="Blues")
    the_legend = ep.draw_legend(im_ax=im)
    # NOTE: Do I know for sure things are rendering in the right order?
    legend_cols = [i.get_facecolor() for i in the_legend.get_patches()]
    # Get the array and cmap from axis object
    cmap_name = im.axes.get_images()[0].get_cmap().name
    unique_vals = np.unique(im.get_array().data)
    image_colors = ep.make_col_list(unique_vals, cmap=cmap_name)

    assert image_colors == legend_cols
Ejemplo n.º 3
def draw_legend(im_ax, bbox=(1.05, 1), titles=None, cmap=None, classes=None):
    """Create a custom legend with a box for each class in a raster.

    This is an exact copy of the `earthpy.plot.draw_legend` function except
    that it uses a relative font size in the legend to allow the text to
    scale with image size, plus a couple tweaks to allow it to run outside of
    its origianl context.

    im_ax : matplotlib image object
        This is the image returned from a call to imshow().
    bbox : tuple (default = (1.05, 1))
        This is the bbox_to_anchor argument that will place the legend
        anywhere on or around your plot.
    titles : list (optional)
        A list of a title or category for each unique value in your raster.
        This is the label that will go next to each box in your legend. If
        nothing is provided, a generic "Category x" will be populated.
    cmap : str (optional)
        Colormap name to be used for legend items.
    classes : list (optional)
        A list of unique values found in the numpy array that you wish to plot.

        A matplotlib legend object to be placed on the plot.

    # Lazy load imports to keep this function self-contained so that it can
    # be removed cleanly if a better solution presents itself
    from matplotlib import patches as mpatches
    from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

    except AttributeError:
        raise AttributeError(
            "The legend function requires a matplotlib axis object to "
            "run properly. You have provided a {}.".format(type(im_ax)))

    # If classes not provided, get them from the im array in the ax object
    # Else use provided vals
    if classes is not None:
        # Get the colormap from the mpl object
        cmap = im_ax.cmap.name

        # If the colormap is manually generated from a list
        if cmap == "from_list":
            cmap = ListedColormap(im_ax.cmap.colors)

        colors = ep.make_col_list(nclasses=len(classes),
        # If there are more colors than classes, raise value error
        if len(set(colors)) < len(classes):
            raise ValueError(
                "There are more classes than colors in your cmap. "
                "Please provide a ListedColormap with the same number "
                "of colors as classes.")

        classes = list(np.unique(im_ax.axes.get_images()[0].get_array()))
        # Remove masked values, could next this list comp but keeping it simple
        classes = [
            aclass for aclass in classes if aclass is not np.ma.core.masked
        colors = [im_ax.cmap(im_ax.norm(aclass)) for aclass in classes]

    # If titles are not provided, create filler titles
    if not titles:
        titles = ["Category {}".format(i + 1) for i in range(len(classes))]

    if not len(classes) == len(titles):
        raise ValueError(
            "The number of classes should equal the number of "
            "titles. You have provided {0} classes and {1} titles.".format(
                len(classes), len(titles)))

    patches = [
        mpatches.Patch(color=colors[i], label="{lab}".format(lab=titles[i]))
        for i in range(len(titles))
    # Get the axis for the legend
    ax = im_ax.axes
    return ax.legend(
        prop={"size": "small"},