class CasaForm(utils.BaseFormAllFields): title = 'Casa' numero_manzana = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=models.Manzana.objects.all(), widget=Select2()) class Meta(utils.BaseFormAllFields.Meta): model = models.Casa
class Meta: model = Purchase fields = "__all__" widgets = { # 'permanence': SelectAdminPermanenceWidget(), "customer": Select2(select2attrs={"width": "450px"}) }
class ProdoptForm(ModelForm): defaultchoice = ModelChoiceField( Choice.objects.published(), widget=Select2(select2attrs={'width': '350px'})) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): ModelForm.__init__(self, *args, **kw) #self.fields ['choices'].queryset = Choice.objects.published() # so only published appear in slider cf = self.fields.get('choices', '') if cf: cf.queryset = Choice.objects.published( ) # so only published appear in slider if self.instance and isinstance(self.instance, Prodopt): inst = self.instance dc = self.fields.get('defaultchoice') if trace: print inst.all_choices # option_id # dir (inst) if and inst.all_choices().count(): dc.queryset = inst.all_choices( ) #Choice.objects.filter (id__in = inst.choices.values_list('id', flat=True)) # nope: they are blank: #if inst.all_choices().count() >5: # dc.widget = Select2(select2attrs={'width': '350px'}) class Meta: model = Prodopt fields = '__all__'
class Meta: model = Purchase fields = "__all__" widgets = { 'permanence': SelectAdminPermanenceWidget(), 'customer': Select2(select2attrs={'width': '450px'}) }
class Meta: model = Menu fields = '__all__' exclude = ('name',) widgets = { 'parent': Select2() }
class QuestionForm(forms.ModelForm): categorie = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=Categorie.objects.all(), widget=Select2(select2attrs={'width': '100%'})) class Meta: model = Question fields = ['question_text']
class PurchaseForm(forms.ModelForm): product = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Product"), widget=Select2(select2attrs={"width": "450px"})) delivery = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Delivery point"), widget=SelectAdminDeliveryWidget()) quantity = forms.DecimalField( min_value=DECIMAL_ZERO, label=_("Qty"), max_digits=9, decimal_places=4, required=True, initial=0, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PurchaseForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) purchase = self.instance if is not None: if purchase.status < PERMANENCE_SEND: self.fields["quantity"].initial = purchase.quantity_ordered else: self.fields["quantity"].initial = purchase.quantity_invoiced def clean_product(self): product_id = sint(self.cleaned_data.get("product"), 0) if product_id <= 0: if product_id == -1: self.add_error( "product", _("Please select first a producer in the filter of previous screen" ), ) else: self.add_error( "product", _("No more product to add. Please update a product of previous screen" ), ) return product_id def clean(self): if any(self.errors): # Don't bother validating the formset unless each form is valid on its own return if is None: quantity = self.cleaned_data.get("quantity", DECIMAL_ZERO) if quantity == DECIMAL_ZERO: self.add_error("quantity", _("The quantity must be different than zero.")) # self._validate_unique = False class Meta: model = Purchase fields = "__all__" widgets = { # 'permanence': SelectAdminPermanenceWidget(), "customer": Select2(select2attrs={"width": "450px"}) }
class CCatForm(ModelForm): parent = ModelChoiceField(ChoiceCategory.objects.published(), widget=Select2(), required=False) choices = ModelMultipleChoiceField( Choice.objects.published(), # Add this line to use the double list widget widget=FilteredSelectMultiple('Choices', False), required=False, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CCatForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #ModelForm.__init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) #print 'instance:', self.instance #if self.instance and isinstance (self.instance, Category): # inst=self.instance # dc=self.fields.get('defaultchoice') # if trace: print inst.all_choices # option_id # dir (inst) # if and inst.all_choices().count(): # dc.queryset = inst.all_choices() #Choice.objects.filter (id__in = inst.choices.values_list('id', flat=True)) if # if this is not a new object, we load related books self.initial['choices'] = self.instance.choice_set.values_list( 'pk', flat=True) #rel = ManyToManyRel(Choice) #self.fields['choice'].widget = RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper(self.fields['choice'].widget, rel, def save(self, *args, **kwargs): instance = super(CCatForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs) if for choice in instance.choice_set.all(): if choice not in self.cleaned_data['choices']: # we remove choice which has been unselected # m2m: #instance.choice_set.remove(choice) # fk: choice.choicecategory = get_misc_choice_category( ) # set to Misc - 43882 :) for choice in self.cleaned_data['choices']: if choice not in instance.choice_set.all(): # we add newly selected choice # m2m: #instance.choice_set.add(choice) # fk: choice.choicecategory = instance return instance
class MenuAdminForm(forms.ModelForm): view = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('View'), required=False, widget=Select2()) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MenuAdminForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) view_choices= [] vw_prefix = attrgetter('vw_prefix') item1 = itemgetter(1) for app_label, opts in BaseViewWork.vw.items(): app = apps.get_app_config(app_label) urls = sys.modules[f'{app.module.__name__}.urls'] namespace = getattr(urls, 'app_name', None) or app.module.__name__ namespace = f'{namespace}:' if settings.USE_APP_NAMESPACE else '' views = filter(lambda v: not vw_prefix(v[1]) or not v[0].startswith(vw_prefix(v[1])), opts.items()) views = list(map(item1, views)) options = [(f'{namespace}{v.vw_name}', f'{v.vw_verbose_name}: {v.vw_name}') for v in views] options.sort(key=item1) view_choices.append((app.verbose_name, options)) view_choices.sort(key=lambda opt: opt[0]) view_choices.insert(0, BLANK_CHOICE_DASH[0]) self.fields['view'].choices = view_choices self.fields['parent'].queryset = Menu.objects.filter(view='').order_by('name_i18n') self.fields['name_i18n'].required = True class Meta: model = Menu fields = '__all__' exclude = ('name',) widgets = { 'parent': Select2() } @staticmethod def _strip(value): return (value or '').strip() def clean_name_i18n(self): return self._strip(self.cleaned_data.get('name_i18n')) def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() for lang in {get_language(), dj_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE}: field_name = build_localized_fieldname('name', lang) cleaned_data[field_name] = self._strip(cleaned_data.get(field_name)) or cleaned_data.get('name_i18n', '') return cleaned_data
class PurchaseForm(forms.ModelForm): product = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Product"), widget=Select2(select2attrs={'width': '450px'})) delivery = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Delivery point"), widget=SelectAdminDeliveryWidget()) def clean_product(self): product_id = sint(self.cleaned_data.get("product"), 0) if product_id <= 0: if product_id == -1: self.add_error( 'product', _("Please select first a producer in the filter of previous screen" )) else: self.add_error( 'product', _("No more product to add. Please update a product of previous screen" )) return product_id def clean(self): if any(self.errors): # Don't bother validating the formset unless each form is valid on its own return if is None: quantity_ordered = self.cleaned_data.get("quantity_ordered", DECIMAL_ZERO) quantity_invoiced = self.cleaned_data.get("quantity_invoiced", DECIMAL_ZERO) if quantity_ordered == quantity_invoiced == DECIMAL_ZERO: self.add_error("quantity_ordered", _('The quantity must be different than zero.')) self.add_error("quantity_invoiced", _('The quantity must be different than zero.')) self._validate_unique = False class Meta: model = Purchase fields = "__all__" widgets = { 'permanence': SelectAdminPermanenceWidget(), 'customer': Select2(select2attrs={'width': '450px'}) }
class Meta: widgets = { 'product': Select2(select2attrs={'width': '450px'}) }
class Meta: widgets = { 'customer': Select2(select2attrs={'width': '450px'}) }
class Meta: widgets = { 'offer_item': Select2(select2attrs={'width': '450px'}) }
class Meta: widgets = {"offer_item": Select2(select2attrs={"width": "450px"})}