Ejemplo n.º 1
def snmp_bulkwalk(
    oids='.', non_repeaters=0, max_repetitions=10,
    Uses SNMP GETBULK operation using the prepared session to
    automatically retrieve multiple pieces of information in an OID

    :param oids: you may pass in a single item
                 * string representing the
                 entire OID (e.g. 'sysDescr.0')
                 * tuple (name, index) (e.g. ('sysDescr', 0))
                 * list of OIDs
    :param non_repeaters: the number of objects that are only expected to
                          return a single GETNEXT instance, not multiple
    :param max_repetitions: the number of objects that should be returned
                            for all the repeating OIDs
    :return: a list of SNMPVariable objects containing the values that
             were retrieved via SNMP

    session = Session(**session_kargs)
    return session.bulkwalk(oids, non_repeaters, max_repetitions)