Ejemplo n.º 1
class RateIndicator(IndicatorType):
        Indicator strategy dividing two EAV values from two indicators and then
        make it a pourcentage (%).
    class Meta:
        app_label = 'generic_report'

    numerator = models.ForeignKey(Indicator, related_name='numerator_of_rate')
    denominator = models.ForeignKey(Indicator,

    # todo: add checks for rate to accept 2 and only two args
    def value(self, view, data):
            Return a rate between the values of the 2 indicators in this
        val = operator.truediv(self.numerator.value(view, data),
                               self.denominator.value(view, data))
        return round(val * 100, 2)

    def format(self, view, data):
            Return the rate with a "%" sign
        return "%s %%" % data[self.proxy.all()[0].concept.slug]

    def get_dependancies(self):
            Returns numerator and denominator
        return [self.numerator, self.denominator]
Ejemplo n.º 2
class RatioIndicator(IndicatorType):
        Indicator strategy dividing two EAV values from two indicators.
    class Meta:
        app_label = 'generic_report'

    numerator = models.ForeignKey(Indicator, related_name='numerator_of_ratio')
    denominator = models.ForeignKey(Indicator,

    # todo: add checks for ratio to accept 2 and only two args
    def value(self, view, data):
            Return a ratio between the values of the 2 indicators in this
        val = operator.truediv(self.numerator.value(view, data),
                               self.denominator.value(view, data))
        return round(val, 2)

    def get_dependancies(self):
            Returns numerator and denominator
        return [self.numerator, self.denominator]
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Parameter(models.Model):
        Link between a calculated indicator and it's parameter.
        Gives an order.
    class Meta:
        unique_together = (('param_of', 'indicator', 'order'))
        app_label = 'generic_report'

    param_of = models.ForeignKey('Indicator', related_name='params')
    indicator = models.ForeignKey('Indicator', related_name='as_params')
    order = models.IntegerField()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "Param %s of %s" % (self.order, self.param_of)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class LocationIndicator(IndicatorType):
        Indicator strategy expecting a Django model object in the EAV value.
        The model for now is strongly coupled with the application 
        simple_location and therefor should be an AreaType object.
    class Meta:
        app_label = 'generic_report'
        verbose_name = __("Location Indicator")
        verbose_name_plural = __("Location Indicators")

    area_type = models.ForeignKey(AreaType, related_name='type_of')
Ejemplo n.º 5
class DifferenceIndicator(IndicatorType):
        Indicator strategy substracting two EAV values from two indicators.
    class Meta:
        app_label = 'generic_report'

    first_term = models.ForeignKey(Indicator, related_name='first_term_of')
    term_to_substract = models.ForeignKey(Indicator,

    def value(self, view, data):
            Return the difference of the values for these indicators in this
        return self.first_term.value(view, data) -\
               self.term_to_substract.value(view, data)

    def get_dependancies(self):
            Returns first_term and term_to_substract 
        return [self.first_term, self.term_to_substract]
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SelectedIndicator(models.Model):
        Holder relationship between ReportView and Indicator.
        Used to be able to specify an order in indicators for views.
    class Meta:
        app_label = 'generic_report'
        unique_together = (('view', 'indicator', 'order'), )
        ordering = ('order', )

    view = models.ForeignKey('generic_report.ReportView',
    indicator = models.ForeignKey('Indicator', related_name='selected_for')
    order = models.IntegerField()

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

        # by default, create and order by incrementing the previous one,
        # or by setting it to 1 if no previous indicator exists for this view
        if self.order is None:
                siblings = SelectedIndicator.objects.filter(view=self.view)
                self.order = siblings.latest('order').order + 1
            except SelectedIndicator.DoesNotExist:
                self.order = 1

        models.Model.save(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def increase_order(self):
            If the current selected indicator is at the highest rank,
            increase it's rank of one, decreasing the rank of the first 
            indicator on top of it.
            - this method does't affect the other Python object
            attribute, therefor you must refresh your queryset as well
            when you use it.
            - this method increment the value of order in this object and in 
              the database but doesn't save the current object.
        fresher_self = SelectedIndicator.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
        upper_indicators = self.view.selected_indicators.filter(
        if upper_indicators:
            upper_indicator = upper_indicators[0]
            upper_indicator.order = fresher_self.order
            self.order = fresher_self.order = fresher_self.order + 1

    def decrease_order(self):
            If the current selected indicator is at the lowest rank,
            deacrease it's rank of one, increasing the rank of the first 
            indicator below it.
            - this method does't affect the other Python object
            attribute, therefor you must refresh your queryset as well
            when you use it.
            - this method increment the value of order in this object and in 
              the database but doesn't save the current object.
        fresher_self = SelectedIndicator.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
        lower_indicators = self.view.selected_indicators.filter(
        if lower_indicators:
            lower_indicator = tuple(lower_indicators)[-1]
            lower_indicator.order = fresher_self.order
            self.order = fresher_self.order = fresher_self.order - 1

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "Selected indicator %(order)s for '%(view)s': %(indicator)s" % {
            'order': self.order,
            'view': self.view,
            'indicator': self.indicator
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Indicator(models.Model):
        A type of value for the report. A report will have several indicator,
        which it will use to choose what kind of data to display.
        It extracts the corresponding
        value from each record, wether directly or by calculating it.
        The way to calculate the value depends of the indicator type.
        Each indicator type match a class wich contains the algo to extract
        the values. 
    class Meta:
        verbose_name = __('indicator')
        app_label = 'generic_report'
        get_latest_by = 'id'

    # make it default to concept name
    name = models.CharField(max_length=64, verbose_name=__(u'name'))

    # todo: this field need a descritpion for south to freeze it
    concept = models.ForeignKey(eav.models.Attribute, blank=True)

    report = models.ManyToManyField('generic_report.Report',

    # generic relation to a specialized indicator that will be used
    # to implement the strategy pattern
    # we can't use the sub classes directly because they would be no way to
    # get all the indicators from the reports and views
    strategy_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, null=True, blank=True)
    strategy_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
    strategy = generic.GenericForeignKey(ct_field="strategy_type",

    def __save__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # you should not be able to change the type or the contept
        # after creating the indicator
            old_self = Indicator.objects.get(pk=self.pk)

            if self.concept != old_self.concept:
                raise IntegrityError(
                    _("The concept can not be changed anymore"))

            if self.strategy != old_self.strategy:
                raise IntegrityError(_("The type can not be changed anymore"))
        except Indicator.DoesNotExist:
        models.Model.__save__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def value(self, view, data):
            Return the value of this indicator for this record, using the
            proper behavior according to the indicator type.

        if not self.strategy:
            raise ValueError('Can not get value with an unsaved indicator')

        return self.strategy.value(view, data)

    def format(self, view, data):
            Return the formated value of this indicator for this record, using 
            the proper behavior according to the indicator type.

        if not self.strategy:
            raise ValueError('Can not format with an unsaved indicator')

        return self.strategy.format(view, data)

    def create_from_attribute(cls,
            Create an indicator from the given EAV attribute. The indicator
            will be linked to this indicator and have the same name.
            By default, the indicator is a 'value' indicator. Pass type and
            a list of indicators as params to choose a different indicator type.
            Parameter order will be the same as the order of items in 'params'.
        indicator_type = indicator_type or ValueIndicator
        kwargs = kwargs or {}

        real_indicator = indicator_type.objects.create(**kwargs)

        # you must create the indicator proxy before adding a parameter
        # or it will fail
        ind = Indicator.objects.create(strategy=real_indicator,

        # adding parameters. eventually they are added to the indicator proxy
        # anyway
        # todo: probably want to clean up the add_param that bounce from
        # one reference to another for no usefull reason
        for order, indicator in enumerate(args):
            real_indicator.add_param(indicator, order)

        return ind

    def create_with_attribute(cls,
            Create an indicator and the related EAV attribute. The indicator
            will be linked to this indicator wich will have the same name.
            This first attempts to create the attribute (to let the creation
            fail if it needs to) then it calls 'create_from_attribute' on it.

        attr = eav.models.Attribute.objects.create(name=name,
        return cls.create_from_attribute(attr, indicator_type, args, kwargs)

    def add_param(self, indicator, order=None):
            Add the given indicator as a parameter of the current one. If no
            order is provided, the order will be calculated by taking the 
            highest parameter order for all params of this indicators and 
            adding 1.
            This method is delegated to the strategy.
        return self.strategy.add_param(indicator, order)

    def get_dependancies(self):
            Returns indicators required for this indicator to be calculated.
            This method is delegated to the strategy.
        return self.strategy.get_dependancies()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name