Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):
    launch_instances = False
    if len(argv) >= 1 and argv[0] == "True":
        launch_instances = True

    utilizations = [0.8, 0.9]
    sample_ratios = [1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0]
    sample_ratio_constrained = 2

    # Amount of time it takes each task to run in isolation
    task_duration_ms = 100
    tasks_per_job = 10
    private_ssh_key = "patkey.pem"
    sparrow_branch = "master"
    nm_task_scheduler = "fifo"
    num_backends = 100
    num_frontends = 10
    cores_per_backend = 8
    # Run each trial for 5 minutes.
    trial_length = 400
    num_preferred_nodes = 0
    num_users = 1
    cluster = "probe"

    full_utilization_rate_s = (float(num_backends * cores_per_backend * 1000) /
                               (task_duration_ms * tasks_per_job * num_frontends))

    # Warmup information
    warmup_s = 30
    post_warmup_s = 30
    warmup_arrival_rate_s = 0.4 * full_utilization_rate_s

    if launch_instances:
        print "********Launching instances..."
        run_cmd("./ec2-exp.sh launch %s -f %s -b %s -i %s" % # --spot-price %s" %
                (cluster, num_frontends, num_backends, private_ssh_key))

    for sample_ratio in sample_ratios:
        for utilization in utilizations:
            arrival_rate_s = utilization * full_utilization_rate_s

            # This is a little bit of a hacky way to pass args to the ec2 script.
            (opts, args) = ec2_exp.parse_args(False)
            opts.identity_file = private_ssh_key
            opts.arrival_rate = arrival_rate_s
            opts.branch = sparrow_branch
            opts.sample_ratio  = sample_ratio
            opts.sample_ratio_constrained = sample_ratio_constrained
            opts.tasks_per_job = tasks_per_job
            opts.num_preferred_nodes = num_preferred_nodes
            opts.cpus = cores_per_backend

            conn = boto.connect_ec2()
            frontends, backends = ec2_exp.find_existing_cluster(conn, opts, cluster)

            print ("********Launching experiment at utilization %s with sample ratio %s..." %
                   (utilization, sample_ratio))

            print ("********Deploying with arrival rate %s and warmup arrival rate %s"
                   % (arrival_rate_s, warmup_arrival_rate_s))
            ec2_exp.deploy_cluster(frontends, backends, opts, warmup_arrival_rate_s, warmup_s,
                                   post_warmup_s, nm_task_scheduler)
            ec2_exp.start_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "*******Sleeping after starting Sparrow"
            print "********Starting prototype frontends and backends"
            ec2_exp.start_proto(frontends, backends, opts)

            log_dirname = "/home/ec2-user/sparrow/deploy/ec2/probe_ratio_%s_%s" % (utilization, sample_ratio)
            while os.path.exists(log_dirname):
                log_dirname = "%s_a" % log_dirname

            ec2_exp.execute_command(frontends, backends, opts, "./find_bugs.sh")

            print "********Stopping prototypes and Sparrow"
            ec2_exp.stop_proto(frontends, backends, opts)
            ec2_exp.stop_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "********Collecting logs and placing in %s" % log_dirname
            opts.log_dir = log_dirname
            ec2_exp.collect_logs(frontends, backends, opts)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        arrival_rate_ms = (float(utilization * num_backends * cores_per_backend) /
                           (task_duration_ms * tasks_per_job * num_frontends))
        arrival_rate_s = arrival_rate_ms * 1000

        # This is a little bit of a hacky way to pass args to the ec2 script.
        (opts, args) = ec2_exp.parse_args(False)
        opts.identity_file = private_ssh_key
        opts.arrival_rate = arrival_rate_s
        opts.branch = sparrow_branch
        opts.sample_ratio  = sample_ratio
        opts.sample_ratio_constrained = sample_ratio_constrained
        opts.tasks_per_job = tasks_per_job
        opts.num_preferred_nodes = num_preferred_nodes

        conn = boto.connect_ec2()
        frontends, backends = ec2_exp.find_existing_cluster(conn, opts)

        print ("********Launching experiment at utilization %s with sample ratio %s..." %
               (utilization, sample_ratio))

        print ("********Deploying with arrival rate %s and warmup arrival rate %s"
               % (arrival_rate_s, warmup_arrival_rate_s))
        ec2_exp.deploy_cluster(frontends, backends, opts, warmup_arrival_rate_s, warmup_s,
                               post_warmup_s, num_users)
        ec2_exp.start_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

        print "*******Sleeping after starting Sparrow"
        print "********Starting prototype frontends and backends"
        ec2_exp.start_proto(frontends, backends, opts)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(argv):
    launch_instances = False
    if len(argv) >= 1 and argv[0] == "True":
        launch_instances = True

    utilization_user_pairs = [(0.25, "high:1:0"),
                              (0.5, "high:1:0,low:1:0"),
                              (0.75, "high:1:0,low:2:0"),
                              (1.0, "high:1:0,low:3:0"),
                              (1.25, "high:1:0,low:4:0"),
                              (1.5, "high:1:0,low:5:0"),
                              (1.75, "high:1:0,low:6:0"),
                              (2.0, "high:1:0,low:7:0")]
    sample_ratios = [2.0]
    sample_ratio_constrained = 1

    # Amount of time it takes each task to run in isolation
    task_duration_ms = 100
    tasks_per_job = 1
    private_ssh_key = "patkey.pem"
    sparrow_branch = "debugging"
    num_backends = 5
    num_frontends = 1
    cores_per_backend = 4
    # Run each trial for 5 minutes.
    trial_length = 500
    num_preferred_nodes = 0
    nm_task_scheduler = "priority"
    cluster_name = "isolation"

    full_utilization_rate_s = (float(num_backends * cores_per_backend * 1000) /
                               (task_duration_ms * tasks_per_job * num_frontends))

    # Warmup information
    warmup_s = 120
    post_warmup_s = 30
    warmup_arrival_rate_s = 0.4 * full_utilization_rate_s

    if launch_instances:
        print "********Launching instances..."
        run_cmd(("./ec2-exp.sh launch %s --ami ami-a658c0cf " +
                 "--instance-type cr1.8xlarge --spot-price %s -f %s -b %s -i %s") %
                (cluster_name, 0.5, num_frontends, num_backends, private_ssh_key))

    for sample_ratio in sample_ratios:
        for utilization, users in utilization_user_pairs:
            arrival_rate_s = utilization * full_utilization_rate_s

            # This is a little bit of a hacky way to pass args to the ec2 script.
            (opts, args) = ec2_exp.parse_args(False)
            opts.identity_file = private_ssh_key
            opts.arrival_rate = arrival_rate_s
            opts.branch = sparrow_branch
            opts.sample_ratio  = sample_ratio
            opts.sample_ratio_constrained = sample_ratio_constrained
            opts.tasks_per_job = tasks_per_job
            opts.num_preferred_nodes = num_preferred_nodes
            opts.cpus = cores_per_backend

            conn = boto.connect_ec2()
            frontends, backends = ec2_exp.find_existing_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name)

            print ("********Launching experiment at utilization %s with sample ratio %s..." %
                   (utilization, sample_ratio))

            print ("********Deploying with arrival rate %s and warmup arrival rate %s"
                   % (arrival_rate_s, warmup_arrival_rate_s))
            ec2_exp.deploy_cluster(frontends, backends, opts, warmup_arrival_rate_s, warmup_s,
                                   post_warmup_s, nm_task_scheduler, users)
            ec2_exp.start_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "*******Sleeping after starting Sparrow"
            print "********Starting prototype frontends and backends"
            ec2_exp.start_proto(frontends, backends, opts)

            log_dirname = "/disk1/sparrow/isolation_%s_%s" % (utilization, sample_ratio)
            while os.path.exists(log_dirname):
                log_dirname = "%s_a" % log_dirname

            ec2_exp.execute_command(frontends, backends, opts, "./find_bugs.sh")

            print "********Stopping prototypes and Sparrow"
            ec2_exp.stop_proto(frontends, backends, opts)
            ec2_exp.stop_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "********Collecting logs and placing in %s" % log_dirname
            opts.log_dir = log_dirname
            ec2_exp.collect_logs(frontends, backends, opts)
            run_cmd("gunzip %s/*.gz" % log_dirname)

            print "********Parsing logs"
            run_cmd(("cd /tmp/sparrow/src/main/python/ && ./parse_logs.sh log_dir=%s "
                     "output_dir=%s/results start_sec=350 end_sec=450 && cd -") %
                    (log_dirname, log_dirname))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(argv):
    launch_instances = False
    if len(argv) >= 1 and argv[0] == "True":
        launch_instances = True

    utilizations = [1.0]
    sample_ratios = [2.0]
    sample_ratio_constrained = 1

    # Amount of time it takes each task to run in isolation
    task_duration_ms = 100
    tasks_per_job = 3
    private_ssh_key = "patkey.pem"
    sparrow_branch = "debugging"
    num_backends = 10
    num_frontends = 1
    cores_per_backend = 4
    # Run each trial for many minutes.
    trial_length = 700
    num_preferred_nodes = 0
    nm_task_scheduler = "round_robin"

    full_utilization_rate_s = (float(num_backends * cores_per_backend * 1000) /
                               (task_duration_ms * tasks_per_job * num_frontends))

    # Warmup information
    warmup_s = 120
    post_warmup_s = 30
    warmup_arrival_rate_s = 0.4 * full_utilization_rate_s

    if launch_instances:
        print "********Launching instances..."
        run_cmd("./ec2-exp.sh launch -f %s -b %s -i %s" %
                (num_frontends, num_backends, private_ssh_key))

    for sample_ratio in sample_ratios:
        for utilization in utilizations:
            arrival_rate_s = utilization * full_utilization_rate_s

            # This is a little bit of a hacky way to pass args to the ec2 script.
            (opts, args) = ec2_exp.parse_args(False)
            opts.identity_file = private_ssh_key
            opts.arrival_rate = arrival_rate_s
            opts.branch = sparrow_branch
            opts.sample_ratio  = sample_ratio
            opts.sample_ratio_constrained = sample_ratio_constrained
            opts.tasks_per_job = tasks_per_job
            opts.num_preferred_nodes = num_preferred_nodes
            opts.frontend_type = "FairnessTestingFrontend"

            conn = boto.connect_ec2()
            frontends, backends = ec2_exp.find_existing_cluster(conn, opts)

            print ("********Launching experiment at utilization %s with sample ratio %s..." %
                   (utilization, sample_ratio))

            print ("********Deploying with arrival rate %s and warmup arrival rate %s"
                   % (arrival_rate_s, warmup_arrival_rate_s))
            ec2_exp.deploy_cluster(frontends, backends, opts, warmup_arrival_rate_s, warmup_s,
                                   post_warmup_s, nm_task_scheduler)
            ec2_exp.start_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "*******Sleeping after starting Sparrow"
            print "********Starting prototype frontends and backends"
            ec2_exp.start_proto(frontends, backends, opts)

            log_dirname = "/Users/keo/Documents/opportunistic-scheduling/sparrow/deploy/ec2/fairness_%s_%s" % (utilization, sample_ratio)
            while os.path.exists(log_dirname):
                log_dirname = "%s_a" % log_dirname

            ec2_exp.execute_command(frontends, backends, opts, "./find_bugs.sh")

            print "********Stopping prototypes and Sparrow"
            ec2_exp.stop_proto(frontends, backends, opts)
            ec2_exp.stop_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "********Collecting logs and placing in %s" % log_dirname
            opts.log_dir = log_dirname
            ec2_exp.collect_logs(frontends, backends, opts)
            run_cmd("gunzip %s/*.gz" % log_dirname)

            print "********Parsing logs"
            run_cmd(("cd ../../src/main/python/ && ./parse_logs.sh log_dir=%s "
                     "output_dir=%s/results start_sec=240 end_sec=540 && cd -") %
                    (log_dirname, log_dirname))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):
    launch_instances = False
    if len(argv) >= 1 and argv[0] == "True":
        launch_instances = True

    utilizations = [0.8, 0.9]
    sample_ratios = [1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0]
    sample_ratio_constrained = 2

    # Amount of time it takes each task to run in isolation
    task_duration_ms = 100
    tasks_per_job = 10
    private_ssh_key = "patkey.pem"
    sparrow_branch = "master"
    nm_task_scheduler = "fifo"
    num_backends = 100
    num_frontends = 10
    cores_per_backend = 8
    # Run each trial for 5 minutes.
    trial_length = 400
    num_preferred_nodes = 0
    num_users = 1
    cluster = "probe"

    full_utilization_rate_s = (
        float(num_backends * cores_per_backend * 1000) /
        (task_duration_ms * tasks_per_job * num_frontends))

    # Warmup information
    warmup_s = 30
    post_warmup_s = 30
    warmup_arrival_rate_s = 0.4 * full_utilization_rate_s

    if launch_instances:
        print "********Launching instances..."
            "./ec2-exp.sh launch %s -f %s -b %s -i %s" %  # --spot-price %s" %
            (cluster, num_frontends, num_backends, private_ssh_key))

    for sample_ratio in sample_ratios:
        for utilization in utilizations:
            arrival_rate_s = utilization * full_utilization_rate_s

            # This is a little bit of a hacky way to pass args to the ec2 script.
            (opts, args) = ec2_exp.parse_args(False)
            opts.identity_file = private_ssh_key
            opts.arrival_rate = arrival_rate_s
            opts.branch = sparrow_branch
            opts.sample_ratio = sample_ratio
            opts.sample_ratio_constrained = sample_ratio_constrained
            opts.tasks_per_job = tasks_per_job
            opts.num_preferred_nodes = num_preferred_nodes
            opts.cpus = cores_per_backend

            conn = boto.connect_ec2()
            frontends, backends = ec2_exp.find_existing_cluster(
                conn, opts, cluster)

                "********Launching experiment at utilization %s with sample ratio %s..."
                % (utilization, sample_ratio))

                "********Deploying with arrival rate %s and warmup arrival rate %s"
                % (arrival_rate_s, warmup_arrival_rate_s))
            ec2_exp.deploy_cluster(frontends, backends, opts,
                                   warmup_arrival_rate_s, warmup_s,
                                   post_warmup_s, nm_task_scheduler)
            ec2_exp.start_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "*******Sleeping after starting Sparrow"
            print "********Starting prototype frontends and backends"
            ec2_exp.start_proto(frontends, backends, opts)

            log_dirname = "/home/ec2-user/sparrow/deploy/ec2/probe_ratio_%s_%s" % (
                utilization, sample_ratio)
            while os.path.exists(log_dirname):
                log_dirname = "%s_a" % log_dirname

            ec2_exp.execute_command(frontends, backends, opts,

            print "********Stopping prototypes and Sparrow"
            ec2_exp.stop_proto(frontends, backends, opts)
            ec2_exp.stop_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "********Collecting logs and placing in %s" % log_dirname
            opts.log_dir = log_dirname
            ec2_exp.collect_logs(frontends, backends, opts)
def main(argv):
    launch_instances = False
    if len(argv) >= 1 and argv[0] == "True":
        launch_instances = True

    utilization_user_pairs = [(0.25, "high:1:0"), (0.5, "high:1:0,low:1:0"),
                              (0.75, "high:1:0,low:2:0"),
                              (1.0, "high:1:0,low:3:0"),
                              (1.25, "high:1:0,low:4:0"),
                              (1.5, "high:1:0,low:5:0"),
                              (1.75, "high:1:0,low:6:0"),
                              (2.0, "high:1:0,low:7:0")]
    sample_ratios = [2.0]
    sample_ratio_constrained = 1

    # Amount of time it takes each task to run in isolation
    task_duration_ms = 100
    tasks_per_job = 1
    private_ssh_key = "patkey.pem"
    sparrow_branch = "debugging"
    num_backends = 5
    num_frontends = 1
    cores_per_backend = 4
    # Run each trial for 5 minutes.
    trial_length = 500
    num_preferred_nodes = 0
    nm_task_scheduler = "priority"
    cluster_name = "isolation"

    full_utilization_rate_s = (
        float(num_backends * cores_per_backend * 1000) /
        (task_duration_ms * tasks_per_job * num_frontends))

    # Warmup information
    warmup_s = 120
    post_warmup_s = 30
    warmup_arrival_rate_s = 0.4 * full_utilization_rate_s

    if launch_instances:
        print "********Launching instances..."
            ("./ec2-exp.sh launch %s --ami ami-a658c0cf " +
             "--instance-type cr1.8xlarge --spot-price %s -f %s -b %s -i %s") %
            (cluster_name, 0.5, num_frontends, num_backends, private_ssh_key))

    for sample_ratio in sample_ratios:
        for utilization, users in utilization_user_pairs:
            arrival_rate_s = utilization * full_utilization_rate_s

            # This is a little bit of a hacky way to pass args to the ec2 script.
            (opts, args) = ec2_exp.parse_args(False)
            opts.identity_file = private_ssh_key
            opts.arrival_rate = arrival_rate_s
            opts.branch = sparrow_branch
            opts.sample_ratio = sample_ratio
            opts.sample_ratio_constrained = sample_ratio_constrained
            opts.tasks_per_job = tasks_per_job
            opts.num_preferred_nodes = num_preferred_nodes
            opts.cpus = cores_per_backend

            conn = boto.connect_ec2()
            frontends, backends = ec2_exp.find_existing_cluster(
                conn, opts, cluster_name)

                "********Launching experiment at utilization %s with sample ratio %s..."
                % (utilization, sample_ratio))

                "********Deploying with arrival rate %s and warmup arrival rate %s"
                % (arrival_rate_s, warmup_arrival_rate_s))
            ec2_exp.deploy_cluster(frontends, backends, opts,
                                   warmup_arrival_rate_s, warmup_s,
                                   post_warmup_s, nm_task_scheduler, users)
            ec2_exp.start_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "*******Sleeping after starting Sparrow"
            print "********Starting prototype frontends and backends"
            ec2_exp.start_proto(frontends, backends, opts)

            log_dirname = "/disk1/sparrow/isolation_%s_%s" % (utilization,
            while os.path.exists(log_dirname):
                log_dirname = "%s_a" % log_dirname

            ec2_exp.execute_command(frontends, backends, opts,

            print "********Stopping prototypes and Sparrow"
            ec2_exp.stop_proto(frontends, backends, opts)
            ec2_exp.stop_sparrow(frontends, backends, opts)

            print "********Collecting logs and placing in %s" % log_dirname
            opts.log_dir = log_dirname
            ec2_exp.collect_logs(frontends, backends, opts)
            run_cmd("gunzip %s/*.gz" % log_dirname)

            print "********Parsing logs"
                "cd /tmp/sparrow/src/main/python/ && ./parse_logs.sh log_dir=%s "
                "output_dir=%s/results start_sec=350 end_sec=450 && cd -") %
                    (log_dirname, log_dirname))