Ejemplo n.º 1
    def CKDpriv(self, i):
        Create a child key of index 'i'.

        If the most significant bit of 'i' is set, then select from the
        hardened key set, otherwise, select a regular child key.

        Returns a BIP32Key constructed with the child key parameters,
        or None if i index would result in an invalid key.
        # Index as bytes, BE
        i_str = struct.pack(">L", i)

        # Data to HMAC
        if i & BIP32_HARDEN:
            data = b'\0' + self.k.to_string() + i_str
            data = self.PublicKey() + i_str
        # Get HMAC of data
        (Il, Ir) = self.hmac(data)

        # Construct new key material from Il and current private key
        Il_int = string_to_int(Il)
        if Il_int > CURVE_ORDER:
            return None
        pvt_int = string_to_int(self.k.to_string())
        k_int = (Il_int + pvt_int) % CURVE_ORDER
        if (k_int == 0):
            return None
        secret = (b'\0'*32 + int_to_string(k_int))[-32:]
        # Construct and return a new BIP32Key
        return BIP32Key(secret=secret, chain=Ir, depth=self.depth+1, index=i, fpr=self.Fingerprint(), public=False, testnet=self.testnet)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _derive_key_by_index(self, index) -> Optional["Wallet"]:

        i_str = struct.pack(">L", index)
        if index & config["hardened"]:
            data = b"\0" + self._key.to_string() + i_str
            data = unhexlify(self.public_key()) + i_str

        if not self._chain_code:
            raise PermissionError(
                "You can't drive xprivate_key and private_key.")

        i = hmac.new(self._chain_code, data, hashlib.sha512).digest()
        il, ir = i[:32], i[32:]

        il_int = string_to_int(il)
        if il_int > CURVE_ORDER:
            return None
        pvt_int = string_to_int(self._key.to_string())
        k_int = (il_int + pvt_int) % CURVE_ORDER
        if k_int == 0:
            return None
        secret = (b"\0" * 32 + int_to_string(k_int))[-32:]

        self._private_key, self._chain_code, self._depth, self._index, self._parent_fingerprint = (
            secret, ir, (self._depth + 1), index,
        self._key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(self._private_key,
        self._verified_key = self._key.get_verifying_key()
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def CKDpriv(self, i):
        Create a child key of index 'i'.

        If the most significant bit of 'i' is set, then select from the
        hardened key set, otherwise, select a regular child key.

        Returns a BIP32Key constructed with the child key parameters,
        or None if i index would result in an invalid key.
        # Index as bytes, BE
        i_str = struct.pack(">L", i)

        # Data to HMAC
        if i & BIP32_HARDEN:
            data = b'\0' + self.k.to_string() + i_str
            data = self.PublicKey() + i_str
        # Get HMAC of data
        (Il, Ir) = self.hmac(data)

        # Construct new key material from Il and current private key
        Il_int = string_to_int(Il)
        if Il_int > CURVE_ORDER:
            return None
        pvt_int = string_to_int(self.k.to_string())
        k_int = (Il_int + pvt_int) % CURVE_ORDER
        if (k_int == 0):
            return None
        secret = (b'\0'*32 + int_to_string(k_int))[-32:]
        # Construct and return a new BIP32Key
        return BIP32Key(secret=secret, chain=Ir, depth=self.depth+1, index=i, fpr=self.Fingerprint(), public=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def child_priv(self, index):
        if index >= 0x80000000:
            data = b'\0' + self.k.to_string() + index.to_bytes(4, 'big')
            k_int = string_to_int(self.k.to_string())
            point = k_int * generator_secp256k1
            compressed = self.sec(point)
            data = compressed + index.to_bytes(4, 'big')

        left, right = self.hmac(data)

        left_int = string_to_int(left)
        k_int = string_to_int(self.k.to_string())
        child_k_int = (left_int + k_int) % generator_secp256k1.order()
        if (child_k_int == 0) or left_int >= generator_secp256k1.order():
            return None
        child_key = int_to_string(child_k_int)
        child_key = zero_padding(32, child_key)

        assert (len(child_key) == 32)

        key = Key(secret=child_key,
                  level=self.level + 1,
                  index=index.to_bytes(4, 'big'),

        return key
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def CKDpriv(self):
		if self.hardened:
			i= 2147483648+self.index 

			i= self.index 
		child_L_MPKhmac=hmac.new(key=self.chaincode, msg=child_L_MPK , digestmod=hashlib.sha512).digest()
		child_LPhml, output_chaincode = child_L_MPKhmac[:32], child_L_MPKhmac[32:]
		return (b'\x00'*32 + int_to_string(presecret% CURVE_ORDER))[-32:]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def CKDpub(self, i):
        Create a publicly derived child key of index 'i'.

        If the most significant bit of 'i' is set, this is
        an error.

        Returns a BIP32Key constructed with the child key parameters,
        or None if index would result in invalid key.

        if i & BIP32_HARDEN:
            raise Exception("Cannot create a hardened child key using public child derivation")

        # Data to HMAC.  Same as CKDpriv() for public child key.
        data = self.PublicKey() + struct.pack(">L", i)

        # Get HMAC of data
        (Il, Ir) = self.hmac(data)

        # Construct curve point Il*G+K
        Il_int = string_to_int(Il)
        if Il_int >= CURVE_ORDER:
            return None
        point = Il_int*CURVE_GEN + self.K.pubkey.point
        if point == INFINITY:
            return None

        # Retrieve public key based on curve point
        K_i = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)

        # Construct and return a new BIP32Key
        return BIP32Key(secret=K_i, chain=Ir, depth=self.depth+1, index=i, fpr=self.Fingerprint(), public=True, testnet=self.testnet)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def CKDpub(self, i):
        Create a publicly derived child key of index 'i'.

        If the most significant bit of 'i' is set, this is
        an error.

        Returns a BIP32Key constructed with the child key parameters,
        or None if index would result in invalid key.

        if i & BIP32_HARDEN:
            raise Exception("Cannot create a hardened child key using public child derivation")

        # Data to HMAC.  Same as CKDpriv() for public child key.
        data = self.PublicKey() + struct.pack(">L", i)

        # Get HMAC of data
        (Il, Ir) = self.hmac(data)

        # Construct curve point Il*G+K
        Il_int = string_to_int(Il)
        if Il_int >= CURVE_ORDER:
            return None
        point = Il_int*CURVE_GEN + self.K.pubkey.point
        if point == INFINITY:
            return None

        # Retrieve public key based on curve point
        K_i = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)

        # Construct and return a new BIP32Key
        return BIP32Key(secret=K_i, chain=Ir, depth=self.depth, index=i, fpr=self.Fingerprint(), public=True)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def fromExtendedKey(xkey, public=False):
        Create a BIP32Key by importing from extended private or public key string

        If public is True, return a public-only key regardless of input type.
        # Sanity checks
        raw = Base58.check_decode(xkey)
        if len(raw) != 78:
            raise ValueError("extended key format wrong length")

        # Verify address version/type
        version = raw[:4]
        known_version = False
        for (testnet_header, public_header, d) in [
            (False, False, XPRV_HEADERS_MAIN),
            (True,  False, XPRV_HEADERS_TEST),
            (False, True,  XPUB_HEADERS_MAIN),
            (True,  True, XPUB_HEADERS_TEST),
            for key, header in d.items():
                if version == header:
                    script_type = key
                    is_testnet = testnet_header
                    is_pubkey = public_header
                    known_version = True
        if not known_version:
            raise ValueError("unknown extended key version")

        # Extract remaining fields
        # Python 2.x compatibility
        if type(raw[4]) == int:
            depth = raw[4]
            depth = ord(raw[4])
        fpr = raw[5:9]
        child = struct.unpack(">L", raw[9:13])[0]
        chain = raw[13:45]
        secret = raw[45:78]

        # Extract private key or public key point
        if not is_pubkey:
            secret = secret[1:]
            # Recover public curve point from compressed key
            # Python3 FIX
            lsb = secret[0] & 1 if type(secret[0]) == int else ord(secret[0]) & 1
            x = string_to_int(secret[1:])
            ys = (x**3+7) % FIELD_ORDER # y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod p
            y = sqrt_mod(ys, FIELD_ORDER)
            if y & 1 != lsb:
                y = FIELD_ORDER-y
            point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(SECP256k1.curve, x, y)
            secret = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)

        key = BIP32Key(secret=secret, chain=chain, depth=depth, index=child, fpr=fpr, public=is_pubkey, testnet=is_testnet, script_type=script_type)
        if not is_pubkey and public:
            key = key.SetPublic()
        return key
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_generate(self):
        from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST521p

        sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST521p)
        pri = sk.privkey
        pub = pri.public_key
        param = dict(

        # Curve
        from ecdsa.ellipticcurve import Point, CurveFp
        from ecdsa.ecdsa import curve_521

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(curve_521, CurveFp))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(param['crv'].curve, CurveFp))
        self.assertEqual(curve_521, param['crv'].curve)
        self.assertEqual(pub.point.curve(), curve_521)

        # Point
        p_new = Point(curve_521, param['x'], param['y'])
        self.assertEqual(p_new, pub.point)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pub.point, Point))

        # Public Key
        from ecdsa.ecdsa import Public_key, generator_521
        self.assertEqual(generator_521, pub.generator)
        pub_new = Public_key(generator_521, p_new)

        # Private Key
        from ecdsa.ecdsa import Private_key
        pri_new = Private_key(pub_new, param['d'])

        # Signature
        from ecdsa.ecdsa import string_to_int, Signature
        from hashlib import sha512
        from uuid import uuid1
        rnd = uuid1().int
        msg = "hello, it's me.".encode('utf8')
        digest = string_to_int(sha512(msg).digest())
        signature_new = pri_new.sign(digest, rnd)
        signature_old = pri.sign(digest, rnd)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(signature_new, Signature))
        self.assertEqual(signature_new.r, signature_old.r)
        self.assertEqual(signature_new.s, signature_old.s)
        import six      # python3 no long
        self.assertTrue(type(signature_new.r) in six.integer_types)
        self.assertTrue(type(signature_new.s) in six.integer_types)

        # Verify
        print(pub.verifies(digest, signature_new))
        print(pub_new.verifies(digest, signature_old))

Ejemplo n.º 10
    def fromExtendedKey(xkey, public=False):
        Create a BIP32Key by importing from extended private or public key string

        If public is True, return a public-only key regardless of input type.
        # Sanity checks
        raw = Base58.check_decode(xkey)
        if len(raw) != 78:
            raise ValueError("extended key format wrong length")

        # Verify address version/type
        version = raw[:4]
        tversion = codecs.encode(version,"hex")
        if tversion in query_lsit(testnet=False):
            is_testnet = False
            is_pubkey = False
        elif tversion in query_lsit(testnet=True):
            is_testnet = True
            is_pubkey = False
        elif tversion in query_lsit(public=True):
            is_testnet = False
            is_pubkey = True
        elif tversion in query_lsit(public=True,testnet=True):
            is_testnet = True
            is_pubkey = True
            raise ValueError("unknown extended key version")

        # Extract remaining fields
        # Python 2.x compatibility
        if type(raw[4]) == int:
            depth = raw[4]
            depth = ord(raw[4])
        fpr = raw[5:9]
        child = struct.unpack(">L", raw[9:13])[0]
        chain = raw[13:45]
        secret = raw[45:78]

        # Extract private key or public key point
        if not is_pubkey:
            secret = secret[1:]
            # Recover public curve point from compressed key
            # Python3 FIX
            lsb = secret[0] & 1 if type(secret[0]) == int else ord(secret[0]) & 1
            x = string_to_int(secret[1:])
            ys = (x**3+7) % FIELD_ORDER # y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod p
            y = sqrt_mod(ys, FIELD_ORDER)
            if y & 1 != lsb:
                y = FIELD_ORDER-y
            point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(SECP256k1.curve, x, y)
            secret = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)

        key = BIP32Key(secret=secret, chain=chain, depth=depth, index=child, fpr=fpr, public=is_pubkey, testnet=is_testnet)
        if not is_pubkey and public:
            key = key.SetPublic()
        return key
Ejemplo n.º 11
def seed_to_master(seed, passphrase, derivation_path, hardened_items, total_addresses, address_type, testnet):
	pbkdf2_result=PBKDF2.hexread(PBKDF2(seed, 'mnemonic'+passphrase, 
		iterations=2048, macmodule=hmac, digestmodule=hashlib.sha512), 64)
	hmac_hash= hmac.new(key=b"Bitcoin seed", msg=codecs.decode(pbkdf2_result, 'hex'), digestmod=hashlib.sha512).digest()
	master_pk, master_cc = hmac_hash[:32], hmac_hash[32:]
	return path_gen_keylist(master_cc,master_pk, master_pubkey, derivation_path,
		hardened_items,total_addresses, address_type, testnet)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def fromExtendedKey(xkey, public=False):
        Create a BIP32Key by importing from extended private or public key string

        If public is True, return a public-only key regardless of input type.
        # Sanity checks
        raw = Base58.check_decode(xkey)
        if len(raw) != 78:
            raise ValueError("extended key format wrong length")

        # Verify address version/type
        version = raw[:4]
        if version == EX_MAIN_PRIVATE:
            is_testnet = False
            is_pubkey = False
        elif version == EX_TEST_PRIVATE:
            is_testnet = True
            is_pubkey = False
        elif version == EX_MAIN_PUBLIC:
            is_testnet = False
            is_pubkey = True
        elif version == EX_TEST_PUBLIC:
            is_testnet = True
            is_pubkey = True
            raise ValueError("unknown extended key version")

        # Extract remaining fields
        # Python 2.x compatibility
        if type(raw[4]) == int:
            depth = raw[4]
            depth = ord(raw[4])
        fpr = raw[5:9]
        child = struct.unpack(">L", raw[9:13])[0]
        chain = raw[13:45]
        secret = raw[45:78]

        # Extract private key or public key point
        if not is_pubkey:
            secret = secret[1:]
            # Recover public curve point from compressed key
            lsb = ord(secret[0]) & 1
            x = string_to_int(secret[1:])
            ys = (x**3+7) % FIELD_ORDER # y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod p
            y = sqrt_mod(ys, FIELD_ORDER)
            if y & 1 != lsb:
                y = FIELD_ORDER-y
            point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(SECP256k1.curve, x, y)
            secret = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)

        key = BIP32Key(secret=secret, chain=chain, depth=depth, index=child, fpr=fpr, public=is_pubkey, testnet=is_testnet)
        if not is_pubkey and public:
            key = key.SetPublic()
        return key
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __CkdPriv(self, index):
        """ Create a child key of the specified index.

            index (int): Index

            Bip32 object: Bip32 object constructed with the child parameters

            Bip32KeyError: If the index results in an invalid key

        # Index as bytes
        index_bytes = index.to_bytes(4, "big")

        # Data for HMAC
        if Bip32Utils.IsHardenedIndex(index):
            data = b"\x00" + self.m_key.to_string() + index_bytes
            data = self.PublicKey().RawCompressed().ToBytes() + index_bytes

        # Compute HMAC halves
        i_l, i_r = self.__HmacHalves(data)

        # Construct new key secret from i_l and current private key
        i_l_int = string_to_int(i_l)
        key_int = string_to_int(self.m_key.to_string())
        new_key_int = (i_l_int + key_int) % Bip32Const.CURVE_ORDER

        # Convert to string and left pad with zeros
        secret = int_to_string(new_key_int)
        secret = b"\x00" * (32 - len(secret)) + secret

        # Construct and return a new Bip32 object
        return Bip32(secret=secret,
                     depth=self.m_depth + 1,
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def fromExtendedKey(xkey, public=False):
        Create a BIP32Key by importing from extended private or public key string

        If public is True, return a public-only key regardless of input type.
        # Sanity checks
        raw = Base58.check_decode(xkey)
        if len(raw) != 78:
            raise ValueError("extended key format wrong length")

        # Verify address version/type
        version = raw[:4]
        if version == EX_MAIN_PRIVATE:
            keytype = 'xprv'
        elif version == EX_MAIN_PUBLIC:
            keytype = 'xpub'
            raise ValueError("unknown extended key version")

        # Extract remaining fields
        depth = ord(raw[4])
        fpr = raw[5:9]
        child = struct.unpack(">L", raw[9:13])[0]
        chain = raw[13:45]
        secret = raw[45:78]

        # Extract private key or public key point
        if keytype == 'xprv':
            secret = secret[1:]
            # Recover public curve point from compressed key
            lsb = ord(secret[0]) & 1
            x = string_to_int(secret[1:])
            ys = (x**3 + 7) % FIELD_ORDER  # y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod p
            y = sqrt_mod(ys, FIELD_ORDER)
            if y & 1 != lsb:
                y = FIELD_ORDER - y
            point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(SECP256k1.curve, x, y)
            secret = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point,

        is_pubkey = (keytype == 'xpub')
        key = BIP32Key(secret=secret,
        if not is_pubkey and public:
            key = key.SetPublic()
        return key
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_xpub_bytes_to_field_bytes(self):
        root = "xpub68Gmy5EdvgibQVfPdqkBBCHxA5htiqg55crXYuXoQRKfDBFA1WEjWgP6LHhwBZeNK1VTsfTFUHCdrfp1bgwQ9xv5ski8PX9rL2dZXvgGDnw"
        child1 = "xpub6ASuArnXKPbfEwhqN6e3mwBcDTgzisQN1wXN9BJcM47sSikHjJf3UFHKkNAWbWMiGj7Wf5uMash7SyYq527Hqck2AxYysAA7xmALppuCkwQ"
        root_b, child1_b = map(Base58.check_decode, [root, child1])

        as_int = lambda x, f: string_to_int(xpub_bytes_to_field_bytes(x, f))

        # Check the depth
        self.assertEqual(as_int(root_b, 'depth'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(as_int(child1_b, 'depth'), 2)

        # Check the child number
        self.assertEqual(as_int(child1_b, 'child_number'), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def DerivePrivateKey(self, index):

        i_str = struct.pack(">L", index)
        if index & BIP32_HARDEN:
            data = b'\0' + self.key.to_string() + i_str
            data = self.PublicKey() + i_str
        Il, Ir = self.hmac(data)

        Il_int = string_to_int(Il)
        if Il_int > CURVE_ORDER:
            return None
        pvt_int = string_to_int(self.key.to_string())
        k_int = (Il_int + pvt_int) % CURVE_ORDER
        if k_int == 0:
            return None
        secret = (b'\0' * 32 + int_to_string(k_int))[-32:]

        return CobraHDWallet(
            secret=secret, chain=Ir,
            depth=self.depth + 1, index=index,
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def derive_private_key(self, index):

        i_str = struct.pack(">L", index)
        if index & BIP32KEY_HARDEN:
            data = b"\0" + self.key.to_string() + i_str
            data = unhexlify(self.public_key()) + i_str
        il, ir = self.hmac(data)

        il_int = string_to_int(il)
        if il_int > CURVE_ORDER:
            return None
        pvt_int = string_to_int(self.key.to_string())
        k_int = (il_int + pvt_int) % CURVE_ORDER
        if k_int == 0:
            return None
        secret = (b"\0" * 32 + int_to_string(k_int))[-32:]

        self.secret, self.chain, self.depth, self.index, self.parent_fingerprint = \
            secret, ir, (self.depth + 1), index, unhexlify(self.finger_print())
        self.key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(self.secret, curve=SECP256k1)
        self.verified_key = self.key.get_verifying_key()
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 18
def child_key_derivation_from_private(master_private_key, master_chaincode, index):
    i_str = ser32(index)
    if index & BIP32_HARDEN:
        data = bytes.fromhex("00") + master_private_key + bytes(i_str)
        data = private_to_public(master_private_key) + bytes(i_str)
    (Il, Ir) = hmacsha512(data, master_chaincode)
    ilInt = string_to_int(Il)
    if ilInt > CURVE_ORDER:
        return None
    privateInt = string_to_int(master_private_key)
    priavte_key_int = (ilInt + privateInt) % CURVE_ORDER
    if (priavte_key_int == 0):
        return None
    secret = (b'\0'*32 + int_to_string(priavte_key_int))[-32:]
    print("child key:" + str(index))
    print("private key:" + secret.hex())
    print("wif priavte key:" + privatekey_to_wif(secret))
    publicKey = private_to_public(secret)
    print("public key:" + publicKey.hex())
    print("address:" + publickey_to_address(publicKey))
    return secret, Ir
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __CkdPub(self, index):
        """ Create a publicly derived child key of the specified index.

            index (int): Index

            Bip32 object: Bip32 object constructed with the child parameters

            Bip32KeyError: If the index is hardened or results in an invalid key

        # Check if index is hardened
        if Bip32Utils.IsHardenedIndex(index):
            raise Bip32KeyError(
                "Public child derivation cannot be used to create a hardened child key"

        # Data for HMAC, same of __CkdPriv() for public child key
        data = self.PublicKey().RawCompressed().ToBytes() + index.to_bytes(
            4, "big")

        # Get HMAC of data
        i_l, i_r = self.__HmacHalves(data)

        # Construct curve point i_l*G+K
        point = string_to_int(
            i_l) * generator_secp256k1 + self.m_ver_key.pubkey.point

        # Try to construct public key from the curve point
            k_i = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)
            raise Bip32KeyError(
                "Computed public child key is not valid, very unlucky index")

        # Construct and return a new Bip32 object
        return Bip32(secret=k_i,
                     depth=self.m_depth + 1,
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def child_pub(self, index):
        if index >= 0x80000000:
            raise Exception("Cannot create hardened public key")
        data = self.get_public_key() + index.to_bytes(4, 'big')
        left, right = self.hmac(data)

        left_int = string_to_int(left)
        point = left_int * generator_secp256k1 + self.public_key.pubkey.point
        res = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)

        key = Key(secret=res,
                  level=self.level + 1,
                  index=index.to_bytes(4, 'big'),

        return key
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def fromExtendedKey(xkey, public=False, testnet=False):
        Create a BIP32Key by importing from extended private or public key string

        If public is True, return a public-only key regardless of input type.
        # Sanity checks
        raw = check_decode(xkey, need_prefix=True)
        # Extract remaining fields
        # Python 2.x compatibility
        if isinstance(raw[5], int):
            depth = raw[5]
            depth = ord(raw[5])
        fpr = raw[5:9]
        child = struct.unpack(">L", raw[9:13])[0]
        chain = raw[13:45]
        secret = raw[45:]

        # Extract private key or public key point
        if not public:
            secret = secret[1:]
            # Recover public curve point from compressed key
            # Python3 FIX
            lsb = secret[0] & 1 if isinstance(secret[0], int) else ord(secret[0]) & 1
            x = string_to_int(secret[1:])
            ys = (x**3 + 7) % FIELD_ORDER  # y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod p
            y = sqrt_mod(ys, FIELD_ORDER)
            if y & 1 != lsb:
                y = FIELD_ORDER - y
            point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(SECP256k1.curve, x, y)
            secret = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)

        key = BIP32Key(secret=secret, chain=chain, depth=depth, index=child, fpr=fpr, public=public, testnet=testnet)
        if public:
            key = key.SetPublic()
        return key
Ejemplo n.º 22
data_pub, chain, k_priv, K_priv = bip32_key(Il, Ir, b'\x00', 0, b'\0\0\0\0')

# chain m/0
ITERATE = 0 + BIP32_HARDEN  # because chain m/0
i_str = struct.pack(">L", ITERATE)

# for non-hardened derivation
# data = data_pub + i_str

# for hardened derivation
data = b'\0' + k_priv.to_string() + i_str

I = hmac.new(chain, data, hashlib.sha512).digest()
Il, Ir = I[:32], I[32:]

Il_int = string_to_int(Il)
pvt_int = string_to_int(k_priv.to_string())
k_int = (Il_int + pvt_int) % CURVE_ORDER
secret = (b'\0' * 32 + int_to_string(k_int))[-32:]
depth = bytes([1])

padx = (b'\0' * 32 + int_to_string(K_priv.pubkey.point.x()))[-32:]
if K_priv.pubkey.point.y() & 1:
    ck = b'\3' + padx
    ck = b'\2' + padx
fingerprint = hashlib.new('ripemd160', sha256(ck).digest()).digest()[:4]

new_data_pub, new_chain, new_k_priv, new_K_priv = bip32_key(
    secret, Ir, depth, ITERATE, fingerprint)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def path_gen_keylist(master_cc, master_pk, master_pubkey, index_list,
                     hardened_list, total_keys, address_type, testnet):
    depth = 1
    inputs = [master_cc, master_pk, master_pubkey, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00']

    for index_str in index_list:
        if depth == 1:
            getprint = Keylevel(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2],
                                int(index_str), hardened_list[depth], depth,
                                inputs[3], address_type, testnet)
            inputs[3] = getprint.fprint()
            master_key_data = Keylevel(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2],
                                       int(index_str), hardened_list[depth],
                                       depth, inputs[3], address_type, testnet)
            inputs = [
            master_key_data = Keylevel(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2],
                                       int(index_str), hardened_list[depth],
                                       depth, inputs[3], address_type, testnet)
            inputs = [
        xprv = master_key_data.xprv()
        xpub = master_key_data.xpub()
        depth += 1
        gen_fp = Keylevel(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], int(index_str),
                          hardened_list[depth], depth, inputs[3], address_type,
        inputs[3] = gen_fp.fprint()

    key_index = 0
    key_result = []
    for key in range(0, total_keys):
        hardened_key = (hardened_list[depth])
        index_key_data = Keylevel(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], key,
                                  hardened_key, depth, inputs[3], address_type,
        path_pubkey = index_key_data.pubkey()
        path_private = indv_priv_key(index_key_data.CKDpriv(), testnet)
        privatehex = index_key_data.CKDpriv().hex()
        if address_type == 'p2pkh':
            public = indv_P2PKH_pub_key(index_key_data.pubkey(), testnet)
            script_pub = p2pkh_script(index_key_data.pubkey())

        elif address_type == 'p2sh':
            redeemscript = p2sh_redeemscript(index_key_data.pubkey())
            public = indv_P2SH_pub_key(redeemscript, testnet)
            script_pub = p2sh_script(redeemscript)
            signscript = (bytes([len(redeemscript)]) + redeemscript).hex()

        elif address_type == 'p2wpkh-p2sh':
            public = indv_P2WPKH_P2SH_pub_key(index_key_data.pubkey(), testnet)
            script_pub = p2sh_script(index_key_data.pubkey())
            redeemscript = p2wpkh_p2sh_redeemscript(index_key_data.pubkey())
            signscript = ('1976a9' + redeemscript[6:] + '88ac')

        elif address_type == 'p2wpkh':
            public = indv_P2WPKH_pub_key(index_key_data.pubkey(), testnet)
            script_pub = p2wpkh_script(index_key_data.pubkey())
            signscript = ('1976a9' + script_pub[4:] + '88ac')

        elif address_type == 'p2wsh':
            redeemscript = p2sh_redeemscript(index_key_data.pubkey())
            public = indv_P2WSH_pub_key(redeemscript, testnet)
            script_pub = p2sh_script(index_key_data.pubkey())
            signscript = (bytes([len(redeemscript)]) + redeemscript).hex()
        index_items = [str(item) for item in index_list]
        counter = 1
        for item in hardened_list[1:]:
            if str(item) == 'True':
                index_items.insert(counter, "'")
                index_items.insert(counter + 1, "/")
                counter += 3
                index_items.insert(counter, "/")
                counter += 2
        derivation_path_text = "m/" + "".join(index_items[:-1])
        script_to_sign_results = ['p2sh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh', 'p2wsh', 'p2wpkh']
        if address_type in script_to_sign_results:
            result_text = 'XPRV=' + str(xprv, 'utf-8') + '\n' 'XPUB=' + str(
                xpub, 'utf-8'
            ) + '\n' + 'DERIVATION PATH=' + str(
            ) + " -KEY INDEX=" + str(key_index) + ' HARDENED ADDRESS=' + str(
            ) + '\n' + 'privatekey=' + str(
                path_private, 'utf-8'
            ) + '\n' + 'Private hex=' + privatehex + '\n' + 'Private scalar=' + str(
            ) + '\n' + 'publickey=' + public + '\n' + 'public point=' + str(
                codecs.encode(path_pubkey, 'hex'), 'utf-8'
            ) + '\n' + 'Script Pubkey=' + script_pub + '\n' + 'Scriptpub to sign=' + signscript + '\n'  #
            result_text = 'XPRV=' + str(xprv, 'utf-8') + '\n' 'XPUB=' + str(
                xpub, 'utf-8'
            ) + '\n' + 'DERIVATION PATH=' + str(
            ) + " -KEY INDEX=" + str(key_index) + ' HARDENED ADDRESS=' + str(
            ) + '\n' + 'privatekey=' + str(
                path_private, 'utf-8'
            ) + '\n' + 'Private hex=' + privatehex + '\n' + 'Private scalar=' + str(
            ) + '\n' + 'publickey=' + public + '\n' + 'public point=' + str(
                codecs.encode(path_pubkey, 'hex'),
                'utf-8') + '\n' + 'Script Pubkey=' + script_pub + '\n'  #
        key_index += 1
    return key_result