Ejemplo n.º 1
class Domain(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'domain'
    resources_key = 'domains'
    base_path = '/domains'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    # Properties
    #: The description of this domain. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: Setting this attribute to ``False`` prevents users from authorizing
    #: against this domain or any projects owned by this domain, and prevents
    #: users owned by this domain from authenticating or receiving any other
    #: authorization. Additionally, all pre-existing tokens applicable
    #: to the above entities are immediately invalidated.
    #: Re-enabling a domain does not re-enable pre-existing tokens.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    #: The globally unique name of this domain. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Service(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'service'
    resources_key = 'services'
    base_path = '/services'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    # Properties
    #: User-facing description of the service. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: Setting this value to ``False`` prevents the service and
    #: its endpoints from appearing in the service catalog. *Type: bool*
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    #: User-facing name of the service. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: Describes the API implemented by the service. The following values are
    #: recognized within the OpenStack ecosystem: ``compute``, ``image``,
    #: ``ec2``, ``identity``, ``volume``, ``network``. To support non-core and
    #: future projects, the value should not be validated against this list.
    #: *Type: string*
    type = resource.prop('type')
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Project(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'project'
    resources_key = 'projects'
    base_path = '/projects'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    # Properties
    #: The description of the project. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: References the domain ID which owns the project; if a domain ID is not
    #: specified by the client, the Identity service implementation will
    #: default it to the domain ID to which the client's token is scoped.
    #: *Type: string*
    domain_id = resource.prop('domain_id')
    #: Setting this attribute to ``False`` prevents users from authorizing
    #: against this project. Additionally, all pre-existing tokens authorized
    #: for the project are immediately invalidated. Re-enabling a project
    #: does not re-enable pre-existing tokens. *Type: bool*
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    #: Unique project name, within the owning domain. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
Ejemplo n.º 4
class VolumeDetail(Volume):

    base_path = "/volumes/detail"

    #: The volume's current back-end.
    host = resource.prop("os-vol-host-attr:host")
    #: The project ID associated with current back-end.
    project_id = resource.prop("os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id")
    #: The status of this volume's migration (None means that a migration
    #: is not currently in progress).
    migration_status = resource.prop("os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat")
    #: The volume ID that this volume's name on the back-end is based on.
    migration_id = resource.prop("os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id")
    #: Status of replication on this volume.
    replication_status = resource.prop("replication_status")
    #: Extended replication status on this volume.
    extended_replication_status = resource.prop(
    #: ID of the consistency group.
    consistency_group_id = resource.prop("consistencygroup_id")
    #: Data set by the replication driver
    replication_driver_data = resource.prop(
    #: ``True`` if this volume is encrypted, ``False`` if not.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_encrypted = resource.prop("encrypted", type=format.BoolStr)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Version(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'version'
    resources_key = 'versions'
    base_path = '/'
    service = network_service.NetworkService(

    # capabilities
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    links = resource.prop('links')
    status = resource.prop('status')
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Version(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'version'
    resources_key = 'versions'
    base_path = '/'
    service = compute_service.ComputeService(

    # capabilities
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    links = resource.prop('links')
    status = resource.prop('status')
    updated = resource.prop('updated')
Ejemplo n.º 7
class AlarmChange(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'event_id'
    resource_key = 'alarm_change'
    base_path = '/alarms/%(alarm_id)s/history'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The ID of the alarm
    alarm_id = resource.prop('alarm_id')
    #: Data describing the change
    detail = resource.prop('detail')
    #: The ID of the change event
    event_id = resource.prop('event_id')
    #: The project ID on behalf of which the change is being made
    on_behalf_of_id = resource.prop('on_behalf_of')
    #: The project ID of the initiating identity
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The time/date of the alarm change.
    triggered_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    #: The type of change
    type = resource.prop('type')
    #: The user ID of the initiating identity
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')

    def list(cls, session, limit=None, marker=None, path_args=None,
             paginated=False, **params):
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, params=params)
        for item in resp.json():
            yield cls.existing(**item)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Resource(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'resource_id'
    base_path = '/resources'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: UTC date & time not later than the first sample known
    #: for this resource.
    first_sample_at = resource.prop('first_sample_timestamp')
    #: UTC date & time not earlier than the last sample known
    #: for this resource.
    last_sample_at = resource.prop('last_sample_timestamp')
    #: A list containing a self link and associated meter links
    links = resource.prop('links')
    #: Arbitrary metadata associated with the resource
    metadata = resource.prop('metadata')
    #: The ID of the owning project
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The ID for the resource
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    #: The name of the source where the resource comes from
    source = resource.prop('source')
    #: The ID of the user who created the resource or updated it last
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Limit(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = "limits"
    resources_key = "limits"
    base_path = "/limits"
    service = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()

    # capabilities
    allow_retrieve = True

    # Properties
    #: A rate representing this Limit.
    rate = resource.prop("rate")
    #: A list of absolute props of the Limit.
    absolute = resource.prop("absolute")
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Meter(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'meter_id'
    resource_key = 'meter'
    base_path = '/meters'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The ID of the meter
    meter_id = resource.prop('meter_id')
    #: The unique name for the meter
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The ID of the project that owns the resource
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The ID of the resource for which the measurements are taken
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    #: The name of the source where the meter comes from
    source = resource.prop('source')
    #: The meter type
    type = resource.prop('type')
    #: The unit of measure
    unit = resource.prop('unit')
    #: The ID of the user who last triggered an update to the resource
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Capability(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    resource_key = 'capability'
    resources_key = 'capabilities'
    base_path = '/capabilities'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)

    def list(cls,
        resp = session.get(cls.base_path,
        resp = resp.json()
        for key, value in six.iteritems(resp['api']):
            yield cls.existing(id=key, enabled=value)
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Type(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = "volume_type"
    resources_key = "volume_types"
    base_path = "/types"
    service = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()

    # capabilities
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: A ID representing this type.
    id = resource.prop("id")
    #: Name of the type.
    name = resource.prop("name")
    #: A dict of extra specifications. "capabilities" is a usual key.
    extra_specs = resource.prop("extra_specs", type=dict)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class AvailabilityZone(resource.Resource):
    resources_key = 'availabilityZoneInfo'
    base_path = '/os-availability-zone'

    service = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()

    # capabilities
    allow_list = True

    id_attribute = "name"
    # Properties
    #: name of availability zone
    name = resource.prop('zoneName')
    #: state of availability zone
    state = resource.prop('zoneState')
    #: hosts of availability zone
    hosts = resource.prop('hosts')
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Quota(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = "quota_set"
    resources_key = "quota_sets"
    base_path = '/os-quota-sets'
    service = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()

    # capabilities
    allow_retrieve = True

    id = resource.prop("id")
Ejemplo n.º 15
class Region(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'region'
    resources_key = 'regions'
    base_path = '/regions'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    # Properties
    #: User-facing description of the region. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: ID of parent region, if any. *Type: string*
    parent_region_id = resource.prop('parent_region_id')
Ejemplo n.º 16
class Policy(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'policy'
    resources_key = 'policies'
    base_path = '/policies'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    # Properties
    #: The policy rule set itself, as a serialized blob. *Type: string*
    blob = resource.prop('blob')
    #: The MIME Media Type of the serialized policy blob. *Type: string*
    type = resource.prop('type')
Ejemplo n.º 17
class DefaultQuota(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = "quota_set"
    resources_key = "quota_sets"
    base_path = '/os-quota-sets/%(tenant_id)s/defaults'

    service = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()

    allow_retrieve = True

    id = resource.prop("id")
Ejemplo n.º 18
class Role(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'role'
    resources_key = 'roles'
    base_path = '/OS-KSADM/roles'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The description of the role. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: Setting this attribute to ``False`` prevents this role from being
    #: available in the role list. *Type: bool*
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=format.BoolStr)
    #: Unique role name. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
Ejemplo n.º 19
class Version(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'version'
    resources_key = 'versions'
    base_path = '/'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService(

    # capabilities
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    media_types = resource.prop('media-types')
    status = resource.prop('status')
    updated = resource.prop('updated')

    def list(cls, session, **params):
        resp = session.get(cls.base_path,
        resp = resp.json()
        for data in resp[cls.resources_key]['values']:
            yield cls.existing(**data)
Ejemplo n.º 20
class Tenant(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'tenant'
    resources_key = 'tenants'
    base_path = '/tenants'
    service = identity_service.AdminService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The description of the tenant. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: Setting this attribute to ``False`` prevents users from authorizing
    #: against this tenant. Additionally, all pre-existing tokens authorized
    #: for the tenant are immediately invalidated. Re-enabling a tenant
    #: does not re-enable pre-existing tokens. *Type: bool*
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    #: Unique tenant name. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
Ejemplo n.º 21
class User(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'user'
    resources_key = 'users'
    base_path = '/users'
    service = identity_service.AdminService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The email of this user. *Type: string*
    email = resource.prop('email')
    #: Setting this value to ``False`` prevents the user from authenticating or
    #: receiving authorization. Additionally, all pre-existing tokens held by
    #: the user are immediately invalidated. Re-enabling a user does not
    #: re-enable pre-existing tokens. *Type: bool*
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    #: The name of this user. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
Ejemplo n.º 22
class Group(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'group'
    resources_key = 'groups'
    base_path = '/groups'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    # Properties
    #: The description of this group. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: References the domain ID which owns the group; if a domain ID is not
    #: specified by the client, the Identity service implementation will
    #: default it to the domain ID to which the client's token is scoped.
    #: *Type: string*
    domain_id = resource.prop('domain_id')
    #: Unique group name, within the owning domain. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
Ejemplo n.º 23
class Trust(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'trust'
    resources_key = 'trusts'
    base_path = '/OS-TRUST/trusts'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_retrieve = True

    # Properties
    #: ID of the project upon which the trustor is
    #: delegating authorization. *Type: string*
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: Specifies the expiration time of the trust. A trust may be revoked
    #: ahead of expiration. If the value represents a time in the past,
    #: the trust is deactivated.
    expires_at = resource.prop('expires_at')
    #: ID of the trust object. *Type: string*
    id = resource.prop('id')
    #: If ``impersonation`` is set to true, then the ``user`` attribute
    #: of tokens that are generated based on the trust will represent
    #: that of the trustor rather than the trustee, thus allowing the trustee
    #: to impersonate the trustor.
    #: If ``impersonation`` is set to ``False``, then the token's ``user``
    #: attribute will represent that of the trustee. *Type: bool*
    is_impersonation = resource.prop('impersonation', type=bool)
    #: Represents the user ID who is capable of consuming the trust.
    #: *Type: string*
    trustee_user_id = resource.prop('trustee_user_id')
    #: Represents the user ID who created the trust, and who's authorization is
    #: being delegated. *Type: string*
    trustor_user_id = resource.prop('trustor_user_id')
    #: Specifies the subset of the trustor's roles on the ``project_id``
    #: to be granted to the trustee when the token in consumed. The
    #: trustor must already be granted these roles in the project referenced
    #: by the ``project_id`` attribute. *Type: list*
    roles = resource.prop('roles')
    #: Redelegation count
    redelegation_count = resource.prop('redelegation_count')
Ejemplo n.º 24
class User(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'user'
    resources_key = 'users'
    base_path = '/users'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    # Properties
    #: References the user's default project ID against which to authorize,
    #: if the API user does not explicitly specify one when creating a token.
    #: Setting this attribute does not grant any actual authorization on the
    #: project, and is merely provided for the user's convenience.
    #: Therefore, the referenced project does not need to exist within the
    #: user's domain.
    #: *New in version 3.1* If the user does not have authorization to
    #: their default project, the default project will be ignored at token
    #: creation. *Type: string*
    default_project_id = resource.prop('default_project_id')
    #: The description of this user. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: References the domain ID which owns the user; if a domain ID is not
    #: specified by the client, the Identity service implementation will
    #: default it to the domain ID to which the client's token is scoped.
    #: *Type: string*
    domain_id = resource.prop('domain_id')
    #: The email of this user. *Type: string*
    email = resource.prop('email')
    #: Setting this value to ``False`` prevents the user from authenticating or
    #: receiving authorization. Additionally, all pre-existing tokens held by
    #: the user are immediately invalidated. Re-enabling a user does not
    #: re-enable pre-existing tokens. *Type: bool*
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    #: Unique user name, within the owning domain. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The default form of credential used during authentication.
    #: *Type: string*
    password = resource.prop('password')
Ejemplo n.º 25
class Extension(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = "extension"
    resources_key = "extensions"
    base_path = "/extensions"
    service = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()

    # capabilities
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: A updated representing this Extension.
    updated = resource.prop("updated")
    #: Name of the extension.
    name = resource.prop("name")
    #: A list of links.
    links = resource.prop("links", type=list)
    #: Namespace of the extension.
    namespace = resource.prop("namespace")
    #: Alias of the extension.
    alias = resource.prop("alias")
    #: Description of the extension.
    description = resource.prop("description")
Ejemplo n.º 26
class Extension(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'extension'
    resources_key = 'extensions'
    base_path = '/extensions'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: A unique identifier, which will be used for accessing the extension
    #: through a dedicated url ``/extensions/*alias*``. The extension
    #: alias uniquely identifies an extension and is prefixed by a vendor
    #: identifier. *Type: string*
    alias = resource.prop('alias')
    #: A description of the extension. *Type: string*
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: Links to the documentation in various format. *Type: string*
    links = resource.prop('links')
    #: The name of the extension. *Type: string*
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The second unique identifier of the extension after the alias.
    #: It is usually a URL which will be used. Example:
    #: "http://docs.ecl.org/identity/api/ext/s3tokens/v1.0"
    #: *Type: string*
    namespace = resource.prop('namespace')
    #: The last time the extension has been modified (update date).
    updated_at = resource.prop('updated')

    def list(cls, session, **params):
        resp = session.get(cls.base_path,
        resp = resp.json()
        for data in resp[cls.resources_key]['values']:
            yield cls.existing(**data)
Ejemplo n.º 27
class Statistics(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'meter_name'
    resource_key = 'statistics'
    base_path = '/meters/%(meter_name)s/statistics'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Path Parameter
    meter_name = resource.prop('meter_name')

    # Properties
    #: The selectable aggregate value(s)
    aggregate = resource.prop('aggregate')
    #: The average of all of the volume values seen in the data
    avg = resource.prop('avg')
    #: The number of samples seen
    count = resource.prop('count')
    #: The difference, in seconds, between the oldest and newest timestamp
    duration = resource.prop('duration')
    #: UTC date and time of the oldest timestamp, or the query end time.
    duration_end_at = resource.prop('duration_end')
    #: UTC date and time of the earliest timestamp, or the query start time.
    duration_start_at = resource.prop('duration_start')
    #: Dictionary of field names for group, if groupby statistics are requested
    group_by = resource.prop('groupby')
    #: The maximum volume seen in the data
    max = resource.prop('max')
    #: The minimum volume seen in the data
    min = resource.prop('min')
    #: The difference, in seconds, between the period start and end
    period = resource.prop('period')
    #: UTC date and time of the period end.
    period_end_at = resource.prop('period_end')
    #: UTC date and time of the period start.
    period_start_at = resource.prop('period_start')
    #: The total of all of the volume values seen in the data
    sum = resource.prop('sum')
    #: The unit type of the data set
    unit = resource.prop('unit')

    def list(cls,
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, params=params)
        for stat in resp.json():
            yield cls.existing(**stat)
Ejemplo n.º 28
class Alarm(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'alarm_id'
    base_path = '/alarms'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The actions to do when alarm state changes to alarm
    alarm_actions = resource.prop('alarm_actions')
    #: The ID of the alarm
    alarm_id = resource.prop('alarm_id')
    # TODO(briancurtin): undocumented
    combination_rule = resource.prop('combination_rule')
    #: The description of the alarm
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: ``True`` if this alarm is enabled. *Type: bool*
    is_enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    #: The actions to do when alarm state changes to insufficient data
    insufficient_data_actions = resource.prop('insufficient_data_actions')
    #: The actions should be re-triggered on each evaluation cycle.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_repeat_actions = resource.prop('repeat_actions', type=bool)
    #: The name for the alarm
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The actions to do when alarm state change to ok
    ok_actions = resource.prop('ok_actions')
    #: The ID of the project that owns the alarm
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The severity of the alarm
    severity = resource.prop('severity')
    #: The state off the alarm
    state = resource.prop('state')
    #: The timestamp of the last alarm state change.
    state_changed_at = resource.prop('state_timestamp')
    # TODO(briancurtin): undocumented
    threshold_rule = resource.prop('threshold_rule', type=dict)
    #: Describe time constraints for the alarm
    time_constraints = resource.prop('time_constraints')
    #: Explicit type specifier to select which rule to follow
    type = resource.prop('type')
    #: The timestamp of the last alarm definition update.
    updated_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    #: The ID of the user who created the alarm
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')

    def change_state(self, session, next_state):
        """Set the state of an alarm.

           The next_state may be one of: 'ok' 'insufficient data' 'alarm'
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'state')
        resp = session.put(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=next_state)
        return resp.json()

    def check_state(self, session):
        """Retrieve the current state of an alarm from the service.

           The properties of the alarm are not modified.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'state')
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=self.service)
        resp = resp.json()
        current_state = resp.replace('\"', '')
        return current_state
Ejemplo n.º 29
class Sample(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'sample_id'
    base_path = '/meters/%(counter_name)s'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The meter name this sample is for
    counter_name = resource.prop('meter', alias='counter_name')
    #: When the sample has been generated.
    generated_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    #: Arbitrary metadata associated with the sample
    metadata = resource.prop('metadata', alias='resource_metadata')
    #: The ID of the project this sample was taken for
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: When the sample has been recorded.
    recorded_at = resource.prop('recorded_at')
    #: The ID of the resource this sample was taken for
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    #: The name of the source that identifies where the sample comes from
    source = resource.prop('source')
    #: The meter type
    type = resource.prop('type', alias='counter_type')
    #: The unit of measure
    unit = resource.prop('unit', alias='counter_unit')
    #: The ID of the user this sample was taken for
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
    #: The metered value
    volume = resource.prop('volume', alias='counter_volume')

    def list(cls,
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, params=params)
        for item in resp.json():
            yield cls.existing(**item)

    def create(self, session):
        url = self._get_url(self)
        # telemetry expects a list of samples
        attrs = self._attrs.copy()
        attrs.pop('meter', None)
        resp = session.post(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=[attrs])
        resp = resp.json()
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 30
class Object(_base.BaseResource):
    _custom_metadata_prefix = "X-Object-Meta-"
    _system_metadata = {
        "content_disposition": "content-disposition",
        "content_encoding": "content-encoding",
        "content_type": "content-type",
        "delete_after": "x-delete-after",
        "delete_at": "x-delete-at",
        "is_content_type_detected": "x-detect-content-type",

    base_path = "/%(container)s"
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
    id_attribute = "name"

    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    # Data to be passed during a POST call to create an object on the server.
    data = None

    # URL parameters
    #: The unique name for the container.
    container = resource.prop("container")
    #: The unique name for the object.
    name = resource.prop("name")

    # Object details
    hash = resource.prop("hash")
    bytes = resource.prop("bytes")

    # Headers for HEAD and GET requests
    #: If set to True, Object Storage queries all replicas to return
    #: the most recent one. If you omit this header, Object Storage
    #: responds faster after it finds one valid replica. Because
    #: setting this header to True is more expensive for the back end,
    #: use it only when it is absolutely needed. *Type: bool*
    is_newest = resource.header("x-newest", type=bool)
    #: TODO(briancurtin) there's a lot of content here...
    range = resource.header("range", type=dict)
    #: See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt.
    if_match = resource.header("if-match", type=dict)
    #: In combination with Expect: 100-Continue, specify an
    #: "If-None-Match: \*" header to query whether the server already
    #: has a copy of the object before any data is sent.
    if_none_match = resource.header("if-none-match", type=dict)
    #: See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt.
    if_modified_since = resource.header("if-modified-since", type=dict)
    #: See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt.
    if_unmodified_since = resource.header("if-unmodified-since", type=dict)

    # Query parameters
    #: Used with temporary URLs to sign the request. For more
    #: information about temporary URLs, see OpenStack Object Storage
    #: API v1 Reference.
    signature = resource.header("signature")
    #: Used with temporary URLs to specify the expiry time of the
    #: signature. For more information about temporary URLs, see
    #: OpenStack Object Storage API v1 Reference.
    expires_at = resource.header("expires")
    #: If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and
    #: the object is a large object, the object contents are not
    #: returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the
    #: X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects
    #: or in the response body for static large objects.
    multipart_manifest = resource.header("multipart-manifest")

    # Response headers from HEAD and GET
    #: HEAD operations do not return content. However, in this
    #: operation the value in the Content-Length header is not the
    #: size of the response body. Instead it contains the size of
    #: the object, in bytes.
    content_length = resource.header("content-length")
    #: The MIME type of the object.
    content_type = resource.header("content-type")
    #: The type of ranges that the object accepts.
    accept_ranges = resource.header("accept-ranges")
    #: For objects smaller than 5 GB, this value is the MD5 checksum
    #: of the object content. The value is not quoted.
    #: For manifest objects, this value is the MD5 checksum of the
    #: concatenated string of MD5 checksums and ETags for each of
    #: the segments in the manifest, and not the MD5 checksum of
    #: the content that was downloaded. Also the value is enclosed
    #: in double-quote characters.
    #: You are strongly recommended to compute the MD5 checksum of
    #: the response body as it is received and compare this value
    #: with the one in the ETag header. If they differ, the content
    #: was corrupted, so retry the operation.
    etag = resource.header("etag")
    #: Set to True if this object is a static large object manifest object.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_static_large_object = resource.header("x-static-large-object",
    #: If set, the value of the Content-Encoding metadata.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_encoding = resource.header("content-encoding")
    #: If set, specifies the override behavior for the browser.
    #: For example, this header might specify that the browser use
    #: a download program to save this file rather than show the file,
    #: which is the default.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_disposition = resource.header("content-disposition")
    #: Specifies the number of seconds after which the object is
    #: removed. Internally, the Object Storage system stores this
    #: value in the X-Delete-At metadata item.
    delete_after = resource.header("x-delete-after")
    #: If set, the time when the object will be deleted by the system
    #: in the format of a UNIX Epoch timestamp.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    delete_at = resource.header("x-delete-at")
    #: If set, to this is a dynamic large object manifest object.
    #: The value is the container and object name prefix of the
    #: segment objects in the form container/prefix.
    object_manifest = resource.header("x-object-manifest")
    #: The timestamp of the transaction.
    timestamp = resource.header("x-timestamp")
    #: The date and time that the object was created or the last
    #: time that the metadata was changed.
    last_modified_at = resource.header("last_modified", alias="last-modified")

    # Headers for PUT and POST requests
    #: Set to chunked to enable chunked transfer encoding. If used,
    #: do not set the Content-Length header to a non-zero value.
    transfer_encoding = resource.header("transfer-encoding")
    #: If set to true, Object Storage guesses the content type based
    #: on the file extension and ignores the value sent in the
    #: Content-Type header, if present. *Type: bool*
    is_content_type_detected = resource.header("x-detect-content-type",
    #: If set, this is the name of an object used to create the new
    #: object by copying the X-Copy-From object. The value is in form
    #: {container}/{object}. You must UTF-8-encode and then URL-encode
    #: the names of the container and object before you include them
    #: in the header.
    #: Using PUT with X-Copy-From has the same effect as using the
    #: COPY operation to copy an object.
    copy_from = resource.header("x-copy-from")

    # The Object Store treats the metadata for its resources inconsistently so
    # Object.set_metadata must override the BaseResource.set_metadata to
    # account for it.
    def set_metadata(self, session, metadata):
        # Filter out items with empty values so the create metadata behaviour
        # is the same as account and container
        filtered_metadata = \
            {key: value for key, value in metadata.iteritems() if value}

        # Get a copy of the original metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        # and update it with the new metadata values.
        obj = self.head(session)
        metadata2 = copy.deepcopy(obj.metadata)

        # Include any original system metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        for key in self._system_metadata:
            value = getattr(obj, key)
            if value and key not in metadata2:
                metadata2[key] = value

        super(Object, self).set_metadata(session, metadata2)

    # The Object Store treats the metadata for its resources inconsistently so
    # Object.delete_metadata must override the BaseResource.delete_metadata to
    # account for it.
    def delete_metadata(self, session, keys):
        # Get a copy of the original metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        # and update it with the new metadata values.
        obj = self.head(session)
        metadata = copy.deepcopy(obj.metadata)

        # Include any original system metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        for key in self._system_metadata:
            value = getattr(obj, key)
            if value:
                metadata[key] = value

        # Remove the metadata
        for key in keys:
            if key == 'delete_after':
                del (metadata['delete_at'])
                del (metadata[key])

        url = self._get_url(self, self.id)

    def get(self, session, include_headers=False, args=None):
        url = self._get_url(self, self.id)
        headers = {'Accept': 'bytes'}
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, headers=headers)
        resp = resp.content
        return resp

    def create(self, session):
        url = self._get_url(self, self.id)

        headers = self.get_headers()
        headers['Accept'] = ''
        if self.data is not None:
            resp = session.put(url,
            resp = session.post(url,
        return self