Ejemplo n.º 1
            def is_leftmost_and_highest_pure_dotaccessor(node, leftmost_child):

                res = False

                # as _isInterestingReference is run on *any* var node while
                # traversing the tree intermediate occurrences var nodes like
                # in 'a.b().c[d].e' are run through it as well; but it is enough to treat
                # the longest left-most expression, so we restrict ourself to the "head" var
                # expression like 'a.b' here, and skip other occurrences (like 'c', 'd'
                # and 'e' in the example)
                #myFirst = node.getFirstChild(mandatory=False, ignoreComments=True)
                #if not treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(myFirst): # see if myFirst is the first identifier in a chain
                #    context = ''

                # get the top-most dotaccessor of this identifier/constant(?)
                ##localTop = treeutil.findVarRoot(leftmostChild)

                # testing for the 'a.b' in 'a.b().c[d].e'; bare 'a' in 'a' is also caught
                ##if localTop != node:
                ##    context = ''

                # ----------------------------------------------------

                # assumption: not is_right_dot_operand(node), so
                # we're on the 'left' axis of the (left-leaning) expression
                var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(
                    leftmost_child)  # get the highest pur dotaccessor above it
                res = var_root == node

                return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def visit(self, scopeNode):
        # go through globals
        for name, scopeVar in scopeNode.globals().iteritems():
            # name might be as little as 'qx'
            for node in scopeVar.occurrences():
                # assemble var
                var_node = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
                var_name = var_node.toJS(
                    None)  # e.g. "qx.util.ResourceManager.getInstance"
                if var_name in lang.QX_CLASS_FACTORIES:  # capture qx.*.define() calls
                    succ, class_name, _ = treeutil.isQxDefine(var_node)
                    if succ and class_name:
                # lookup in globals_map
                sKnown_global = self.globals_map.longest_match(
                    var_name)  # -> "qx.util.ResourceManager"
                if sKnown_global:
                    sReplacement = self.globals_map[sKnown_global]
                    # find node in tree
                    dot_number = sKnown_global.count(".")
                    uptimes = u'/'.join(['..'] * dot_number)
                    source_node = treeutil.selectNode(
                        node, uptimes) if uptimes else node
                    # construct replacement
                    repl_node = treegenerator.parse(
                        expr=True)  # could be "foo.bar" or "qx.$g['bNq']"
                    # replace known symbol in tree
                    source_node.parent.replaceChild(source_node, repl_node)
                    # update scopeVar.occurrences??!!

        for child in scopeNode.children:
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def unknown_globals(self, scope):
     # collect scope's global use locations
     global_nodes = defaultdict(list)  # {assembled: [node]}
     for id_, scopeVar in scope.globals().items():
         for head_node in scopeVar.uses:
             var_top = treeutil.findVarRoot(head_node)
             full_name = (treeutil.assembleVariable(var_top))[0]
     # filter allowed globals
     # - from config
     global_nodes = dict([(key,nodes) for (key,nodes) in global_nodes.items()
         if key not in self.opts.allowed_globals])
     # - from known classes and namespaces
     global_nodes = dict([(key,nodes) for (key,nodes) in global_nodes.items()
         if not extension_match_in(key, self.known_globals_bases,self.opts.class_namespaces)]) # known classes (classList + their namespaces)
     # - from built-ins
     new_keys = gs.globals_filter_by_builtins(global_nodes.keys())
     global_nodes = dict([(key,nodes) for (key,nodes) in global_nodes.items()
         if key in new_keys])
     # - with jshints
     for key, nodes in global_nodes.items():
         global_nodes[key] = [node for node in nodes 
             if not gs.ident_is_ignored(key, node)]
     # warn remaining
     for key, nodes in global_nodes.items():
         for node in nodes:
             issue = warn("Unknown global symbol used: '%s'" % key, self.file_name, node)
Ejemplo n.º 4
            def is_leftmost_and_highest_pure_dotaccessor(node, leftmost_child):

                res = False

                # as _isInterestingReference is run on *any* var node while
                # traversing the tree intermediate occurrences var nodes like
                # in 'a.b().c[d].e' are run through it as well; but it is enough to treat
                # the longest left-most expression, so we restrict ourself to the "head" var
                # expression like 'a.b' here, and skip other occurrences (like 'c', 'd'
                # and 'e' in the example)
                #myFirst = node.getFirstChild(mandatory=False, ignoreComments=True)
                #if not treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(myFirst): # see if myFirst is the first identifier in a chain
                #    context = ''

                # get the top-most dotaccessor of this identifier/constant(?)
                ##localTop = treeutil.findVarRoot(leftmostChild)
                # testing for the 'a.b' in 'a.b().c[d].e'; bare 'a' in 'a' is also caught
                ##if localTop != node:
                ##    context = ''

                # ----------------------------------------------------

                # assumption: not is_right_dot_operand(node), so
                # we're on the 'left' axis of the (left-leaning) expression
                var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(leftmost_child) # get the highest pur dotaccessor above it
                res = var_root == node

                return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def unknown_globals(self, scope):
        # helper functions
        not_jsignored = inverse(gs.test_ident_is_jsignored)
        not_builtin = inverse(gs.test_ident_is_builtin())
        not_libsymbol = inverse(curry3(gs.test_for_libsymbol, 
        not_confsymbol = lambda node: globals_table[node] not in self.opts.allowed_globals
        def warn_appender(global_nodes):
            for node in global_nodes:
                issue = warn("Unknown global symbol used: '%s'" % globals_table[node], self.file_name, node)
                issue.name = globals_table[node] # @deprecated {3.0} to filter against #ignore later

        # ------------------------------
        # collect scope's global use locations
        globals_table = {} # {node: assembled}
        for id_, scopeVar in scope.globals().items():
            for head_node in scopeVar.uses:
                var_top = treeutil.findVarRoot(head_node)
                assembled = (treeutil.assembleVariable(var_top))[0]
                globals_table[head_node] = assembled

        # filter and add remains to warnings
            , bind(filter, not_builtin)
            , bind(filter, not_jsignored)
            , bind(filter, not_libsymbol)
            , bind(filter, not_confsymbol)
            , warn_appender
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def unknown_globals(self, scope):
     # take advantage of Scope() objects
     for id_, scopeVar in scope.globals().items():
         if id_ in self.opts.allowed_globals:
         elif id_ in lang.GLOBALS: # JS built-ins ('alert' etc.)
             # we want to be more specific than just the left-most symbol,
             # like "qx", so let's look at the var uses
             for var_node in scopeVar.uses:
                 var_top = treeutil.findVarRoot(var_node)
                 full_name = (treeutil.assembleVariable(var_top))[0]
                 ok = False
                 if extension_match_in(full_name, self.known_globals_bases, 
                     self.opts.class_namespaces): # known classes (classList + their namespaces)
                     ok = True
                     at_hints = get_at_hints(var_node) # check full_name against @ignore hints
                     if at_hints:
                         ok = ( self.is_name_ignore_filtered(full_name, at_hints)
                             or self.is_name_lint_filtered(full_name, at_hints, "ignoreUndefined")) # /**deprecated*/
                 if not ok:
                     issue = warn("Unknown global symbol used: '%s'" % full_name, self.file_name, var_node)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def unknown_globals(self, scope):
        # helper functions
        not_jsignored = inverse(gs.test_ident_is_jsignored)
        not_builtin = inverse(gs.test_ident_is_builtin())
        not_libsymbol = inverse(curry3(gs.test_for_libsymbol,
        not_confsymbol = lambda node: globals_table[node] not in self.opts.allowed_globals
        def warn_appender(global_nodes):
            for node in global_nodes:
                issue = warn("Unknown global symbol used: '%s'" % globals_table[node], self.file_name, node)

        # ------------------------------
        # collect scope's global use locations
        globals_table = {} # {node: assembled}
        for id_, scopeVar in scope.globals().items():
            for head_node in scopeVar.uses:
                var_top = treeutil.findVarRoot(head_node)
                assembled = (treeutil.assembleVariable(var_top))[0]
                globals_table[head_node] = assembled

        # filter and add remains to warnings

            , bind(filter, not_builtin)
            , bind(filter, not_jsignored)
            , bind(filter, not_libsymbol)
            , bind(filter, not_confsymbol)
            , warn_appender
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def function_unknown_globals(self, funcnode):
     # take advantage of Scope() objects
     scope = funcnode.scope
     for id_, scopeVar in scope.globals().items():
         if id_ in self.opts.allowed_globals:
         elif id_ in lang.GLOBALS:  # JS built-ins ('alert' etc.)
             # we want to be more specific than just the left-most symbol,
             # like "qx", so let's look at the var uses
             for var_node in scopeVar.uses:
                 var_top = treeutil.findVarRoot(var_node)
                 full_name = (treeutil.assembleVariable(var_top))[0]
                 ok = False
                 if extension_match_in(
                         full_name, self.opts.library_classes +
                 ):  # known classes (classList + their namespaces)
                     ok = True
                     at_hints = get_at_hints(
                         var_node)  # check full_name against @ignore hints
                     if at_hints:
                         ok = (self.is_name_ignore_filtered(
                             full_name, at_hints)
                               or self.is_name_lint_filtered(
                                   full_name, at_hints, "ignoreUndefined")
                               )  # /**deprecated*/
                 if not ok:
                         "Unknown global symbol used: '%s'" %
                         var_node.get("value"), self.file_name, var_node)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def unknown_globals(self, scope):
     # collect scope's global use locations
     global_nodes = defaultdict(list)  # {assembled: [node]}
     for id_, scopeVar in scope.globals().items():
         for head_node in scopeVar.uses:
             var_top = treeutil.findVarRoot(head_node)
             full_name = (treeutil.assembleVariable(var_top))[0]
     # filter allowed globals
     # - from config
     global_nodes = dict([(key, nodes)
                          for (key, nodes) in global_nodes.items()
                          if key not in self.opts.allowed_globals])
     # - from known classes and namespaces
     global_nodes = dict([
         (key, nodes)
         for (key, nodes) in global_nodes.items() if not extension_match_in(
             key, self.known_globals_bases, self.opts.class_namespaces)
     ])  # known classes (classList + their namespaces)
     # - from built-ins
     new_keys = gs.globals_filter_by_builtins(global_nodes.keys())
     global_nodes = dict([(key, nodes)
                          for (key, nodes) in global_nodes.items()
                          if key in new_keys])
     # - with jshints
     for key, nodes in global_nodes.items():
         global_nodes[key] = [
             node for node in nodes if not gs.ident_is_ignored(key, node)
     # warn remaining
     for key, nodes in global_nodes.items():
         for node in nodes:
             issue = warn("Unknown global symbol used: '%s'" % key,
                          self.file_name, node)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def visit(self, scopeNode):
        # go through globals
        for name,scopeVar in scopeNode.globals().iteritems():
            # name might be as little as 'qx'
            for node in scopeVar.occurrences():
                # assemble var
                var_node = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
                var_name = var_node.toJS(None) # e.g. "qx.util.ResourceManager.getInstance"
                if var_name in lang.QX_CLASS_FACTORIES: # capture qx.*.define() calls
                    succ, class_name, _ = treeutil.isQxDefine(var_node)
                    if succ and class_name: self.new_qx_classes.append(class_name)
                # lookup in globals_map
                sKnown_global = self.globals_map.longest_match(var_name)  # -> "qx.util.ResourceManager"
                if sKnown_global:
                    sReplacement = self.globals_map[sKnown_global]
                    # find node in tree
                    dot_number = sKnown_global.count(".")
                    uptimes = u'/'.join(['..'] * dot_number)
                    source_node = treeutil.selectNode(node, uptimes) if uptimes else node
                    # construct replacement
                    repl_node = treegenerator.parse(sReplacement, expr=True)  # could be "foo.bar" or "qx.$g['bNq']"
                    # replace known symbol in tree
                    source_node.parent.replaceChild(source_node, repl_node)
                    # update scopeVar.occurrences??!!

        for child in scopeNode.children:
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def depsItem_from_node(self, node):
        scope = node.scope
        # some initializations (might get refined later)
        depsItem = DependencyItem('', '', '')
        depsItem.name           = ''
        depsItem.attribute      = ''
        depsItem.requestor      = self.id
        depsItem.line           = node.get("line", -1)
        depsItem.isLoadDep      = scope.is_load_time
        depsItem.needsRecursion = False
        depsItem.isCall         = False
        depsItem.node           = node
        var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)  # various of the tests need the var (dot) root, rather than the head symbol (like 'qx')

        # .isCall
        if treeutil.isCallOperand(var_root): # it's a function call or new op.
            depsItem.isCall = True  # interesting when following transitive deps

        # .name, .attribute
        assembled = (treeutil.assembleVariable(node))[0]
        #className, classAttribute = self._splitQxClass(assembled)
        className = gs.test_for_libsymbol(assembled, ClassesAll, []) # TODO: no namespaces!?
        if not className: 
            is_lib_class = False
            className = assembled
            classAttribute = ''
            is_lib_class = True
            if len(assembled) > len(className):
                classAttribute = assembled[len(className)+1:]
                classAttribute = ''
        # we allow self-references, to be able to track method dependencies within the same class
        assembled_parts = assembled.split('.')
        if assembled_parts[0] == 'this':
            className = self.id
            is_lib_class = True
            if '.' in assembled:
                classAttribute = assembled_parts[1]
        elif scope.is_defer and assembled_parts[0] in DEFER_ARGS:
            className = self.id
            is_lib_class = True
            if '.' in assembled:
                classAttribute = assembled_parts[1]
        if is_lib_class and not classAttribute:  # see if we have to provide 'construct'
            if treeutil.isNEWoperand(var_root):
                classAttribute = 'construct'
        depsItem.name = className
        depsItem.attribute = classAttribute

        # .needsRecursion
        # Mark items that need recursive analysis of their dependencies (bug#1455)
        if (is_lib_class and
            scope.is_load_time and
            (treeutil.isCallOperand(var_root) or 
            depsItem.needsRecursion = True

        return depsItem
    def depsItem_from_node(self, node):
        scope = node.scope
        # some initializations (might get refined later)
        depsItem = DependencyItem('', '', '')
        depsItem.name           = ''
        depsItem.attribute      = ''
        depsItem.requestor      = self.id
        depsItem.line           = node.get("line", -1)
        depsItem.isLoadDep      = scope.is_load_time
        depsItem.needsRecursion = False
        depsItem.isCall         = False
        depsItem.node           = node
        is_lib_class             = False
        var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)  # various of the tests need the var (dot) root, rather than the head symbol (like 'qx')

        # .isCall
        if treeutil.isCallOperand(var_root): # it's a function call or new op.
            depsItem.isCall = True  # interesting when following transitive deps

        # .name, .attribute
        assembled = (treeutil.assembleVariable(node))[0]
        className, classAttribute = self._splitQxClass(assembled)
        if not className: 
            if "." in assembled:
                className, classAttribute = assembled.split('.')[:2]
                className = assembled
            is_lib_class = True
        # we allow self-references, to be able to track method dependencies within the same class
        if self.is_this(className):
            if className.find('.')>-1:
                classAttribute = className.split('.')[1]
            className = self.id
            is_lib_class = True
        elif scope.is_defer and className in DEFER_ARGS:
            className = self.id
            is_lib_class = True
        if is_lib_class and not classAttribute:  # see if we have to provide 'construct'
            if treeutil.isNEWoperand(var_root):
                classAttribute = 'construct'
        depsItem.name = className
        depsItem.attribute = classAttribute

        # .needsRecursion
        # Mark items that need recursive analysis of their dependencies (bug#1455)
        #if self.followCallDeps(var_root, self.id, className, isLoadTime):
        #if self.id=='qx.bom.element.Style' and depsItem.attribute=='__detectVendorProperties':
        #    import pydb; pydb.debugger()
        if (is_lib_class and
            scope.is_load_time and
            (treeutil.isCallOperand(var_root) or 
            depsItem.needsRecursion = True

        return depsItem
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def qualify_deps_item(self, node, isLoadTime, inDefer, depsItem=None):
        if not depsItem:
            depsItem = DependencyItem('', '', '')
        depsItem.name = ''
        depsItem.attribute = ''
        depsItem.requestor = self.id
        depsItem.line = node.get("line", -1)
        depsItem.isLoadDep = isLoadTime
        depsItem.needsRecursion = False
        depsItem.isCall = False
        var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(
        )  # various of the tests need the var (dot) root, rather than the head symbol (like 'qx')

        # .isCall
        if var_root.hasParentContext("call/operand"):  # it's a function call
            depsItem.isCall = True  # interesting when following transitive deps

        # .name
        assembled = (treeutil.assembleVariable(node))[0]
        _, className, classAttribute = self._isInterestingReference(
            assembled, var_root, self.id, inDefer)
        # postcond:
        # - className != '' must always be true, as we know it is an interesting reference
        # - might be a known qooxdoo class, or an unknown class (use 'className in self._classes')
        # - if assembled contained ".", classAttribute will contain approx. non-class part

        if className:
            # we allow self-references, to be able to track method dependencies within the same class
            if className == 'this':
                className = self.id
            elif inDefer and className in DEFER_ARGS:
                className = self.id
            if not classAttribute:  # see if we have to provide 'construct'
                if treeutil.isNEWoperand(node):
                    classAttribute = 'construct'
            # Can't do the next; it's catching too many occurrences of 'getInstance' that have
            # nothing to do with the singleton 'getInstance' method (just grep in the framework)
            #elif classAttribute == 'getInstance':  # erase 'getInstance' and introduce 'construct' dependency
            #    classAttribute = 'construct'
            depsItem.name = className
            depsItem.attribute = classAttribute

            # .needsRecursion
            # Mark items that need recursive analysis of their dependencies (bug#1455)
            if self.followCallDeps(var_root, self.id, className, isLoadTime):
                depsItem.needsRecursion = True

        if depsItem.name:
            return depsItem
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def qualify_deps_item(self, node, isLoadTime, inDefer, depsItem=None):
        if not depsItem:
            depsItem = DependencyItem('', '', '')
        depsItem.name = ''
        depsItem.attribute = ''
        depsItem.requestor = self.id
        depsItem.line = node.get("line", -1)
        depsItem.isLoadDep = isLoadTime
        depsItem.needsRecursion = False
        depsItem.isCall = False
        var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)  # various of the tests need the var (dot) root, rather than the head symbol (like 'qx')

        # .isCall
        if var_root.hasParentContext("call/operand"): # it's a function call
            depsItem.isCall = True  # interesting when following transitive deps

        # .name
        assembled = (treeutil.assembleVariable(node))[0]
        _, className, classAttribute = self._isInterestingReference(assembled, var_root, self.id, inDefer)
        # postcond: 
        # - className != '' must always be true, as we know it is an interesting reference
        # - might be a known qooxdoo class, or an unknown class (use 'className in self._classes')
        # - if assembled contained ".", classAttribute will contain approx. non-class part

        if className:
            # we allow self-references, to be able to track method dependencies within the same class
            if className == 'this':
                className = self.id
            elif inDefer and className in DEFER_ARGS:
                className = self.id
            if not classAttribute:  # see if we have to provide 'construct'
                if treeutil.isNEWoperand(node):
                    classAttribute = 'construct'
            # Can't do the next; it's catching too many occurrences of 'getInstance' that have
            # nothing to do with the singleton 'getInstance' method (just grep in the framework)
            #elif classAttribute == 'getInstance':  # erase 'getInstance' and introduce 'construct' dependency
            #    classAttribute = 'construct'
            depsItem.name = className
            depsItem.attribute = classAttribute

            # .needsRecursion
            # Mark items that need recursive analysis of their dependencies (bug#1455)
            if self.followCallDeps(var_root, self.id, className, isLoadTime):
                depsItem.needsRecursion = True

        if depsItem.name:
            return depsItem
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def visit(self, scopeNode):
     # go through globals
     for scopeVar in scopeNode.globals():
         # this might be as little as 'qx'
         for node in scopeVar.occurrences():
             # assemble var
             var_node = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
             var_name = var_node.toJS() # e.g. "qx.util.ResourceManager.getInstance"
             # lookup in globals_map
             known_global, replacement = (
                 self.global_map.longest_match(var_name))  # -> "qx.util.ResourceManager"
             # find node in tree
             dot_number = 0 # TODO
             uptimes = u'/'.join(['..'] * dot_number)
             source_node = treeutil.selectNode(node, uptimes)
             # construct replacement
             repl_node = treegenerator.parse(replacement)  # could be "foo.bar" or "qx.$g['bNq']"
             # replace known symbol in tree
             source_node.parent.replaceChild(source_node, repl_node)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test(node):
     var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
     name = treeutil.assembleVariable(var_root)[0]
     return bool(GlobalSymbolsCombinedPatt.search(name))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def assembleVar(node):
    assert node.isVar()
    var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
    return var_root.toJS(defaultOptions)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def depsItem_from_node(self, node):
        scope = node.scope
        # some initializations (might get refined later)
        depsItem = DependencyItem('', '', '')
        depsItem.name = ''
        depsItem.attribute = ''
        depsItem.requestor = self.id
        depsItem.line = node.get("line", -1)
        depsItem.isLoadDep = scope.is_load_time
        depsItem.needsRecursion = False
        depsItem.isCall = False
        depsItem.node = node
        is_lib_class = False
        var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(
        )  # various of the tests need the var (dot) root, rather than the head symbol (like 'qx')

        # .isCall
        if treeutil.isCallOperand(var_root):  # it's a function call or new op.
            depsItem.isCall = True  # interesting when following transitive deps

        # .name, .attribute
        assembled = (treeutil.assembleVariable(node))[0]
        className, classAttribute = self._splitQxClass(assembled)
        assembled_parts = assembled.split('.')
        if not className:
            if "." in assembled:
                className = '.'.join(assembled_parts[:-1])
                classAttribute = assembled_parts[-1]
                #className, classAttribute = assembled.split('.')[:2]
                className = assembled
            is_lib_class = True
        # we allow self-references, to be able to track method dependencies within the same class
        if assembled_parts[0] == 'this':
            className = self.id
            is_lib_class = True
            if '.' in assembled:
                classAttribute = assembled_parts[1]
        elif scope.is_defer and assembled_parts[0] in DEFER_ARGS:
            className = self.id
            is_lib_class = True
            if '.' in assembled:
                classAttribute = assembled_parts[1]
        if is_lib_class and not classAttribute:  # see if we have to provide 'construct'
            if treeutil.isNEWoperand(var_root):
                classAttribute = 'construct'
        depsItem.name = className
        depsItem.attribute = classAttribute

        # .needsRecursion
        # Mark items that need recursive analysis of their dependencies (bug#1455)
        #if self.followCallDeps(var_root, self.id, className, isLoadTime):
        #if self.id=='qx.bom.element.Style' and depsItem.attribute=='__detectVendorProperties':
        #    import pydb; pydb.debugger()
        if (is_lib_class and scope.is_load_time
                and (treeutil.isCallOperand(var_root)
                     or treeutil.isNEWoperand(var_root))):
            depsItem.needsRecursion = True

        return depsItem
Ejemplo n.º 19
def assembleVar(node):
    assert node.isVar()
    var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
    return var_root.toJS(defaultOptions)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test(node):
     var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
     name = treeutil.assembleVariable(var_root)[0]
     return bool(GlobalSymbolsCombinedPatt.search(name))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_ident_is_jsignored(node):
    var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
    name = treeutil.assembleVariable(var_root)[0]
    return name_is_jsignored(name, node)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def depsItem_from_node(self, node):
        scope = node.scope
        # some initializations (might get refined later)
        depsItem = DependencyItem('', '', '')
        depsItem.name           = ''
        depsItem.attribute      = ''
        depsItem.requestor      = self.id
        depsItem.line           = node.get("line", -1)
        depsItem.isLoadDep      = scope.is_load_time
        depsItem.needsRecursion = False
        depsItem.isCall         = False
        depsItem.node           = node
        var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)  # various of the tests need the var (dot) root, rather than the head symbol (like 'qx')

        # .isCall
        if treeutil.isCallOperand(var_root): # it's a function call or new op.
            depsItem.isCall = True  # interesting when following transitive deps

        # .name, .attribute
        assembled = (treeutil.assembleVariable(node))[0]
        className = gs.test_for_libsymbol(assembled, ClassesAll, []) # TODO: no namespaces!?
        if not className:
            is_lib_class = False
            className = assembled
            classAttribute = ''
            is_lib_class = True
            if len(assembled) > len(className):
                classAttribute = assembled[len(className)+1:]
                dotidx = classAttribute.find(".") # see if classAttribute is chained too
                if dotidx > -1:
                    classAttribute = classAttribute[:dotidx]    # only use the first component
                classAttribute = ''
        # we allow self-references, to be able to track method dependencies within the same class
        assembled_parts = assembled.split('.')
        if assembled_parts[0] == 'this':
            className = self.id
            is_lib_class = True
            if '.' in assembled:
                classAttribute = assembled_parts[1]
        elif scope.is_defer and assembled_parts[0] in DEFER_ARGS:
            className = self.id
            is_lib_class = True
            if '.' in assembled:
                classAttribute = assembled_parts[1]
        if is_lib_class and not classAttribute:  # see if we have to provide 'construct'
            if treeutil.isNEWoperand(var_root):
                classAttribute = 'construct'
        depsItem.name = className
        depsItem.attribute = classAttribute

        # .needsRecursion
        # Mark items that need recursive analysis of their dependencies (bug#1455)
        if (is_lib_class and
            scope.is_load_time and
            (treeutil.isCallOperand(var_root) or
            depsItem.needsRecursion = True

        return depsItem
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_ident_is_jsignored(node):
    var_root = treeutil.findVarRoot(node)
    name = treeutil.assembleVariable(var_root)[0]
    return name_is_jsignored(name, node)