Ejemplo n.º 1
 def dump_full(self, others: Collection[ScopeTreeNode] = ()) -> None:
     """Do a debug dump of the root but hilight the current node."""
     styles = {}
     if term.supports_colors(sys.stdout.fileno()):
         styles[self] = term.Style16(color='magenta', bold=True)
         for other in others:
             styles[other] = term.Style16(color='blue', bold=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Dark256:
    error = term.Style256(color='#c6c6c6', bgcolor='#870000')
    warning = term.Style256(color='#c6c6c6', bgcolor='#5f00d7')
    info = term.Style256(color='#c6c6c6', bgcolor='#005f00')
    default = term.Style256(color='#c6c6c6', bgcolor='#000087')
    pid = date = term.Style256(color='#626262', bold=True)
    message = term.Style16()
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Dark16:
    critical = term.Style16(color='white', bgcolor='red', bold=True)
    error = term.Style16(color='white', bgcolor='red')
    default = term.Style16(color='white', bgcolor='blue')
    pid = date = term.Style16(color='black', bold=True)
    name = term.Style16(color='black', bold=True)
    message = term.Style16()