def main(): description = """ Take a blast result table and output a subset of hits based on the chosen filtering options. If more than one blast file given, use -O to get multiple output files, otherwise all output data will be concatenated into one output. """ # command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, conflict_handler='resolve') add_hit_table_arguments(parser, flags='all') parser.add_argument( "-o", "--outfilenome", dest="outfilename", default=None, metavar="OUTFILENAME", help="Write masked fasta output to OUTFILENAME.") parser.add_argument( '-O', '--autoOutName', default=False, action='store_true', help="Automatically generate output file name from input name " "and options. Overridden by -o, cannot be used with data " "from STDIN.") parser.add_argument('-G', '--gff', default=False, action='store_true', help="output GFF format instead of input format") parser.add_argument('hit_table', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('rU'), default=[sys.stdin, ], help="Table of search results to be filtered. " "If absent, data will be read from STDIN") add_universal_arguments(parser) arguments = parser.parse_args() setup_logging(arguments) # check that we have blast file as argument # if we're not doing auto file names, wriate all outputs to same file if not arguments.autoOutName: if arguments.outfilename is not None:"Writing data to %s" % (arguments.outfilename)) outfile_handle = open(arguments.outfilename, 'w') else:"writing data to STDOUT") outfile_handle = sys.stdout if arguments.gff:"Converting to GFF") # loop over inputs for infile_handle in arguments.hit_table:"reading data from %s" % ( if arguments.autoOutName: outfile_handle = open( getOutputFile(, arguments), 'w') # filter params = FilterParams.create_from_arguments(arguments) filterM8(infile_handle, outfile_handle, params, to_gff=arguments.gff) if arguments.autoOutName: outfile_handle.close() infile_handle.close()
def main(): description = """ Take a blast result table and output a subset of hits based on the chosen filtering options. If more than one blast file given, use -O to get multiple output files, otherwise all output data will be concatenated into one output. """ # command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, conflict_handler='resolve') add_hit_table_arguments(parser, flags='all') parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfilenome", dest="outfilename", default=None, metavar="OUTFILENAME", help="Write masked fasta output to OUTFILENAME.") parser.add_argument( '-O', '--autoOutName', default=False, action='store_true', help="Automatically generate output file name from input name " "and options. Overridden by -o, cannot be used with data " "from STDIN.") parser.add_argument('-G', '--gff', default=False, action='store_true', help="output GFF format instead of input format") parser.add_argument('hit_table', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('rU'), default=[ sys.stdin, ], help="Table of search results to be filtered. " "If absent, data will be read from STDIN") add_universal_arguments(parser) arguments = parser.parse_args() setup_logging(arguments) # check that we have blast file as argument # if we're not doing auto file names, wriate all outputs to same file if not arguments.autoOutName: if arguments.outfilename is not None:"Writing data to %s" % (arguments.outfilename)) outfile_handle = open(arguments.outfilename, 'w') else:"writing data to STDOUT") outfile_handle = sys.stdout if arguments.gff:"Converting to GFF") # loop over inputs for infile_handle in arguments.hit_table:"reading data from %s" % ( if arguments.autoOutName: outfile_handle = open(getOutputFile(, arguments), 'w') # filter params = FilterParams.create_from_arguments(arguments) filterM8(infile_handle, outfile_handle, params, to_gff=arguments.gff) if arguments.autoOutName: outfile_handle.close() infile_handle.close()
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [OPTIONS] BLAST_FILE" description = """ Take a blast result table and output a subset of hits based on the chosen filtering options. If more than one blast file given, use -O to get multiple output files, otherwise all output data will be concatenated into one output. """ # command line options parser = OptionParser(usage, description=description, conflict_handler='resolve') addHitTableOptions(parser, flags='all') parser.add_option("-o", "--outfilenome", dest="outfilename", default=None, metavar="OUTFILENAME", help="Write masked fasta output to OUTFILENAME.") parser.add_option('-O', '--autoOutName', default=False, action='store_true', help="Automatically generate output file name from input name and options. Overridden by -o, cannot be used with data from STDIN.") addUniversalOptions(parser) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() setupLogging(options,description) if options.hitTableFormat=='last': if options.hitTableSort=='evalue': parser.error("The last format has no evalue to sort by, sorry") # check that we have blast file as argument if len(args) <= 1: # input if len(args) == 1: infile = args[0]"reading data from %s" % (infile)) instream = open(infile,'rU') else: infile = './stdin'"reading data from STDIN") instream=sys.stdin # output if options.outfilename is not None:"Writing data to %s" % (options.outfilename)) outstream=open(options.outfilename,'w') elif options.autoOutName: outfile=getOutputFile(infile,options)"Writing data to %s" % (outfile)) outstream=open(outfile,'w') else:"writing data to STDOUT") outstream=sys.stdout # filter params=FilterParams.createFromOptions(options) filterM8(instream,outstream,params) else: if not options.autoOutName: if options.outfilename is not None:"Writing data to %s" % (options.outfilename)) outstream=open(options.outfilename,'w') else:"writing data to STDOUT") outstream=sys.stdout for infilename in args:"reading data from %s" % (infilename)) instream=open(infilename,'rU') if options.autoOutName: outstream=open(getOutputFile(infilename,options),'w') # filter params=FilterParams.createFromOptions(options) filterM8(instream,outstream,params) if options.autoOutName: outstream.close() instream.close()