Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_add_time_day():
    # Creating hourly time stamp for three days
    # 2017-09-16 ==> Saturday
    # 2017-09-17 ==> Sunday
    # 2017-09-18 ==> Monday
    date_hr_timestamp = pd.date_range('2017-09-16', periods=72, freq='H', tz=pytz.UTC)
    df = pd.DataFrame( {'energy' : [1.0 for xx in date_hr_timestamp]} , index=date_hr_timestamp)
    day_of_week = HourlyDayOfWeekModel()
    returned_df = day_of_week.add_time_day(df)
    assert 'hour_of_day' in returned_df
    assert 'day_of_week' in returned_df

    # Testing day of week columns
    # 2017-09-16 is Saturday and so day of week value of the first row
    # in returned_df should be 5
    assert  returned_df.get_value(returned_df.index[0], 'day_of_week') == '5'
    #2017-09-19 is Monday and so day of week value of last row should 0
    assert returned_df.get_value(returned_df.index[-1], 'day_of_week') == '0'
    # 2017-09-18 is Sunday, day_of_week should be 6
    assert returned_df.get_value(returned_df.index[25], 'day_of_week') == '6'

    # First hour of 2017-09-16
    assert returned_df.get_value(returned_df.index[1], 'hour_of_day') == '1'
    # Second hour of 2017-09-16
    assert returned_df.get_value(returned_df.index[2], 'hour_of_day') == '2'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_predict(input_df):
    model = HourlyDayOfWeekModel(min_contiguous_months=0)

    # Test cases on the output data types of predict function.
    # When summed = True, prediction and variance are atomic
    # floating point numbers
    prediction, variance= model.predict(input_df, summed=True)
    assert type(prediction) == np.float64
    #assert type(variance) == np.float64

    # When summed=False, prediction and variance are pandas Series.
    prediction, variance= model.predict(input_df, summed=False)
    assert type(prediction) == pd.Series
    assert type(variance) == pd.Series
    # We expect out linear regression model to make prediction between 0.95 & 2.0 because the energy
    # consumed in input_df dataframe is always 1.0, please take a look at hourly_trace_with_dummy_energy function
    assert prediction[0].item() > 0.95 and prediction[0].item()  < 2.0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_min_contiguous_months(input_df):
    min_contiguous_months = 9
    model = HourlyDayOfWeekModel(min_contiguous_months=min_contiguous_months)
    with pytest.raises(model_exceptions.DataSufficiencyException) as sufficiency_exception:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_add_cdd(input_df):
    cdd_function = HourlyDayOfWeekModel()
    cdd_val= cdd_function.add_cdd(input_df)
    assert 'cdd' in cdd_val
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_add_hdd(input_df):
    hdd_function = HourlyDayOfWeekModel()
    hdd_val= hdd_function.add_hdd(input_df)
    assert 'hdd' in hdd_val