Ejemplo n.º 1
 def J(self, mb, mbc):
   X_O_p = self.X_O_p(mbc)
   # set transformation in Origin orientation frame
   X_O_p_O = sva.PTransformd(X_O_p.rotation()).inv()*X_O_p
   jac_mat_dense = self.jac.jacobian(mb, mbc, X_O_p_O)
   self.jac.fullJacobian(mb, jac_mat_dense, self.jac_mat_sparse)
   return e.toNumpy(self.jac_mat_sparse)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def J(self, mb, mbc):
     X_O_p = self.X_O_p(mbc)
     # set transformation in Origin orientation frame
     X_O_p_O = sva.PTransformd(X_O_p.rotation()).inv() * X_O_p
     jac_mat_dense = self.jac.jacobian(mb, mbc, X_O_p_O)
     self.jac.fullJacobian(mb, jac_mat_dense, self.jac_mat_sparse)
     return e.toNumpy(self.jac_mat_sparse)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def prismaticJoint(joint):
  Return a prism and the appropriate static transform.
  axis = e.toEigen(e.toNumpy(joint.motionSubspace())[3:])
  s = tvtk.CubeSource(x_length=0.02, y_length=0.1, z_length=0.02)
  quat = e.Quaterniond()
  quat.setFromTwoVectors(axis, e.Vector3d.UnitY())
  return makeActor(s, tuple(axis)), sva.PTransformd(quat)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def revoluteJoint(joint):
  Return a cylinder and the appropriate static transform.
  axis = e.toEigen(e.toNumpy(joint.motionSubspace())[:3])
  s = tvtk.CylinderSource(height=0.1, radius=0.02)
  quat = e.Quaterniond()
  # Cylinder is around the Y axis
  quat.setFromTwoVectors(axis, e.Vector3d.UnitY())
  return makeActor(s, tuple(axis)), sva.PTransformd(quat)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def g(self, mb, mbc):
   q = map(list, mbc.q)
   jointConfig = list(mbc.jointConfig)
   posInG = 0
   for jIndex, j in zip(self.jointIndex, self.joints):
     if j.type() in (rbd.Joint.Prism, rbd.Joint.Rev):
       self.g_mat[posInG:posInG+j.dof(),0] = q[jIndex][0] - self.q_T[jIndex][0]
     elif j.type() in (rbd.Joint.Spherical,):
       orid = e.Quaterniond(*self.q_T[jIndex]).inverse().matrix()
       self.g_mat[posInG:posInG+j.dof(),0] =\
         e.toNumpy(sva.rotationError(orid, jointConfig[jIndex].rotation()))
     posInG += j.dof()
   return self.g_mat
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def g(self, mb, mbc):
     q = map(list, mbc.q)
     jointConfig = list(mbc.jointConfig)
     posInG = 0
     for jIndex, j in zip(self.jointIndex, self.joints):
         if j.type() in (rbd.Joint.Prism, rbd.Joint.Rev):
             self.g_mat[posInG:posInG + j.dof(),
                        0] = q[jIndex][0] - self.q_T[jIndex][0]
         elif j.type() in (rbd.Joint.Spherical, ):
             orid = e.Quaterniond(*self.q_T[jIndex]).inverse().matrix()
             self.g_mat[posInG:posInG+j.dof(),0] =\
               e.toNumpy(sva.rotationError(orid, jointConfig[jIndex].rotation()))
         posInG += j.dof()
     return self.g_mat
  def __init__(self, name, frame_id, X_offset, text_offset, scale, axes_list=[0,1]):
    self.name = name
    self.scale = scale
    self.force_list = [0.] * len(axes_list)
    self.axes_list = axes_list

    # interactive marker
    self.marker = createBoxMarker(scale=0.001)
    intMarker = createVisInteractive(frame_id, name, name+' 2dcontrol', X_offset, self.marker)
    frame = toNumpy(Matrix3d.Identity())

    for i in axes_list:
      control = createTranslationControlMarker('control'+str(i), frame[i,:].tolist()[0])

    self.marker_server = InteractiveMarkerServer(name + 'server')
    self.marker_server.insert(intMarker, self.markerMoved)

    # text display of forces
    self.text_marker = TextMarker(name, frame_id, text_offset)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def multiTaskIk(mb, mbc, tasks, delta=1., maxIter=100, prec=1e-8):
  The multiTaskIk function is a generator that will return at each call
  the new step in the IK process.

    - mb: MultiBody system.
    - mbc: Initial configuration
    - tasks: List of tasks could be of two form:
      - (weight, task): apply a global weight on all task dimension
      - ((weight,), task): apply a different weight on each dimension of the
    - delta: Integration step
    - maxIter: maximum number of iteration
    - prec: stop the IK if \| \alpha \|_{\inf} < prec

    - Current iteration number
    - Current articular position vector q
    - Current articular velocity vector alpha (descent direction)
    - \| \alpha \|_{\inf}
  q = e.toNumpy(rbd.paramToVector(mb, mbc.q))
  iterate = 0
  minimizer = False

  # transform user weight into a numpy array
  tasks_np = []
  for w, t in tasks:
    dim = t.dimension()
    w_np = np.zeros((dim,1))
    if isinstance(w, (float, int)):
      w_np[:,0] = [w]*dim
    elif hasattr(w, '__iter__'):
      w_np[:,0] = w
      raise RuntimeError('%s unknow type for weight vector')
    tasks_np.append((w_np, t))

  while iterate < maxIter and not minimizer:
    # compute task data
    gList = map(lambda (w, t): np.mat(w*np.array(t.g(mb, mbc))), tasks_np)
    JList = map(lambda (w, t): np.mat(w*np.array(t.J(mb, mbc))), tasks_np)

    g = np.concatenate(gList)
    J = np.concatenate(JList)

    # compute alpha
    alpha = -np.mat(np.linalg.lstsq(J, g)[0])

    # integrate and run the forward kinematic
    mbc.alpha = rbd.vectorToDof(mb, e.toEigenX(alpha))
    rbd.eulerIntegration(mb, mbc, delta)
    rbd.forwardKinematics(mb, mbc)

    # take the new q vector
    q = e.toNumpy(rbd.paramToVector(mb, mbc.q))

    alphaInf = np.linalg.norm(alpha, np.inf)
    yield iterate, q, alpha, alphaInf # yield the current state

    # check if the current alpha is a minimizer
    if alphaInf < prec:
        minimizer = True
    iterate += 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def g(self, mb, mbc):
   X_O_p = self.X_O_p(mbc)
   g_body = sva.transformError(self.X_O_T, X_O_p)
   return e.toNumpy(g_body.vector())
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def J(self, mb, mbc):
   return e.toNumpy(self.comJac.jacobian(mb, mbc))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def g(self, mb, mbc):
   return e.toNumpy(rbd.computeCoM(mb, mbc) - self.com_T)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def g(self, mb, mbc):
     X_O_p = self.X_O_p(mbc)
     g_body = sva.transformError(self.X_O_T, X_O_p)
     return e.toNumpy(g_body.vector())
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def J(self, mb, mbc):
     return e.toNumpy(self.comJac.jacobian(mb, mbc))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def g(self, mb, mbc):
     return e.toNumpy(rbd.computeCoM(mb, mbc) - self.com_T)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def multiTaskIk(mb, mbc, tasks, delta=1., maxIter=100, prec=1e-8):
  The multiTaskIk function is a generator that will return at each call
  the new step in the IK process.

    - mb: MultiBody system.
    - mbc: Initial configuration
    - tasks: List of tasks could be of two form:
      - (weight, task): apply a global weight on all task dimension
      - ((weight,), task): apply a different weight on each dimension of the
    - delta: Integration step
    - maxIter: maximum number of iteration
    - prec: stop the IK if \| \alpha \|_{\inf} < prec

    - Current iteration number
    - Current articular position vector q
    - Current articular velocity vector alpha (descent direction)
    - \| \alpha \|_{\inf}
    q = e.toNumpy(rbd.paramToVector(mb, mbc.q))
    iterate = 0
    minimizer = False

    # transform user weight into a numpy array
    tasks_np = []
    for w, t in tasks:
        dim = t.dimension()
        w_np = np.zeros((dim, 1))
        if isinstance(w, (float, int)):
            w_np[:, 0] = [w] * dim
        elif hasattr(w, '__iter__'):
            w_np[:, 0] = w
            raise RuntimeError('%s unknow type for weight vector')
        tasks_np.append((w_np, t))

    while iterate < maxIter and not minimizer:
        # compute task data
        gList = map(lambda (w, t): np.mat(w * np.array(t.g(mb, mbc))),
        JList = map(lambda (w, t): np.mat(w * np.array(t.J(mb, mbc))),

        g = np.concatenate(gList)
        J = np.concatenate(JList)

        # compute alpha
        alpha = -np.mat(np.linalg.lstsq(J, g)[0])

        # integrate and run the forward kinematic
        mbc.alpha = rbd.vectorToDof(mb, e.toEigenX(alpha))
        rbd.eulerIntegration(mb, mbc, delta)
        rbd.forwardKinematics(mb, mbc)

        # take the new q vector
        q = e.toNumpy(rbd.paramToVector(mb, mbc.q))

        alphaInf = np.linalg.norm(alpha, np.inf)
        yield iterate, q, alpha, alphaInf  # yield the current state

        # check if the current alpha is a minimizer
        if alphaInf < prec:
            minimizer = True
        iterate += 1
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def publish(self):