Ejemplo n.º 1
    def createAggregateDemand(self):

        logTrack("Processes (createAggregateDemand): Creating time and temperature dependent heat demand")
        dlg = DialogGauge(Status.main,_("Time dependent aggregate heat demand"),_("generate demand profile"))
        (projectData,generalData) = Status.prj.getProjectData()
        Status.HPerDayInd = projectData.HPerDayInd

        if Status.processData.outOfDate == False:
            logTrack("Processes (createAggregateDemand): WARNING - someone wants to create demand profile which is already up to date")

        if Status.processData.outOfDateYearly == True:
            logTrack("Processes (createAggregateDemand): creating yearly demand UPHk(T)")

        if Status.schedules.outOfDate == True:
            logTrack("Processes (createAggregateDemand): creating process schedules")

        processes = Status.prj.getProcesses()

        UPH_Tt = []
        UPHw_Tt =[]

        UPHTotal_Tt = Status.int.createQ_Tt()
        UPHwTotal_Tt = Status.int.createQ_Tt()

        NK = len (processes)
        i = 0

        for process in processes:
            k = process.ProcNo - 1

            scheduleC = Status.schedules.procInFlowSchedules[k]
            scheduleM = Status.schedules.procOpSchedules[k]
            scheduleS = Status.schedules.procStartUpSchedules[k]
            scheduleW = Status.schedules.procOutFlowSchedules[k]
            NT = Status.NT
            Nt = Status.Nt

            for it in range(Nt):
                time = Status.TimeStep*it
                fC = scheduleC.fav[it]
                fM = scheduleM.fav[it]
                fS = scheduleS.fav[it]
                fW = scheduleW.fav[it]

                for iT in range(NT+2): #NT + 1 + 1 -> additional value for T > Tmax
                    UPH_Tt[k][iT][it] = Status.int.UPHc_T[k][iT]*fC +\
                                        Status.int.UPHm_T[k][iT]*fM +\
                    UPHw_Tt[k][iT][it] = Status.int.UPHw_T[k][iT]*fW

                    UPHTotal_Tt[iT][it] += UPH_Tt[k][iT][it]
                    UPHwTotal_Tt[iT][it] += UPHw_Tt[k][iT][it]
            i += 1

        Status.int.UPH_Tt = UPH_Tt    
        Status.int.UPHw_Tt = UPHw_Tt

        Status.int.UPHTotal_Tt = UPHTotal_Tt    
        Status.int.UPHwTotal_Tt = UPHwTotal_Tt
# set status-flag (required BEFORE call to runHRModule !!!)

        Status.int.cascadeUpdateLevel = 0 #indicates that demand profile is created !!!
        Status.processData.outOfDate = False
#   estimate equipment waste heat from annual QWHj and equipment schedules

        equipments = Status.prj.getEquipments()

        Status.int.QWHEqTotal_Tt = Status.int.createQ_Tt()
        Status.int.QWHEqTotal_T = Status.int.createQ_T()
        Status.int.QWHEqTotal_t = Status.int.createQ_t()
        Status.int.QWHEqTotal = 0
        for equipe in equipments:
            j = equipe.EqNo - 1
            schedule = Status.schedules.equipmentSchedules[j]
            NT = Status.NT
            Nt = Status.Nt

# temperature distribution of waste heat. assumed as fix

            TExhaustGas = equipe.TExhaustGas
            if TExhaustGas == None:
                logDebug("Processes: Equipment exhaust gas temperature not specified. 200 ºC assumed")
                TExhaustGas = 200
#            print "Process (calcAggDemand): Tgas(%s) = %s"%(j,TExhaustGas)

            if equipe.DBFuel_id is None:
                TMinOffGas = 0
                dTtot = 1.e-10
                fuel = Fuel(equipe.DBFuel_id)
                TMinOffGas = max(fuel.TCondOffGas(),0)
                dTtot = max(TExhaustGas-TMinOffGas,1.e-10)
            QWHj = equipe.QWHEq
            if QWHj is None:
                QWHj = 0.0
            Status.int.QWHEqTotal += QWHj

            QWHj_T = Status.int.createQ_T()

            for iT in range(Status.NT+2):
                temp = Status.int.T[iT]
                dT = max(temp - TMinOffGas,0.)
                QWHj_T[iT] = QWHj*max(0.0,1.0 - dT/dTtot)
                Status.int.QWHEqTotal_T[iT] += QWHj_T[iT]

            QWHj_Tt = Status.int.createQ_Tt()
            for it in range(Nt):
                time = Status.TimeStep*it
                f = schedule.fav[it]
#                print "t: %s f: %s"%(time,f)

                for iT in range(NT+2): #NT + 1 + 1 -> additional value for T > Tmax
                    QWHj_Tt[iT][it] = QWHj_T[iT]*f

                    Status.int.QWHEqTotal_Tt[iT][it] += QWHj_Tt[iT][it]

        Status.int.QWHEqTotal_t = copy.deepcopy(Status.int.QWHEqTotal_Tt[0])
#        print "Process (calcAggDemand): QWHEq(t) = ",Status.int.QWHEqTotal_t
#   get waste heat from WHEEs

        whees = Status.prj.getWHEEs()

        Status.int.QWHEE_Tt = Status.int.createQ_Tt()
        Status.int.QWHEE_T = Status.int.createQ_T()
        Status.int.QWHEE_t = Status.int.createQ_t()
        Status.int.QWHEE = 0
        for whee in whees:
            n = whee.WHEENo - 1
            schedule = Status.schedules.WHEESchedules[n]
            NT = Status.NT
            Nt = Status.Nt

# temperature distribution of waste heat. assumed as fix

            Tout = whee.WHEETOutlet
            if Tout == None:
                logWarning("Processes: WHEE outlet temperature not specified. 70 ºC assumed")
                Tout = 70
            Tret = max(Tout - 20,0.0) # by default Delta_T = 20 assumed
            dTtot = max(Tout-Tret,1.e-10)

            if whee.HPerDayWHEE is None or whee.NDaysWHEE is None or whee.QWHEE is None:
                QWHEE = 0.0
                QWHEE = whee.QWHEE*whee.HPerDayWHEE*whee.NDaysWHEE
            Status.int.QWHEE += QWHEE

            QWHEE_T = Status.int.createQ_T()

            for iT in range(Status.NT+2):
                temp = Status.int.T[iT]
                dT = max(temp - Tret,0.)
                QWHEE_T[iT] = QWHEE*max(0.0,1.0 - dT/dTtot)
                Status.int.QWHEE_T[iT] += QWHj_T[iT]

            QWHEE_Tt = Status.int.createQ_Tt()
            for it in range(Nt):
                time = Status.TimeStep*it
                f = schedule.fav[it]
#                print "t: %s f: %s"%(time,f)

                for iT in range(NT+2): #NT + 1 + 1 -> additional value for T > Tmax
                    QWHEE_Tt[iT][it] = QWHEE_T[iT]*f

                    Status.int.QWHEE_Tt[iT][it] += QWHEE_Tt[iT][it]

        Status.int.QWHEE_t = copy.deepcopy(Status.int.QWHEE_Tt[0])
#        print "Process (calcAggDemand): QWHEq(t) = ",Status.int.QWHEqTotal_t
#   now run HR module for calculating heat recovery and effective demand at pipe entry


        logTrack("Aggregate demand = %s"%str(Status.int.QD_T))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def runSimulation(self,first=None,last=None,loop=True):
# updates the energy flows for the full equipment cascade
        logTrack("ModuleEnergy (runSimulation): starting")
        NT = Status.NT

# initialising storage space for energy flows in cascade
# assigning total heat demand and availability to the first row in cascade

        if (first == None) or (first < 1):
            first = 1

        first = max(first,Status.int.cascadeUpdateLevel+1)    #avoid unnecessary calculations

        if last == None or last > self.NEquipe:
            last = self.NEquipe


        logTrack("ModuleEnergy (runSimulation): simulating from %s to %s"%(first,last))
# now calculate the cascade
# call the calculation modules for each equipment

        dlg = DialogGauge(Status.main,_("EINSTEIN system simulation"),_("calculating energy flows"))

        for cascadeIndex in range(first,last+1):
            equipeID = Status.int.cascade[cascadeIndex-1]["equipeID"]

            equipe = Status.DB.qgenerationhc.QGenerationHC_ID[equipeID][0]            
            equipeClass = getEquipmentClass(equipe.EquipType)

            logTrack("=================================\nModuleEnergy (runSimulation): %s - %s [%s: %s]"%\
            if equipeClass == "HP":
            elif equipeClass == "BB":
            elif equipeClass == "ST":
            elif equipeClass == "CHP":
                logTrack("WARNING: equipment type not yet forseen in system simulation module")
                logTrack("running calculateEnergyFlows-dummy")

            logTrack("ModuleEnergy (runSimulation): end simulation=====================================")


# update the pointer to the last calculated cascade

        Status.int.cascadeUpdateLevel = last

# if a full cascade has been calculated, calculate the balances

        logTrack("ModuleEnergy (runSimulation): arrived at the end. %s [%s]"%\

        if last == self.NEquipe:

            uncoveredDemand = Status.int.QD_T_mod[last][Status.NT+1]
            totalDemand = Status.int.QD_T_mod[0][Status.NT+1]
            if uncoveredDemand > 0.005*totalDemand:
                showWarning("Revise your design.\nCurrent equipment capacity is not sufficient for covering the demand\n"+\
                            "Remaining heat demand: %s [MWh]"%(uncoveredDemand/1000.0))
            logTrack("ModuleEnergy (runSimulation): updating Energy balances")

            (projectData,generalData) = Status.prj.getProjectData()

            if loop == True:
                for i in range(10):

                    USH0 = Status.int.USHTotal
                    QWHEq0 = Status.int.QWHEqTotal

                    Status.prj.setStatus("Energy")  #probably redundant, already done in cEEB

                    USH = Status.int.USHTotal
                    QWHEq = Status.int.QWHEqTotal

                    logTrack("ModuleEnergy - iterative cycle i %s (USH): %s -> %s (QWH): %s -> %s"% \

                    if abs(QWHEq - QWHEq0) < 0.0001*(USH + USH0):
                        Status.mod.moduleHR.runHRModule()   # update waste heat calculations