def prepare_ballot(e, total, n, emails, keyemails, intpdf): #print "test...creating ballot.." #create ballots for v in range(100,total+100): serial = str(v) key = os.urandom(RSIZE) skey = base64.b64encode(key) codes = ["",""] recs = ["",""] votes = ["",""] ciphers = ["",""] for ab in range(2): p = subprocess.Popen(["sh","/var/www/finer/EC-ElGamal/", str(n)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() votes[ab] = output #read from the disk file for ciphers f = open('/var/www/finer/EC-ElGamal/EC_cipher.txt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() flag = 0 i = 0 for enc in lines: i+=1 if i >= 2: if i%2 == 0: ciphers[ab]+=" " else: #" " and "," alternating ciphers[ab]+="," ciphers[ab]+=enc.strip() for i in range(n): message = bytes(serial+str(ab)+str(i)).encode('utf-8') c =, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c1 = long(binascii.hexlify(c[0:8]), 16) #convert 64 bit string to long c1 &= 0x3fffffffffffffff # 64 --> 62 bits sc1 = base36encode(c1) while len(sc1)<12:#length padding sc1 = "0"+sc1 r1 = long(binascii.hexlify(c[8:12]), 16) #convert 32 bit string to long r1 &= 0x7fffffff # 32 --> 31 bits sr1 = base36encode(r1) while len(sr1)<6:#length padding sr1 = "0"+sr1 if i > 0: codes[ab]+="," recs[ab]+="," codes[ab]+=addbars(sc1) recs[ab]+=sr1 new_b = Ballot(election = e, serial = serial, key = skey, votes1 = votes[0],votes2 = votes[1],cipher1 = ciphers[0],cipher2 = ciphers[1], codes1 = codes[0],codes2 = codes[1],rec1 = recs[0],rec2 = recs[1]) #mark as prepared e.prepared = True # assign email ballots #get choices options = e.choice_set.values('text') opts = [x['text'] for x in options] #get all the unassigned ballots unused = Ballot.objects.filter(election = e)# all are not used counter = 0 for voter in emails: #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token)#no padding 128 bit b = unused[counter] counter += 1 email = voter.rstrip() assign = Assignment(election = e, vID = stoken+email, serial = b.serial) #mark as used b.used = True #store token new_t = Tokens(election = e, token = stoken, email = email) #get codes and options codes1 = b.codes1.split(',') codes2 = b.codes2.split(',') rec1 = b.rec1.split(',') rec2 = b.rec2.split(',') perm1 = b.votes1.split(',') perm2 = b.votes2.split(',') #sort according to perm1 sorted1 = sorted(zip(perm1,codes1,rec1)) sorted2 = sorted(zip(perm2,codes2,rec2)) ballot_code1 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_code2 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted2] ballot_rec1 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_rec2 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted2] #send email for the first time emailbody = "Hello,\n\nHere is your ballot.\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nSerial Number: "+b.serial+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nBallot A: \n" for i in range(len(opts)): emailbody+= "Votecode: "+ballot_code1[i]+" Receipt: "+ballot_rec1[i]+ " Option: "+opts[i]+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nBallot B: \n" for i in range(len(opts)): emailbody+= "Votecode: "+ballot_code2[i]+" Receipt: "+ballot_rec2[i]+ " Option: "+opts[i]+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= "\nVBB url: "+BB_URL+"vbb/"+e.EID+"/\n" emailbody+= "ABB url: "+BB_URL+"abb/"+e.EID+"/\n" emailbody+= "Client url: "+CLIENT_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Ballot Distribution Server\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","Ballot for Election: "+e.question, emailbody,email],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ################### #pdf ballots zip_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer,'w') for i in range(intpdf): #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token)#no padding 128 bit b = unused[counter] counter += 1 email = "pdf"+str(i) assign = Assignment(election = e, vID = stoken+email, serial = b.serial) #mark as used b.used = True #store token new_t = Tokens(election = e, token = stoken, email = email) #get codes and options codes1 = b.codes1.split(',') codes2 = b.codes2.split(',') rec1 = b.rec1.split(',') rec2 = b.rec2.split(',') perm1 = b.votes1.split(',') perm2 = b.votes2.split(',') #sort according to perm1 sorted1 = sorted(zip(perm1,codes1,rec1)) sorted2 = sorted(zip(perm2,codes2,rec2)) ballot_code1 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_code2 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted2] ballot_rec1 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_rec2 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted2] #generate the pdf buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() # Create the PDF object, using the IO object as its "file." #register ttf fonts ttffont='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/' pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSans', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Regular.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansBd', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Bold.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansIt', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Italic.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansBI', ttffont+'LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf')) p = canvas.Canvas(buffer) # Draw things on the PDF. Here's where the PDF generation happens. p.setFont("LiberationSans", 10) height = 800 p.drawString(60, height, "================================================") height -=20 tempstr = "Σειριακός αριθμός: "+b.serial # p.drawString(60, height, tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -=20 # p.drawString(60, height, "================================================") height -=20 # p.drawString(60, height, "Ψηφοδέλτιο Α:".decode('utf-8')) height -=20 for j in range(len(opts)): tempstr = "Κωδικός: "+ballot_code1[j]+" Απόδειξη: "+ballot_rec1[j]+ " Υποψήφιος: "+opts[j] # p.drawString(60, height, tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -=20 # p.drawString(60, height, "================================================") height -=20 # p.drawString(60, height, "Ψηφοδέλτιο B:".decode('utf-8')) height -=20 for j in range(len(opts)): tempstr = "Κωδικός: "+ballot_code2[j]+" Απόδειξη: "+ballot_rec2[j]+ " Υποψήφιος: "+opts[j] # p.drawString(60, height, tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -=20 p.drawString(60, height, "================================================") height -=20 tempstr = "Διέυθυνση υποβολής ψήφου και ανακοίνωσης αποτελέσματος: "+BB_URL+"vbb/"+e.EID+"/" # p.drawString(60, height,tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -=20 tempstr = "Διεύθυνση επαλήθευσης εκλογικής διαδικασίας: "+BB_URL+"abb/"+e.EID+"/" # p.drawString(60, height, tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -=20 p.drawString(60, height, "Διεύθυνση εξυπηρέτησης ψηφοφόρου:".decode('utf-8')) height -=20 p.drawString(60, height,CLIENT_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/") height -=20 p.drawString(60, 100, "Εξυπηρετητής Διανομής Ψηφοδελτίων FINER".decode('utf-8')) img = qrcode.make(CLIENT_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/") output = cStringIO.StringIO() ## temp QR file,'PNG') #rewind the data image = ImageReader(output) p.drawImage(image,200,120,width=180, height=180) # Close the PDF object cleanly, and we're done. p.showPage() output.close() #save pdf zfile.writestr("Ballots/"+str(i)+".pdf", buffer.getvalue()) buffer.close() new_pdf = Pdfballot(election = e, token = stoken) zfile.close()"Ballots"+e.EID+".zip",ContentFile(zip_buffer.getvalue())) zip_buffer.close() #send the PDF ballot link emailbody = "Hello,\n\nYour ballots are generated. You can download them now.\n" emailbody+= "URL: "+Ballot_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Ballot Distribution Server\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","PDF Ballots for Election: "+e.question, emailbody,e.c_email],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ######################################## #send ABB CSV data #random key for column 1 k1 = os.urandom(KSIZE) sk1 = base64.b64encode(k1) new_r = Randomstate(election = e, notes = "k1",random = sk1) ###send key to key holders emailbody = "Dear Key Holder,\n\n Your private key is:\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= sk1+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= "\nYour Tally URL: "+BB_URL+"keyholder/"+e.EID+"/\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Election Authority\n" email = keyemails #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","Private Key for Election Definition "+e.EID, emailbody,email],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ########################## #create csv file and encrypt the codes output = cStringIO.StringIO() ## temp output file writer = csv.writer(output, dialect='excel') #first row n, k1. writer.writerow([str(n),sk1]) #get all the ballots all_ballots = Ballot.objects.filter(election = e) for each in all_ballots: writer.writerow([each.serial,each.key])#second row serial , key. #encrypt codes temp_list = each.codes1.split(',') enc_list = [] for temp in temp_list: enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(encrypt(temp,k1,key_size=128))) writer.writerow(enc_list) #write cipher temp_list = each.cipher1.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #do the same for ballot 2 #encrypt codes temp_list = each.codes2.split(',') enc_list = [] for temp in temp_list: enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(encrypt(temp,k1,key_size=128))) writer.writerow(enc_list) #write cipher temp_list = each.cipher2.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #post reply ='abb/'+e.EID+'/upload/',files = {'inputfile':ContentFile(output.getvalue(),name = "init.csv")}) #close output.close() return reply
def prepare_ballot(e, total, n, emails, keyemails, intpdf): #print "test...creating ballot.." #print total #print n #create ballots for v in range(100,total+100): serial = str(v) key = os.urandom(RSIZE) skey = base64.b64encode(key) codes = ["",""] recs = ["",""] votes = ["",""] ciphers = ["",""] plains = ["",""] for ab in range(2): #print "script run" p = subprocess.Popen(["sh","/var/www/finer/EC-ElGamal/", str(n), str(total)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output,err = p.communicate() votes[ab] = output #read from the disk file for ciphers f = open('/var/www/finer/EC-ElGamal/EC_cipher.txt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() flag = 0 i = 0 for enc in lines: i+=1 if i >= 2: if i%2 == 0: ciphers[ab]+=" " else: #" " and "," alternating ciphers[ab]+="," ciphers[ab]+=enc.strip() #read from the disk file for plains f = open('/var/www/finer/EC-ElGamal/EC_plain.txt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() i = 0 for decommit in lines: i+=1 if i >= 2: if i%2 == 0: plains[ab]+=" " else: #" " and "," alternating plains[ab]+="," plains[ab]+=decommit.strip() for i in range(n): message = bytes(serial+str(ab)+str(i)).encode('utf-8') c =, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c1 = long(binascii.hexlify(c[0:8]), 16) #convert 64 bit string to long c1 &= 0x3fffffffffffffff # 64 --> 62 bits sc1 = base36encode(c1) while len(sc1)<12:#length padding sc1 = "0"+sc1 r1 = long(binascii.hexlify(c[8:12]), 16) #convert 32 bit string to long r1 &= 0x7fffffff # 32 --> 31 bits sr1 = base36encode(r1) while len(sr1)<6:#length padding sr1 = "0"+sr1 if i > 0: codes[ab]+="," recs[ab]+="," codes[ab]+=addbars(sc1) recs[ab]+=sr1 new_b = Ballot(election = e, serial = serial, key = skey, votes1 = votes[0],votes2 = votes[1],plain1 = plains[0],plain2 = plains[1] ,cipher1 = ciphers[0],cipher2 = ciphers[1], codes1 = codes[0],codes2 = codes[1],rec1 = recs[0],rec2 = recs[1]) #mark as prepared e.prepared = True # assign email ballots #get choices options = e.choice_set.order_by('id').values('text') opts = [x['text'] for x in options] #get all the unassigned ballots unused = Ballot.objects.filter(election = e)# all are not used counter = 0 for voter in emails: #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token)#no padding 128 bit b = unused[counter] counter += 1 email = voter.rstrip() assign = Assignment(election = e, vID = stoken+email, serial = b.serial) #mark as used b.used = True #store token new_t = Tokens(election = e, token = stoken, email = email) #get codes and options codes1 = b.codes1.split(',') codes2 = b.codes2.split(',') rec1 = b.rec1.split(',') rec2 = b.rec2.split(',') ##################################String sort bug!!!!!!!!!!!!####################### perm1 = [int(x) for x in b.votes1.split(',')] perm2 = [int(x) for x in b.votes2.split(',')] #################################################################################### #sort according to perm1 sorted1 = sorted(zip(perm1,codes1,rec1)) sorted2 = sorted(zip(perm2,codes2,rec2)) ballot_code1 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_code2 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted2] ballot_rec1 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_rec2 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted2] #send email for the first time emailbody = "Hello,\n\nHere is your ballot.\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nSerial Number: "+b.serial+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nBallot A: \n" for i in range(len(opts)): emailbody+= "Votecode: "+ballot_code1[i]+" Receipt: "+ballot_rec1[i]+ " Option: "+opts[i]+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nBallot B: \n" for i in range(len(opts)): emailbody+= "Votecode: "+ballot_code2[i]+" Receipt: "+ballot_rec2[i]+ " Option: "+opts[i]+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= "\nVBB url: "+BB_URL+"vbb/"+e.EID+"/\n" emailbody+= "ABB url: "+BB_URL+"abb/"+e.EID+"/\n" emailbody+= "Client url: "+CLIENT_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Ballot Distribution Server\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","Ballot for Election: "+e.question, emailbody,email],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ################### #pdf ballots zip_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer,'w') for i in range(intpdf): #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token)#no padding 128 bit b = unused[counter] counter += 1 email = "pdf"+str(i) assign = Assignment(election = e, vID = stoken+email, serial = b.serial) #mark as used b.used = True #store token new_t = Tokens(election = e, token = stoken, email = email) #get codes and options codes1 = b.codes1.split(',') codes2 = b.codes2.split(',') rec1 = b.rec1.split(',') rec2 = b.rec2.split(',') ##################################String sort bug!!!!!!!!!!!!####################### perm1 = [int(x) for x in b.votes1.split(',')] perm2 = [int(x) for x in b.votes2.split(',')] #################################################################################### #sort according to perm1 sorted1 = sorted(zip(perm1,codes1,rec1)) sorted2 = sorted(zip(perm2,codes2,rec2)) ballot_code1 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_code2 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted2] ballot_rec1 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_rec2 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted2] #generate the pdf buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() # Create the PDF object, using the IO object as its "file." #register ttf fonts ttffont='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/' pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSans', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Regular.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansBd', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Bold.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansIt', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Italic.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansBI', ttffont+'LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf')) #create pdf doc doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buffer, pagesize=A4,leftMargin=0.1*inch,rightMargin=0.1*inch) style = ParagraphStyle( name='Normal', #firstLineIndent = 0, #leftIndent = 0, fontName='LiberationSansBd', fontSize=14, leftMargin=0.3*inch, firstLineIndent = 0.3*inch, ) style_warning = ParagraphStyle( name='Normal', fontName='LiberationSans', fontSize=12, leftMargin=0.5*inch, firstLineIndent = 0.5*inch, ) #prepare table data data = [['Πολιτικό κόμμα', 'Κωδικός A', 'Απόδειξη A','','Πολιτικό κόμμα', 'Κωδικός A', 'Απόδειξη A']] data2 = [['Πολιτικό κόμμα', 'Κωδικός B', 'Απόδειξη B','','Πολιτικό κόμμα', 'Κωδικός B', 'Απόδειξη B']] for ii in range(len(opts)/2): tempname1 = opts[2*ii].split(';') tempname2 = opts[2*ii+1].split(';') temprow = [tempname1[0],ballot_code1[2*ii], ballot_rec1[2*ii],'',tempname2[0],ballot_code1[2*ii+1],ballot_rec1[2*ii+1]] data.append(temprow) temprow = [tempname1[0],ballot_code2[2*ii], ballot_rec2[2*ii],'',tempname2[0],ballot_code2[2*ii+1],ballot_rec2[2*ii+1]] data2.append(temprow) serial = [['Σειριακός αριθμός:',b.serial,'Σειριακός αριθμός:',b.serial]] #pdf part parts = [] table_serial = Table(serial, [2*inch,1.65 * inch, 2*inch,1.65* inch]) table_serial.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LiberationSansBd'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 14), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'), ])) parts.append(table_serial) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.2 * inch)) table_with_style = Table(data, [1.5 * inch, 1.3 * inch, 0.8*inch,0.1*inch, 1.5*inch,1.3 * inch, 0.8*inch]) table_with_style.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'LiberationSans'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LiberationSansBd'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 9), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 0.25,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'), ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),2,, ('BOX', (1, 0), (2, -1),2,, ('BOX', (4, 0), (-1, -1),2,, ])) parts.append(table_with_style) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.4 * inch)) #drawimage img = qrcode.make(SAMPLE_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/0/") output = cStringIO.StringIO() ## temp QR file,'PNG') #rewind the data I = Image(output, width = 150, height = 150) I.hAlign = 'LEFT' table_img = Table([[I,"A"]], [4*inch,4* inch]) table_img.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LiberationSansBd'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 120), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LEFT'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'TOP'), ])) parts.append(table_img) #parts.append(I) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.3 * inch)) parts.append(Paragraph("Εξυπηρετητής Ψηφοδελτίων FINER          "+BB_URL+"abb/"+e.EID+"/", style)) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.55 * inch)) parts.append( Paragraph("Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε οποιαδήποτε από τις δύο πλευρές αυτού του φύλλου.",style_warning)) #########append url for debug #parts.append(Paragraph(SAMPLE_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/",style_warning)) parts.append(table_serial) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.2 * inch)) table_with_style = Table(data2, [1.5 * inch, 1.3 * inch, 0.8*inch,0.1*inch, 1.5*inch,1.3 * inch, 0.8*inch]) table_with_style.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'LiberationSans'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LiberationSansBd'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 9), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 0.25,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'), ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),2,, ('BOX', (1, 0), (2, -1),2,, ('BOX', (4, 0), (-1, -1),2,, ])) parts.append(table_with_style) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.4 * inch)) #drawimage img = qrcode.make(SAMPLE_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/1/") output = cStringIO.StringIO() ## temp QR file,'PNG') #rewind the data I = Image(output, width = 150, height = 150) I.hAlign = 'LEFT' table_img = Table([[I,"B"]], [4*inch,4* inch]) table_img.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LiberationSansBd'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 120), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LEFT'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'TOP'), ])) parts.append(table_img) #parts.append(I) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.3 * inch)) parts.append(Paragraph("Εξυπηρετητής Ψηφοδελτίων FINER          "+BB_URL+"abb/"+e.EID+"/", style)) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.55 * inch)) parts.append( Paragraph("Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε οποιαδήποτε από τις δύο πλευρές αυτού του φύλλου.",style_warning)) output.close() #save pdf zfile.writestr("Ballots/"+str(i)+".pdf", buffer.getvalue()) buffer.close() new_pdf = Pdfballot(election = e, token = stoken) zfile.close()"Ballots"+e.EID+".zip",ContentFile(zip_buffer.getvalue())) zip_buffer.close() #send the PDF ballot link emailbody = "Hello,\n\nYour ballots are generated. You can download them now.\n" emailbody+= "URL: "+Ballot_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Ballot Distribution Server\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","PDF Ballots for Election: "+e.question, emailbody,e.c_email],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ######################################## #send ABB CSV data #random key for column 1 k1 = os.urandom(KSIZE) sk1 = base64.b64encode(k1) new_r = Randomstate(election = e, notes = "k1",random = sk1) ###send key to key holders emailbody = "Dear Key Holder,\n\n Your private key is:\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= sk1+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= "\nYour Tally URL: "+BB_URL+"keyholder/"+e.EID+"/\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Election Authority\n" email = keyemails #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","Private Key for Election Definition "+e.EID, emailbody,email],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ########################## #create csv file and encrypt the codes output = cStringIO.StringIO() ## temp output file writer = csv.writer(output, dialect='excel') #first row n, k1. writer.writerow([str(n),sk1]) #get all the ballots all_ballots = Ballot.objects.filter(election = e) for each in all_ballots: writer.writerow([each.serial,each.key])#second row serial , key. #encrypt codes temp_list = each.codes1.split(',') enc_list = [] for temp in temp_list: enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(encrypt(temp,k1,key_size=128))) writer.writerow(enc_list) #write cipher temp_list = each.cipher1.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #write plain temp_list = each.plain1.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #do the same for ballot 2 #encrypt codes temp_list = each.codes2.split(',') enc_list = [] for temp in temp_list: enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(encrypt(temp,k1,key_size=128))) writer.writerow(enc_list) #write cipher temp_list = each.cipher2.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #write plain temp_list = each.plain2.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #post reply ='abb/'+e.EID+'/upload/',files = {'inputfile':ContentFile(output.getvalue(),name = "init.csv")}, verify=False) #close output.close() return reply
def prepare_ballot(e, total, n, emails, keyemails, intpdf): #print "test...creating ballot.." #create ballots for v in range(100, total + 100): serial = str(v) key = os.urandom(RSIZE) skey = base64.b64encode(key) codes = ["", ""] recs = ["", ""] votes = ["", ""] ciphers = ["", ""] for ab in range(2): p = subprocess.Popen( ["sh", "/var/www/finer/EC-ElGamal/", str(n)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output, err = p.communicate() votes[ab] = output #read from the disk file for ciphers f = open('/var/www/finer/EC-ElGamal/EC_cipher.txt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() flag = 0 i = 0 for enc in lines: i += 1 if i >= 2: if i % 2 == 0: ciphers[ab] += " " else: #" " and "," alternating ciphers[ab] += "," ciphers[ab] += enc.strip() for i in range(n): message = bytes(serial + str(ab) + str(i)).encode('utf-8') c =, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c1 = long(binascii.hexlify(c[0:8]), 16) #convert 64 bit string to long c1 &= 0x3fffffffffffffff # 64 --> 62 bits sc1 = base36encode(c1) while len(sc1) < 12: #length padding sc1 = "0" + sc1 r1 = long(binascii.hexlify(c[8:12]), 16) #convert 32 bit string to long r1 &= 0x7fffffff # 32 --> 31 bits sr1 = base36encode(r1) while len(sr1) < 6: #length padding sr1 = "0" + sr1 if i > 0: codes[ab] += "," recs[ab] += "," codes[ab] += addbars(sc1) recs[ab] += sr1 new_b = Ballot(election=e, serial=serial, key=skey, votes1=votes[0], votes2=votes[1], cipher1=ciphers[0], cipher2=ciphers[1], codes1=codes[0], codes2=codes[1], rec1=recs[0], rec2=recs[1]) #mark as prepared e.prepared = True # assign email ballots #get choices options = e.choice_set.values('text') opts = [x['text'] for x in options] #get all the unassigned ballots unused = Ballot.objects.filter(election=e) # all are not used counter = 0 for voter in emails: #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token) #no padding 128 bit b = unused[counter] counter += 1 email = voter.rstrip() assign = Assignment(election=e, vID=stoken + email, serial=b.serial) #mark as used b.used = True #store token new_t = Tokens(election=e, token=stoken, email=email) #get codes and options codes1 = b.codes1.split(',') codes2 = b.codes2.split(',') rec1 = b.rec1.split(',') rec2 = b.rec2.split(',') perm1 = b.votes1.split(',') perm2 = b.votes2.split(',') #sort according to perm1 sorted1 = sorted(zip(perm1, codes1, rec1)) sorted2 = sorted(zip(perm2, codes2, rec2)) ballot_code1 = [y for (x, y, z) in sorted1] ballot_code2 = [y for (x, y, z) in sorted2] ballot_rec1 = [z for (x, y, z) in sorted1] ballot_rec2 = [z for (x, y, z) in sorted2] #send email for the first time emailbody = "Hello,\n\nHere is your ballot.\n" emailbody += "================================================\nSerial Number: " + b.serial + "\n" emailbody += "================================================\nBallot A: \n" for i in range(len(opts)): emailbody += "Votecode: " + ballot_code1[ i] + " Receipt: " + ballot_rec1[i] + " Option: " + opts[ i] + "\n" emailbody += "================================================\nBallot B: \n" for i in range(len(opts)): emailbody += "Votecode: " + ballot_code2[ i] + " Receipt: " + ballot_rec2[i] + " Option: " + opts[ i] + "\n" emailbody += "================================================\n" emailbody += "\nVBB url: " + BB_URL + "vbb/" + e.EID + "/\n" emailbody += "ABB url: " + BB_URL + "abb/" + e.EID + "/\n" emailbody += "Client url: " + CLIENT_URL + e.EID + "/" + stoken + "/\n" emailbody += "\nFINER Ballot Distribution Server\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen([ "sudo", "/var/www/finer/", "Ballot for Election: " + e.question, emailbody, email ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output, err = p.communicate() ################### #pdf ballots zip_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer, 'w') for i in range(intpdf): #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token) #no padding 128 bit b = unused[counter] counter += 1 email = "pdf" + str(i) assign = Assignment(election=e, vID=stoken + email, serial=b.serial) #mark as used b.used = True #store token new_t = Tokens(election=e, token=stoken, email=email) #get codes and options codes1 = b.codes1.split(',') codes2 = b.codes2.split(',') rec1 = b.rec1.split(',') rec2 = b.rec2.split(',') perm1 = b.votes1.split(',') perm2 = b.votes2.split(',') #sort according to perm1 sorted1 = sorted(zip(perm1, codes1, rec1)) sorted2 = sorted(zip(perm2, codes2, rec2)) ballot_code1 = [y for (x, y, z) in sorted1] ballot_code2 = [y for (x, y, z) in sorted2] ballot_rec1 = [z for (x, y, z) in sorted1] ballot_rec2 = [z for (x, y, z) in sorted2] #generate the pdf buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() # Create the PDF object, using the IO object as its "file." #register ttf fonts ttffont = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/' pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('LiberationSans', ttffont + 'LiberationSans-Regular.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('LiberationSansBd', ttffont + 'LiberationSans-Bold.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('LiberationSansIt', ttffont + 'LiberationSans-Italic.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('LiberationSansBI', ttffont + 'LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf')) p = canvas.Canvas(buffer) # Draw things on the PDF. Here's where the PDF generation happens. p.setFont("LiberationSans", 10) height = 800 p.drawString(60, height, "================================================") height -= 20 tempstr = "Σειριακός αριθμός: " + b.serial # p.drawString(60, height, tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -= 20 # p.drawString(60, height, "================================================") height -= 20 # p.drawString(60, height, "Ψηφοδέλτιο Α:".decode('utf-8')) height -= 20 for j in range(len(opts)): tempstr = "Κωδικός: " + ballot_code1[ j] + " Απόδειξη: " + ballot_rec1[j] + " Υποψήφιος: " + opts[j] # p.drawString(60, height, tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -= 20 # p.drawString(60, height, "================================================") height -= 20 # p.drawString(60, height, "Ψηφοδέλτιο B:".decode('utf-8')) height -= 20 for j in range(len(opts)): tempstr = "Κωδικός: " + ballot_code2[ j] + " Απόδειξη: " + ballot_rec2[j] + " Υποψήφιος: " + opts[j] # p.drawString(60, height, tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -= 20 p.drawString(60, height, "================================================") height -= 20 tempstr = "Διέυθυνση υποβολής ψήφου και ανακοίνωσης αποτελέσματος: " + BB_URL + "vbb/" + e.EID + "/" # p.drawString(60, height,tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -= 20 tempstr = "Διεύθυνση επαλήθευσης εκλογικής διαδικασίας: " + BB_URL + "abb/" + e.EID + "/" # p.drawString(60, height, tempstr.decode('utf-8')) height -= 20 p.drawString(60, height, "Διεύθυνση εξυπηρέτησης ψηφοφόρου:".decode('utf-8')) height -= 20 p.drawString(60, height, CLIENT_URL + e.EID + "/" + stoken + "/") height -= 20 p.drawString(60, 100, "Εξυπηρετητής Διανομής Ψηφοδελτίων FINER".decode('utf-8')) img = qrcode.make(CLIENT_URL + e.EID + "/" + stoken + "/") output = cStringIO.StringIO() ## temp QR file, 'PNG') #rewind the data image = ImageReader(output) p.drawImage(image, 200, 120, width=180, height=180) # Close the PDF object cleanly, and we're done. p.showPage() output.close() #save pdf zfile.writestr("Ballots/" + str(i) + ".pdf", buffer.getvalue()) buffer.close() new_pdf = Pdfballot(election=e, token=stoken) zfile.close()"Ballots" + e.EID + ".zip", ContentFile(zip_buffer.getvalue())) zip_buffer.close() #send the PDF ballot link emailbody = "Hello,\n\nYour ballots are generated. You can download them now.\n" emailbody += "URL: " + Ballot_URL + e.EID + "/" + stoken + "/\n" emailbody += "\nFINER Ballot Distribution Server\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen([ "sudo", "/var/www/finer/", "PDF Ballots for Election: " + e.question, emailbody, e.c_email ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output, err = p.communicate() ######################################## #send ABB CSV data #random key for column 1 k1 = os.urandom(KSIZE) sk1 = base64.b64encode(k1) new_r = Randomstate(election=e, notes="k1", random=sk1) ###send key to key holders emailbody = "Dear Key Holder,\n\n Your private key is:\n" emailbody += "================================================\n" emailbody += sk1 + "\n" emailbody += "================================================\n" emailbody += "\nYour Tally URL: " + BB_URL + "keyholder/" + e.EID + "/\n" emailbody += "\nFINER Election Authority\n" email = keyemails #send email p = subprocess.Popen([ "sudo", "/var/www/finer/", "Private Key for Election Definition " + e.EID, emailbody, email ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output, err = p.communicate() ########################## #create csv file and encrypt the codes output = cStringIO.StringIO() ## temp output file writer = csv.writer(output, dialect='excel') #first row n, k1. writer.writerow([str(n), sk1]) #get all the ballots all_ballots = Ballot.objects.filter(election=e) for each in all_ballots: writer.writerow([each.serial, each.key]) #second row serial , key. #encrypt codes temp_list = each.codes1.split(',') enc_list = [] for temp in temp_list: enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(encrypt(temp, k1, key_size=128))) writer.writerow(enc_list) #write cipher temp_list = each.cipher1.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #do the same for ballot 2 #encrypt codes temp_list = each.codes2.split(',') enc_list = [] for temp in temp_list: enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(encrypt(temp, k1, key_size=128))) writer.writerow(enc_list) #write cipher temp_list = each.cipher2.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #post reply = BB_URL + 'abb/' + e.EID + '/upload/', files={'inputfile': ContentFile(output.getvalue(), name="init.csv")}) #close output.close() return reply
def prepare_ballot(e, total, n, emails, keyemails, intpdf): #print "test...creating ballot.." #print total #print n #create ballots for v in range(100,total+100): serial = str(v) key = os.urandom(RSIZE) skey = base64.b64encode(key) codes = ["",""] recs = ["",""] votes = ["",""] ciphers = ["",""] plains = ["",""] decom = ["",""] for ab in range(2): #print "script run" p = subprocess.Popen(["sh","/var/www/EC-ElGamal/", str(n), str(total)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output,err = p.communicate() votes[ab] = output #read from the disk file for ciphers f = open('/var/www/EC-ElGamal/EC_cipher.txt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() i = 0 for enc in lines: i+=1 if i >= 2: if i%2 == 0: ciphers[ab]+=" " else: #" " and "," alternating ciphers[ab]+="," ciphers[ab]+=enc.strip() #read from the disk file for plains f = open('/var/www/EC-ElGamal/EC_plain.txt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() i = 0 for decommit in lines: if i == 0: plains[ab]+=decommit.strip() if i == 1: decom[ab]+=decommit.strip() if i>0 and i%2 == 0: plains[ab]+="," plains[ab]+=decommit.strip() if i%2 == 1 and i>1: decom[ab]+="," decom[ab]+=decommit.strip() i+=1 for i in range(n): message = bytes(serial+str(ab)+str(i)).encode('utf-8') c =, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c1 = long(binascii.hexlify(c[0:8]), 16) #convert 64 bit string to long c1 &= 0x3fffffffffffffff # 64 --> 62 bits sc1 = base36encode(c1) while len(sc1)<12:#length padding sc1 = "0"+sc1 r1 = long(binascii.hexlify(c[8:12]), 16) #convert 32 bit string to long r1 &= 0x7fffffff # 32 --> 31 bits sr1 = base36encode(r1) while len(sr1)<6:#length padding sr1 = "0"+sr1 if i > 0: codes[ab]+="," recs[ab]+="," codes[ab]+=addbars(sc1) recs[ab]+=sr1 new_b = Ballot(election = e, serial = serial, key = skey, votes1 = votes[0],votes2 = votes[1],plain1 = plains[0],plain2 = plains[1], decom1 = decom[0], decom2 = decom[1] ,cipher1 = ciphers[0],cipher2 = ciphers[1], codes1 = codes[0],codes2 = codes[1],rec1 = recs[0],rec2 = recs[1]) #mark as prepared e.prepared = True # assign email ballots #get choices options = e.choice_set.order_by('id').values('text') opts = [x['text'] for x in options] #get all the unassigned ballots unused = Ballot.objects.filter(election = e)# all are not used counter = 0 for voter in emails: #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(KSIZE)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token)#no padding 128 bit b = unused[counter] counter += 1 email = voter.strip() assign = Assignment(election = e, vID = stoken+email, serial = b.serial) #mark as used b.used = True #store token new_t = Tokens(election = e, token = stoken, email = email) #get codes and options codes1 = b.codes1.split(',') codes2 = b.codes2.split(',') rec1 = b.rec1.split(',') rec2 = b.rec2.split(',') ##################################String sort bug!!!!!!!!!!!!####################### perm1 = [int(x) for x in b.votes1.split(',')] perm2 = [int(x) for x in b.votes2.split(',')] #################################################################################### #sort according to perm1 sorted1 = sorted(zip(perm1,codes1,rec1)) sorted2 = sorted(zip(perm2,codes2,rec2)) ballot_code1 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_code2 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted2] ballot_rec1 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_rec2 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted2] #send email for the first time emailbody = "Hello,\n\nHere is your ballot.\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nSerial Number: "+b.serial+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nBallot A: \n" for i in range(n): emailbody+= "Votecode: "+ballot_code1[i]+" Receipt: "+ballot_rec1[i]+ " Option: "+opts[i]+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\nBallot B: \n" for i in range(n): emailbody+= "Votecode: "+ballot_code2[i]+" Receipt: "+ballot_rec2[i]+ " Option: "+opts[i]+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= "\nVBB url: "+BB_URL+"vbb/"+e.EID+"/\n" emailbody+= "ABB url: "+BB_URL+"abb/"+e.EID+"/\n" emailbody+= "Client url: "+CLIENT_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Ballot Distribution Server\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","Ballot for Election No. "+e.EID, emailbody,email],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ################### #pdf ballots zip_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer,'w') for i in range(intpdf): #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(KSIZE)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token)#no padding 128 bit b = unused[counter] counter += 1 email = "pdf"+str(i) assign = Assignment(election = e, vID = stoken+email, serial = b.serial) #mark as used b.used = True #store token new_t = Tokens(election = e, token = stoken, email = email) #get codes and options codes1 = b.codes1.split(',') codes2 = b.codes2.split(',') rec1 = b.rec1.split(',') rec2 = b.rec2.split(',') ##################################String sort bug!!!!!!!!!!!!####################### perm1 = [int(x) for x in b.votes1.split(',')] perm2 = [int(x) for x in b.votes2.split(',')] #################################################################################### #sort according to perm1 sorted1 = sorted(zip(perm1,codes1,rec1)) sorted2 = sorted(zip(perm2,codes2,rec2)) ballot_code1 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_code2 = [y for (x,y,z) in sorted2] ballot_rec1 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted1] ballot_rec2 = [z for (x,y,z) in sorted2] #generate the pdf buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() # Create the PDF object, using the IO object as its "file." #register ttf fonts ttffont='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/' pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSans', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Regular.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansBd', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Bold.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansIt', ttffont+'LiberationSans-Italic.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('LiberationSansBI', ttffont+'LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf')) #create pdf doc doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buffer, pagesize=A4,leftMargin=0.1*inch,rightMargin=0.1*inch) style = ParagraphStyle( name='Normal', #firstLineIndent = 0, #leftIndent = 0, fontName='LiberationSansBd', fontSize=14, leftMargin=0.3*inch, firstLineIndent = 0.3*inch, ) style_warning = ParagraphStyle( name='Normal', fontName='LiberationSans', fontSize=12, leftMargin=0.3*inch, firstLineIndent = 0.3*inch, ) #prepare table data data = [['Options', 'Votecode A', 'Receipt A']] data2 = [['Options', 'Votecode B', 'Receipt B']] for ii in range(n): data.append([opts[ii],ballot_code1[ii], ballot_rec1[ii]]) data2.append([opts[ii],ballot_code2[ii], ballot_rec2[ii]]) #pdf part parts = [] parts.append(Paragraph("Serial Number: "+b.serial,style_warning)) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.2 * inch)) table_with_style = Table(data, [5.2 * inch, 1.3 * inch, 0.8*inch]) table_with_style.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'LiberationSans'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LiberationSansBd'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 9), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 0.25,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'), ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),2,, ])) parts.append(table_with_style) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) table_with_style = Table(data2, [5.2 * inch, 1.3 * inch, 0.8*inch]) table_with_style.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'LiberationSans'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LiberationSansBd'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 9), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 0.25,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'), ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),2,, ])) parts.append(table_with_style) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.4 * inch)) parts.append(Paragraph("VBB URL: "+BB_URL+"vbb/"+e.EID+"/",style_warning)) parts.append(Paragraph("ABB URL: "+BB_URL+"abb/"+e.EID+"/",style_warning)) parts.append(Paragraph("CLIENT: "+CLIENT_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/",style_warning)) parts.append(Spacer(1, 0.4 * inch)) parts.append(Paragraph("DEMOS Ballot Distribution Center", style)) #save pdf zfile.writestr("Ballots/"+str(i)+".pdf", buffer.getvalue()) buffer.close() if intpdf > 0:#if there is at least one pdf ballot #generate random token token = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16) stoken = base36encode(token)#no padding 128 bit new_pdf = Pdfballot(election = e, token = stoken) zfile.close()"Ballots"+e.EID+".zip",ContentFile(zip_buffer.getvalue())) zip_buffer.close() #send the PDF ballot link emailbody = "Hello,\n\nYour ballots are generated. You can download them now.\n" emailbody+= "URL: "+Ballot_URL+e.EID+"/"+stoken+"/\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Ballot Distribution Server\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","PDF Ballots for Election No. "+e.EID, emailbody,e.c_email],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ######################################## ###generate and send keys to key holders keyholders = keyemails.split(',') key_shares = [] for email in keyholders: k1 = os.urandom(KSIZE) key_shares.append(k1) sk1 = base64.b64encode(k1) salt = os.urandom(KSIZE) #base36 for url ss = base36encode(long(binascii.hexlify(salt), 16))#no padding 128 bit h = hashlib.sha256(sk1+ss) sh = base64.b64encode(h.digest()) kh = Keyholder(election = e, email = email, key = sk1,hash = sh, salt = ss) emailbody = "Dear Key Holder,\n\n Your private key is:\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= sk1+"\n" emailbody+= "================================================\n" emailbody+= "\nYour Tally URL: "+BB_URL+"keyholder/"+e.EID+"/"+ss+"\n" emailbody+= "\nFINER Election Authority\n" #send email p = subprocess.Popen(["sudo","/var/www/finer/","Private Key for Election No. "+e.EID, emailbody,email.strip()],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) output,err = p.communicate() ########################## #send ABB CSV data #random key for column 1 k1 = os.urandom(KSIZE) sk1 = base64.b64encode(k1) #create csv file and encrypt the codes output = cStringIO.StringIO() ## temp output file writer = csv.writer(output, dialect='excel') #first row n, k1. writer.writerow([str(n),sk1]) #key holders' info all_keyholders = e.keyholder_set.all() for kholder in all_keyholders: writer.writerow([,kholder.hash,kholder.salt]) #get all the ballots all_ballots = Ballot.objects.filter(election = e) for each in all_ballots: writer.writerow([each.serial,each.key])#second row serial , key. #encrypt codes temp_list = each.codes1.split(',') enc_list = []#clear enc_list for temp in temp_list: enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(encrypt(temp,k1,key_size=128))) writer.writerow(enc_list) #write cipher temp_list = each.cipher1.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #write plain temp_list = each.plain1.split(',') enc_list = [] # add key_shares opt_counter = 0 for temp in temp_list: sum = long(base64.b64decode(temp).encode('hex'),16) for ks in key_shares: message1 = each.serial+"a"+str(opt_counter)+"m0" message2 = each.serial+"a"+str(opt_counter)+"m1" #2* 256 = 512 c1 =,message1, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c2 =,message2, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c12 = c1+c2 lc = long(binascii.hexlify(c12), 16) #convert to long sum += lc enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(long_to_bytes(sum))) opt_counter+=1 writer.writerow(enc_list) #write decom temp_list = each.decom1.split(',') enc_list = [] # add key_shares opt_counter = 0 for temp in temp_list: sum = long(base64.b64decode(temp).encode('hex'),16) for ks in key_shares: message1 = each.serial+"a"+str(opt_counter)+"r0" message2 = each.serial+"a"+str(opt_counter)+"r1" #2* 256 = 512 c1 =,message1, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c2 =,message2, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c12 = c1+c2 lc = long(binascii.hexlify(c12), 16) #convert to long sum += lc enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(long_to_bytes(sum))) opt_counter+=1 writer.writerow(enc_list) #do the same for ballot 2 #encrypt codes temp_list = each.codes2.split(',') enc_list = [] for temp in temp_list: enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(encrypt(temp,k1,key_size=128))) writer.writerow(enc_list) #write cipher temp_list = each.cipher2.split(',') writer.writerow(temp_list) #write plain temp_list = each.plain2.split(',') enc_list = []#clear enc_list # add key_shares opt_counter = 0 for temp in temp_list: sum = long(base64.b64decode(temp).encode('hex'),16) for ks in key_shares: message1 = each.serial+"b"+str(opt_counter)+"m0" message2 = each.serial+"b"+str(opt_counter)+"m1" #2* 256 = 512 c1 =,message1, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c2 =,message2, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c12 = c1+c2 lc = long(binascii.hexlify(c12), 16) #convert to long sum += lc enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(long_to_bytes(sum))) opt_counter+=1 writer.writerow(enc_list) #write decom2 temp_list = each.decom2.split(',') enc_list = [] # add key_shares opt_counter = 0 for temp in temp_list: sum = long(base64.b64decode(temp).encode('hex'),16) for ks in key_shares: message1 = each.serial+"b"+str(opt_counter)+"r0" message2 = each.serial+"b"+str(opt_counter)+"r1" #2* 256 = 512 c1 =,message1, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c2 =,message2, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() c12 = c1+c2 lc = long(binascii.hexlify(c12), 16) #convert to long sum += lc enc_list.append(base64.b64encode(long_to_bytes(sum))) opt_counter+=1 writer.writerow(enc_list) #post reply ='abb/'+e.EID+'/upload/',files = {'inputfile':ContentFile(output.getvalue(),name = "init.csv")}, verify=False) #close output.close() return reply