def testGenerateElementsMissingMandatoryField(self):
        schema = [
                'field': 'f0',
                'type': 'int'
                'field': 'f1',
                'type': 'string'
        description = {
            'int_variables': {
                'a': -5,
                'b': 5
            'elements': {
                'elem0': {
                    'f0': 5

            lambda: GenerateElements('MyType', schema, description))
    def testGenerateElements(self):
        schema = [{
            'field': 'f0',
            'type': 'int',
            'default': 1000,
            'optional': True
        }, {
            'field': 'f1',
            'type': 'string'
        }, {
            'field': 'f2',
            'type': 'enum',
            'ctype': 'QuasiBool',
            'default': 'MAYBE',
            'optional': True
        }, {
            'field': 'f3',
            'type': 'array',
            'contents': {
                'type': 'string16'
            'optional': True
        description = {
            'int_variables': {
                'a': -5,
                'b': 5
            'elements': {
                'elem0': {
                    'f0': 5,
                    'f1': 'foo',
                    'f2': 'SURE'
                'elem1': {
                    'f2': 'NOWAY',
                    'f0': -2,
                    'f1': 'bar'
                'elem2': {
                    'f1': 'foo_bar',
                    'f3': [u'bar', u'foo']

        # Build the expected result stream based on the unpredicatble order the
        # dictionary element are listed in.
        int_variable_expected = {
            'a': 'const int a = -5;\n',
            'b': 'const int b = 5;\n',
        elements_expected = {
            'const MyType elem0 = {\n' + '  5,\n' + '  "foo",\n' +
            '  SURE,\n' + '  NULL,\n' + '  0,\n'
            'const MyType elem1 = {\n' + '  -2,\n' + '  "bar",\n' +
            '  NOWAY,\n' + '  NULL,\n' + '  0,\n'
            'const wchar_t* const array_f3[] = {\n' + '  L"bar",\n' +
            '  L"foo",\n' + '};\n' + 'const MyType elem2 = {\n' + '  1000,\n' +
            '  "foo_bar",\n' + '  MAYBE,\n' + '  array_f3,\n' + '  2,\n'
        expected = ''
        for key, value in description['int_variables'].items():
            expected += int_variable_expected[key]
        expected += '\n'
        elements = []
        for key, value in description['elements'].items():
        expected += '\n'.join(elements)

        result = GenerateElements('MyType', schema, description)
        self.assertEquals(expected, result)