Ejemplo n.º 1
def quantity_ques(analysis):
    This function verbalises a question about quantity                               
    Input=class sentence                              Output=sentence

    phrase = []

    #We have to memorise the verb
    verb = other_functions.list_rebuilding(analysis.sv[0].vrb_main[0])

    if analysis.sv:
    #First case : aim is the subject with verb be
        if analysis.sv[0].d_obj == [] and (verb[0] == 'be' or (len(verb) > 1 and verb[1] == 'be')):
            phrase = statement(analysis)
            return ['how', 'much'] + phrase[1:len(phrase) - 1] + ['?']

        #Second case : aim is the subject without verb be
        elif not analysis.sv[0].d_obj:
            return ['how', 'much'] + y_o_question(analysis)

        #Third case : as yes no question without the direct complement
            subject = element_rebuilding.nom_struc_rebuilding(analysis.sn)

            #Same processing with yes no question
            phrase = element_rebuilding.vrb_ques_rebuilding(analysis.sv[0].vrb_tense, analysis.sv[0].vrb_main,
                                                            analysis.sv[0].vrb_adv, analysis.sn, analysis.sv[0].state,

            for x in analysis.sv[0].i_cmpl:
                phrase = phrase + element_rebuilding.indirect_compl_rebuilding(x)

            phrase = phrase + analysis.sv[0].advrb

            flag = 0
            for j in ResourcePool().verb_need_to:
                if analysis.sv[0].vrb_main[0] == j:
                    flag = 1

            for k in analysis.sv[0].sv_sec:
                phrase = element_rebuilding.scd_vrb_rebuilding(k, phrase, flag)

            for s in analysis.sv[0].vrb_sub_sentence:
                phrase = phrase + sub_process(s)

            #processing of the state
            if analysis.sv[0].state == VerbalGroup.negative:
                phrase = phrase[0:2] + subject + phrase[2:]
                phrase = [phrase[0]] + subject + phrase[1:]

            return ['how', 'much'] + analysis.sv[0].d_obj[0].noun + phrase + ['?']
Ejemplo n.º 2
def statement(analysis):
    verbalises a statment                                              
    Input=class sentence                              Output=sentence                

    #Recovering the subject
    phrase = element_rebuilding.nom_struc_rebuilding(analysis.sn)

    if not phrase:
        return []

    if analysis.sv:
        #Recovering the end of the sentence
        phrase = element_rebuilding.end_statement_rebuilding(phrase, analysis.sv, analysis.sn, analysis.data_type,

        #Recovering subsentences
        for s in analysis.sv[0].vrb_sub_sentence:
            phrase = phrase + sub_process(s)

    #Eliminate redundancies if there are
    phrase = other_functions.eliminate_redundancy(phrase)

    #If it is a relative form
    if analysis.data_type == RELATIVE or analysis.data_type.startswith(SUBSENTENCE):
        if phrase[len(phrase) - 1][len(phrase[len(phrase) - 1]) - 1] != ',':
            phrase[len(phrase) - 1] += ','
        return phrase
    if analysis.data_type == W_QUESTION:
        return phrase + ['?']

    #To take of all not useless comma
    while phrase[len(phrase) - 1][len(phrase[len(phrase) - 1]) - 1] == ',':
        phrase[len(phrase) - 1] = phrase[len(phrase) - 1][:len(phrase[len(phrase) - 1]) - 1]
    return phrase + ['.']
Ejemplo n.º 3
def y_o_question(analysis):
    This function verbalises an yes or no question                                   
    Input=class sentence                              Output=sentence                

    phrase = []

    #Recovering the subject
    subject = element_rebuilding.nom_struc_rebuilding(analysis.sn)

    if analysis.sv:
        #Recovering the end of the sentence
        phrase = element_rebuilding.end_question_rebuilding(phrase, analysis.sv, analysis.sn, analysis.aim)

        #We need special processing to find the position of the subject
        if analysis.sv[0].state == VerbalGroup.negative:
            phrase = phrase[0:2] + subject + phrase[2:]
            phrase = [phrase[0]] + subject + phrase[1:]

        #Recovering subsentences
        for s in analysis.sv[0].vrb_sub_sentence:
            phrase = phrase + sub_process(s)
        phrase = subject

    #Eliminate redundancies if there are
    phrase = other_functions.eliminate_redundancy(phrase)

    #If it is a question about the origin
    if analysis.aim == 'origin':
        return phrase + ['from'] + ['?']

    return phrase + ['?']