Ejemplo n.º 1
def _process_subprogram_tag(die, section_offset, M, global_var_data):
    if die.tag != 'DW_TAG_subprogram':

    F = M.funcs.add()
    F.ea = 0
    F.name = get_name(die)
    F.is_entrypoint = 0
    has_frame = False
    frame_regname = ""

    if 'DW_AT_frame_base' in die.attributes:
        frame_attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_frame_base']
        has_frame = True
        loc_expr = "{}".format(
            describe_DWARF_expr(frame_attr.value, die.cu.structs)).split(' ')
        if loc_expr[0][1:][:-1] == "DW_OP_call_frame_cfa":
            lowpc_attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_low_pc']
            #DEBUG("loc_expr {0} {1:x}".format(loc_expr, lowpc_attr.value))
            frame = EH_FRAMES[
                lowpc_attr.value] if lowpc_attr.value in EH_FRAMES else None
            if frame:
                DEBUG("{0:x}, {1}".format(frame['initial_location'], frame))
                for instr in frame.instructions:
                    name = instruction_name(instr.opcode)
                    if name == 'DW_CFA_def_cfa_register':
                        frame_regname = describe_reg_name(
                            instr.args[0], None, False)

    for child in die.iter_children():
        if child.tag != 'DW_TAG_variable':

        stackvar = F.stack_vars.add()
        stackvar.name = get_name(child)
        stackvar.sp_offset = 0
        stackvar.has_frame = has_frame
        stackvar.reg_name = frame_regname
        (type, size, offset) = get_types(child)
        stackvar.size = size if size > 0 else 0

        if 'DW_AT_location' in child.attributes:
            attr = child.attributes['DW_AT_location']
            if attr.form not in ('DW_FORM_data4', 'DW_FORM_data8',
                loc_expr = "{}".format(
                                        child.cu.structs)).split(' ')
                if loc_expr[0][1:][:-1] == 'DW_OP_fbreg':
                    offset = int(loc_expr[1][:-1])
                    stackvar.sp_offset = offset
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_die_mapped_address(die, parser, dwarfinfo):
    """Get the bounding addresses from a DIE variable or subprogram"""
    low = None
    high = None

    if die.tag == "DW_TAG_variable":
        if "DW_AT_location" in die.attributes:
            loc_attr = die.attributes["DW_AT_location"]
            if parser.attribute_has_location(loc_attr, die.cu["version"]):
                loc = parser.parse_from_attribute(loc_attr, die.cu["version"])
                if isinstance(loc, LocationExpr):
                    addr = describe_DWARF_expr(loc.loc_expr, dwarfinfo.structs)

                    matcher = DT_LOCATION.match(addr)
                    if matcher:
                        low = int(matcher.group(1), 16)
                        high = low + 1

    if die.tag == "DW_TAG_subprogram":
        if "DW_AT_low_pc" in die.attributes:
            low = die.attributes["DW_AT_low_pc"].value

            high_pc = die.attributes["DW_AT_high_pc"]
            high_pc_class = describe_form_class(high_pc.form)
            if high_pc_class == "address":
                high = high_pc.value
            elif high_pc_class == "constant":
                high = low + high_pc.value

    return low, high
Ejemplo n.º 3
def process_file(filename):
    print('Processing file:', filename)
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        elffile = ELFFile(f)

        if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
            print('  file has no DWARF info')

        # get_dwarf_info returns a DWARFInfo context object, which is the
        # starting point for all DWARF-based processing in pyelftools.
        dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()

        # The location lists are extracted by DWARFInfo from the .debug_loc
        # section, and returned here as a LocationLists object.
        location_lists = dwarfinfo.location_lists()

        # This is required for the descriptions module to correctly decode
        # register names contained in DWARF expressions.

        # Create a LocationParser object that parses the DIE attributes and
        # creates objects representing the actual location information.
        loc_parser = LocationParser(location_lists)

        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.
            print('  Found a compile unit at offset %s, length %s' %
                  (CU.cu_offset, CU['unit_length']))

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Go over all attributes of the DIE. Each attribute is an
                # AttributeValue object (from elftools.dwarf.die), which we
                # can examine.
                for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                    # Check if this attribute contains location information
                    # pdb.set_trace()
                    if loc_parser.attribute_has_location(attr, CU['version']):
                        var_name = DIE.attributes['DW_AT_name'].value
                        print(' Varname:%s' % (var_name))
                        print('   DIE %s. attr %s.' % (DIE.tag, attr.name))
                        loc = loc_parser.parse_from_attribute(
                            attr, CU['version'])
                        # We either get a list (in case the attribute is a
                        # reference to the .debug_loc section) or a LocationExpr
                        # object (in case the attribute itself contains location
                        # information).
                        if isinstance(loc, LocationExpr):
                            print('      %s' % (describe_DWARF_expr(
                                loc.loc_expr, dwarfinfo.structs)))
                        elif isinstance(loc, list):
                            print(show_loclist(loc, dwarfinfo,
                                               indent='      '))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _process_subprogram_tag(die, section_offset, M, global_var_data):
  if die.tag != 'DW_TAG_subprogram':

  F = M.funcs.add()
  F.ea = 0
  F.name = get_name(die)
  F.is_entrypoint = 0
  has_frame = False
  frame_regname = ""
  if 'DW_AT_frame_base' in die.attributes:
    frame_attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_frame_base']
    has_frame = True
    loc_expr = "{}".format(describe_DWARF_expr(frame_attr.value, die.cu.structs)).split(' ')
    if loc_expr[0][1:][:-1] == "DW_OP_call_frame_cfa":
      lowpc_attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_low_pc']
      #DEBUG("loc_expr {0} {1:x}".format(loc_expr, lowpc_attr.value))
      frame = EH_FRAMES[lowpc_attr.value] if lowpc_attr.value in EH_FRAMES else None
      if frame:
        DEBUG("{0:x}, {1}".format(frame['initial_location'], frame))
        for instr in frame.instructions:
          name = instruction_name(instr.opcode)
          if name == 'DW_CFA_def_cfa_register':
            frame_regname =  describe_reg_name(instr.args[0], None, False)

  for child in die.iter_children():
    if child.tag != 'DW_TAG_variable':
    stackvar = F.stack_vars.add()
    stackvar.name = get_name(child)
    stackvar.sp_offset = 0
    stackvar.has_frame = has_frame
    stackvar.reg_name = frame_regname
    (type, size, offset) = get_types(child)
    stackvar.size = size if size > 0 else 0
    if 'DW_AT_location' in child.attributes:
      attr = child.attributes['DW_AT_location']
      if attr.form not in ('DW_FORM_data4', 'DW_FORM_data8', 'DW_FORM_sec_offset'):
        loc_expr = "{}".format(describe_DWARF_expr(attr.value, child.cu.structs)).split(' ')
        if loc_expr[0][1:][:-1] == 'DW_OP_fbreg':
          offset = int(loc_expr[1][:-1])
          stackvar.sp_offset = offset
Ejemplo n.º 5
def show_loclist(loclist, dwarfinfo, indent):
    """ Display a location list nicely, decoding the DWARF expressions
        contained within.
    d = []
    for loc_entity in loclist:
        if isinstance(loc_entity, LocationEntry):
            d.append('%s <<%s>>' % (
                describe_DWARF_expr(loc_entity.loc_expr, dwarfinfo.structs)))
    return '\n'.join(indent + s for s in d)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def show_loclist(loclist, dwarfinfo, indent):
    """ Display a location list nicely, decoding the DWARF expressions
        contained within.
    d = []
    for loc_entity in loclist:
        if isinstance(loc_entity, LocationEntry):
            d.append('%s <<%s>>' % (
                describe_DWARF_expr(loc_entity.loc_expr, dwarfinfo.structs)))
    return '\n'.join(indent + s for s in d)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def extract_string_variables(elf):
    Find all string variables (char) in all Compilation Units and
    Debug information Entry (DIE) in ELF file.
    dwarf_info = elf.get_dwarf_info()
    loc_lists = dwarf_info.location_lists()
    loc_parser = LocationParser(loc_lists)

    strings = []

    # Loop through all Compilation Units and
    # Debug information Entry (DIE) to extract all string variables
    for compile_unit in dwarf_info.iter_CUs():
        for die in compile_unit.iter_DIEs():
            # Only care about variables with location information
            # and of type "char"
            if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_variable':
                if ('DW_AT_type' in die.attributes
                        and 'DW_AT_location' in die.attributes
                        and is_die_var_const_char(compile_unit, die)):
                    # Extract location information, which is
                    # its address in memory.
                    loc_attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_location']
                    if loc_parser.attribute_has_location(
                            loc_attr, die.cu['version']):
                        loc = loc_parser.parse_from_attribute(
                            loc_attr, die.cu['version'])
                        if isinstance(loc, LocationExpr):
                                addr = describe_DWARF_expr(
                                    loc.loc_expr, dwarf_info.structs)

                                matcher = DT_LOCATION_REGEX.match(addr)
                                if matcher:
                                    addr = int(matcher.group(1), 16)
                                    if addr > 0:
                            except KeyError:

    return strings
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _load_variable(self, die):
        """Load the dwarf variable properties from die"""
        self._name = get_name(die)
        self._dw_type = DWARFCache._get_type_die(die)
        self._size = self._dw_type.size()
        self._type = self._dw_type.type()

        if 'DW_AT_location' in die.attributes:
            attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_location']
            if attr.form not in ('DW_FORM_data4', 'DW_FORM_data8',
                loc_expr = "{}".format(
                    describe_DWARF_expr(attr.value, die.cu.structs)).split(':')
                if loc_expr[0][1:] == 'DW_OP_addr':
                    self._address = int(loc_expr[1][:-1][1:], 16)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _process_variable_tag(die, section_offset, M, global_var_data):
  if die.tag != 'DW_TAG_variable':
  name = get_name(die)
  if 'DW_AT_location' in die.attributes:
    attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_location']
    if attr.form not in ('DW_FORM_data4', 'DW_FORM_data8', 'DW_FORM_sec_offset'):
      loc_expr = "{}".format(describe_DWARF_expr(attr.value, die.cu.structs)).split(':')
      if loc_expr[0][1:] == 'DW_OP_addr':
        memory_ref = int(loc_expr[1][:-1][1:], 16)
        if memory_ref not in  global_var_data:
          global_var_data[memory_ref] = _create_variable_entry(name, die.offset)
          global_var_data[memory_ref]['is_global'] = True
          global_var_data[memory_ref]['addr'] = memory_ref
          (type, size, offset) = get_types(die)
          global_var_data[memory_ref]['type'] = type
          global_var_data[memory_ref]['size'] = size
          DEBUG("{}".format(pprint.pformat(global_var_data[memory_ref])))  # DEBUG_ENABLE
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _process_variable_tag(die, section_offset, M, global_var_data):
    if die.tag != 'DW_TAG_variable':
    name = get_name(die)
    if 'DW_AT_location' in die.attributes:
        attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_location']
        if attr.form not in ('DW_FORM_data4', 'DW_FORM_data8',
            loc_expr = "{}".format(
                describe_DWARF_expr(attr.value, die.cu.structs)).split(':')
            if loc_expr[0][1:] == 'DW_OP_addr':
                memory_ref = int(loc_expr[1][:-1][1:], 16)
                if memory_ref not in global_var_data:
                    global_var_data[memory_ref] = _create_variable_entry(
                        name, die.offset)
                    global_var_data[memory_ref]['is_global'] = True
                    global_var_data[memory_ref]['addr'] = memory_ref
                    (type, size, offset) = get_types(die)
                    global_var_data[memory_ref]['type'] = type
                    global_var_data[memory_ref]['size'] = size
                            global_var_data[memory_ref])))  # DEBUG_ENABLE
Ejemplo n.º 11
# please ignore it!
from __future__ import print_function

import sys, pprint
from elftools.elf.structs import ELFStructs
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from elftools.elf.sections import *

from elftools.elf.relocation import *

stream = open('test/testfiles/exe_simple64.elf', 'rb')

efile = ELFFile(stream)
print('elfclass', efile.elfclass)
print('===> %s sections!' % efile.num_sections())

dinfo = efile.get_dwarf_info()
from elftools.dwarf.locationlists import LocationLists
from elftools.dwarf.descriptions import describe_DWARF_expr
llists = LocationLists(dinfo.debug_loc_sec.stream, dinfo.structs)
for loclist in llists.iter_location_lists():
    print('----> loclist!')
    for li in loclist:
        print(describe_DWARF_expr(li.loc_expr, dinfo.structs))

Ejemplo n.º 12
def die_info_rec(dwarfinfo,
    """ A recursive function for showing information about a DIE and its

    children_in_struct = False
    children_in_enum = False
    child_indent = indent_level + '  '

    # # depth_key_func = lambda die: 1 + depth_key_func(die_get_type(die) if die_get_type(die) else 0)
    # if die.tag not in ['DW_TAG_structure_type', 'DW_TAG_union_type']:
    #     die._children = sorted( die._children, key = depth_key_func)

    if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_structure_type':
        assert (not in_struct)

        if die._children:
                (indent_level + 'struct(%d) %s\n' + indent_level + '{\n') %
                (die_get_byte_size(die), die_get_name_repr(die)))
            children_in_struct = True

    elif die.tag == 'DW_TAG_union_type':
        assert (not in_struct)

            (indent_level + 'union(%d) %s\n' + indent_level + '{\n') %
            (die_get_byte_size(die), die_get_name_repr(die)))
        children_in_struct = True

    elif die.tag == die.tag == 'DW_TAG_typedef':
        type_name = die_get_name_repr(die)
        basetype = die_get_type_info(die)
        if basetype:
            basetype_name = basetype.name

            # No need to re-typedef structre with same name (as if struct X typedefed as X)
            if basetype.name != type_name or basetype.array_indices_repr:
                output_file.write('%stypedef %s%s %s\n' %
                                  (indent_level, basetype.name,
                                   basetype.array_indices_repr, type_name))

    elif die.tag == 'DW_TAG_member':
        member_name = die_get_name_repr(die)

        type = die_get_type_info(die)

        # This should always be the case
        assert (type)

        if type.is_ptr:
            if not print_pointers:
            # ptr_str = ' *'
            ptr_str = ''
            # comment_str = '// '
            comment_str = ''
            ptr_str = ''
            comment_str = ''

        if 'DW_AT_bit_offset' in die.attributes_dict:
            bit_offset = die.attributes_dict['DW_AT_bit_offset']['value']
            # TODO
            # (Very rarely) Some structures have a HUGE offset for some reason
            # Why? Can GCC be trusted? Maybe it's in some other represenation?
            # Are DW_FORM_data1 and DW_FORM_data8 different?
            # dwarfdump -a also shows the same number
            # if bit_offset > 100:
            #     pdb.set_trace()
            bit_offset_str = '.' + str(bit_offset)
            bit_offset = 0
            bit_offset_str = ''

        if 'DW_AT_data_member_location' in die.attributes_dict:
            # I must use GenericExprVisitor instead of this
            # This handles only a specific case
            # Which GDB appears to solely rely upon
            # When generating structure member offsets
            byte_offset = re.match(
                '\(DW_OP_plus_uconst: (\d+)\)',
            total_offset = (int(byte_offset) * 8) + bit_offset
            offset_str = str(byte_offset + bit_offset_str + ' ')
            offset_str = ''

        output_file.write('%s%s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s\n' %
                          (indent_level, comment_str, offset_str, type.name,
                           ptr_str, member_name, type.array_indices_repr,
                           die_get_type_size_str(die, is_member=True), ''))

    elif die.tag == 'DW_TAG_base_type':
        type_name = die_get_name_repr(die)
        type_size = die_get_byte_size(die)
        if ' ' in type_name:
            type_name = '"' + type_name + '"'

        output_file.write('%stypedef %s(%s) %s\n' %
                          (indent_level, die_get_modtype(die),
                           die_get_type_size_str(die), type_name))

    for child in die.iter_children():
        die_info_rec(dwarfinfo, output_file, child, children_in_struct,
                     child_indent, print_pointers)

    if children_in_struct or children_in_enum:
        output_file.write(indent_level + '}\n')
Ejemplo n.º 13
# please ignore it!
from __future__ import print_function

import sys, pprint
from elftools.elf.structs import ELFStructs
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from elftools.elf.sections import *

from elftools.elf.relocation import *

stream = open('test/testfiles/exe_simple64.elf', 'rb')

efile = ELFFile(stream)
print('elfclass', efile.elfclass)
print('===> %s sections!' % efile.num_sections())

dinfo = efile.get_dwarf_info()
from elftools.dwarf.locationlists import LocationLists
from elftools.dwarf.descriptions import describe_DWARF_expr
llists = LocationLists(dinfo.debug_loc_sec.stream, dinfo.structs)
for loclist in llists.iter_location_lists():
    print('----> loclist!')
    for li in loclist:
        print(describe_DWARF_expr(li.loc_expr, dinfo.structs))