Ejemplo n.º 1
    def match ( self , txt , pnc , nxt ):

        compare a punctuation mark and its context with a pattern

            self  -
            txt   - list of text chars up to and including punctuation char
            pnc   - punctuation char
            nxt   - single char after punctuation

            True on match, False otherwise

#       print 'matching for txt=' , txt , 'pnc=' , pnc , 'nxt=' , nxt

#       print 'lstg=' , self.lstg
        if not pnc in self.lstg:  # get stored patterns for punctuation
            return False

        lp = self.lstg[pnc]

#       print len(lp) , 'patterns'

        txl = txt[-self.maxl:] if len(txt) > self.maxl else txt

        txs = map(lambda x: x.lower(),txl) # actual left context for matching

        lt = len(txs)             # its length

#       print 'txs= ' + unicode(txs) + ' pnc= [' + pnc + '] nxt=[' + nxt + ']'

        for p in lp:              # try matching each pattern

            if p.left != None:

                n = len(p.left)   # assume each pattern element must match one sequence char
#               print 'n=' , n , 'p=' , unicode(p)
                if n > lt:
                    continue      # fail immediately because of impossibility of match
                t = txs if n == lt else txs[-n:]
#               print 'left pat=' , '[' + ellyWildcard.deconvert(p.left) + ']'
#               print 'versus t=' , t
                if not ellyWildcard.match(p.left,t,0):
#                   print 'no left match'
                if n < lt and ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(t[0]):
                    if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(txs[-n-1]):
                        continue  # fail because of no break in text

#           nc = '\\n' if nxt == '\n' else nxt
#           print 'right pat=' , '[' + ellyWildcard.deconvert(p.right) + ']'
#           print 'versus c=' , nc

            if p.right == []:
                return True
            pcx = p.right[0]
            if pcx == nxt:                     # check for specific char after possible stop
#               print 'right=' , nxt
                return True
            if pcx == ellyWildcard.cCAN:       # check for nonalphanumeric
                if nxt == u'' or not ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(nxt):
#                   print 'right nonalphanumeric=' , nxt
                    return True
            if pcx == ellyWildcard.cSPC:       # check for white space
#               print 'looking for space'
                if nxt == u'' or nxt == u' ' or nxt == u'\n':
#                   print 'right space'
                    return True
#           print 'last check'
            if p.right == u'.':                # check for any punctuation
                if not ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(nxt) and not ellyChar.isWhiteSpace(nxt):
#                   print 'right punc=' , nxt
                    return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def match ( self , segm , tree ):

        compare text segment against FSA patterns

            self  -
            segm  - segment to match against
            tree  - parse tree in which to put leaf nodes for final matches

            text length matched by FSA

#       print 'comparing' , segm

        if len(self.indx) == 0: return 0  # no matches if FSA is empty

        lim = bound(segm)                 # get limit for matching

        mtl  = 0        # accumulated match length
        mtls = 0        # saved final match length

        state = 0       # set to mandatory initial state for FSA

        stk = [ ]       # for tracking multiple possible matches

        ls = self.indx[state]
        ix = 0
        sg = segm[:lim] # text subsegment for matching
        capd = False if len(sg) == 0 else ellyChar.isUpperCaseLetter(sg[0])

        while True:                 # run FSA to find all possible matches
#           print 'state=' , state
#           print 'count=' , mtl , 'matched so far'
#           print 'links=' , len(ls)
            nls = len(ls)           # how many links from current state

            if ix == nls:           # if none, then must back up
                if len(stk) == 0: break
                r = stk.pop()       # restore match status
                state = r[0]        # FSA state
                ls  = r[1]          # remaining links to check
                sg  = r[2]          # input string
                mtl = r[3]          # total match length
                ix = 0

            m = 0
            while ix < nls:
                lk = ls[ix]         # get next link at current state
                ix += 1             # and increment link index
#               print 'lk= [' , unicode(lk), '] , sg=' , sg
                if lk.patn == u'\x00': # do state change without matching?
                    m = 0           # no match length
#                   print 'match lk=' , unicode(lk) , 'sg=' , sg
                    bds = ellyWildcard.match(lk.patn,sg)
                    if bds == None: continue
#                   print 'bds=' , bds

                    m = bds[0]      # get match length, ignore wildcard bindings

                    if lk.nxts < 0: # final state?
#                       print 'flags=' , lk.synf , '/' , lk.semf
                        if tree.addLiteralPhraseWithSemantics(lk.catg,lk.synf,lk.semf,lk.bias,
                                                              cap=capd): # make phrase
                            mtls = mtl + m
                            tree.lastph.lens = mtls                      # save its length
#                           print 'match state=' , state , 'length=' , mtls
#                       else:
#                           print 'lastph=' , tree.lastph
#                           print 'seg=' , sg
#                           print 'cat=' , lk.catg, 'synf=' , lk.synf

#               print 'ix=' , ix , 'nls=' , nls
                if ix < nls:        # any links not yet checked?
                    r = [ state , ls[ix:] , sg , mtl ]
#                   print 'r=' , r
                    stk.append(r)   # if not, save info for later continuation

                mtl += m            # update match length
                break               # leave loop at this state, go to next state
#               print 'no matches'
                continue            # all patterns exhausted for state

            ix = 0
            sg = sg[m:]             # move up in text input
            state = lk.nxts         # next state
            if state < 0:
                ls = [ ]
                ls = self.indx[state]
#           print 'sg=' , sg
#           print 'state=' , state
#           print 'len(ls)=' , len(ls)

        return mtls
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def match ( self , txt , pnc , nxt ):

        compare a punctuation mark and its context with a pattern

            self  -
            txt   - list of text chars up to and including punctuation char
            pnc   - punctuation char
            nxt   - single char after punctuation

            True on match, False otherwise

        self.noteBracketing(pnc)  # just in case this is bracketing

        if not pnc in self.lstg:  # get stored patterns for punctuation
            return False

        lp = self.lstg[pnc]

        txl = txt[-self.maxl:] if len(txt) > self.maxl else txt
        txs = map(lambda x: x.lower(),txl) # actual left context for matching

#       print 'txs= ' + str(txs) + ' pnc= [' + pnc + '] nxt=[' + nxt + ']'

        lt = len(txs)             # its length

#       print len(lp) , 'patterns'

        for p in lp:              # try matching each pattern

            if p.left != None:
                n = len(p.left)   # assume each pattern element must match one sequence char
#               print n , 'pattern elements' , lt , 'chars'
                if n > lt:
                    continue      # fail immediately because of impossibility of match
                if n < lt and ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(txs[-n-1]):
                    continue      # fail because of text to match is after alphanumeric
                t = txs if n == lt else txs[-n:]
#               print 'pat=' , '[' + ellyWildcard.deconvert(p.left) + ']'
                if not ellyWildcard.match(p.left,t,0):

#           nc = '\\n' if nxt == '\n' else nxt
#           print 'nxt=' , '[' + nc + ']'
#           print 'pat=' , '[' + ellyWildcard.deconvert(p.right) + ']'
#           if len(p.right) > 0: print '    ' ,  ord(p.right)

            if p.right == u'' or p.right == nxt: # check for specific char after possible stop
                return True
            if p.right == ellyWildcard.cCAN:     # check for nonalphanumeric
                if nxt == u'' or not  ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(nxt):
                    return True
            if p.right == ellyWildcard.cSPC:     # check for white space
#               print 'looking for space'
                if nxt == u'' or nxt == u' ' or nxt == u'\n':
                    return True
            if p.right == u'.':                  # check for any punctuation
                if not ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(nxt) and not ellyChar.isWhiteSpace(nxt):
                    return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _match ( self , rule ):

        compare a macro pattern to input text and substitute on match
        (easier to do both in one method because of match bindings)

            self  -
            rule  - [ pattern , spaces , rewriting ]

            True if matched and substituted, False otherwise

        capital = self.isCapital()   # starts with capital?

        pattern = rule[0]            # split up macro substitution rule
        spaces  = rule[1]            #
        rewrite = rule[2]            #

#       print 'pattern=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(pattern)
#       print 'text   =' , self.buffer

        lim = len(self.buffer)       # limit on any expansion after match

#       print 'lim=' , lim

        mbd = ellyWildcard.match(pattern,self.buffer,0,lim,spaces) # try to match
#       print 'match=' , not (mbd == None)
        if mbd == None: return False                               # if no match bindings, stop

        mbl = len(mbd)               # limit on wildcard bindings from match

#       print 'mbl=' ,mbl

        # compile substitution for matched macro

        mr = 0                       # index variable for rewriting
        me = len(rewrite)            # limit

#       print "rewrite len=",me,rewrite

        ob = [ ]                     # for substitution output

        while mr < me:               # iterate on rewrite

            c = rewrite[mr]          # next char in rewrite
#           print '_match c=' , c
            mr += 1

            if c != u'\\':           # literal char
                ob.append(c)         # if so, put into output
            elif mr < me:            # otherwise, look for binding index
                x = rewrite[mr]      # index must be single digit
                    k = int(x)
#                   print "binding:" , '\\' + x , mbl
                    if k < mbl:
                        r = mbd[k]   # get bind record
                        ob.extend(self.buffer[r[0]:r[1]]) # add bound chars to output
                except ValueError:
                    ob.append(ellyChar.SPC)               # otherwise treat as spac
                mr += 1              # skip over char after \
                ob.append(c)         # no index number, save \

#       print "ob:",ob

        # copy substitution back

        nm = mbd[0]                      # number of chars matched
        self.buffer = self.buffer[nm:]   # remove them from buffer

#       print "remainder:",self.buffer

        if self.atToken():
            self.prepend(ellyChar.SPC)   # insert space if none already there
        self.prepend(ob)                 # put substitution into input buffer at start
#       print "after:",    self.buffer

        if capital:                      # restore any capitalization

        return True                      # successful match
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _match(self, rule):
        compare a macro pattern to input text and substitute on match
        (easier to do both in one method because of match bindings)

            self  -
            rule  - [ pattern , spaces , rewriting ]

            True if matched and substituted, False otherwise

        capital = self.isCapital()  # starts with capital?

        pattern = rule[0]  # split up macro substitution rule
        spaces = rule[1]  #
        rewrite = rule[2]  #

        #       print ( 'pattern=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(pattern) )
        #       print ( 'text   =' , self.buffer )

        lim = len(self.buffer)  # limit on any expansion after match

        #       print ( 'lim=' , lim )

        mbd = ellyWildcard.match(pattern, self.buffer, 0, lim,
                                 spaces)  # try to match
        #       print ( 'match=' , not (mbd == None) )
        if mbd == None: return False  # if no match bindings, stop

        mbl = len(mbd)  # limit on wildcard bindings from match

        #       print ( 'mbl=' ,mbl )

        # compile substitution for matched macro

        mr = 0  # index variable for rewriting
        me = len(rewrite)  # limit

        #       print ( "rewrite len=",me,rewrite )

        ob = []  # for substitution output

        while mr < me:  # iterate on rewrite

            c = rewrite[mr]  # next char in rewrite
            #           print ( '_match c=' , c )
            mr += 1

            if c != '\\':  # literal char
                ob.append(c)  # if so, put into output
            elif mr < me:  # otherwise, look for binding index
                x = rewrite[mr]  # index must be single digit
                    k = int(x)
                    #                   print ( "binding:" , '\\' + x , mbl )
                    if k < mbl:
                        r = mbd[k]  # get bind record
                                  )  # add bound chars to output
                except ValueError:
                    ob.append(ellyChar.SPC)  # otherwise treat as spac
                mr += 1  # skip over char after \
                ob.append(c)  # no index number, save \

#       print ( "ob:",ob )

# copy substitution back

        nm = mbd[0]  # number of chars matched
        self.buffer = self.buffer[nm:]  # remove them from buffer

        #       print ( "remainder:",self.buffer )

        if self.atToken():
            self.prepend(ellyChar.SPC)  # insert space if none already there
        self.prepend(ob)  # put substitution into input buffer at start
        #       print ( "after:",    self.buffer )

        if capital:  # restore any capitalization

        return True  # successful match
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def match(self, txt, pnc, ctx):
        compare a punctuation mark and its context with a pattern

            self  -
            txt   - list of text chars leading up to punctuation char
            pnc   - punctuation char
            ctx   - next chars after punctuation

            True on match, False otherwise

        #       print ( 'matching for txt=' , txt , 'pnc= [' , pnc , ' ] ctx=' , ctx )

        if matchtoo(txt, pnc, ctx):  # exception by complex match?
            return True
#       print ( 'matchtoo() returned False' )

        sep = ctx[0] if len(ctx) > 0 else ''
        if sep == ellyChar.THS:
            return True
        nxt = ctx[1] if len(ctx) > 1 else ''

        #       print ( 'lstg=' , self.lstg.keys() )
        if not pnc in self.lstg:  # get stored patterns for punctuation
            return False

        lp = self.lstg[pnc]

        #       print ( len(lp) , 'patterns' )

        ltx = len(txt)  # current length of accumulated text so far
        ntr = 1
        while ntr <= ltx:
            if not ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(txt[-ntr]):
            ntr += 1
        nrg = ntr
        ntr -= 1  # available trailing chars for  wildcard * match

        while nrg <= ltx:
            c = txt[-nrg]
            if not ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(
                    c) and not ellyChar.isEmbeddedCombining(c):
                #               print ( 'break at nrg=' , nrg , txt[-nrg] )
            nrg += 1
        nrg -= 1  # end of range for all pattern matching

        #       print ( 'ntr=' , ntr , 'nrg=' , nrg )

        txt = txt[-nrg:]  # reset text to limit for matching
        ltx = len(txt)  # its new length

        #       print ( 'txt= ' + str(txt) + ' pnc= [' + pnc + '] nxt=[' + nxt + ']' )

        for p in lp:  # try matching each listed exception pattern

            if p.left != None and len(p.left) > 0:

                pat = p.left
                star = pat[-1] == ellyWildcard.cALL
                n = len(
                    pat)  # it each pattern element matches one sequence char
                if star:  # except for a final wildcard *
                    #                   print ( 'pattern ending with *' )
                    n -= 1
                    #                   print ( 'ltx=' , ltx , 'n=' , n )
                    if ltx < n:
                        continue  # cannot match pattern properly
                    pat = pat[:-1]
                    t = txt[:n]
                    if ltx < n:
                        continue  # cannot match pattern properly
                    t = txt[-n:]

                if not ellyWildcard.match(pat, t, 0):
                    #                   print ( 'no possible pattern match' )

                k = ltx - n  # extra chars beyond any match
                #               print ( 'k=' , k , 't=' , t )
                #               print ( 'txt=' , txt )
                #               print ( 'pat=' , '[' + ellyWildcard.deconvert(pat) + ']' )
                #               print ( 'matches' , n , 'chars' )
                if not star and k > 0:
                    #                   print ( 'check text before [' , txt[-n] , ']' )
                    if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(txt[-n]):
                        c = txt[-n - 1]
                        #                       print ( 'preceding= [', c , ']' )
                        if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(c) or c == '&':
                            continue  # because break in text is required

#           print ( 'pat=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(p.left) )
#           print ( 'n=' , n , 'ltx=' , ltx )
#           print ( 'txt=' , txt )

#           nc = '\\n' if nxt == '\n' else nxt
#           print ( 'right pat=' , '[' + ellyWildcard.deconvert(p.right) + ']' )
#           print ( 'versus c=' , nc )

            rp = p.right
            if rp == [] or rp[0] == ellyWildcard.cALL:
                return True
            pcx = rp[0]
            if pcx == nxt:  # check for specific char after possible stop )
                #               print ( 'right=' , nxt )
                return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cALF:  # check for alphabetic
                if ellyChar.isLetter(nxt):
                    #                   print ( 'right is alphabetic=' , nxt )
                    return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cDIG:  # check for numeric
                if ellyChar.isDigit(nxt):
                    #                   print ( 'right is numeric=' , nxt 0
                    return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cUPR:  # check for upper case
                if ellyChar.isUpperCaseLetter(nxt):
                    return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cLWR:  # check for lower case
                if ellyChar.isLowerCaseLetter(nxt):
                    return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cCAN:  # check for non-alphanumeric
                if ellyChar.isLetter(nxt):
                    #                   print ( 'right is alphabetic=' , nxt )
                    return True

#       print ( "no matches" )
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def match(self, segm, tree):
        compare text segment against all FSA patterns from state 0

            self  -
            segm  - segment to match against
            tree  - parse tree in which to put leaf nodes for final matches

            text length matched by FSA

        #       print 'comparing' , segm

        if len(self.indx) == 0: return 0  # no matches if FSA is empty

        if len(segm) == 0: return 0  # string is empty

        lim = bound(segm)  # get text limit for matching

        mtl = 0  # accumulated match length
        mtls = 0  # saved final match length

        state = 0  # set to mandatory initial state for FSA

        stk = []  # for tracking possible multiple matches

        ls = self.indx[state]  # for state 0!
        ix = 0  # index into current possible transitions
        sg = segm[:lim]  # text subsegment for matching
        #       print 'initial sg=' , sg
        #       print len(ls) , 'transitions from state 0'
        capd = False if len(sg) == 0 else ellyChar.isUpperCaseLetter(sg[0])

        while True:  # run FSA to find all possible matches
            #           print 'state=' , state
            #           print 'count=' , mtl , 'matched so far'
            #           print 'links=' , len(ls) , 'ix=' , ix
            nls = len(ls)  # how many links from current state

            if ix == nls:  # if none, then must back up
                if len(stk) == 0: break
                r = stk.pop()  # restore match status
                #               print 'pop r= [' , r[0] , r[1][0].shortcode() , ']'
                state = r[0]  # FSA state
                ls = r[1]  # remaining links to check
                sg = r[2]  # input string
                mtl = r[3]  # total match length
                ix = 0
                #               print 'pop sg=' , sg

#           print 'substring to match, sg=' , sg , 'nls=' , nls
            m = 0
            while ix < nls:
                lk = ls[ix]  # get next link at current state
                ix += 1  # and increment link index
                #               print '@' , state , 'lk= [' , unicode(lk), ']' , 'ix=' , ix
                #               print 'patn=' , lk.patn
                po = lk.patn[0]
                if po == u'\x00':  # do state change without matching?
                    m = 0  # no match length
                elif po != ellyWildcard.cEND:
                    #                   print 'po=' , po
                    bds = ellyWildcard.match(lk.patn, sg)
                    #                   print 'bds=' , bds
                    if bds == None: continue
                    m = bds[0]  # get match length, ignore wildcard bindings
                elif (len(sg) > 0 and (ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(sg[0])
                                       or sg[0] == ellyChar.PRME)):
                    #                   print 'unmatched solitary $'
                    #                   print 'matched solitary $, state=' , state
                    m = 0

#               print 'm=' , m

                if lk.nxts < 0:  # final state?
                    if lk.nxts == -2: m = 0  # last part of match not counted
                    #                   print 'state=' , state , unicode(lk)
                    #                   print 'flags=' , lk.synf , '/' , lk.semf
                    if tree.addLiteralPhraseWithSemantics(
                            lk.catg, lk.synf, lk.semf, lk.bias,
                            cap=capd):  # make phrase
                        ml = mtl + m
                        if mtls < ml: mtls = ml
                        #                       print 'success!' , 'mtls=' , mtls
                        tree.lastph.lens = mtls  # save its length
#                       print 'match state=' , state , 'length=' , mtls

#               print 'ix=' , ix , 'nls=' , nls
                if ix < nls:  # any links not yet checked?
                    r = [state, ls[ix:], sg, mtl]
                    #                   print 'saved r= ' , state ,
                    #                   print [ x.shortcode() for x in ls[ix:] ]
                    stk.append(r)  # if not, save info for later continuation

                mtl += m  # update match length
                break  # leave loop at this state, go to next state
                #               print 'no matches'
                continue  # all patterns exhausted for state

            ix = 0
            sg = sg[m:]  # move up in text input
            state = lk.nxts  # next state
            if state < 0:
                ls = []
                ls = self.indx[state]
#           print 'sg=' , sg
#           print 'state=' , state
#           print 'len(ls)=' , len(ls)

#       print 'mtls=' , mtls
        return mtls
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def match ( self , txt , pnc , ctx ):

        compare a punctuation mark and its context with a pattern

            self  -
            txt   - list of text chars leading up to punctuation char
            pnc   - punctuation char
            ctx   - next chars after punctuation

            True on match, False otherwise

#       print 'matching for txt=' , txt , 'pnc= [' , pnc , ' ] ctx=' , ctx

        if matchtoo(txt,pnc,ctx):     # exception by complex match?
            return True
#       print 'matchtoo() returned False'

        sep = ctx[0] if len(ctx) > 0 else ''
        if sep == ellyChar.THS:
            return True
        nxt = ctx[1] if len(ctx) > 1 else ''

#       print 'lstg=' , self.lstg.keys()
        if not pnc in self.lstg:     # get stored patterns for punctuation
            return False

        lp = self.lstg[pnc]

#       print len(lp) , 'patterns'

        ltx = len(txt)               # current length of accumulated text so far
        ntr = 1
        while ntr <= ltx:
            if not ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(txt[-ntr]):
            ntr += 1
        nrg = ntr
        ntr -= 1                     # available trailing chars for  wildcard * match

        while nrg <= ltx:
            c = txt[-nrg]
            if not ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(c) and not ellyChar.isEmbeddedCombining(c):
#               print 'break at nrg=' , nrg , txt[-nrg]
            nrg += 1
        nrg -= 1                     # end of range for all pattern matching

#       print 'ntr=' , ntr , 'nrg=' , nrg

        txt = txt[-nrg:]             # reset text to limit for matching
        ltx = len(txt)               # its new length

#       print 'txt= ' + unicode(txt) + ' pnc= [' + pnc + '] nxt=[' + nxt + ']'

        for p in lp:                 # try matching each listed exception pattern

            if p.left != None and len(p.left) > 0:

                pat = p.left
                star = pat[-1] == ellyWildcard.cALL
                n = len(pat)         # it each pattern element matches one sequence char
                if star:             # except for a final wildcard *
#                   print 'pattern ending with *'
                    n -= 1
#                   print 'ltx=' , ltx , 'n=' , n
                    if ltx < n:
                        continue     # cannot match pattern properly
                    pat = pat[:-1]
                    t = txt[:n]
                    if ltx < n:
                        continue     # cannot match pattern properly
                    t = txt[-n:]

                if not ellyWildcard.match(pat,t,0):
#                   print 'no possible pattern match'

                k = ltx - n          # extra chars beyond any match
#               print 'k=' , k , 't=' , t
#               print 'txt=' , txt
#               print 'pat=' , '[' + ellyWildcard.deconvert(pat) + ']'
#               print 'matches' , n , 'chars'
                if not star and k > 0:
#                   print 'check text before [' , txt[-n] , ']'
                    if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(txt[-n]):
                        c = txt[-n-1]
#                       print 'preceding= [', c , ']'
                        if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(c) or c == '&':
                            continue # because break in text is required

#           print 'pat=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(p.left)
#           print 'n=' , n , 'ltx=' , ltx
#           print 'txt=' , txt

#           nc = '\\n' if nxt == '\n' else nxt
#           print 'right pat=' , '[' + ellyWildcard.deconvert(p.right) + ']'
#           print 'versus c=' , nc

            rp = p.right
            if rp == [] or rp[0] == ellyWildcard.cALL:
                return True
            pcx = rp[0]
            if pcx == nxt:                     # check for specific char after possible stop
#               print 'right=' , nxt
                return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cALF:     # check for alphabetic
                if ellyChar.isLetter(nxt):
#                   print 'right is alphabetic=' , nxt
                    return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cDIG:     # check for numeric
                if ellyChar.isDigit(nxt):
#                   print 'right is numeric=' , nxt
                    return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cUPR:     # check for upper case
                if ellyChar.isUpperCaseLetter(nxt):
                    return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cLWR:     # check for lower case
                if ellyChar.isLowerCaseLetter(nxt):
                    return True
            elif pcx == ellyWildcard.cCAN:     # check for non-alphanumeric
                if ellyChar.isLetter(nxt):
#                   print 'right is alphabetic=' , nxt
                    return True

#       print "no matches"
        return False