Ejemplo n.º 1
async def test_authenticate(client):
    data = {
        'platform': PLATFORM,
        'timestamp': TIMESTAMP,
        'signature': VALID_SIGNATURE
    r = await client.post('/authenticate', data=encoding.encode(data))
    assert r.status == 201
    r = encoding.decode(await r.read())
    assert isinstance(r, dict)
    assert list(r.keys()) == ['key']
    assert r['key'].startswith('foobar.com:2461536000:')
    assert len(r['key']) == 86
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: push.py Proyecto: em-2/em2
 async def _authenticate_direct(self, domain, data):
     url = 'https://{}/authenticate'.format(domain)
     # TODO more error checks
         async with self.session.post(url, data=encoding.encode(data), headers=JSON_HEADER) as r:
             body = await r.read()
     except aiohttp.ClientOSError as e:
         # generally "could not resolve host" or "connection refused",
         # the exception is fairly useless at giving specifics
         raise ConnectionError('cannot connect to "{}"'.format(url)) from e
         if r.status != 201:
             raise FailedOutboundAuthentication('{} response {} != 201, response: {}'.format(url, r.status, body))
     data = encoding.decode(body)
     return data['key']
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: em-2/em2
async def act(request):
    auth, platform = await _check_token(request)

    body_data = await request.read()

        timezone = pytz.timezone(request.headers.get('timezone', 'utc'))
    except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError as e:
        raise HTTPBadRequestStr(e.args[0]) from e

        obj = encoding.decode(body_data, tz=timezone)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise HTTPBadRequestStr('Error Decoding msgpack: {}'.format(e)) from e

    if not isinstance(obj, dict):
        raise HTTPBadRequestStr('request data is not a dictionary')

    v = Validator(ACT_SCHEMA)
    if not v(obj):
        raise HTTPBadRequestStr(json.dumps(v.errors, sort_keys=True))

    address = obj.pop('address')
    address_domain = address[address.index('@') + 1:]
        await auth.check_domain_platform(address_domain, platform)
    except DomainPlatformMismatch as e:
        raise HTTPForbiddenStr(e.args[0]) from e

    conversation = request.match_info['conv']
    component = request.match_info['component']
    verb = request.match_info['verb']
    item = request.match_info['item'] or None

    timestamp = obj.pop('timestamp')

    kwargs = obj.pop('kwargs', {})
    action = Action(address, conversation, verb, component, item=item, timestamp=timestamp,
                    event_id=obj['event_id'], parent_event_id=obj.get('parent_event_id'))
    controller = request.app['controller']
        response = await controller.act(action, **kwargs)
    except Em2Exception as e:
        raise HTTPBadRequestStr('{}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))

    body = encoding.encode(response) if response else b'\n'
    return web.Response(body=body, status=201, content_type=encoding.MSGPACK_CONTENT_TYPE)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: em-2/em2
async def authenticate(request):
    logger.info('authentication request from %s', get_ip(request))

    body_data = await request.read()
        obj = encoding.decode(body_data)
    except ValueError as e:
        logger.info('bad request: invalid msgpack data')
        raise HTTPBadRequestStr('error decoding data: {}'.format(e)) from e

    if not v(obj):
        raise HTTPBadRequestStr(json.dumps(v.errors, sort_keys=True))

    auth = request.app['authenticator']
        key = await auth.authenticate_platform(obj['platform'], obj['timestamp'], obj['signature'])
    except FailedInboundAuthentication as e:
        raise HTTPBadRequestStr(e.args[0]) from e
    return web.Response(body=encoding.encode({'key': key}), status=201, content_type=encoding.MSGPACK_CONTENT_TYPE)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 async def request(self, method, uri, *args, **kwargs):
     url = BASE_URL + uri
     print(f'{method}: {url}')
     func = {
         'get': self.session.get,
         'post': self.session.post,
     async with func(url, *args, **kwargs) as r:
         print(f'status: {r.status}')
         for k, v in r.headers.items():
             print(f'  {k:15}: {v}')
         ct = r.headers.get('Content-Type')
         if 'text/' in ct:
             content = await r.text()
             print(f'response: {content}')
         elif 'application/msgpack' in ct:
             content = await r.read()
             content = encoding.decode(content)
             print(f'response: {content}')
             content = await r.read()
             print(f'raw response: {content}')
     return content