Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_minor_minimal_from_list(labels):
    new_labels = []
    # non_embedable_dic = {label: False for label in labels}
    embed_problems_list = []
    t0 = time()
    counter = 0
    all_counter = 0
    new_non_embedding = []
    for label in labels:
        # not_valid = False
        all_embed = True
        curr_graph = GraphMinor.from_sage_graph_label(label)
        list_edge_contracted_removed = curr_graph.get_list_of_minors() + curr_graph.get_list_of_1_edge_removed()
        del curr_graph
        # print "now analyzing label " + label + "\n"
        for temp_graph in list_edge_contracted_removed:
            # t1 = time()
            # print "t1: " + str(t1-t0)
            # print "current temp_graph ", temp_graph
            # print "temp_graph: ", temp_graph.getCanonicalLabel()
            # if temp_graph.getCanonicalLabel() in non_embedable_dic:
            #     break
            embed_status = embeddingtest.graph_embeds(temp_graph.get_gembed_format())
            if embed_status == False:
                # non_embedable_dic[temp_graph.getCanonicalLabel()] = False
                curr_new_label = temp_graph.getCanonicalLabel()
                if curr_new_label not in labels and curr_new_label not in new_non_embedding:
                # break
                # not_valid = True
                all_embed = False
            elif embed_status == None:
        # else:
            # new_labels.append(label)
            # counter += 1
        for temp_graph in list_edge_contracted_removed: del temp_graph
        del list_edge_contracted_removed
        # if not not_valid:
        if all_embed:
            counter += 1
            print "found another one! up to " + str(counter) + " graphs now!"

        all_counter += 1    

    t1 = time()    
    print all_counter, "labels analyzed in t1: " + str(t1-t0)
    print counter, " labels have been added to the list"
    return [new_labels, list(set(new_non_embedding))]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    import embeddingtest

    # dirOutput = os.getcwd()
    # folders = dirOutput.split('/')
    # dirOutput = dirOutput.strip(folders[-1])
    # dirOutput = dirOutput + "output/"
    # filename = "labels-8262"
    # labels_list = pickle.load( open( dirOutput + filename, "rb" ) )
    # # print labels_list
    # g = GraphMinor.from_sage_graph_label(labels_list[0])
    g = GraphMinor.from_sage_graph_label("I?TcdB?Nw")
    print "g: ", g
    print "g: ", relabel_edge_list(g.edge_list)[1]
    print g.get_gembed_format()
    print "embeddingtest: " + str(embeddingtest.graph_embeds(g.get_gembed_format()))