Ejemplo n.º 1
def cache_embed(request):
    if not request.POST:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("cache_embed requires POST")
    url = request.POST.get('url')
    if not url:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("POST a url, and I'll happily cache it")
    maxwidth = request.POST.get('maxwidth')
    #try memcache first
    key = make_cache_key(url, maxwidth)
    cached_response = cache.get(key)
    if cached_response and type(cached_response) == type(dict()):    
        cached_response['cache'] = 'memcache'
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(cached_response), mimetype="application/json")

    #then the database
        saved = SavedEmbed.objects.get(url=url, maxwidth=maxwidth)
        response = saved.response
        response['html'] = saved.html
        response['cache'] = 'database'
        cache.set(key, response) #and save it to memcache
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")
    except SavedEmbed.DoesNotExist:

    #if we've never seen it before, call the embedly API
    client = Embedly(key=settings.EMBEDLY_KEY, user_agent=USER_AGENT)
    if maxwidth:
       oembed = client.oembed(url, maxwidth=maxwidth)
       oembed = client.oembed(url)
    if oembed.error:
        return HttpResponseServerError('Error embedding %s.\n %s' % (url,oembed.error))

    #save result to database
    row, created = SavedEmbed.objects.get_or_create(url=url, maxwidth=maxwidth,
                    defaults={'type': oembed.type})
    row.provider_name = oembed.provider_name
    row.response = json.dumps(oembed.data)

    if oembed.type == 'photo':
        html = '<img src="%s" width="%s" height="%s" />' % (oembed.url,
               oembed.width, oembed.height)
        html = oembed.html

    if html:
        row.html = html
        row.last_updated = datetime.now()

    #and to memcache
    cache.set(key, row.response, 86400)
    response = row.response
    response['html'] = row.html #overwrite for custom oembed types
    response['cache'] = "none"
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def cache_embed(request, url, maxwidth):
    # try memcache first
    key = make_cache_key(url, maxwidth)
    cached_response = cache.get(key)
    if cached_response and type(cached_response) == type(dict()):
        # print "got from cache"
        cached_response["cache"] = "memcache"
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(cached_response), mimetype="application/json")

    # then the database
        saved = SavedEmbed.objects.get(url=url, maxwidth=maxwidth)
        response = saved.get_response_dict()
        response["html"] = saved.html
        response["cache"] = "database"
        cache.set(key, response)  # and save it to memcache
        # print "got from database"
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")
    except SavedEmbed.DoesNotExist:
    except TypeError, e:
        response = {"error": "Error embedding %s\n%s." % (url, e)}
        return HttpResponseServerError(json.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")