Ejemplo n.º 1
def benchmark_size(bench, metrics):
    """Compute the total size of the desired sections in a benchmark.  Returns
       the size in bytes, which may be zero if the section wasn't found."""
    appexe = os.path.join(gp['bd_benchdir'], bench, bench)
    sec_sizes = {}

    # If the benchmark failed to build, then return a 0 size instead of
    # crashing when failing to open the file.
    if not os.path.exists(appexe):
        return {}

    # read format from file and check it is as expected
    with open(appexe, 'rb') as fileh:
        magic = fileh.read(4)
        # lief does not appear to have ability to work from an already opened file
    if (((gp['format'] == 'elf') and (magic != b'\x7fELF'))
            or ((gp['format'] == 'macho') and (magic != b'\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe'))):
        log.info('ERROR: File format does not match parameter')

    binary = lief.parse(appexe)
    sections = binary.sections
    for metric in metrics:
        sec_sizes[metric] = 0
        for target_name in gp['secnames'][metric]:
            for section in sections:
                if ((gp['format'] == 'elf'
                     and section.name.startswith(target_name))
                        or (target_name == section.name)):
                    sec_sizes[metric] += section.size
    # Return the section (group) size
    return sec_sizes
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    """Main program driving measurement of benchmark size"""
    # Establish the root directory of the repository, since we know this file is
    # in that directory.
    gp['rootdir'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

    # Parse arguments using standard technology
    parser = build_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Establish logging
    setup_logging(args.logdir, 'size')

    # Check args are OK (have to have logging and build directory set up first)

    # Find the benchmarks
    benchmarks = find_benchmarks()

    # Collect the size data for the benchmarks
    raw_data, rel_data = collect_data(benchmarks)

    # We can't compute geometric SD on the fly, so we need to collect all the
    # data and then process it in two passes. We could do the first processing
    # as we collect the data, but it is clearer to do the three things
    # separately. Given the size of datasets with which we are concerned the
    # compute overhead is not significant.
    if raw_data:
        embench_stats(benchmarks, raw_data, rel_data)
        log.info('All benchmarks sized successfully')
        log.info('ERROR: Failed to compute size benchmarks')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    """Main program to drive building of benchmarks."""
    # Establish the root directory of the repository, since we know this file is
    # in that directory.
    gp['rootdir'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

    # Parse arguments using standard technology
    parser = build_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Establish logging, using "build" as the log file prefix.
    gp['verbose'] = args.verbose
    setup_logging(args.logdir, 'build')

    # Establish build directory
    create_builddir(args.builddir, args.clean)

    # Check args are OK (have to have logging and build directory set up first)

    # Find the benchmarks
    benchmarks = find_benchmarks()

    # Establish other global parameters

    log.debug('General log')

    # Set up additional environment variables.

    # Track success
    successful = compile_support()
    if successful:
        log.debug('Compilation of support files successful')

    for bench in benchmarks:
        res = compile_benchmark(bench)
        successful &= res
        if res:
            log.debug('Compilation of benchmark "{bench}" successful'.format(
            res = link_benchmark(bench)
            successful &= res
            if res:
                log.debug('Linking of benchmark "{bench}" successful'.format(

    if successful:
        log.info('All benchmarks built successfully')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    """Main program driving measurement of benchmark size"""
    # Establish the root directory of the repository, since we know this file is
    # in that directory.
    gp['rootdir'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

    # Parse arguments common to all speed testers, and get list of those
    # remaining.
    args, remnant = get_common_args()

    # Establish logging
    setup_logging(args.logdir, 'speed')

    # Check args are OK (have to have logging and build directory set up first)

    # Find the benchmarks
    benchmarks = find_benchmarks()

    # Collect the size data for the benchmarks. Pass any remaining args.
    raw_data, rel_data = collect_data(benchmarks, remnant)

    # We can't compute geometric SD on the fly, so we need to collect all the
    # data and then process it in two passes. We could do the first processing
    # as we collect the data, but it is clearer to do the three things
    # separately. Given the size of datasets with which we are concerned the
    # compute overhead is not significant.
    if raw_data:
        if gp['output_format'] != output_format.BASELINE:
            opt_comma = ',' if args.json_comma else ''
            embench_stats(benchmarks, raw_data, rel_data, 'speed', opt_comma)
            log.info('All benchmarks run successfully')
        log.info('ERROR: Failed to compute speed benchmarks')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def collect_data(benchmarks):
    """Collect and log all the raw and optionally relative data associated with
       the list of benchmarks supplied in the "benchmarks" argument. Return
       the raw data and relative data as a list.  The raw data may be empty if
       there is a failure. The relative data will be empty if only absolute
       results have been requested."""

    # Baseline data is held external to the script. Import it here.
    gp['baseline_dir'] = os.path.join(gp['rootdir'], 'baseline-data',
    with open(gp['baseline_dir']) as fileh:
        baseline_all = loads(fileh.read())

    # Compute the baseline data we need
    baseline = {}

    for bench, data in baseline_all.items():
        baseline[bench] = 0
        for sec in gp['metric']:
            if sec in data:
                baseline[bench] += data[sec]

    # Collect data and output it
    successful = True
    raw_data = {}
    rel_data = {}
    log.info('Benchmark            size')
    log.info('---------            ----')

    for bench in benchmarks:
        raw_data[bench] = benchmark_size(bench)
        rel_data[bench] = {}
        output = {}

        # Zero is a valid section size, although empty .text should be a
        # concern.
        if gp['absolute']:
            # Want absolute results. Only include non-zero values
            output = f'{raw_data[bench]:8,}'
            # Want relative results (the default). If baseline is zero, just
            # use 0.0 as the value.
            if baseline[bench] > 0:
                rel_data[bench] = raw_data[bench] / baseline[bench]
                rel_data[bench] = 0.0
            output = f'  {rel_data[bench]:6.2f}'

        log.info(f'{bench:15}  {output:8}')

    if successful:
        return raw_data, rel_data

    # Otherwise failure return
    return [], []
Ejemplo n.º 6
def collect_data(benchmarks, remnant):
    """Collect and log all the raw and optionally relative data associated with
       the list of benchmarks supplied in the "benchmarks" argument. "remant"
       is left over args from the command line, which may be useful to the
       benchmark running procs.

       Return the raw data and relative data as a list.  The raw data may be
       empty if there is a failure. The relative data will be empty if only
       absolute results have been requested."""

    # Baseline data is held external to the script. Import it here.
    gp['baseline_dir'] = os.path.join(
        gp['rootdir'], 'baseline-data', 'speed.json'
    with open(gp['baseline_dir']) as fileh:
        baseline = loads(fileh.read())

    # Parse target specific args
    target_args = get_target_args(remnant)

    # Collect data and output it
    successful = True
    raw_data = {}
    rel_data = {}
    log.info('Benchmark           Speed')
    log.info('---------           -----')

    for bench in benchmarks:
        raw_data[bench] = benchmark_speed(bench, target_args)
        rel_data[bench] = 0.0
        if raw_data[bench] == 0.0:
            del raw_data[bench]
            del rel_data[bench]
            successful = False
            output = ''
            if gp['absolute']:
                # Want absolute results. Only include non-zero values
                output = f'{round(raw_data[bench]):8,}'
                # Want relative results (the default). Only use non-zero values.
                rel_data[bench] = raw_data[bench] / baseline[bench]
                output = f'  {rel_data[bench]:6.2f}'

            log.info(f'{bench:15}  {output:8}')

    if successful:
        return raw_data, rel_data

    # Otherwise failure return
    return [], []
Ejemplo n.º 7
def collect_data(benchmarks, remnant):
    """Collect and log all the raw and optionally relative data associated with
       the list of benchmarks supplied in the "benchmarks" argument. "remant"
       is left over args from the command line, which may be useful to the
       benchmark running procs.

       Return the raw data and relative data as a list.  The raw data may be
       empty if there is a failure. The relative data will be empty if only
       absolute results have been requested."""

    # Baseline data is held external to the script. Import it here.
    speed_baseline = os.path.join(gp['baseline_dir'], 'speed.json')
    with open(speed_baseline) as fileh:
        baseline = loads(fileh.read())

    # Parse target specific args
    target_args = get_target_args(remnant)

    # Collect data
    successful = True
    raw_data = {}
    rel_data = {}

    for bench in benchmarks:
        raw_data[bench] = benchmark_speed(bench, target_args)
        rel_data[bench] = 0.0
        if raw_data[bench] == 0.0:
            del raw_data[bench]
            del rel_data[bench]
            successful = False
            if (not gp['absolute']
                    and gp['output_format'] != output_format.BASELINE):
                rel_data[bench] = baseline[bench] / raw_data[bench]

    # Output it
    if gp['output_format'] == output_format.JSON:
        log.info('  "speed results" :')
        log.info('  { "detailed speed results" :')
        for bench in benchmarks:
            output = ''
            if raw_data[bench] != 0.0:
                if gp['absolute']:
                    output = f'{round(raw_data[bench])}'
                    output = f'{rel_data[bench]:.2f}'

                if bench == benchmarks[0]:
                    log.info(f'    {{ ' + f'"{bench}" : {output},')
                elif bench == benchmarks[-1]:
                    log.info(f'      "{bench}" : {output}')
                    log.info(f'      "{bench}" : {output},')
        log.info('    },')
    elif gp['output_format'] == output_format.TEXT:
        log.info('Benchmark           Speed')
        log.info('---------           -----')
        for bench in benchmarks:
            output = ''
            if raw_data[bench] != 0.0:
                if gp['absolute']:
                    output = f'{round(raw_data[bench]):8,}'
                    output = f'  {rel_data[bench]:6.2f}'
            # Want relative results (the default). Only use non-zero values.
            log.info(f'{bench:15}  {output:8}')
    elif gp['output_format'] == output_format.BASELINE:
        for bench in benchmarks:
            if bench == benchmarks[-1]:
                log.info(f'  "{bench}" : {raw_data[bench]}')
                log.info(f'  "{bench}" : {raw_data[bench]},')

    if successful:
        return raw_data, rel_data

    # Otherwise failure return
    return [], []
Ejemplo n.º 8
def collect_data(benchmarks):
    """Collect and log all the raw and optionally relative data associated with
       the list of benchmarks supplied in the "benchmarks" argument. Return
       the raw data and relative data as a list.  The raw data may be empty if
       there is a failure. The relative data will be empty if only absolute
       results have been requested.

       Note that we manually generate the JSON output, rather than using the
       dumps method, because the result will be manually edited, and we want
       to guarantee the layout."""

    # Baseline data is held external to the script. Import it here.
    size_baseline = os.path.join(gp['baseline_dir'], 'size.json')
    with open(size_baseline) as fileh:
        baseline_all = loads(fileh.read())

    # Compute the baseline data we need
    baseline = {}

    for bench, data in baseline_all.items():
        baseline[bench] = 0
        for sec in gp['metric']:
            baseline[bench] += data[sec]

    successful = True
    raw_section_data = {}
    raw_totals = {}
    rel_data = {}

    # Collect data
    for bench in benchmarks:
        if gp['output_format'] == output_format.BASELINE:
            raw_section_data[bench] = benchmark_size(bench, ALL_METRICS)
            raw_section_data[bench] = benchmark_size(bench, gp['metric'])
        raw_totals[bench] = sum(raw_section_data[bench].values())

        # Calculate data relative to the baseline if needed
        if gp['absolute'] or gp['output_format'] == output_format.BASELINE:
            rel_data[bench] = {}
            # Want relative results (the default). If baseline is zero, just
            # use 0.0 as the value.  Note this is inverted compared to the
            # speed benchmark, so SMALL is good.
            if baseline[bench] > 0:
                rel_data[bench] = raw_totals[bench] / baseline[bench]
                rel_data[bench] = 0.0

    # Output it
    if gp['output_format'] == output_format.JSON:
        log.info('  "size results" :')
        log.info('  { "detailed size results" :')
        for bench in benchmarks:
            res_output = ''
            if gp['absolute']:
                res_output = f'{raw_totals[bench]}'
                res_output = f'{rel_data[bench]:.2f}'

            if bench == benchmarks[0]:
                log.info('    { ' + f'"{bench}" : {res_output},')
            elif bench == benchmarks[-1]:
                log.info(f'      "{bench}" : {res_output}')
                log.info(f'      "{bench}" : {res_output},')

        log.info('    },')
    elif gp['output_format'] == output_format.TEXT:
        log.info('Benchmark            size')
        log.info('---------            ----')
        for bench in benchmarks:
            res_output = ''
            if gp['absolute']:
                res_output = f' {raw_totals[bench]:8,}'
                res_output = f'   {rel_data[bench]:6.2f}'
            log.info(f'{bench:15} {res_output:8}')
    elif gp['output_format'] == output_format.BASELINE:
        for bench in benchmarks:
            res_output = ''
            for metric in ALL_METRICS:
                # newline before the first metric
                if metric != ALL_METRICS[0]:
                    res_output += ',\n'
                value = raw_section_data[bench][metric]
                res_output += f'    "{metric}" : {value}'

            # comma after all but last benchmark in the log
            if bench == benchmarks[-1]:
                log.info(f'  "{bench}" : {{\n{res_output}\n  }}')
                log.info(f'  "{bench}" : {{\n{res_output}\n  }},')

    if successful:
        return raw_totals, rel_data

    # Otherwise failure return
    return [], []
Ejemplo n.º 9
def collect_data(benchmarks):
    """Collect and log all the raw and optionally relative data associated with
       the list of benchmarks supplied in the "benchmarks" argument. Return
       the raw data and relative data as a list.  The raw data may be empty if
       there is a failure. The relative data will be empty if only absolute
       results have been requested.

       Note that we manually generate the JSON output, rather than using the
       dumps method, because the result will be manually edited, and we want
       to guarantee the layout."""

    # Baseline data is held external to the script. Import it here.
    gp['baseline_dir'] = os.path.join(gp['rootdir'], 'baseline-data',
    with open(gp['baseline_dir']) as fileh:
        baseline_all = loads(fileh.read())

    # Compute the baseline data we need
    baseline = {}

    for bench, data in baseline_all.items():
        baseline[bench] = 0
        for sec in gp['metric']:
            baseline[bench] += data[sec]

    # Collect data and output it
    successful = True
    raw_data = {}
    rel_data = {}
    if gp['json']:
        log.info('  "size results" :')
        log.info('  { "detailed size results" :')
        log.info('Benchmark            size')
        log.info('---------            ----')

    for bench in benchmarks:
        raw_data[bench] = benchmark_size(bench)
        rel_data[bench] = {}
        output = {}

        # Zero is a valid section size, although empty .text should be a
        # concern.
        if gp['absolute']:
            # Want absolute results. Only include non-zero values
            if gp['json']:
                output = f'{raw_data[bench]}'
                output = f' {raw_data[bench]:8,}'
            # Want relative results (the default). If baseline is zero, just
            # use 0.0 as the value.  Note this is inverted compared to the
            # speed benchmark, so SMALL is good.
            if baseline[bench] > 0:
                rel_data[bench] = raw_data[bench] / baseline[bench]
                rel_data[bench] = 0.0
            if gp['json']:
                output = f'{rel_data[bench]:.2f}'
                output = f'   {rel_data[bench]:6.2f}'

        if gp['json']:
            if bench == benchmarks[0]:
                log.info('    { ' + f'"{bench}" : {output},')
            elif bench == benchmarks[-1]:
                log.info(f'      "{bench}" : {output}')
                log.info(f'      "{bench}" : {output},')
            log.info(f'{bench:15} {output:8}')

    if gp['json']:
        log.info('    },')

    if successful:
        return raw_data, rel_data

    # Otherwise failure return
    return [], []