Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_distortions_ex1():

    e_x1 = [-14.95369787, 88.60095332, 999.76814675, 2019.84941119]
    e_y1 = [1202.73558767, 898.46492016, 192.1974284, -26.51887593]
    x0 = [1, 100, 1000, 1990]
    y0 = [1200, 900, 200, 5]
    x1, y1 = exvp(x0, y0)

    assert numpy.allclose(x1, e_x1)
    assert numpy.allclose(y1, e_y1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_distortions_ex1():

    e_x1 = [-14.95369787,    88.60095332,   999.76814675,  2019.84941119]
    e_y1 = [1202.73558767,   898.46492016,   192.1974284,    -26.51887593]
    x0 = [1, 100, 1000, 1990]
    y0 = [1200, 900, 200, 5]
    x1, y1 = exvp(x0, y0)

    assert numpy.allclose(x1, e_x1)
    assert numpy.allclose(y1, e_y1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_distortions_ex2():
    """Inverse transformation, not very precise"""

    x0 = [1, 100, 1000, 1990]
    y0 = [1200, 900, 200, 5]
    p_x1 = [16.20132521, 110.97939823, 1000.22549019, 1962.80728145]
    p_y1 = [1197.39342201, 901.47856688, 207.58843519, 33.71359561]
    x1, y1 = exvp(p_x1, p_y1)

    assert numpy.allclose(x1, x0, rtol=2e-2)
    assert numpy.allclose(y1, y0, rtol=2e-2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_distortions_ex2():
    """Inverse transformation, not very precise"""
    x0 = [1, 100, 1000, 1990]
    y0 = [1200, 900, 200, 5]
    p_x1 = [16.20132521, 110.97939823, 1000.22549019, 1962.80728145]
    p_y1 = [1197.39342201, 901.47856688, 207.58843519, 33.71359561]
    x1, y1 = exvp(p_x1, p_y1)

    assert numpy.allclose(x1, x0, rtol=2e-2)
    assert numpy.allclose(y1, y0, rtol=2e-2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def compute_slits(self, hdulist, csu_conf):

        self.logger.debug('finding borders of slits')
        self.logger.debug('not strictly necessary...')
        data = hdulist[0].data
        self.logger.debug('dtype of data %s', data.dtype)

        self.logger.debug('median filter (3x3)')
        image_base = ndi.filters.median_filter(data, size=3)

        # Cast as original type for skimage
        self.logger.debug('casting image to unit16 (for skimage)')
        iuint16 = np.iinfo(np.uint16)
        image = np.clip(image_base, iuint16.min, iuint16.max).astype(np.uint16)

        self.logger.debug('compute Sobel filter')
        # FIXME: compute sob and sob_v is redundant
        sob = filt.sobel(image)
        self.save_intermediate_array(sob, 'sobel_image.fits')
        sob_v = filt.sobel_v(image)
        self.save_intermediate_array(sob_v, 'sobel_v_image.fits')

        # Compute detector coordinates of bars
        all_coords_virt = np.empty((110, 2))
        all_coords_real = np.empty((110, 2))

        # Origin of coordinates is 1
        for bar in csu_conf.bars.values():
            all_coords_virt[bar.idx - 1] = bar.xpos, bar.y0

        # Origin of coordinates is 1 for this function
        _x, _y = dist.exvp(all_coords_virt[:, 0], all_coords_virt[:, 1])
        all_coords_real[:, 0] = _x
        all_coords_real[:, 1] = _y

        # FIXME: hardcoded value
        h = 16
        slit_h_virt = 16.242
        slit_h_tol = 3
        slits_bb = {}

        mask1 = np.zeros_like(hdulist[0].data)

        for idx in range(EMIR_NBARS):
            lbarid = idx + 1
            rbarid = lbarid + EMIR_NBARS
            ref_x_l_v, ref_y_l_v = all_coords_virt[lbarid - 1]
            ref_x_r_v, ref_y_r_v = all_coords_virt[rbarid - 1]

            ref_x_l_d, ref_y_l_d = all_coords_real[lbarid - 1]
            ref_x_r_d, ref_y_r_d = all_coords_real[rbarid - 1]

            width_v = ref_x_r_v - ref_x_l_v
            # width_d = ref_x_r_d - ref_x_l_d

            if (ref_y_l_d >= 2047 + h) or (ref_y_l_d <= 1 - h):
                # print('reference y position is outlimits, skipping')

            if width_v < 5:
                # print('width is less than 5 pixels, skipping')

            plot = False
            regionw = 12
            px1 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_l_d) - 1
            px2 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_r_d) - 1
            prow = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_y_l_d) - 1

            comp_l, comp_r = calc0(image, sob_v, prow, px1, px2, regionw, h=h,
                                   plot=plot, lbarid=lbarid, rbarid=rbarid,
            if np.any(np.isnan([comp_l, comp_r])):
                self.logger.warning("converting NaN value, border of=%d", idx + 1)
                self.logger.warning("skipping bar=%d", idx + 1)
            elif comp_l > comp_r:
                # Not refining
                self.logger.warning("computed left border of=%d greater than right border", idx + 1)
                comp2_l, comp2_r = px1, px2
                region2 = 5
                px21 = coor_to_pix_1d(comp_l)
                px22 = coor_to_pix_1d(comp_r)

                comp2_l, comp2_r = calc0(image, sob_v, prow, px21, px22, region2,
                                         plot=plot, lbarid=lbarid, rbarid=rbarid,

                if np.any(np.isnan([comp2_l, comp2_r])):
                    self.logger.warning("converting NaN value, border of=%d", idx + 1)
                    comp2_l, comp2_r = comp_l, comp_r
                elif comp2_l > comp2_r:
                    # Not refining
                    self.logger.warning("computed left border of=%d greater than right border", idx + 1)
                    comp2_l, comp2_r = comp_l, comp_r

            # print('slit', lbarid, '-', rbarid, comp_l, comp_r)
            # print('pos1', comp_l, comp_r)
            # print('pos2', comp2_l, comp2_r)

            xpos1_virt, _ = dist.pvex(comp2_l + 1, ref_y_l_d)
            xpos2_virt, _ = dist.pvex(comp2_r + 1, ref_y_r_d)

            y1_virt = ref_y_l_v - slit_h_virt - slit_h_tol
            y2_virt = ref_y_r_v + slit_h_virt + slit_h_tol
            _, y1 = dist.exvp(xpos1_virt + 1, y1_virt)
            _, y2 = dist.exvp(xpos2_virt + 1, y2_virt)
            # print(comp2_l, comp2_r, y1 - 1, y2 - 1)
            cbb = BoundingBox.from_coordinates(comp2_l, comp2_r, y1 - 1, y2 - 1)
            slits_bb[lbarid] = cbb
            mask1[cbb.slice] = lbarid

        self.save_intermediate_array(mask1, 'mask_slit_computed.fits')
        return slits_bb
Ejemplo n.º 6
def find_bars(hdulist,

    logger.debug('filtering image')
    # Processed array
    arr_median = median_filtering(hdulist, median_filter_size)

    xfac = dtur[0] / EMIR_PIXSCALE
    yfac = -dtur[1] / EMIR_PIXSCALE

    vec = [yfac, xfac]
    logger.debug('DTU shift is %s', vec)

    # and the table of approx positions of the slits
    barstab = bars_nominal_positions
    # Currently, we only use fields 0 and 2
    # of the nominal positions file

    # Number or rows used
    # These other parameters cab be tuned also
    bstart = 1
    bend = 2047
    logger.debug('ignoring columns outside %d - %d', bstart, bend - 1)

    # extract a region to average
    # wy = (average_box_row_size // 2)
    # wx = (average_box_col_size // 2)
    # logger.debug('extraction window is %d rows, %d cols', 2 * wy + 1, 2 * wx + 1)
    # Fit the peak with these points
    # wfit = 2 * (fit_peak_npoints // 2) + 1
    # logger.debug('fit with %d points', wfit)

    # Minimum threshold
    threshold = 5 * EMIR_RON
    # Savitsky and Golay (1964) filter to compute the X derivative
    # scipy >= xx has a savgol_filter function
    # for compatibility we do it manually

    allpos = {}
    slits = numpy.zeros((EMIR_NBARS, 8), dtype='float')

    logger.info('find peaks in derivative image')
    for ks in [3, 5, 7, 9]:
        logger.debug('kernel size is %d', ks)
        # S and G kernel for derivative
        kw = ks * (ks * ks - 1) / 12.0
        coeffs_are = -numpy.arange((1 - ks) // 2, (ks - 1) // 2 + 1) / kw
        logger.debug('kernel weights are %s', coeffs_are)

        logger.debug('derive image in X direction')
        arr_deriv = convolve1d(arr_median, coeffs_are, axis=-1)
        # self.save_intermediate_array(arr_deriv, 'deriv_image_k%d.fits' % ks)
        # Axis 0 is
        # logger.debug('derive image in Y direction (with kernel=3)')
        # arr_deriv_alt = convolve1d(arr_median_alt, ypos3_kernel, axis=0)

        positions = []
        logger.info('using bar parameters')
        for idx in range(EMIR_NBARS):
            params_l = barstab[idx]
            params_r = barstab[idx + EMIR_NBARS]
            lbarid = int(params_l[0])

            # CSUPOS for this bar
            rbarid = lbarid + EMIR_NBARS
            current_csupos_l = csupos[lbarid - 1]
            current_csupos_r = csupos[rbarid - 1]
            logger.debug('CSUPOS for bar %d is %f', lbarid, current_csupos_l)
            logger.debug('CSUPOS for bar %d is %f', rbarid, current_csupos_r)

            ref_y_coor_virt = params_l[1]  # Do I need to add vec[1]?
            ref_x_l_coor_virt = params_l[3] + current_csupos_l * params_l[2]
            ref_x_r_coor_virt = params_r[3] + current_csupos_r * params_r[2]
            # Transform to REAL..
            ref_x_l_coor, ref_y_l_coor = dist.exvp(ref_x_l_coor_virt,
            ref_x_r_coor, ref_y_r_coor = dist.exvp(ref_x_r_coor_virt,
            # FIXME: check if DTU has to be applied
            # ref_y_coor = ref_y_coor + vec[1]
            prow = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_y_l_coor) - 1
            fits_row = prow + 1  # FITS pixel index

            logger.debug('looking for bars with ids %d - %d', lbarid, rbarid)
            logger.debug('ref Y virtual position is %7.2f', ref_y_coor_virt)
            logger.debug('ref X virtual positions are %7.2f %7.2f',
                         ref_x_l_coor_virt, ref_x_r_coor_virt)
            logger.debug('ref X positions are %7.2f %7.2f', ref_x_l_coor,
            logger.debug('ref Y positions are %7.2f %7.2f', ref_y_l_coor,
            # if ref_y_coor is outlimits, skip this bar
            # ref_y_coor is in FITS format
            if (ref_y_l_coor >= 2047 + 16) or (ref_y_l_coor <= 1 - 16):
                logger.debug('reference y position is outlimits, skipping')
                    [lbarid, fits_row, fits_row, fits_row, 1, 1, 0, 3])
                    [rbarid, fits_row, fits_row, fits_row, 1, 1, 0, 3])

            # minimal width of the slit
            minwidth = 0.9
            if abs(ref_x_l_coor_virt - ref_x_r_coor_virt) < minwidth:
                # FIXME: if width < minwidth fit peak in image
                logger.debug('slit is less than %d virt pixels, skipping',
                    [lbarid, fits_row, fits_row, fits_row, 1, 1, 0, 3])
                    [rbarid, fits_row, fits_row, fits_row, 1, 1, 0, 3])

            # Left bar
            # Dont add +1 to virtual pixels
            logger.debug('measure left border (%d)', lbarid)
            regionw = 10
            bstart1 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_l_coor - regionw)
            bend1 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_l_coor + regionw) + 1
            centery, centery_virt, xpos1, xpos1_virt, fwhm, st = char_bar_peak_l(
                arr_deriv, prow, bstart1, bend1, threshold)

            insert1 = [
                lbarid, centery + 1, centery_virt, fits_row, xpos1 + 1,
                xpos1_virt, fwhm, st

            # Right bar
            # Dont add +1 to virtual pixels
            logger.debug('measure rigth border (%d)', rbarid)
            bstart2 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_r_coor - regionw)
            bend2 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_r_coor + regionw) + 1
            centery, centery_virt, xpos2, xpos2_virt, fwhm, st = char_bar_peak_r(
                arr_deriv, prow, bstart2, bend2, threshold)
            # This centery/centery_virt should be equal to ref_y_coor_virt
            insert2 = [
                rbarid, centery + 1, centery_virt, fits_row, xpos2 + 1,
                xpos2_virt, fwhm, st

            # FIXME: hardcoded value
            y1_virt = ref_y_coor_virt - 16.242
            y2_virt = ref_y_coor_virt + 16.242
            _, y1 = dist.exvp(xpos1_virt + 1, y1_virt + 1)
            _, y2 = dist.exvp(xpos2_virt + 1, y2_virt + 1)

            # Update positions

            msg = 'bar %d, centroid-y %9.4f centroid-y virt %9.4f, ' \
                  'row %d, x-pos %9.4f x-pos virt %9.4f, FWHM %6.3f, status %d'
            logger.debug(msg, *positions[-2])
            logger.debug(msg, *positions[-1])

            if ks == 5:
                slits[lbarid - 1] = numpy.array(
                    [xpos1, y2, xpos2, y2, xpos2, y1, xpos1, y1])
                # FITS coordinates
                slits[lbarid - 1] += 1.0
                logger.debug('inserting bars %d-%d into "slits"', lbarid,

        allpos[ks] = numpy.asarray(
            positions, dtype='float')  # GCS doesn't like lists of lists

    return allpos, slits
Ejemplo n.º 7
def find_bars(hdulist, bars_nominal_positions, csupos, dtur,
              average_box_row_size=7, average_box_col_size=21, fit_peak_npoints=3,
              median_filter_size=5, logger=None):

    logger.debug('filtering image')
    # Processed array
    arr_median = median_filtering(hdulist, median_filter_size)

    xfac = dtur[0] / EMIR_PIXSCALE
    yfac = -dtur[1] / EMIR_PIXSCALE

    vec = [yfac, xfac]
    logger.debug('DTU shift is %s', vec)

    # and the table of approx positions of the slits
    barstab = bars_nominal_positions
    # Currently, we only use fields 0 and 2
    # of the nominal positions file

    # Number or rows used
    # These other parameters cab be tuned also
    bstart = 1
    bend = 2047
    logger.debug('ignoring columns outside %d - %d', bstart, bend - 1)

    # extract a region to average
    # wy = (average_box_row_size // 2)
    # wx = (average_box_col_size // 2)
    # logger.debug('extraction window is %d rows, %d cols', 2 * wy + 1, 2 * wx + 1)
    # Fit the peak with these points
    # wfit = 2 * (fit_peak_npoints // 2) + 1
    # logger.debug('fit with %d points', wfit)

    # Minimum threshold
    threshold = 5 * EMIR_RON
    # Savitsky and Golay (1964) filter to compute the X derivative
    # scipy >= xx has a savgol_filter function
    # for compatibility we do it manually

    allpos = {}
    slits = numpy.zeros((EMIR_NBARS, 8), dtype='float')

    logger.info('find peaks in derivative image')
    for ks in [3, 5, 7, 9]:
        logger.debug('kernel size is %d', ks)
        # S and G kernel for derivative
        kw = ks * (ks * ks - 1) / 12.0
        coeffs_are = -numpy.arange((1 - ks) // 2, (ks - 1) // 2 + 1) / kw
        logger.debug('kernel weights are %s', coeffs_are)

        logger.debug('derive image in X direction')
        arr_deriv = convolve1d(arr_median, coeffs_are, axis=-1)
        # self.save_intermediate_array(arr_deriv, 'deriv_image_k%d.fits' % ks)
        # Axis 0 is
        # logger.debug('derive image in Y direction (with kernel=3)')
        # arr_deriv_alt = convolve1d(arr_median_alt, ypos3_kernel, axis=0)

        positions = []
        logger.info('using bar parameters')
        for idx in range(EMIR_NBARS):
            params_l = barstab[idx]
            params_r = barstab[idx + EMIR_NBARS]
            lbarid = int(params_l[0])

            # CSUPOS for this bar
            rbarid = lbarid + EMIR_NBARS
            current_csupos_l = csupos[lbarid - 1]
            current_csupos_r = csupos[rbarid - 1]
            logger.debug('CSUPOS for bar %d is %f', lbarid, current_csupos_l)
            logger.debug('CSUPOS for bar %d is %f', rbarid, current_csupos_r)

            ref_y_coor_virt = params_l[1]  # Do I need to add vec[1]?
            ref_x_l_coor_virt = params_l[3] + current_csupos_l * params_l[2]
            ref_x_r_coor_virt = params_r[3] + current_csupos_r * params_r[2]
            # Transform to REAL..
            ref_x_l_coor, ref_y_l_coor = dist.exvp(ref_x_l_coor_virt, ref_y_coor_virt)
            ref_x_r_coor, ref_y_r_coor = dist.exvp(ref_x_r_coor_virt, ref_y_coor_virt)
            # FIXME: check if DTU has to be applied
            # ref_y_coor = ref_y_coor + vec[1]
            prow = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_y_l_coor) - 1
            fits_row = prow + 1  # FITS pixel index

            logger.debug('looking for bars with ids %d - %d', lbarid, rbarid)
            logger.debug('ref Y virtual position is %7.2f', ref_y_coor_virt)
            logger.debug('ref X virtual positions are %7.2f %7.2f', ref_x_l_coor_virt, ref_x_r_coor_virt)
            logger.debug('ref X positions are %7.2f %7.2f', ref_x_l_coor, ref_x_r_coor)
            logger.debug('ref Y positions are %7.2f %7.2f', ref_y_l_coor, ref_y_r_coor)
            # if ref_y_coor is outlimits, skip this bar
            # ref_y_coor is in FITS format
            if (ref_y_l_coor >= 2047 + 16) or (ref_y_l_coor <= 1 - 16):
                logger.debug('reference y position is outlimits, skipping')
                positions.append([lbarid, fits_row, fits_row, fits_row, 1, 1, 0, 3])
                positions.append([rbarid, fits_row, fits_row, fits_row, 1, 1, 0, 3])

            # minimal width of the slit
            minwidth = 0.9
            if abs(ref_x_l_coor_virt - ref_x_r_coor_virt) < minwidth:
                # FIXME: if width < minwidth fit peak in image
                logger.debug('slit is less than %d virt pixels, skipping', minwidth)
                positions.append([lbarid, fits_row, fits_row, fits_row, 1, 1, 0, 3])
                positions.append([rbarid, fits_row, fits_row, fits_row, 1, 1, 0, 3])

            # Left bar
            # Dont add +1 to virtual pixels
            logger.debug('measure left border (%d)', lbarid)
            regionw = 10
            bstart1 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_l_coor - regionw)
            bend1 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_l_coor + regionw) + 1
            centery, centery_virt, xpos1, xpos1_virt, fwhm, st = char_bar_peak_l(arr_deriv,
                                                                                 prow, bstart1, bend1,

            insert1 = [lbarid, centery + 1, centery_virt, fits_row, xpos1 + 1, xpos1_virt, fwhm, st]

            # Right bar
            # Dont add +1 to virtual pixels
            logger.debug('measure rigth border (%d)', rbarid)
            bstart2 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_r_coor - regionw)
            bend2 = coor_to_pix_1d(ref_x_r_coor + regionw) + 1
            centery, centery_virt, xpos2, xpos2_virt, fwhm, st = char_bar_peak_r(arr_deriv, prow, bstart2, bend2,
            # This centery/centery_virt should be equal to ref_y_coor_virt
            insert2 = [rbarid, centery + 1, centery_virt, fits_row, xpos2 + 1, xpos2_virt, fwhm, st]

            # FIXME: hardcoded value
            y1_virt = ref_y_coor_virt - 16.242
            y2_virt = ref_y_coor_virt + 16.242
            _, y1 = dist.exvp(xpos1_virt + 1, y1_virt + 1)
            _, y2 = dist.exvp(xpos2_virt + 1, y2_virt + 1)

            # Update positions

            msg = 'bar %d, centroid-y %9.4f centroid-y virt %9.4f, ' \
                  'row %d, x-pos %9.4f x-pos virt %9.4f, FWHM %6.3f, status %d'
            logger.debug(msg, *positions[-2])
            logger.debug(msg, *positions[-1])

            if ks == 5:
                slits[lbarid - 1] = numpy.array([xpos1, y2, xpos2, y2, xpos2, y1, xpos1, y1])
                # FITS coordinates
                slits[lbarid - 1] += 1.0
                logger.debug('inserting bars %d-%d into "slits"', lbarid, rbarid)

        allpos[ks] = numpy.asarray(positions, dtype='float')  # GCS doesn't like lists of lists

    return allpos, slits