Ejemplo n.º 1
def grouped_to_summary(time_grouped_df, key_to_fill_fn, summary_fn):
    ret_list = []
    # When we group by a time range, the key is the end of the range
    for key, section_group_df in time_grouped_df:
        curr_msts = ecwms.ModeStatTimeSummary()
        key_to_fill_fn(key, section_group_df, curr_msts)
        curr_msts.nUsers = len(section_group_df.user_id.unique())
        mode_grouped_df = section_group_df.groupby('sensed_mode')
        mode_results = summary_fn(mode_grouped_df)
        for mode, result in mode_results.items():
            if eac.get_section_key_for_analysis_results() == "analysis/inferred_section":
                curr_msts[ecwmp.PredictedModeTypes(mode).name] = result
                curr_msts[ecwm.MotionTypes(mode).name] = result
    return ret_list
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def convertPredictedProbToMap(self, uniqueModes, predictedProbArr):
     currProbMap = {}
     uniqueModesInt = [int(um) for um in uniqueModes]
     logging.debug("predictedProbArr has %s non-zero elements" %
     logging.debug("uniqueModes are %s " % uniqueModesInt)
     logging.debug("predictedProbArr = %s" % predictedProbArr)
     for (j, oldMode) in enumerate(uniqueModesInt):
         if predictedProbArr[j] != 0:
             uniqueMode = self.seed_modes_mapping[str(oldMode)]
             modeName = ecwm.PredictedModeTypes(uniqueMode).name
             logging.debug("Setting probability of mode %s (%s) to %s" %
                           (uniqueMode, modeName, predictedProbArr[j]))
             currProbMap[modeName] = predictedProbArr[j]
             # logging.debug("after setting value = %s" % currProbMap[modeName])
             # logging.debug("after setting map = %s" % currProbMap)
     # logging.debug("Returning map %s" % currProbMap)
     return currProbMap
Ejemplo n.º 3
def select_inferred_mode(prediction_list):
    # We currently only support a single prediction
    assert(len(prediction_list) == 1)
    curr_prediction = prediction_list[0]
    assert(curr_prediction.algorithm_id == ecwm.AlgorithmTypes.SEED_RANDOM_FOREST)
    prediction_map = curr_prediction["predicted_mode_map"]
    max_value = max(prediction_map.values())
    logging.debug("max confidence in prediction map = %s" % max_value)
    keys_for_max_value = [k for (k, v) in prediction_map.items() if v == max_value]
    logging.debug("max keys in prediction map = %s" % keys_for_max_value)
    if len(keys_for_max_value) == 1:
        return keys_for_max_value[0]
        classes_for_max_value = [ecwm.PredictedModeTypes[key].value for key in keys_for_max_value]
        logging.debug("classes for max_value = %s" % classes_for_max_value)
        min_class = min(classes_for_max_value)
        logging.debug("min_class = %s" % min_class)
        return ecwm.PredictedModeTypes(min_class).name
Ejemplo n.º 4
def grouped_to_summary(time_grouped_df, key_to_fill_fn, summary_fn):
    ret_list = []
    # When we group by a time range, the key is the end of the range
    for key, section_group_df in time_grouped_df:
        curr_msts = ecwms.ModeStatTimeSummary()
        key = fix_int64_key_if_needed(key)
        key_to_fill_fn(key, section_group_df, curr_msts)
        curr_msts.nUsers = len(section_group_df.user_id.unique())
        mode_grouped_df = section_group_df.groupby('sensed_mode')
        mode_results = summary_fn(mode_grouped_df)
        for mode, result in mode_results.items():
            if eac.get_section_key_for_analysis_results() == "analysis/inferred_section":
                curr_msts[ecwmp.PredictedModeTypes(mode).name] = result
                curr_msts[ecwm.MotionTypes(mode).name] = result
#         import bson.json_util as bju
#         logging.debug("After appending %s, ret_list = %s" % (curr_msts, ret_list))
#         for k in curr_msts.keys():
#             print("Serializing key = %s" % k)
#             logging.debug("Serializing key %s = %s" %
#                 (k, bju.dumps(curr_msts[k])))
    return ret_list