Ejemplo n.º 1
    def serialize_result(self, result, request, emitter_format):
        The request has been executed succefully and we end up here to
        serialize the result

        @type result: dict
        @param result: Result of the execution of the handler, wrapped in a
        dictionary. The dictionary contains the I{data} key, whose value is the
        result of running the operation. The value can be another dictionary,
        list or simply a string. If it's a dictionary or list, it might contain
        other dictionaries/lists, strings, or even I{datetime} functions. All
        dictionary key/value pairs, and list elements, should be strings, other
        than the I{datetime} functions. In anycase, I{self.data} should be
        serializable very easily, without any magic.

        @type request: HTTPRequest
        @param request: Incoming request

        @type emitter_format: str
        @param emitter_format: Emitter format
        # Find the Emitter class, and the corresponding content
        # type
        emitter_class, mimetype = Emitter.get(emitter_format)

        # create instance of the emitter class
        serializer = emitter_class(self.handler, result, None)
        # serialize the result
        serialized_result = serializer.render(request)

        return serialized_result, mimetype, emitter_format
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # Support emitter both through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter.
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)
        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)

        response = self.response_class()

            emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
        except ValueError:
            raise PistonBadRequestException("Invalid output format specified '%s'." % em_format)

        if not response.error_message:
            meth = None
                handler, meth, fields, anonymous = self.process_request(request, response, *args, **kwargs)
            except Exception, e:
                handler, meth, fields, anonymous = None, None, (), False
                self.error_handler(response, e, request, meth)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # Support emitter both through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter.
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)
        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)

        response = self.response_class()

            emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
        except ValueError:
            raise PistonBadRequestException(
                "Invalid output format specified '%s'." % em_format)

        if not response.error_message:
            meth = None
                handler, meth, fields, anonymous = self.process_request(
                    request, response, *args, **kwargs)
            except Exception, e:
                handler, meth, fields, anonymous = None, None, (), False
                self.error_handler(response, e, request, meth)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def form_validation_response(self, request, e, em_format):
        Method to return form validation error information.
        You will probably want to override this in your own
        `Resource` subclass.
            emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
            fields = self.handler.fields
        except ValueError:
            result = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            result.content = "Invalid output format specified '%s'." % em_format
            return result

        serialized_errors = dict(
            (key, [unicode(v) for v in values])
            for key,values in e.form.errors.items()
        srl = emitter(serialized_errors, typemapper, self.handler, fields, False)
        stream = srl.render(request)
        resp = HttpResponse(stream, mimetype=ct, status=400)
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Resource(object):
    Resource. Create one for your URL mappings, just
    like you would with Django. Takes one argument,
    the handler. The second argument is optional, and
    is an authentication handler. If not specified,
    `NoAuthentication` will be used by default.
    callmap = {
        'GET': 'read',
        'POST': 'create',
        'PUT': 'update',
        'DELETE': 'delete'

    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError("Handler not callable.")

        self.handler = handler()
        self.csrf_exempt = getattr(self.handler, 'csrf_exempt', True)

        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = (NoAuthentication(), )
        elif isinstance(authentication, (list, tuple)):
            self.authentication = authentication
            self.authentication = (authentication, )

        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True)
        self.stream = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)

    def determine_emitter(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Function for determening which emitter to use
        for output. It lives here so you can easily subclass
        `Resource` in order to change how emission is detected.

        You could also check for the `Accept` HTTP header here,
        since that pretty much makes sense. Refer to `Mimer` for
        that as well.
        em = kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)

        if not em:
            em = request.GET.get('format', 'json')

        return em

    def form_validation_response(self, e):
        Method to return form validation error information.
        You will probably want to override this in your own
        `Resource` subclass.
        resp = rc.BAD_REQUEST
        resp.write(u' ' + unicode(e.form.errors))
        return resp

    def anonymous(self):
        Gets the anonymous handler. Also tries to grab a class
        if the `anonymous` value is a string, so that we can define
        anonymous handlers that aren't defined yet (like, when
        you're subclassing your basehandler into an anonymous one.)
        if hasattr(self.handler, 'anonymous'):
            anon = self.handler.anonymous

            if callable(anon):
                return anon

            for klass in typemapper.keys():
                if anon == klass.__name__:
                    return klass

        return None

    def authenticate(self, request, rm):
        actor, anonymous = False, True

        for authenticator in self.authentication:
            if not authenticator.is_authenticated(request):
                if self.anonymous and \
                    rm in self.anonymous.allowed_methods:

                    actor, anonymous = self.anonymous(), True
                    actor, anonymous = authenticator.challenge, CHALLENGE
                return self.handler, self.handler.is_anonymous

        return actor, anonymous

    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        NB: Sends a `Vary` header so we don't cache requests
        that are different (OAuth stuff in `Authorization` header.)
        rm = request.method.upper()

        # Django's internal mechanism doesn't pick up
        # PUT request, so we trick it a little here.
        if rm == "PUT":

        actor, anonymous = self.authenticate(request, rm)

        if anonymous is CHALLENGE:
            return actor()
            handler = actor

        # Allow for emulated PUT requests -- http://backbonejs.org/#Sync-emulateHTTP
        if 'HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE' in request.META:
            rm = request.META.get('HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE')
            if rm == "PUT":
                request.PUT = request.POST

        # Translate nested datastructs into `request.data` here.
        if rm in ('POST', 'PUT'):
            except MimerDataException:
                return rc.BAD_REQUEST
            if not hasattr(request, 'data'):
                if rm == 'POST':
                    request.data = request.POST
                    request.data = request.PUT

        if not rm in handler.allowed_methods:
            return HttpResponseNotAllowed(handler.allowed_methods)

        meth = getattr(handler, self.callmap.get(rm, ''), None)
        if not meth:
            raise Http404

        # Support emitter both through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter.
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)

        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)

        # Clean up the request object a bit, since we might
        # very well have `oauth_`-headers in there, and we
        # don't want to pass these along to the handler.
        request = self.cleanup_request(request)

            result = meth(request, *args, **kwargs)
        except Exception, e:
            result = self.error_handler(e, request, meth, em_format)

            emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
            fields = handler.fields

            if hasattr(handler, 'list_fields') and isinstance(
                    result, (list, tuple, QuerySet, RawQuerySet)):
                fields = handler.list_fields
        except ValueError:
            result = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            result.content = "Invalid output format specified '%s'." % em_format
            return result

        status_code = 200

        # If we're looking at a response object which contains non-string
        # content, then assume we should use the emitter to format that
        # content
        if self._use_emitter(result):
            status_code = result.status_code
            # Note: We can't use result.content here because that
            # method attempts to convert the content into a string
            # which we don't want.  when
            # _is_string/_base_content_is_iter is False _container is
            # the raw data
            result = result._container

        srl = emitter(result, typemapper, handler, fields, anonymous)

            Decide whether or not we want a generator here,
            or we just want to buffer up the entire result
            before sending it to the client. Won't matter for
            smaller datasets, but larger will have an impact.
            if self.stream:
                stream = srl.stream_render(request)
                stream = srl.render(request)

            if not isinstance(stream, HttpResponse):
                resp = HttpResponse(stream,
                resp = stream

            resp.streaming = self.stream

            return resp
        except HttpStatusCode, e:
            return e.response
Ejemplo n.º 6
                    assert range_start != None
                    assert range_end != None
                    return (range_start, range_end)

                    total = result.count()
                    start, end = get_range(request_range[0], request_range[1],
                    result = result[start:end + 1]
                    content_range = "items %i-%i/%i" % (start, end, total)
                except BadRangeException, e:
                    resp = rc.BAD_RANGE
                    resp.write("\n%s" % e.value)
                    return resp

        emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
        fields = handler.fields
        if hasattr(handler, 'list_fields') and (isinstance(result, list) or
                                                isinstance(result, QuerySet)):
            fields = handler.list_fields

        srl = emitter(result, typemapper, handler, fields, anonymous)

            Decide whether or not we want a generator here,
            or we just want to buffer up the entire result
            before sending it to the client. Won't matter for
            smaller datasets, but larger will have an impact.
            if self.stream: stream = srl.stream_render(request)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        NB: Sends a `Vary` header so we don't cache requests
        that are different (OAuth stuff in `Authorization` header.)
        rm = request.method.upper()

        # Django's internal mechanism doesn't pick up
        # PUT request, so we trick it a little here.
        if rm == "PUT":

        actor, anonymous = self.authenticate(request, rm)

        if anonymous is CHALLENGE:
            return actor()
            handler = actor

        # Translate nested datastructs into `request.data` here.
        if rm in ('POST', 'PUT'):
            except MimerDataException:
                return rc.BAD_REQUEST
            if not hasattr(request, 'data'):
                if rm == 'POST':
                    request.data = request.POST
                    request.data = request.PUT

        if not rm in handler.allowed_methods:
            return HttpResponseNotAllowed(handler.allowed_methods)

        meth = getattr(handler, self.callmap.get(rm, ''), None)
        if not meth:
            raise Http404

        # Support emitter through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter
        # and lastly Accept: header processing
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)
        if not em_format:
            request_has_accept = 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in request.META
            if request_has_accept and self.strict_accept:
                return rc.NOT_ACCEPTABLE
            em_format = self.default_emitter

        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)

        # Clean up the request object a bit, since we might
        # very well have `oauth_`-headers in there, and we
        # don't want to pass these along to the handler.
        request = self.cleanup_request(request)

            result = meth(request, *args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            result = self.error_handler(e, request, meth, em_format)

            emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
            fields = handler.fields

            if hasattr(handler, 'list_fields') and isinstance(
                    result, (list, tuple, QuerySet)):
                fields = handler.list_fields
        except ValueError:
            result = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            result.content = "Invalid output format specified '%s'." % em_format
            return result

        status_code = 200

        # If we're looking at a response object which contains non-string
        # content, then assume we should use the emitter to format that
        # content
        if self._use_emitter(result):
            status_code = result.status_code
            # Note: We can't use result.content here because that
            # method attempts to convert the content into a string
            # which we don't want.  when
            # _is_string/_base_content_is_iter is False _container is
            # the raw data
            result = result._container

        srl = emitter(result, typemapper, handler, fields, anonymous)

            Decide whether or not we want a generator here,
            or we just want to buffer up the entire result
            before sending it to the client. Won't matter for
            smaller datasets, but larger will have an impact.
            if self.stream: stream = srl.stream_render(request)
            else: stream = srl.render(request)

            if not isinstance(stream, HttpResponse):
                resp = HttpResponse(stream,
                resp = stream

            resp.streaming = self.stream

            return resp
        except HttpStatusCode as e:
            return e.response
Ejemplo n.º 8
     receive a basic "500 Internal Server Error" message.
     exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
     rep = ExceptionReporter(request, exc_type, exc_value, tb.tb_next)
     if self.email_errors:
     if self.display_errors:
         return HttpResponseServerError(
 # Return serialized data
 emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
 srl = emitter(result, recurse_level, typemapper, handler, handler.fields, anonymous)
     Decide whether or not we want a generator here,
     or we just want to buffer up the entire result
     before sending it to the client. Won't matter for
     smaller datasets, but larger will have an impact.
     if self.stream: stream = srl.stream_render(request)
     else: stream = srl.render(request)
     resp = HttpResponse(stream, mimetype=ct)
     resp.streaming = self.stream
     return resp
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        NB: Sends a `Vary` header so we don't cache requests
        that are different (OAuth stuff in `Authorization` header.)
        rm = request.method.upper()

        # Django's internal mechanism doesn't pick up
        # PUT request, so we trick it a little here.
        if rm == "PUT":

        actor, anonymous = self.authenticate(request, rm)

        if anonymous is CHALLENGE:
            return actor(request)
            handler = actor

        # Translate nested datastructs into `request.data` here.
        if rm in ('POST', 'PUT'):
            except MimerDataException:
                return rc.BAD_REQUEST
            if not hasattr(request, 'data'):
                if rm == 'POST':
                    request.data = request.POST
                    request.data = request.PUT

        if not rm in handler.allowed_methods:
            return HttpResponseNotAllowed(handler.allowed_methods)

        meth = getattr(handler, self.callmap.get(rm, ''), None)
        if not meth:
            raise Http404

        # Support emitter both through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter.
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)

        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)

        # Clean up the request object a bit, since we might
        # very well have `oauth_`-headers in there, and we
        # don't want to pass these along to the handler.
        request = self.cleanup_request(request)

        result = meth(request, *args, **kwargs)

            emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
            fields = handler.fields

            if hasattr(handler, 'list_fields') and isinstance(result, (list, tuple, QuerySet)):
                fields = handler.list_fields
        except ValueError:
            result = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            result.content = "Invalid output format specified '%s'." % em_format
            return result

        status_code = 200

        # If we're looking at a response object which contains non-string
        # content, then assume we should use the emitter to format that
        # content
        if isinstance(result, HttpResponse) and not result._is_string:
            status_code = result.status_code
            # Note: We can't use result.content here because that method attempts
            # to convert the content into a string which we don't want.
            # when _is_string is False _container is the raw data
            result = result._container

        srl = emitter(result, typemapper, handler, fields, anonymous)

            Decide whether or not we want a generator here,
            or we just want to buffer up the entire result
            before sending it to the client. Won't matter for
            smaller datasets, but larger will have an impact.
            if self.stream: stream = srl.stream_render(request)
            else: stream = srl.render(request)

            if not isinstance(stream, HttpResponse):
                resp = HttpResponse(stream, mimetype=ct, status=status_code)
                resp = stream

            resp.streaming = self.stream

            return resp
        except HttpStatusCode, e:
            return e.response
Ejemplo n.º 10
               to the caller, so he can tell you what error they got.

            If `PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS` is not enabled, the caller will
            receive a basic "500 Internal Server Error" message.
            exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
            rep = ExceptionReporter(request, exc_type, exc_value, tb.tb_next)
            if self.email_errors:
            if self.display_errors:
                return HttpResponseServerError(
        emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
        fields = handler.fields
        if hasattr(handler, 'list_fields') and (
                isinstance(result, list) or isinstance(result, QuerySet)):
            fields = handler.list_fields

        srl = emitter(result, typemapper, handler, fields, anonymous)

            Decide whether or not we want a generator here,
            or we just want to buffer up the entire result
            before sending it to the client. Won't matter for
            smaller datasets, but larger will have an impact.
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Resource(object):
    Resource. Create one for your URL mappings, just
    like you would with Django. Takes one argument,
    the handler. The second argument is optional, and
    is an authentication handler. If not specified,
    `NoAuthentication` will be used by default.
    callmap = {
        'GET': 'read',
        'POST': 'create',
        'PUT': 'update',
        'DELETE': 'delete'

    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."

        self.handler = handler()
        self.csrf_exempt = getattr(self.handler, 'csrf_exempt', True)

        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = (NoAuthentication(), )
        elif isinstance(authentication, (list, tuple)):
            self.authentication = authentication
            self.authentication = (authentication, )

        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True)
        self.stream = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)
        # Emitter selection
        self.strict_accept = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STRICT_ACCEPT_HANDLING',
        self.default_emitter = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DEFAULT_EMITTER',

    def determine_emitter(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Function for determening which emitter to use
        for output. It lives here so you can easily subclass
        `Resource` in order to change how emission is detected.
            return kwargs['emitter_format']
        except KeyError:
        if 'format' in request.GET:
            return request.GET.get('format')
        if mimeparse and 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in request.META:
            supported_mime_types = set()
            emitter_map = {}
            for name, (klass, content_type) in Emitter.EMITTERS.items():
                content_type_without_encoding = content_type.split(';')[0]
                emitter_map[content_type_without_encoding] = name
            preferred_content_type = mimeparse.best_match(
                list(supported_mime_types), request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
            return emitter_map.get(preferred_content_type, None)

    def form_validation_response(self, e):
        Method to return form validation error information. 
        You will probably want to override this in your own
        `Resource` subclass.
        resp = rc.BAD_REQUEST
        resp.write(u' ' + unicode(e.form.errors))
        return resp

    def anonymous(self):
        Gets the anonymous handler. Also tries to grab a class
        if the `anonymous` value is a string, so that we can define
        anonymous handlers that aren't defined yet (like, when
        you're subclassing your basehandler into an anonymous one.)
        if hasattr(self.handler, 'anonymous'):
            anon = self.handler.anonymous

            if callable(anon):
                return anon

            for klass in typemapper.keys():
                if anon == klass.__name__:
                    return klass

        return None

    def authenticate(self, request, rm):
        actor, anonymous = False, True

        for authenticator in self.authentication:
            if not authenticator.is_authenticated(request):
                if self.anonymous and \
                    rm in self.anonymous.allowed_methods:

                    actor, anonymous = self.anonymous(), True
                    actor, anonymous = authenticator.challenge, CHALLENGE
                return self.handler, self.handler.is_anonymous

        return actor, anonymous

    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        NB: Sends a `Vary` header so we don't cache requests
        that are different (OAuth stuff in `Authorization` header.)
        rm = request.method.upper()

        # Django's internal mechanism doesn't pick up
        # PUT request, so we trick it a little here.
        if rm == "PUT":

        actor, anonymous = self.authenticate(request, rm)

        if anonymous is CHALLENGE:
            return actor()
            handler = actor

        # Translate nested datastructs into `request.data` here.
        if rm in ('POST', 'PUT'):
            except MimerDataException:
                return rc.BAD_REQUEST
            if not hasattr(request, 'data'):
                if rm == 'POST':
                    request.data = request.POST
                    request.data = request.PUT

        if not rm in handler.allowed_methods:
            return HttpResponseNotAllowed(handler.allowed_methods)

        meth = getattr(handler, self.callmap.get(rm, ''), None)
        if not meth:
            raise Http404

        # Support emitter through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter
        # and lastly Accept: header processing
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)
        if not em_format:
            request_has_accept = 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in request.META
            if request_has_accept and self.strict_accept:
                return rc.NOT_ACCEPTABLE
            em_format = self.default_emitter

        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)

        # Clean up the request object a bit, since we might
        # very well have `oauth_`-headers in there, and we
        # don't want to pass these along to the handler.
        request = self.cleanup_request(request)

            result = meth(request, *args, **kwargs)
        except Exception, e:
            result = self.error_handler(e, request, meth, em_format)

            emitter, ct = Emitter.get(em_format)
            fields = handler.fields

            if hasattr(handler, 'list_fields') and isinstance(
                    result, (list, tuple, QuerySet)):
                fields = handler.list_fields
        except ValueError:
            result = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            result.content = "Invalid output format specified '%s'." % em_format
            return result

        status_code = 200

        # If we're looking at a response object which contains non-string
        # content, then assume we should use the emitter to format that
        # content
        if self._use_emitter(result):
            status_code = result.status_code
            result = result.content

        srl = emitter(result, typemapper, handler, fields, anonymous)

            Decide whether or not we want a generator here,
            or we just want to buffer up the entire result
            before sending it to the client. Won't matter for
            smaller datasets, but larger will have an impact.
            if self.stream:
                stream = srl.stream_render(request)
                stream = srl.render(request)

            if not isinstance(stream, HttpResponse):
                if django.VERSION >= (1, 7):
                    resp = HttpResponse(stream,
                    resp = HttpResponse(stream,
                resp = stream

            resp.streaming = self.stream

            return resp
        except HttpStatusCode, e:
            return e.response