def employee_creator(employee_list=[],employee_file_list=[]):
    #we need to create the list of employees
    return employee_list,employee_file_list
def change(my_data):
    id_num = input('Enter an ID: ')
    if id_num in my_data:
        name = input('Enter your name: ')
        dept = input('Enter the department: ')
        title = input('Enter the job title: ')

        entry = employee_class.Employee(name, id_num, dept, title)
        my_data[id_num] = entry
        print('Entry has been updated.')
        print('That ID was not found.')
def add(my_data):
    id_num = input('Enter an ID Number: ')
    name = input('Enter your name: ')
    dept = input('Enter the department: ')
    title = input('Enter the job title: ')

    # Create an instance of the employee class named entry
    entry = employee_class.Employee(name, id_num, dept, title)

    # If id num not in dictionary, add it as a key with
    # the entry object as value
    if id_num not in my_data:
        my_data[id_num] = entry
        print('The entry has been added.')
        print('That name already exists.')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add(details):
    #get employee's info
    name = input('Name: ')
    id_number = input('ID Number: ')
    department = input('Department: ')
    title = input('Job Title: ')

    #create employee object named entry
    entry = employee_class.Employee(name, id_number, department, title)

    #If the ID Number does not exist in the dictionary,
    #add it as key with the entry objects as the value
    if id_number not in details:
        details[id_number] = entry

        print('The entry has been added.')
        print('That ID Number already exists.')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_object_list():
    #Create an empty list to hold the ojbects
    employee_list = []
    #Enter the particulars of the employees
    for count in range(3):
        print('Provide particulars for Employee #',count + 1,sep='')
        name = input('Enter Name: ')
        number = input("Enter ID Number: ")
        department = input('Enter Department: ')
        title = input('Enter Job Title: ')

        #creating three objects of the class
        employees = employee_class.Employee(name,number,department,title)

        #append the objects to the list

    #return employee_list
    return employee_list
Ejemplo n.º 6
def change(details):
    #get id numbe
    id_number = input('Enter ID Number: ')

    #if id number is in dictionary,
    #provide new details
    if id_number in details:
        name = input('Enter the new name: ')
        department = input('Enter new department: ')
        title = input('Enter new title: ')

        #create employee object
        entry = employee_class.Employee(name, id_number, department, title)

        #updating the entry
        details[id_number] = entry
        print('information updated.')

        print('ID Number not found')