Ejemplo n.º 1
    imap = bunch.Bunch(sys=imap_sys or None, map=enmap.read_map(fname))

for i in myinds:
    id = ids[i]
    entry = db[id]
    ofile = "%s/%s.hdf" % (args.odir, id)
    if os.path.isfile(ofile) and args.resume: continue
    t = []
        fields = ["gain", "tconst", "cut", "tod", "boresight", "noise_cut"]
        if args.spikecut: fields.append("spikes")
        if args.imap: fields += ["polangle", "point_offsets", "site"]
        d = data.read(entry, fields)
        d = data.calibrate(d)
        if args.imap:
            # Make a full scan object, so we can perform pointing projection
            # operations
            d.noise = None
            scan = data.ACTScan(entry, d=d)
            imap.map = imap.map.astype(d.tod.dtype, copy=False)
            pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, imap.map, sys=imap.sys)
            # Subtract input map from tod inplace
            pmap.forward(d.tod, imap.map, tmul=1, mmul=-1)
            utils.deslope(d.tod, w=8, inplace=True)
        ft = fft.rfft(d.tod) * d.tod.shape[1]**-0.5
        spikes = d.spikes[:2].T if args.spikecut else None
        if model == "old":
Ejemplo n.º 2
fref = [9.5, 10.5]

# Create a global (all tods + all dets) 1-D noise spectrum. Result
# will probably have to be highpass filtered, but that can be done elsewhere
myps = np.zeros(args.N)
mynspec = 0

ids = filedb.scans[args.sel]
for si in range(comm.rank, len(ids), comm.size):
    id = ids[si]
    entry = filedb.data[id]
    print "reading %s" % id
        d = data.read(entry)
        d = data.calibrate(d, nofft=True)
    except (IOError, errors.DataMissing) as e:
        print "skipping (%s)" % e.message
    n = d.tod.shape[1]
    ft = fft.rfft(d.tod)
    del d.tod
    ps = np.abs(ft)**2 / (n * srate)
    inds = np.linspace(0, args.N, ps.shape[1], endpoint=False).astype(int)

    for det, ps_det in zip(d.dets, ps):
        ps_bin = np.bincount(inds, ps_det, minlength=args.N) / np.bincount(
            inds, minlength=args.N)
        weight = 1.0
        if args.weight:
            iref = [f * n / srate for f in fref]
Ejemplo n.º 3
parser.add_argument("--di", type=int, default=0, help="Index into array of accepted detectors to use.")
args = parser.parse_args()
dtype = np.float64

eqsys = config.get("map_eqsys")

area  = enmap.read_map(args.area).astype(dtype)
area  = enmap.zeros((3,)+area.shape[-2:], area.wcs, dtype)
entry = filedb.data[args.id]

# First get the raw samples
d        = data.read(entry, subdets=[args.di])
raw_tod  = d.tod[0,d.sample_offset:d.cutafter].copy()
raw_bore = d.boresight[:,d.sample_offset:d.cutafter].T
# Then some calibrated samples
d        = data.calibrate(d)
cal_tod  = d.tod[0]
cal_bore = d.boresight.T
# Apply fourier-truncation to raw data
raw_tod = raw_tod[:cal_tod.shape[0]]
raw_bore = raw_bore[:cal_bore.shape[0]]

# And a proper ACTScan
scan = data.ACTScan(entry, subdets=[args.di])
# Detector pointing
det_ipoint = scan.boresight + scan.offsets[0]

# Manual transformation
trf = pmat.pos2pix(scan, None, eqsys)
det_opoint_exact = trf(det_ipoint.T).T
Ejemplo n.º 4
	toks = args.imap.split(":")
	imap_sys, fname = ":".join(toks[:-1]), toks[-1]
	imap = bunch.Bunch(sys=imap_sys or None, map=enmap.read_map(fname))

for i in myinds:
	id    = ids[i]
	entry = db[id]
	ofile = "%s/%s.hdf" % (args.odir, id)
	if os.path.isfile(ofile) and args.resume: continue
	t=[]; t.append(time.time())
		fields = ["gain","tconst","cut","tod","boresight", "noise_cut"]
		if args.spikecut: fields.append("spikes")
		if args.imap: fields += ["polangle","point_offsets","site"]
		d  = data.read(entry, fields)                ; t.append(time.time())
		d  = data.calibrate(d)                       ; t.append(time.time())
		if args.imap:
			# Make a full scan object, so we can perform pointing projection
			# operations
			d.noise = None
			scan = data.ACTScan(entry, d=d)
			imap.map = imap.map.astype(d.tod.dtype, copy=False)
			pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, imap.map, sys=imap.sys)
			# Subtract input map from tod inplace
			pmap.forward(d.tod, imap.map, tmul=1, mmul=-1)
			utils.deslope(d.tod, w=8, inplace=True)
		ft = fft.rfft(d.tod) * d.tod.shape[1]**-0.5  ; t.append(time.time())
		spikes = d.spikes[:2].T if args.spikecut else None
		if model == "old":
			noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_old(ft, d.srate, d.dets)
		elif model == "jon":